Samosir island and Toba lake (Sumatra - Indonesia)
(EN) Samosir, or Samosir Island, is a large volcanic island in Lake Toba, located in the north of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Administratively, Samosir Island is governed as six of the nine districts within Samosir Regency. The lake and island were formed after the eruption of a supervolcano some 75,000 years ago. The island was originally connected to the surrounding caldera wall by a small isthmus, which was cut through to aid navigation.
At 640 square kilometres (247 sq mi), Samosir is the largest island within an island, and the fifth largest lake island in the world.It also contains two smaller lakes, Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. Across the lake on the east from the island lies Uluan Peninsula. The island is linked to the mainland of Sumatra on its western part by a narrow isthmus connecting the town of Pangururan on Samosir and Tele on mainland Sumatra. Tele consequently offers one of the best views of Lake Toba and Samosir Island. Samosir is a popular tourist destination due to its exotic history and the vistas it offers. The tourist resorts are concentrated in the Tuktuk area. The island is the centre of the Batak culture and many of the Toba Batak traditional houses (rumah adat) remain on the island. Most of the tourist accommodations are concentrated in the small town of Tuktuk, which is located a one-hour ferry ride across the lake from the town of Parapat. The passenger ferry leaves from Tiga Raja harbor every hour between 8.30 and 19.00. For those who run late there is an option to take the passenger boat from Aji bata to Tomok until 8.30 pm. A car ferry leaves the mainland from Ajibata and lands in the small town of Tomok, about a 10-minute drive from Tuktuk until 9 pm. There are also other passenger ferries and individual hotels may also have ferries available. (wikipedia)
25 of the Most Dangerous Journeys to School in the World
How do you get to school each day? Perhaps your parents drive you, you walk a few blocks on solid concrete, or you take the air conditioned bus with leather seats and 100% protection against the elements. These are the normal means of transportation to school that make your life so much easier but are often taken for granted.
School is important all over the world, including areas where paved roads and public transportation do not exist. Children living in rural or poverty-ridden areas face a much more treacherous trek to school each morning, but somehow these inspirational kids get up the courage and strength to make the trip day after day. What if it took you 5 hours to travel to school each way, would you be willing to make the trip? Children in Gula, China do it. And they are not the only students around the world willing to face a few risks in order to reap the rewards of an education.
Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China
Children must climb up unsecured wooden ladders in order to reach school in this rural region of China.
Gula, China
Children must travel along a narrow path that measures only 1 foot wide for 5-hours in order to attend a remote school in Gula, China.
Zanskar, Indian Himalayas
Kids have to be good at hiking to make it to school tucked away in the Himalayas. But since it’s a boarding school at least they don’t have to make the exhausting trip often.
Lebak, Indonesia
Children walk, or rather climb, across a damaged suspension bridge to get to school.
Rio Negro River, Columbia
Children glide accross an 800m steel cable hitched 400m off the ground.
Sri Lanka
A group of schoolgirls use a thin plank as a bridge to cross The 16th century Galle Fort located in the heart of Sri Lanka.
Riau, Indonesia
Imagine taking a canoe to school, it’s real life for students in Riau.
Thanks to an act of nature, children have a pathway to school on roots of a giant tree
Beldanga, India
Children on a “Tuktuk” travel to school with backpacks in tow.
Pili, China
125-mile journey children make through the mountains on their way to boarding school.
Delhi, India
Children rely on a bus with a lot of horse power–in fact a cart full of kids being pulled by a horse.
Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
Children are educated and trained for the circus. On their way to and from school they must scale across a tightrope suspended 30 feet above a river.
Forget about riding the bus, a little girl rides her bull to school!
Sichuan Province, China
Even in the frigid snowy weather a broken bridge must make do if this little girl, bundled up in pink, wants to make it to school.
Pangururan, Indonesia
A wooden boat is packed full up to the roof before heading off to school.
Cilangkap Village, Indonesia
In order to attend school across the Ciherang River, bamboo rafts were made into a makeshift bridge. Just make sure to wear your rain boots!
Rizal Province, Philippines
Children use inflated tire tubes to get to school across the river.
Objek Wisata di Pulau Samosir || All Tourist Destinations in Samosir Island and lake Toba
Destinasi Populer Wisata di Pulau Samosir
Tahun 2018 merupakan tahun tersukses untuk Kabupaten Samosir di sektor pariwisata. Kesuksesan tersebut didorong oleh pembenahan objek-objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Samosir.
1. Pusuk Buhit
2. Sopo Guru Tatea Bulan
3. Batu Hobon
4. Air Terjun Efrata
5. Pangururan
6. Bukit Holbung
7. Aek Na Tonang
8. Batu Parsidangan
9. Museum Batak Simanindo
10. Batu Hoda Samosir
11. Kuburan Raja Sidabutar
12. Pantai Pasir Putih Parbaba
13. Pantai Sibolazi
14. Kapal Pemda Samosir
INDONESIA city centre of Medan (hd-video)
Short impression of the busy city centre.
But there is a large park where you can find some peace.
At the end of this short video I show how to cross a busy road.
Lingkar Dalam Samosir
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Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) tengah menyelesaikan preservasi dan pelebaran Jalan Lingkar Pulau Samosir sepanjang 123 Km. Penanganan jalan tersebut akan meningkatkan konektivitas dan mendukung Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN) Danau Toba sebagai salah satu dari 10 “Bali Baru” yang dikembangkan Pemerintah.
