Znojmo Underground in Czech Republic
One of Central Europe's largest labyrinths! Znojmo is also known as the hub of Czech wine country.
Znojmo podzemí
Znojemské podzemí a jeho prohlídka
Historické centrum mesta na južnej Morave s tajomným až strašidelným podzemím.
The historic center of South Moravia with a mysterious to haunted underground.
Autor: Jan Gres
Speed Of Light @ GoGo Klub, Znojmo, Czech Republic
30/6 - 12 Speed Of Light @ GoGo Klub, Znojmo, Czech Republic
Expedícia KRTKO a REMATA 2019
Berani - Zní zní zní
Berani, Spirituály, aktuály a jiné (1997)
Pavel Dvořáček - Zpěv
Jan Mamula - kytara, zpěv
Jana Pičmanová - kytara, zpěv
Marie Prčková - zpěv
Miloš Rejchrt - zpěv
František Šilar - kontrabas, zpěv
Jiří Nepomucký - kytara
Karel Vepřek - kytara
Underground tunnels, caves, holes, catacombs, subterranean passageways, linked subterranean spaces
Underground city
Catacombs around the world include:
Australia – Catacombs of Trinity College, Melbourne
Austria – Catacombs of St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna
Czech Republic – Catacombs of Znojmo
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Catacombs of Jajce
Egypt – Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa (or Kom al Sukkfa, Shuqafa, etc.) in Alexandria
England – Catacombs of London and others
Finland – Catacombs of the Helsinki Orthodox cemetery at Hietaniemi cemetery
France – Catacombs of Paris. Mine workings were used at end of the 18th century and had no religious purpose other than as an ossuary for storing the bones of cleared graveyards.
Greece – Catacombs of Milos
Italy – Catacombs of Rome; Catacombs of Naples; Capuchin catacombs of Palermo and others
Malta – Rabat Catacombs
Peru – Catacombs of the Convento de San Francisco, Lima
Philippines - Catacomb of Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery
Spain – Catacombs of Sacromonte in Granada
Ukraine – Odessa Catacombs
United States - Old St. Patrick's Cathedral
link to the archive that contains the source file with 134 slides
Praha ve středověku - Výstavba Nového Města pražského ve 14. století.
Pražské pravobřeží
3D grafika a postprodukce: Tomáš Musílek
Odborná spolupráce: Ivana Boháčová, Tomasz Cymbalak, Matouš Semerád, poděkování za cenné podněty náleží Janu Havrdovi, Jaroslavu Podliskovi a Petrovi Starcovi
Grafická spolupráce: Zdeněk Mazač
Více informací o středověké zástavbě Nového Města naleznete na
Digitální model výstavby Nového Města pražského byl vytvořen pro projekt virtuální výstavy Praha doby Karla IV. Projekt je podporovaný MK ČR jako součást Národních oslav 700. výročí narození císaře Karla IV. a je zařazen do programu Strategie AV21.
(HD) Czech Republic: Two Classic Trains depart Brno Zidenice - 3/9/18
Two classic trains are seen departing Brno Zidenice on Monday 3/9/18 - killed some time here watching the many loco hauled & occasional freight traffic thet passes through before heading home. Tow clips taken from my phone are: 242 235 departing, what great locos these are making lots office bang and pop noises! Followed by 560 004 & 560 003 a few moments later.
Historic Town of Tabor, Czech Republic
Tabor is an historic town in the Czech Republic that was founded by radical members of the Hussites, a Christian movement in Bohemia. Tabor features a lot of beautiful architecture including its City Hall, which features a 15th Century underground tunnel system. Scenes from the movie Van Helsing were also filmed here. Tabor also features Jordan Lake, the oldest artificial lake in Central Europe.
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EXFC 2011_Tomáš Kukačka_Semi Finals
Flash Mob - Freezing Prague 2008
Freezing (zmrznutí) Praha 2008: 18.3.2008 - Vestibul metra Muzeum před drogerií Rossman, začátek akce: 17:10
Popis akce: Zmrznutí na místě v jednu chvíli tolika lidí, kolik se sejde. Pokud zrovna jíte banán, tak uprostřed kousnutí, po dobu dvou minut.
Freezing Prague 2008: 18.3.2008 - Underground line C,A Museum, vestibule, before drug store Rossman, start: 17:10
Description: Freezing at approximately the same time in one place. If you are eating a banana, freeze with the banana in your mouth!
RADHOST Mrazivy dotek smrti matky Zimy (Freezing Touch of Death of Mother Winter)
My amateur homemade videoclip to song Freezing Touch of Death of Mother Winter of my one man underground pagan/black metal project RADHOST...I filmed everything myself in National Park Thayatal in Znojmo City (Czech Republic)
EuroFurTravel'14: Day 7. Jihlava, Catacombs, Castle Rudolec, Landštejn Castle, Tabor.
00:00-00:50 Our hotel, Jihlava
00:50-04:05 Jihlava Catacombs
04:05-07:26 Jihlava, view from the bell tower
07:26-10:10 On the road
10:10-18:50 Castle Cesky Rudolec (ruins)
18:50-20:27 On the road
20:27-26:34 Castle Landstejn
26:34-29:00 Road to Tabor
29:00-32:28 Tabor, Whisky Pub Pension, some restaurant
Moravian Caves in Blansko Czech Republic
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Punkva Caves boat tour in Czech Republic
360° video - Moravian Karst, Punkva caves
Make sure not to miss a tour of the most renowned underground areas of the Moravian Karst – the Punkva Caves! Impressive domes, the bottom of the Macocha Abyss, a boat ride on the Punkva River and much more can be seen via our 360° video.
Mikulov castle is a stunning building located in the centre of the town of Mikulov in the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic. The castle was built on a place of historic Slavonic settlement in the 13th century and reconstructed in the early 18th century. It has been destroyed in a fire by the end of the Second World War and reconstructed again in the 1950s. We see the giant wine barrel located in the Castle’s underground and then we eat some local food in a traditional wine cellar.
When are YOU planning your trip to Moravia? Don’t forget to leave a comment!
MORAVIA TREASURES is a short series of videos from a trip to one of Czech Republic’s most beautiful regions. The videos feature Amber and Eric Hoffman from the popular travel and food blog With Husband in Tow and were shot by a Czech travel YouTuber Petra Vorackova from Restless Child Travel Blog . Big thanks goes to JayWay Travels for making this trip possible – more at .
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Tek-No-Bee @ Undergroundcity session Plzen Czech republic 2
Tek-No-Bee & Julio rock da house
for bookings
Psytrance document about Czech psytrance scene - with english subtitles, PART 1
Psytrance document about Czech psytrance scene - with english subtitles, PART 1