Fireworks Celebration at El Catllar in the Catalonia region of Spain
We filmed this fireworks celebration in El Catllar during a trip to the Catalonia region of Spain in the summer of 2010.
Video produced by Slickrockweb
Spanien Gandia kostenloser Stellplatz hinter den Dünen Nr.99
Die Anfahrt zu dem Platz ist für große Fahrzeuge mit Hänger ungeeignet. Wir sind auf dem kostenlosen Stellplatz in Gandia hinter den Dünen mit einem fantastischen Sandstrand. Wir besuchen das Gewerbegebiet, die schöne Stadt, den Hafen und den Strand mit dem sonntäglichen Wochenmarkt und ich zeige die Anfahrt
Sant Joan 2016 part 2, Gràcia borough, Barcelona
Sant Joan in Barcelona, at Gràcia borough, continued.
A festivity in Catalonia and all of Catalan-speaking territories, that celebrates the shortest night and the beginning of summer, with fireworks and impressive large bonfires at all the neighbourhoods.
The festivals of Midsummer's Eve (St. John's Eve among Christians) have roots in ancient celebrations related to the summer solstice. Bonfires were lit to protect against evil spirits which were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southward again. In later years, witches were also thought to be on their way to meetings with other powerful beings.
In the video we can see the performance and celebration done and organized by Diables de Gràcia.
Video by Catalonia 360.
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Sant Joan a Barcelona, al barri de Gràcia, continuació.
Una festa que es celebra a Catalunya i tots els territoris de parla catalana, que celebra la nit més curta i el començament de l'estiu, amb focs artificials i fogueres grans impressionants en tots els barris.
Els festivals de vigília de Sant Joan (la nit de Sant Joan entre els cristians) tenen les seves arrels en antigues celebracions relacionades amb el solstici d'estiu. Les fogueres es van encendre per protegir contra els mals esperits, que es creien vagar lliurement quan el sol s'estava anant cap el sud de nou. En els últims anys, també es pensava que les bruixes estaven de camí a les reunions amb altres éssers poderosos.
En el vídeo podem veure la celebració protagonitzada i organitzada pels Diables de Gràcia.
Vídeo per Catalunya 360.
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San Joan en Barcelona, en el barrio de Gràcia, continuación.
Una fiesta que se celebra en Cataluña y todos los territorios de habla catalana, que celebra la noche más corta y el comienzo del verano, con fuegos artificiales y hogueras grandes impresionantes en todos los barrios.
Los festivales de víspera de San Juan (la noche de San Juan entre los cristianos) tienen sus raíces en antiguas celebraciones relacionadas con el solsticio de verano. Las hogueras se encendieron para proteger contra los malos espíritus, que se creían vagar libremente cuando el sol se estaba convirtiendo el sur de nuevo. En los últimos años, también se pensaba que las brujas para estar en su camino a las reuniones con otros seres poderosos.
En el vídeo podemos ver la celebración organizada y protagonizada por los Diables de Gràcia, Barcelona.
Vídeo por Cataluña 360.
No os olvidéis de visitar nuestra pàgina de Facebook para mas fotos e info.
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going to sitges
November 2009, on train, from Barcelona to Sitges. a woman singing
Firework Dance of Correfoc in Barcelona
Free video about correfoc fireworks. This free video was created for you by and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of as the original author of this correfoc fireworks video.
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A correfoc is a Catalan folk expression that literally means fire loop. It is one of the most remarkable events in the Catalan culture. The correfoc takes place mainly during village festivals where colles the diables groups dressed as devils, with fireworks spectators run along or dance to the rhythm of drums. The correfoc differs from a Cercavila where the public without problem between the devilish state.
The tradition originated probably in the Middle Ages. But it was not until the 20th century that the correfoc themselves in this manner. During the 80s and 90s were the correfocs increasingly popular and they have spread throughout the Catalan-speaking territories, both in Spain and in France. The event has now become a spectacle to compare with big plays.
The term firework appeared in various parades and celebrations largest popular celebrations in Catalonia, as an impromptu demonstration of people, dragons and demons that acted running, jumping and dancing together under fire. It is an event celebrated mostly in Catalonia, but also extended by Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Northern Catalonia. It has its roots in the dance of demons already documented in the twelfth century, but it was not until the twentieth that took its present form.
The suits currently are cotton, leather or fabric fireproof. During the 70s and 80s these were simple potato sacks painted with horns on top, and towards the early 90th century have left some hornless groups (typical gang of fire). There are two types of characteristic correfocs the option of making use of one or the other depends on the group, the type of firework and the type of route. There is no tradition of making use either.
The tools tend to lead the Devils are a car that makes central warehouse of fireworks, a bag, pouch or oatmeal, where carried material Devils a Botafoc or fuse, which allows turning carts, mace, which is put on carts and other items put on fireworks as ceptrot, dragon or beast figure or other static or mobile.
The dragon is an element in turning parades and correfocs. The Legend of St. George and the Dragon is emblematic. The dance of devils is a tradition rooted initially Hello montse fuentes in Catalonia, and later in Valencia and the Balearic Islands. His participation in the parade, in processions and in correfocs have become an essential part of the feasts of many towns and cities.
The demon groups tend to be organized as non-profit entities or as sections of other entities that provide coverage. The number of groups that are in Barcelona is very abundant, and this is a good indicator of rooting and acceptance of this rally bonfire. At the same time, the groups are federated into the Coordinadora Devils Barcelona and the Federation of Devils and Demons of Catalonia. They numerous performances throughout the year to organize correfocs in many festivals. In all, the Mercy is the most awaited by all.
At the end of the Franco dictatorship, the devil dances and correfocs recovered, as happened with other symbols of Catalan culture, such as castles, dancing poles, the trabucaires, giants, etc. The fire as a symbol remote, has always been something strange and aroused universal concern. It is also special because it generates agitation, and also is unusual because it occurs in a dream world chimerical.
The first news of the devils Cervera, one of the earliest written references of the Principality of Catalonia, the arrangement can be found in the Corpus Christi procession in the year 1411, preserved in the Archives Regional Segarra, in the city of Cervera. The first written reference of the Devils Dance Ribes is the festival of St. Paul in 1913 when they accounted verses dance of the devils, but there are indications that they did performances throughout the nineteenth century. Moreover, in the texts of other dances verses of the municipality represented between the eighteenth and twentieth there is the intermittent presence of the devil satirical integrated into the other characters dance, introducing elements of social satire. The dance of devils, like other dances verses, entered decay 20s in 1951 decided to recover the Devils Dance Ribes for the festival of San Pedro.
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#lamevatarragona de Joan Sala (Setembre 2015)
#lamevatarragona és una sèrie de Tarragona Turisme per descobrir-vos, de la mà de dotze personatges coneguts, quins són els seus racons de la ciutat més íntims, i quines històries personals s'amaguen darrere d'aquests espais.
Les dotze històries –un personatge diferent per cada mes de l'any– les recollirem en un post al bloc Tarragona Experience, i també les difondrem a través de les nostres xarxes socials a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, YouTube i Foursquare.
Tarragona Experience:
Tarragona Turisme:
#lamevatarragona es una serie de Tarragona Turismo para descubrirte, de la mano de doce personajes conocidos, cuáles son sus rincones de la ciudad más íntimos, y qué historias personales se esconden detrás de estos espacios.
Las doce historias -un personaje diferente para cada mes del año- las recogeremos en un post en el blog Tarragona Experience, y también las difundiremos a través de nuestras redes sociales en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, YouTube y Foursquare.
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