“Dari 10 prioritas KSPN yang ditetapkan sebagai Bali Baru, kita fokus pada empat destinasi wisata yakni Borobudur, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, dan salah satunya adalah KSPN Danau Toba,” kata Menteri Basuki beberapa waktu lalu, mengutip siaran pers dari Biro Komunikasi Publik Kementerian PUPR.
Preservasi dan pelebaran jalan dilakukan melalui Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional (BBPJN) II Medan, Ditjen Bina Marga secara bertahap sejak tahun 2016 dan ditargetkan selesai pada tahun 2019. Ketersediaan infrastruktur jalan dengan kondisi yang baik akan memudahkan wisatawan mencapai berbagai lokasi wisata di Pulau Samosir, seperti Museum Batak di Tomok, Tiga Danau, dan Tano Ponggol.
Pekerjaan dibagi dalam dua paket yakni Paket 1 preservasi dan pelebaran jalan Pangururan – Ambarita – Tomok – Onan Runggu sepanjang 75,90 Km dengan nilai kontrak tahun jamak sebesar Rp 367,21 miliar. Saat ini progres fisik pekerjaan telah mencapai 63,01 %, dengan kontraktor PT. PP dan PT. Seneca.
Kemudian, Paket 2 preservasi dan pelebaran ruas jalan Tele – Pangururan – Nainggolan – Onan Runggu sepanjang 68,43 Km yang terdiri dari kegiatan pelebaran sepanjang 47,10 Km dan pemeliharaan sepanjang 21,33 Km. dengan anggaran sebesar Rp. 159,24 miliar dan akan selesai juga di Desember 2019. Hingga saat ini, progres fisik secara keseluruhan sudah mencapai sebesar 82,35% oleh kontraktor PT. Gunakarya, PT. Tunas, dan PT. Kurnia (Kerjasama Operasi).
Pekerjaan preservasi dan pelebaran Jalan Lingkar Pulau Samosir juga termasuk pembangunan tembok penahan tebing untuk mengurangi risiko longsor di sekitar ruas jalan. Selain itu jalan juga dilengkapi bahu jalan dan saluran air.
Dukungan lainnya adalah pembangunan Jembatan Tano Ponggol sepanjang 450 meter untuk menggantikan jembatan lama. Jembatan ini nantinya akan menjadi ikon wisata baru Danau Toba karena disamping desainnya artistik, bagian bawah jembatan akan dapat dilewati kapal wisata sehingga dilakukan pelebaran dan pendalaman alur oleh Balai Wilayah Sungai (BWS) Sumatera II, Ditjen Sumber Daya Air (SDA).
Saat ini, alur Tano Ponggol mempunyai lebar rata-rata 25 m dalam kondisi dangkal dan di beberapa bagian mengalami penyempitan hingga tinggal 8 meter. Alur Tano Ponggol akan dilakukan pelebaran menjadi 80 m sepanjang 1,5 Km. Sementara itu, untuk pekerjaan pendalaman akan dilakukan penggalian sedalam 5 m atau memindahkan tanah sebanyak 169.914 m3 tanah untuk mendapatkan elevasi dasar alur pada 807 dpl.
“Kontrak pekerjaan ini dimulai Desember 2017 dan akan selesai Desember 2019 dengan anggaran mencapai Rp320 miliar. Pada sisi kiri dan kanan nantinya akan menggunakan steel sheet pile untuk menjaga kekuatan tanggul,” jelas Kepala BWS Sumatera II, Roy Pardede.
*TAGAR.ID* #indonesianature #indonesianature
Lake Toba is one of Indonesia’s tourism potential, which has a history and an interesting environment to explore. The more support to Lake Toba becomes a member of UNESCO Global Geopark Network, the greater chances of Lake Toba became the main destination of tourism to explore it. Thus Lake Toba Tourism promotion video is able to provide information to prospective travellers to make Lake Toba became the main purpose of their tour.
Komodo National Park, Indonesia HD - Beautiful Palaces in the World
LAKE TOBA | Greatest lake in South East Asia?
Lake Toba located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, with a surface elevation of about 900 metres. It is the largest lake in Indonesia and also the largest volcanic lake in the world.
Day 1
- Set off early in the morning and reached Tuk-tuk (Samosir Island) at 4 pm.
- Barbeque at resort's rooftop
Day 2
- Going to Geosite Ambarita (it is about half hour drive from Tomok)
- Toba Beach Hotel ( nothing to do actually, good for taking photos)
- Traditional Market (Tomok), you can buy a lot of souvenirs like chains, clothes, bracelets and other traditional goods. Don't get scammed by overprice hehe
- Cycling (we rent bicycle for an hour and it costs 10,000 rupiahs)
Day 3
- Set off in the afternoon to Pangururan (about 1-2 hours drive, depends on how fast you drive)
- Almost Going to Menara Pandang Tele ( you can try to google Sidihoni Lake, White Sand Beach Parbaba, and places around Pangururan and Tele)
Day 4
- Going back to Medan
Music Credits :
Buddha - Kontekst No Copyright Music
Adventures - A Himitsu No Copyright Music
High NCS Release - JPB No Copyright Music
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My trip to lake Toba. Medan. Indonesia
My trip to lake Toba. Medan. Indonesia
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5 Hotel Terbaik di Pulau Samosir || 5 Best Hotels in Samosir Island, Lake Toba 2018
Pulau Samosir merupakan icon pariwisata Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Perkembangan industri pariwisata pun terus meningkat termasuk perhotelan. Berikut kami telah mengurutkan lima hotel terbaik di Pulau Samosir.