JOGJA / Yogyakarta Travel Guide + Attractions Map
Yogyakarta Vacation Travel Guide. Map of this trip
JOGJA / Yogyakarta, Indonesia timecode:
00:20 Prambanan temple / Rara Jonggrang
00:37 Malioboro Street
00:51 Jl. Tentara Pelajar
01:00 Public Transport / Bus Stop
01:22 Hotel Neo Malioboro
01:32 Mount Merapi
01:36 Borobudur temple / Barabudur
01:41 Batik Production
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Description of Yogyakarta:
The city of Yogyakarta (simply called Jogja) is known as Neverending Asia for its endless attractions and appeal. It is renowned as a center of education (Kota Pelajar), classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. Yogyakarta was the Indonesian capital during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to 1949.
A unique combination of ancient temples within its proximity, such as the world famous Borobudur and Prambanan temples, its history, traditions, unique Javanese culture and natural forces make Yogyakarta a very worthwhile place to visit in Indonesia.
Five Cool Facts About Yogyakarta:
1. YOGYA means «suitable, fit, proper», and KARTA, «prosperous, flourishing» (i.e., «a city that is fit to prosper»).
2. Candi Prambanan (temple) or also known as Candi Rara Jonggrang, is a well known ancient Hindu Temple in Indonesia. It is built during the 9th century for Trimurti as an expression that God is the Creator (Brahma), Preserver (Vishnu) and also the Destroyer (Shiva). It is one of the Indonesia UNESCO World Heritage Site, being one of the largest Hindu temple architecture in Southeast Asia.
3. 9th-century Borobudur temple is an Indonesia UNESCO Heritage site and one of the largest Buddhist temple in the world. It was built in three tiers: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces. Around the circular platforms are 72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.
4. Yogyakarta is the only major city, which still has traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.
5. Yogyakarta has more than just culture though. It is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and hotels are concentrated along this street.
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Film by Marina Wanderlust using the Sony Xperia Z5 premium and Sony Xperia Z3 compact.
Edited by Marina Wanderlust using Adobe Premiere Pro.
Vexento - Tears of Love | | music by Vexento
10 Extraordinary Things to do in Yogyakarta
10 Extraordinary Things to do in Yogyakarta
Thanks you for watching, stay tune guys :)
Music : JNSN - Favela
Liburan 3 hari di Jogja, Indonesia
Hi guys, untuk mengaktifkan subtitle silahkan klik ikon bertuliskan CC di pojok kanan bagian bawah video.
Btw, 3 hari di Jogja enaknya jalan jalan kemana ya?
Sebelumnya maaf kalau travel vlognya kurang bagus, masih belajar ngomong di depan kamera dan belajar edit video. hihi, semoga next video bisa lebih baik lagi :)
Oke, kali ini kita akan jalan jalan ke wisata yang jauh dari kota. Berikut wisata apa saja yg kami kunjungi selama 3 hari di Jogja:
Day 1
- Pantai Sedahan, Gunung Kidul
- Pantai Siung, Gunung Kidul (Gagal, soalnya hujan hihi)
Day 2
- Taman Bambu Air Waduk Sermo, Kulon Progo
- Pule Payung Wisata Alam, Kulon Progo
Day 3
- Tebing Breksi, Sleman
- Candi Ratu Boko, Sleman
Kita kesana bermodalkan GPS, jadi teman teman yang pengen kesana gak perlu takut kesasar. hihi
Sayangnya selama 3 hari kita kurang beruntung, gak bisa menikmati indahnya sunset di Jogja. Maklum aja, musim penghujan..hehe
Hujan hujan gini kalau mau traveling jangan lupa payung ya hihi...
Semoga video ini bermanfat bagi kalian yang nonton :D
Song: Ikson - New Day
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: Ikson - Verge
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Song: Ikson - You & Me
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Welcome to the Tourism Village of Kalibiru In Jogjakarta Destination
Kalibiru National Park is a beautiful park of lush nature, a peaceful environment and beautiful views. The park is located at the Menoreh hills, at 450 meters above sea level. Except from beautiful nature and views, the park also offers great sunsets and fun outdoor activities, such as tree tops that offers great views, flying fox and trekking paths that range from 1,5 to 7 kilometers.
