One Day in Verona, Italy: How to See Everything
Start at the bottom and work your way up. You'll see all the Romeo and Juliet sites, including where they lived and where they got married, along with the best views in Verona and amazing churches and piazzas.
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As you can see at the end of the video, we had time to spare. So if you want to go up the Torre dei Lamberti or go into the Arena, you can. Just make sure you watch your times, since ALL THE CHURCHES CLOSE AT 5pm, with a siesta break from 1-1:30.
You can easily see the entire city in one day. We started at the bottom (San Zeno and Castelvecchio) and zig-zagged our way up to the top, ending at the viewpoint (at Piazzale Castel San Pietro) for sunset. A little better planning would reduce the amount of walking we did (we covered more than 30,000 steps), but the town is so small that you can get across the entire thing in about 15 minutes.
Here is a list of everything we saw and the corresponding timestamps:
0:27 - Basilica San Zeno (where Romeo and Juliet got married)
3:01 - Castelvecchio
3:20 - Castelvecchio Bridge (aka Ponte Scaligero) - medieval bridge with the world's largest arch (at the time it was built)
3:49 - Piazza Bra
4:01 - Arena di Verona (it opens late on Mondays - at 1:30pm, every other day is 8:30am-7:30pm)
4:22 - Via Mazzini
4:39 - Porta Borsari
5:01 - Arco dei Gavi
5:12 - Lunch at Baccha Bundus (fantastic piadinas)
5:24 - Piazza della Erbe
5:29 - Piazza della Ragione
5:32 - Torre dei Lamberti
5:40 (and 12:00) - Casa di Giulietta (Juliet's House)
6:01 - Porta Leoni
6:10 - San Fermo (upper church)
6:51 - San Fermo (lower church)
7:28 - Casa di Romeo
7:36 - Sant'Anastasia
8:27 - Duomo di Verona (Verona Cathedral
9:10 - St. Elena
9:21 - The baptistry (St Giovanni in Fonte)
9:43 - Scaliger Tombs (Tombs of the della Scala family)
9:53 - Santa Maria Antica
10:02 and 10:38 - Ponte Pietra
10:41 - Piazzale Castel San Pietro (Best view in Verona)
10:54 - Dante's statue in Piazza dei Signori
This is the final day of our 11-day trip through Europe. Check out the whole trip here:
Music is royalty free:
Italian Morning by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Little Tomcat (Instrumental) by Josh Woodward.
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Filmed on Monday, February 20, 2017 on a Canon G7X and G7X Mark II.
Our Gear:
Canon G7X Mark II: (it’s amazing and basically sees in the dark)
Canon G7X: (the original is almost as good, but less expensive)
Joby Gorillapod: (fantastic versatile bendy tripod – this is the slightly smaller “action” version that’s easier to travel with and comes with a mount for a camera and a gopro)
Macbook Air: (we edit everything on Final Cut Pro on a Macbook Air, which is light and easy to travel with)
External Hard Drive: (the videos are a little too big for the macbook air to handle, so I edit everything off an external hard drive)
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Pilgrims in Assisi at the Basilica of St. Francis | Italia Slow Tour
Pilgrims in Assisi! Here is the 14th century Basilica of St. Francis, where the Saint's body is preserved. In front of it, the Caravanserraglio, a huge portico that was used to accommodate pilgrims. Inside, the upper Basilica contains the famous frescoes of the life of St. Francis, painted by Giotto in 1300. We do revise some steps of the Saint's life and vocation through the paintings, some kind of dramatisations having the aim to tell the folk about him.
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Tourism in Italy - Best Tourist Attractions
Tourism in Italy - Best Tourist Attractions
Rome, Vatican City, Amalfi Coast, Capri, Florence, Pisa, Venice, Verona and Milan
Italy is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino, and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,338 km2 (116,347 sq mi) and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. With around 61 million inhabitants it is the fourth most populous EU member state.
Since classical times, ancient Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Greeks established settlements in the south of Italy, with Etruscans and Celts inhabiting the centre and the north of Italy respectively. The Italic tribe known as the Latins formed the Roman Kingdom, which eventually became a republic that conquered and assimilated its neighbors. Ultimately the Roman Empire emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean basin and became the leading cultural, political and religious centre of Western civilisation. The legacy of the Roman Empire is widespread and can be observed in the global distribution of civilian law, republican governments, Christianity and the Latin script.
During the Early Middle Ages, Italy suffered sociopolitical collapse amid calamitous barbarian invasions, but by the 11th century, numerous rival city-states and maritime republics, mainly in the northern and central regions of Italy, rose to great prosperity through shipping, commerce and banking, laying the groundwork for modern capitalism.
