Aste Guesthouse, Kukës, Albania, HD Review
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Dating back to the 1920s and renovated in 2014, Aste Guesthouse is located in Tropojë village. It offers rooms with a fireplace and free WiFi access. On site there is a garden and a terrace.
Room service and special diet menu can be arranged. Guests can also request for barbecue facility at the property. All the rooms feature a private bathroom with a toilet, sink and shower.
Other facilities offered at the property include currency exchange, ticketing and babysitting services. An array of activities in the surrounding areas include hiking, snowshoeing and horse riding in Valbona Valley. Ski equipment hire is available on-site. Guests can also enjoy cycling from Tropojë village to Valbona National Park or Fierza Lake.
The property offers free parking. The property is just 7.5 miles from the nearby city of Bajram Curri, 18.6 miles from Valbona National Park and 18.6 miles from the town of Gjakova in Kosovo.
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【K】Albania Travel-Tirana[알바니아 여행-티라나]녹색 공간과 역사의 흔적 벙커/Bunker/Green space/Eco/Lana River
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[한국어 정보]
하지만, 좀처럼 변하지 않는 것도 있다. 사회주의 시절, 알바니아 전역에 만들어졌던 벙커들. 그 숫자만도 75만 개에 이른다고 한다. “알바니아를 처음 방문하신 건가요?” “처음입니다.” “알바니아의 인상이 어떠세요?” “관광객 도시에 녹색공간들이 많아서 매우 좋네요.” “벙커는 어떠세요? 혹시 안으로 들어가 보셨나요?” “네, 들어가 보았습니다.” 과연 벙커 내부는 어떨까? 나도 한번 들어가 보기로 했다. 지금은 노숙자들의 은신처가 되어버린 콘크리트 벙커. 당시엔 주변 상황을 감시하는 용도로 쓰였다고 한다. 세계에서 가장 강한 사회주의 국가를 실현하고자 했던 알바니아에서는 도심에서도 녹색공간을 쉽게 만날 수 있다. 하지만, 오랜 내전과 악화된 경제로 자연이 심각하게 훼손되었던 때도 있었다. 마치 우리나라 청계천 같은 라나강이 도심 안으로 흐르고 있다. 다행히 민주 정부가 수립되면서 도심의 녹색공간에 관심을 갖기 시작했고, 최근 알바니아 정부는 도시로 흘러가는 강을 되살리려는 노력을 비롯해 친환경 도시로의 복원에 힘쓰고 있다. “개인 자동차 소유를 규제했던 사회주의 시절에는 지금보다 깨끗하고 녹색공간이 많았죠. 정부에서 많은 나무들을 심고 있어서 더욱더 녹색공간이 많아질 것입니다.” “알바니아인들은 제가 만나본 사람들 중에서 가장 친절한 사람들입니다. 놀랄 정도로 친절한 사람들입니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
However, it is also rarely changed. The socialist era, which was made bunker in Albania. But also on the number yireundago 750 000. Are you the first visit to Albania? This is the beginning. How about a hike in Albania? Many green spaces are very nice city to tourists. How about a bunker? Did you ever get in? Yes, I tried to get into. What is really inside a bunker? I decided to go again. Concrete bunkers are now abandoned the shelter of the homeless. The yen and the time spent for the purpose of monitoring the situation around. The Albanians had to realize the most powerful socialist country in the world can easily meet the green space in the city center. However, there was a long civil war and the worsening economic nature were also seriously damaged. As if the Lana river stream flows into the country as a base. Fortunately, writing as establishing a democratic government began to pay attention to the green spaces of the city, including the recent Albanian government efforts to revive the river flowing into the city to restore power to the eco-city. The socialist era that regulate private car ownership has Eddie Cole is clean and green spaces than now. The many trees will be planted in government in many more green spaces. Albanians are among those most friendly people I have ever met. The amazingly friendly people.