If you want to avoid crowds and queues up to the trees where you take pictures, then you shouldn’t visit Kalibiru during weekends. You shouldn’t either visit the park while it’s raining, because most of the tree spots are closing for safety reasons. Don’t visit the park too late either, because they close down the famous tree spots around 4-5 pm, depending on the weather. The best option is to go on a day trip to Kalibiru early in the morning, Monday to Friday.
more info visit :
Discover Indonesia: Yogyakarta
Who says adventures cannot be romantic? Join as they discover Yogyakarta, the adventure & cultural capital of South East Asia:
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Kulon Progo Regency is one of the four regencies within the Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The name stems from the fact that the regency is located to the west (in Javanese kulon) of the Progo River. The capital is Wates. The greatest part of the population of the regency work as farmers. Kulon Progo is surrounded by the Menoreh Hills.
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Veron Ina.
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Scenic Nature Photo Spots in Yogyakarta | Things to do in Jogja
Scenic nature photo spots in Yogyakarta | Things to do in Jogja
1. wisata Watu Goyang
2. Watu Lawang
3. Wisata Seribu Batu
4. Hutan Pinus Jogja
5. Bukit Lintang Sewu
6. Bukit Becici
Need car / Rent car in Yogyakarta? +6282119986741
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Me and my friend Heru, taking a trip around jogjakarta.
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7 Wisata Pantai Di Jogja Yang Paling Bagus Dan Mudah Dijangkau
liburan ke Jogja tidak melulu harus ke Malioboro atau Prambanan. Cobalah untuk menjelajahi pantai-pantai yang berada di kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Dan Temukan Pantai Cantik yang Tersembunyi di Yogyakarta. Pantai di Jogja yang paling bagus antara lain Pantai Indrayanti, Pantai Jogan, Pantai Ngrenehan, Pantai Glagah, dan masih banyak lagi. Berikut ulasan lengkapnya.
Tempat-tempat wisata atau tempat rekreasi di seluruh indonesia yang tidak kalah menarik untuk dikunjungi saat anda jalan-jalan keliling indonesia lainnya lihat video di channel kami:
Wisata Alam Kalibiru, Kulon Progo Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Desa Wisata Kalibiru Yogyakarta berada di perbukitan Menoreh, pada ketinggian 450 meter di atas permukaan laut. Posisi tepatnya ada di desa Hagrowilis, Kecamatan Kokap, Kulonprogo. Berada di sebelah barat kota Yogyakarta, butuh waktu kurang lebih 1,5 jam untuk tiba di Kalibiru Kulonprogo ini. Banyak kegiatan yang ditawarkan di Kalibiru Yogyakarta, tapi yang paling popler adalah aktivitas trekking. Bagi pengunjung yang berjiwa petualang, trekking di Kalibiru Yogyakarta adalah pilihan tepat, apalagi jika dilakukan menjelang sore hari dengan pemandangan matahari tenggelam menjadi target utama saat tiba di destinasi akhir. Trekking Kalibiru Yogyakarta melalui jalur setapak. Kamu harus siap dengan berbagai kejutan yang bisa didapat saat melakukan kegiatan yang satu ini. Karena sewaktu-waktu, pengunjung bisa menemukan sejumlah hewan langka seperti landak, celeng, elang Jawa, bahkan Harimau Kumbang! Kegiatan lain yang tak kalah mengasyikkan di Kalibiru Yogyakarta adalah flying fox. Bagi kamu yang berminat, ada dua jalur yang bisa kamu pilih untuk menggantung di seutas tali sambil menikmati pemandangan segar, yaitu jalur sepanjang 50 meter dan 85 meter. Harga yang dipatok untuk kegiatan yang memacu adrenalin ini cukup terjangkau. Hanya dengan Rp 10.000 bagi orang dewasa dan Rp 5.000 untuk anak-anak, pengunjung sudah bisa menikmati flying fox di Kalibiru Yogyakarta. Kalibiru Yogyakarta juga menyediakan beberapa paket wisata, seperti wisata budaya, pendidikan, terapi alam dan lain-lain. Jika kamu ingin menikmati kemolekan Kalibiru Yogyakarta lebih lama, tak peru khawatir karena di sini telah tersedia fasilitas penginapan yang lumayan lengkap. Sudah terdapat beberapa cottage dan pendopo yang bisa disewakan kepada pengunjung Kalibiru Yogyakarta, dengan harga berkisar antara Rp120.000 sampai Rp150.000.