The Renaissance began in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe, bringing a renewed interest in humanism, science, exploration and art. Italian culture flourished at this time, producing famous scholars, artists and polymaths, such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Galileo and Machiavelli. Since Middle Age, Italian explorers such as Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, John Cabot and Giovanni da Verrazzano discovered new routes to the Far East and the New World, helping to usher in the European Age of Discovery. Nevertheless, Italy's commercial and political power significantly waned with the opening of trade routes which bypassed the Mediterranean.
By the mid-19th century, a rising movement in support of Italian nationalism and independence from foreign control led to a period of revolutionary political upheaval. After centuries of foreign domination and political division, Italy was almost entirely unified in 1871, creating a great power. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, the new Kingdom of Italy rapidly industrialised, although mainly in the north, and acquired a colonial empire, while the south remained largely impoverished and excluded from industrialisation, fuelling a large and influential diaspora. Despite being one of the main victors in World War I, Italy entered a period of economic crisis and social turmoil, leading to the rise of a fascist dictatorship in 1922. Participation in World War II on the Axis side ended in military defeat, economic destruction, and an Italian civil war. Following the liberation of Italy and the rise of the resistance, the country abolished the monarchy, reinstated democracy, enjoyed a prolonged economic boom and, despite periods of sociopolitical turmoils, became a major advanced country.
Today, Italy has the third largest nominal GDP in the Eurozone and the eighth largest in the world. As an advanced economy, the country has the sixth-largest worldwide national wealth and it is ranked third for its central bank gold reserve. Italy has a very high level of human development and it stands among the top countries for life expectancy. The country plays a prominent role in regional and global economic, military, cultural, and diplomatic affairs, and it is both a regional power and a great power. Italy is a founding and leading member of the European Union and the member of numerous international institutions, including the UN, NATO, the OECD, the OSCE, the WTO, the G7, G20, the Union for the Mediterranean, the Council of Europe, Uniting for Consensus and many more. As a reflection of its cultural wealth, Italy is home to 53 World Heritage Sites, the most in the world, and is the fifth most visited country.
tags: Europe, places, trip, tourism, tourist, travel, traveller, palace, cathedral, guide, church, history, architecture, art, Coliseum, Fontana di Trevi, Pisa Tower, gallery, Juliet, channel, churches, bridge, palace, cathedral, guide, Veneto, Lombardy, Lazio, Adriatic, Calabria, Tuscany, Piazza San Marco, european, italian, catholic, bridges, palaces, Duomo, tour, Ponte Vecchio, Roman Forum
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Tourism in Rome Italy:
Southern Italy - Tourist Attractions:
VERONA (Veneto-Italy) - TOUR DELLA CITTA' nel periodo natalizio -
Verona è un comune italiano di 257 946 abitanti, capoluogo dell'omonima provincia situata in Veneto. È la seconda città della regione per popolazione dopo il capoluogo, Venezia.Nota per essere il luogo della tragedia di Romeo e Giulietta, Verona si è sviluppata progressivamente e ininterrottamente durante duemila anni, integrando elementi artistici di alta qualità dei diversi periodi che si sono succeduti, tra i quali si ricordano in particolare il governo della famiglia Della Scala tra i secoli XIII e XIV, e il dominio della Repubblica di Venezia tra l'inizio del quattrocento e la fine del settecento; per la sua arte e architettura e per la sua struttura urbana, eccellente esempio di città fortificata, Verona è stata dichiarata patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO. La città sorge lungo le rive del fiume Adige, nel punto in cui questo entra nella pianura Padana e forma un caratteristico doppio meandro, a una trentina di chilometri a est del lago di Garda. È situata a 59 m sul livello del mare, ai piedi dell'appendice meridionale dei monti Lessini: il colle San Pietro. Inoltre si trova nell'unico punto in cui l'arco alpino meridionale (o italiano) diventa convesso rispetto ai 3 grandi archi concavi presso Cuneo, Varese e Udine. L'area urbana scaligera è al centro di un hinterland che al 2001 conta circa 482.000 abitanti. È, dopo Catania, la 2ª città italiana più popolosa non capoluogo di regione. Anticamente la città era un punto nodale di tutti i sistemi di trasporto terrestre e acquatico dell'Italia nord-orientale. Al tempo dei Romani, infatti, era il punto di incontro di quattro strade consolari: la via Gallica, la via Claudia Augusta, il vicum Veronensium e la via Postumia. Ancora oggi Verona costituisce un importante nodo geografico - stradale, ferroviario e autostradale - al crocevia tra le direttrici che collegano l'Italia centrale e nord-occidentale con il passo del Brennero.