[Albania : Google Translator]
Megjithatë, është gjithashtu ndryshuar rrallë. Epokë socialist, e cila ishte bërë bunker në Shqipëri. Por edhe në numrin yireundago 750 000. A jeni vizita e parë në Shqipëri? Ky është fillimi. Si në lidhje me një rritje në Shqipëri? Shumë hapësira të gjelbra janë qyteti shumë i mirë për turistët. Si në lidhje me një bunker? A keni ndonjëherë merrni në? Po, unë u përpoq për të marrë në. Ajo që është me të vërtetë brenda një bunker? I vendosur për të shkuar përsëri. Bunkerët e betonit tani janë braktisur strehën e të pastrehëve. Jen dhe koha e kaluar me qëllim të monitorimit të situatës rreth. Shqiptarët kishin për të realizuar vendin më të fuqishme socialiste në botë lehtë mund të plotësojnë hapësirën e gjelbër në qendër të qytetit. Megjithatë, ka pasur një luftë e gjatë civile dhe natyra e përkeqësuar ekonomike gjithashtu u dëmtuan rëndë. Ndërsa në qoftë se rrjedh lumë lumit Lana në vend si një bazë. Për fat të mirë, me shkrim si krijimin e një qeveri demokratike filluan të i kushtoj vëmendje të hapësirave të gjelbra të qytetit, duke përfshirë edhe përpjekjet e fundit të qeverisë shqiptare për të ringjallur lumin që rrjedh në qytet për të rivendosur pushtetin e eko-qytet. Epoka socialist që rregullojnë pronësinë private makinë ka Eddie Cole është hapësira të pastër dhe të gjelbër se sa tani. Shumë pemë do të mbillen në qeveri në shumë hapësira të gjelbra më shumë. Shqiptarët janë në mesin e atyre njerëzve më miqësore që kam takuar ndonjëherë. Njerëzit amazingly miqësore .
■클립명: 유럽108-알바니아02-02 녹색 공간과 역사의 흔적 벙커/Bunker/Green space/Eco
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이승한 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 8월 August
강,river,stream, ferry, boat, cruise, water,공원/광장,park, square,plaza, fountain, satue,건물,architecture,building,구조물,structure,arch, tower, wall, gate,유럽,Europe,동유럽,알바니아,Albania,Shqipëria,Republika e Shqipërisë,이승한,2016,8월 August,티라나 주,Tirana county,Qarku i Tiranës,
ลุงกับป้าตามล่ามรดกโลก 3.1/1092 ติรานา เมืองหลวง แอลเบเนีย
ลุงกับป้าตามล่ามรดกโลก (World Heritage Sites) : : 3.1/1092 กรุงติรานา Tirana เมืองหลวง Albania แอลเบเนีย (ไม่เป็นมรดกโลก) สาธารณรัฐแอลเบเนีย (Republic of Albania) เพลงชาติ: Hymni i Flamurit (เพลงสรรเสริญแก่ธง) เมืองหลวงและเมืองใหญ่สุด ติรานา ภาษาราชการ แอลเบเนีย การปกครอง ประชาธิปไตยระบบรัฐสภา ได้เอกราชจากจักรวรรดิออตโตมัน ค.ศ. 1912 พื้นที่ 28,748 ตร.กม. (น้อยกว่าไทย 17.85 เท่า) ประชากร 3,581,656 (น้อยกว่าไทย 1.85 เท่า) ความหนาแน่น 123 คน/ตร.กม. (น้อยกว่าไทย 9 คน/ตร.กม.) จีดีพีต่อหัว $ 12,471 (น้อยกว่าไทย 1.52 เท่า) ดัชนีราคาผู้บริโภค 20.00 (สูงกว่าไทย 1. 33 เท่า) สกุลเงิน เลค (ALL) ติรานา (แอลเบเนีย: Tiranë หรือ Tirana) เป็นเมืองหลวงและเมืองที่ใหญ่ที่สุดของประเทศแอลเบเนีย ติรานาก่อตั้งเมื่อปี ค.ศ. 1614 โดยสุไลมาน ปาชา (Sulejman Pasha) เมืองติรานาเป็นเมืองหลวงของประเทศแอลเบเนียเมื่อปี ค.ศ. 1920 เขตเมืองของติรานาตั้งอยู่ริมแม่น้ำอิเชม (Ishëm) ราว 20 ไมล์ (32 กิโลเมตร) และตั้งอยู่ที่ (41.33°N, 19.82°E) มีความสูงเฉลี่ยเหนือระดับน้ำทะเล 110 เมตร และจุดสูงสุดวัดได้ที่ 1,828 เมตร ที่ Mali me Gropa การเดินทาง โดยสารรถยนต์จาก Kukës County 155 กม. ถึง กรุงติรานา (Tirana) เมืองหลวง Albania (แอลเบเนีย)
Hitchhiking in Albania
By Kim Berghout
Albania is a country in Europe, but some aspects remind me much more of south east Asia. Until 20 years ago the country was as closed as North Korea is nowadays. They even had a law that said every foreigner that managed to get in had to be killed immediately!
