UNESCO Tour Romania
One of the best tours in Romania. Visit at the most important tourist sites from Romania, many of them included in the UNESCO World Heritages list.
Exploring Romanian Country
Today we're traveling further into Romania, where we come across gypsies where they live, we try more authentic Romanian food, and take part in their city celebrations. We go from Tergoviste to Câmpulung, and get a little deeper into Romanian culture. Come with us and see the countryside of this country and discover what the people are all about. Travel Romania.
Arbore Monastery/Church, 1503, Bucovina, Romania
Perhaps a tour of Bucovina’s Painted Monasteries should begin here. After all, the highlight of the small Arbore Church is a scene from Genesis, which adorns the western wall. The only church in the region with no belfry towers, because it was not built by a prince, the monastery was founded in 1503 by Luca Arbore, the advisor of Stephen the Great (Stefan cel Mare). It was painted four decades later by Dragos Coman, one of the greatest 16th century mural painters of Romania.
Romania (#18): Painted Monasteries, Sucevita & Moldovitei
Romania is abounding of places of worship: hermitages, churches, monasteries, temples, basilicas, etc. They have been built during almost a millennium, in a multitude of architectonic styles.
When visiting those places one must keep in mind that the Romanian architecture is a mixture of the Byzantine style and Western influences from Renaissance to Baroque.
The painted monasteries of Southern Bucovina are some of the greatest artistic monuments in Europe and among the most picturesque treasures in Romania. Most of the churches are fortified with strong defensive surrounding walls as protection against Turkish invaders and they sheltered large armies of soldiers awaiting battle. The exterior walls of the monasteries are richly decorated with vivid frescoes depicting dramatic Biblical scenes, intended to teach Christianity to the illiterate by means of pictures. The artwork has amazingly survived harsh exposure to the elements for over 450 years and the intense colors have been well preserved.
The five main painted monasteries in Bukovina are Humor, Voronet, Moldovita, Sucevita and Arbore, although there are many more lesser-known complexes equally worth visiting. The predominant color of the artwork at Voronet is a vivid blue that serves as a background to the designs. The quality of the frescoes, the magnificent Last Judgment and the brilliant color has earned it the moniker of 'Sistine Chapel of the East'.
Byzantine Moldavia Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Byzantine Moldavia.
The world famous Moldau Monasteries, also known as the Bukowina Monasteries, are among the most beautiful examples of Romanian art and have been designated as one of Unesco's architectural monuments. The paintings on the exterior of the Humor Monastery, one of the oldest of the five great Moldau Monasteries, date from the early 16th century. The Voronet Monastery dates back to1488 and was donated by Stefan The Great after a victorious battle against the Turks. First mentioned in 1402, during the 16th century the Moldovita Monastery was destroyed by landslide but rebuilt in 1532. Here, Moldavian architecture combines with elements of Gothic and Renaissance architecture and the majority of Moldau's churches are adorned with colourful frescos. Set in a picturesque location, the Sucevita Monastery is one of the most well preserved churches in the Moldau region. Between 1595 and 1606 the churches' splendid frescos were created under the artistic direction of the artists, Ion and Sofronie. The amazing diversity of the beautifully illustrated individual images of angels and martyrs is considered to be unique in Moldavian architecture. The Arbore Monastery was dedicated to John The Baptist and the portrayal of the Legend Of George on the external facade is particularly noteworthy. Although a number of the wall paintings have not stood the test of time, the Arbore frescos still manage to convey the splendour of Romanian religious art. Massive, well-fortified walls surround the eye-catching Dragomirna Monastery that was built between 1602 and 1609 and its prominent tower is richly decorated with numerous rosettes. Beyond its mighty walls there is a tranquil, idyllic atmosphere. To capture the sacred and historical atmosphere of monastic life, there could be no better destination than the Moldau Monasteries.
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Codrul Secular SLATIOARA - The Venerable Forest (Rarau Mountains, Bucovina, Romania)
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Codrul Secular de la Slătioara (numit și ”Catedrala de lemn a Rarăului”, sau ”Pădurea uitată de timp”) este o rezervație forestieră situată într-o zonă destul de izolată pe versantul sud-estic al Masivului Rarău. Rezervația se dezvoltă între altitudinile 790 m (cantonul silvic situat la marginea satului Slătioara) și 1353 m (creasta Muntelui Todirescu). Rezervația a fost înființată în 1941 pe 242 ha și legiferată în anul 2000 ca parte a Sitului Natura 2000 când a și fost extinsă la 1064 ha. Orice activitate forestieră este strict interzisă, pădurea crescând și murind în condiții naturale. De aceea, spre dosebire de pădurile obișnuite, aici vom vedea numeroși arbori morți, dar încă în picioare, sau alții aflați în diferite stadii de putrezire. Codrul Secular Slătioara este constituit în special din molizi, subordonat brazi, fagi și alte specii, din care unele rare (tisa, carpen). Vegetația ierboasă conține peste 900 de specii de plante dintre care unele ocrotite: papucul doamnei, vulturica de stâncă, foaia groasă, alga roșie de apă dulce, tulichina. Copacii din rezervație au până la 60 m înălțime, 1,40 m diametru și vârste de 200-300 ani (după alții chiar mai mult) constituind a doua rezervație de conifere ca importanță din Europa. Rezervația forestieră Codrul Secular Slătioara este încununată, la propriu și la figurat, de Rezervația botanică Fânețele Montane Todirescu care are 38 ha și este situată între cotele 1270-1492 m în zona crestei Muntele Todirescu.
The Venerable Forest of Slatioara (also known as the Wooden Cathedral of Rarau or the Forgotten Forest) is a forest reserve located in a quite isolated area on the south-eastern slope of the Rarau Massif. The reservation develops between altitudes 790 m (forest range canton situated on the edge of Slatioara village) and 1353 m (ridge of Todirescu Mountain). The Reserve was set up in 1941 on 242 ha and legislated in 2000 as part of the Natura 2000 site when it was extended to 1064 ha. Any forest activity is strictly forbidden, the forest growing and dying under natural conditions. That's why, unlike the usual woods, here we see many dead trees, but still standing, or others in different stages of rotting. Slatioara Forest is mainly made of spruces, subordinated firs, beeches and other species, of which some rare (yew, hornbeam). The herbaceous vegetation contains over 900 species of plants, some of which are protected: the lady's slipper orchid, Hieracium pojoratense, the alpine butterwort, the sweet water red algae, the February daphne. The trees in the reserve are up to 60 m tall, 1.40 m in diameter and 200-300 years old (after others even more) being the second largest coniferous reserve in Europe. The Slatioara Venerable Forest Reserve is crowned, by itself and figuratively, by the Todirescu Mountain Hayfields Botanical Reserve, which has 38 hectares and is situated between the 1270-1492 m elevations in the Todirescu Mountain ridge area.
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