Per quanto riguarda il rischio sismico, Verona è classificata nella zona 3, ovvero a bassa sismicità, anche se vi sono notizie storiche di gravi terremoti nel Medioevo. Si ringrazia la ragazza sul balcone di Giulietta che non siamo riusciti a rintracciare .Il video non ha scopo di lucro ed e' stato elaborato, solo ed esclusivemente per valorizzare il patrimonio artistico e culturale italiano,dal Circolo del Viaggiatore Lioni,associazione culturale no profit.
Veneto: Verona, Vicenza, Padua - Italy Day 2 - Juliet's Balcony, Verona Arena, Olympic Theater
Exploring the medieval towns of il Veneto: Verona, Vicenza and Padua on day two of our twelve day tour across northern and central Italy.
Today we would explore three medieval Italian towns in El Veneto, the northeastern region of Italy surrounding Venice.
Riding the train from Milan to Padua, we would explore street markets, piazzas and a cathedral. In nearby Vicenza, we would visit the Olympic Theater, one of the oldest in the world. In Verona, where we would climb the steps of an ancient colosseum, the Verona Arena, and see the famed balcony of Romeo and Juliet.
Vérone (Italie) : Itinéraire de visite touristique et culturelle par vue aérienne de la ville en 3D, l'itinéraire de vos visites touristiques et culturelles en vidéo en 3D (visite virtuelle). D'autres visites sont disponibles sur
Visite virtuelle de la ville de Vérone (Italie), par vue aérienne en 3D, à partir du logiciel Google Earth.
Détail de la visite par lieux :
- Corso Porta Nuova
- Museo Della Radio d'Epoca
- G.B. Cavalcaselle Fresco Museum
- Porta Vescovo, Verona
- Palazzo Pompei
- San Fermo Maggiore, Verona
- Porta Leoni
- Arènes de Vérone
- Gran Guardia
- Museo Lapidario Maffeiano
- Pont Scaliger
- Musée de Castelvecchio
- Arco dei Gavi
- Palazzo Canossa
- Basilica di San Lorenzo, Verona
- Porta Borsari
- Casa di Giulietta
- Piazza delle Erbe
- Palazzo della Ragione
- Tour des Lamberti
- Arco della Costa
- Domus Mercatorum
- Palazzo Maffei
- Gardello Tower
- Area archeologica di Corte Sgarzerie
- Piazza dei Signori
- Lodge of Consiglio
- Palazzo del Capitano
- Santa Maria Antica, Verona & Tombeaux des Scaligeri
- Romeo's House
- Museo Conte c/o Antica Tipografia Artistica Arche Scaligere
- Centro Turistico Giovanile
- Galleria d'Arte Moderna Achille Forti
- Amo Arena Museo Opera Palazzo Forti
- Église Sant'Anastasia de Vérone
- Palazzo Giusti
- Santa Maria in Organo, Verona
- Museo africano di Verona
- Théâtre romain
- Castel San Pietro
- Pont de pierre
- San Giorgio in Braida, Verona
- Cathédrale Santa Maria Matricolare de Vérone
- Santuario della Madonna di Lourdes
- Basilique San Zeno de Vérone
Ταξίδι από Ελβετία στην Ιταλία - A travel from Swiss to Italy (part 2)
Ένα βίντεο από ένα ταξίδι μου οδικώς από την Ελβετία στην Ιταλία.
A video from my travel from Swiss to Italy.
2 - 4 October 2012 (video 1080p - footage, render and upload)
Ορεινή διάβαση Simplonpass, Laggo Maggiore, Isola Bella, Palazzo Borromeo, Porto Cerecio, Lago di Lugano, Lago di Como, Como, Bergamo, Lago di Garda, Verona, Casa di Giulietta
Sankt Gilgen is a picturesque village by the Wolfgangsee in the Austrian state of Salzburg, in the Salzkammergut region.
Que faire à VERONE
Située en Vénétie au nord de l’Italie, Vérone est une destination touristique internationale. Ses arènes accueillent chaque été un festival d’art lyrique connu mondialement et c’est à Vérone où se trouve la maison de Juliette et son célèbre balcon. Vérone est une charmante ville médiévale avec de splendides églises historiques, des palais et des places pittoresques. Construite sur les rives de l’Adige, Vérone est la ville rêvée pour un séjour romantique à seulement une heure de Venise.
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On Top of Torre dei Lamberti, Verona | Travel Blog
A video of my visit to Torrei dei Lamberti in Verona, and the stunning 360 degree view from on top. The Height of the Tower is 84 m.
The entry to Torre dei Lamberti is free with the Verona Card, you only have to pay 1€ if you want to use the elevator (highly recommended).
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