Lucky, the complete opposite is happening now and people are glad to welcome everyone. The majority of the people are Muslim, although you will have a hard time finding a women with a headscarf on the street. The young women of Albania are beautiful, stylishly dressed and care a lot about fashion. You will see most of them wearing high heels and lipstick when outside. The men drink lots of coffee, you will see the bars filled with them every hour of the day. They occasionally shout at women passing by, trying to get their attention. The parks are mostly occupied by the older men playing chess and the women knitting socks and making byrecs (a delicious pastry, mostly with dough and goat cheese).
The country is beautiful, with mountains, beaches and lots of castles. There are not a lot of big clothing stores and very few supermarkets. Many big companies have not reached this country yet and people are selling everything on the streets: tabacco, shoes, food, clothes. Live is cheap, but the wages are low as well. A coffee will not cost you more then 50 Lek (35 euro cents) and the same applies to byrec and bread.
Hitchhiking is incredible easy. With an average waiting time of two minutes it's by far the best county for hitchhiking in Europe. Also, every other driver will invite you for a coffee or tea on the way, since there is no change they are driving for more then an hour without having a coffee. ;)
The most confusing thing is the body language concerning yes and no. If an Albanian means yes, he or she will say 'Poh' and shake the head. No means nodding and saying 'Jah'. Imagine ordering food..
Not many Albanians speak English, but when you ask them something they will probably find someone for you who does or call a friend that will try to answer your question. One man who gave us a ride, but didn't speak English and decided to call his daughter to talk to us. She told us not to worry, because 'her father will take care of us as bring us anywhere we wanted to go in the next city'.
To conclude: The food is amazing, the country beautiful, live happens mostly outside and the people are friendly and welcoming. Go see it for yourself!
Karjan Albania | Fshati jonë
Karjan is a village located in the prefecture of Gjirokastër in south Albania.
Karjan është një fshat që ndodhet në rrethin e Gjirokastrës në Shqipëri.
My 2014 BMW R1200GS ADV - Katharsis në Shqipëri 2014 - Berat / Shqipëria (Albania)
Berat is a city located in south-central Albania and the capital of both the District of Berat and the larger County of Berat.
In July 2008, the old town (Mangalem district) was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The name of the city in Albanian is Berat or Berati, which is derived from the older Bel(i)grad (Белград, meaning white city in the South Slavic languages), under which name it was known in Greek, Latin and Slavic documents during the High and Late Middle Ages. That name was rendered as Bellegrada (Βελλέγραδα) in Greek.
It is believed to have been the site of an Ancient Macedonian stronghold, Antipatreia (Ancient Greek: Ἀντιπάτρεια city of Antipater) or Antipatrea in Latin, while during the early Byzantine Empire the name of the town was Pulcheriopolis (Greek: Πουλχεριόπολις, city of Pulcheria).
In the Republic of Venice the city was known as Belgrad di Romania, while in the Ottoman Empire it was also known as Belgrad-i Arnavud (Albanian Belgrade) to distinguish it from Belgrade.
The earliest recorded inhabitants of the city (6th century BC) were the Greek tribe of the Dassaretae or Dexarioi, the northernmost subgroup of the Chaonians, and the region was known as Dessaretis after them.
Modern Berat occupies the site of Antipatreia (Ancient Greek: Αντιπάτρεια), which originally was a settlement of the Dexarioi and later a Macedonian stronghold in southern Illyria.
The founding date is unknown, although if Cassander is the founder it has been suggested that Antipatreia was founded after he took control of the region around 314 BC.
In 200 BC it was captured by the Roman legatus Lucius Apustius, who razed the walls and massacred the male population of the city.