National Corps commemorated ally Swedish King Charles XII
Nov. 30, Poltava branch of National Corps joined the commemoration in honor of Charles XII of Sweden held by Swedish patriots in Stockholm. Participants remembered the hero king at the Monument to the Swedes from the Swedes erected on the initiative of the Swedes in the midst of the field where the Battle of Poltava in 1709 unfolded.
Flag of Ukraine on Poltava Battle monument.
Some patriots put Ukrainian flag on top of a monument in Poltava. The Eagle was put there as a symbol of Russian Empire Army glory when Russian Army got a victory in a fight against Swedish Army. That even is known as Poltava Battle of 1709.
England and Sweden fans clash ahead of Euro match
UKRAINE, Kiev : England and Sweden fans clashed in Kiev ahead of their Euro 2012 match in the city. Riot police stepped in to calm both sides as tensions rose hours before the crucial group D game began.
Poltava. Kunde det ha slutat annorlunda? 2
Hur gick det till vid slaget vid Poltava. Varför förlorade svenska trupperna? Kunde det ha slutat annorlunda? Här har de främsta experterna på området spekulerat. Hur hade det kunnat gå?
I expertgruppen som tog fram underlaget ingick bland andra docent Hans Villius, överste Bertil Wennerholm, dr Gunnar Artéus och förste forskare Niklas Zetterling.
(c) Idetek 1998
Battle of Poltava
The Battle of Poltava (Swedish: Slaget vid Poltava; Russian: Полта́вская би́тва; Ukrainian: Полта́вська би́тва) on 27 June 1709 (8 July, N.S.) was the decisive victory of Peter I of Russia over the Swedish forces under Field Marshal Carl Gustav Rehnskiöld, in one of the battles of the Great Northern War.
It is widely believed to have been the beginning of Sweden's decline as a Great Power, as the tsardom of Russia took its place as the leading nation of north-eastern Europe. The battle also bears major importance in Ukrainian national history: as hetman Ivan Mazepa sided with the Swedes, seeking to create an uprising in Ukraine against the tsardom.
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Battle of Poltava, Sweden vs Russia
The battle of Poltava Empire total war
Poltava, Ukraine - Peter I Glory monument, 1805
Taken 4 May, 2011 - with a city tour.
300-летие Полтавской битвы
300-летие Полтавской битвы: в Полтаве 27 июня, 2009 проходили мероприятия к 300-летию Полтавской битвы. Утром официальные лица возложили цветы к подножию памятника коменданту города Алексею Келину и защитникам Полтавской крепости.
В церемонии памяти павших в битве взял участие председатель Полтавской областной государственной администрации Валерий Асадчев. От имени Президента Украины Виктора Ющенко на торжества прибыла заместитель главы Секретариата Президента Марина Ставнийчук. В мероприятиях, посвященных 300- летию Полтавской битвы, приняли участие глава Администрации Президента РФ Сергей Нарышкин и Чрезвычайные и Полномочные Послы стран-участниц исторической битвы.
Торжественные мероприятия состоялись непосредственно на поле Полтавской битвы - почетные гости возложили цветы к памятникам шведам от шведов и шведам от россиян, а также к братской могиле российских воинов. Присутствующие приняли участие в торжественной литургии и открытии и освящении Ротонды памяти павших участников Полтавской битвы.
Украинское государство увековечило сегодня память украинцев, память россиян и память шведов, - передала слова Виктора Ющенко заместитель главы Секретариата Президента. - Украинское государство, как и каждая страна, в этом событии имеет свое место. Мы увековечили память погибших казаков, которые отдали свою жизнь во имя независимости Украины.
Вечером состоялась театрализованное действо Полтава-2009 на Поле Полтавской битвы (Музейный городок).
The 300 anniversary Battle of Poltava:Poltava on June, 27th, 2009 there passed actions to the 300 anniversary of the Battle of Poltava. In the morning officials have assigned flowers to bottom of a monument to the commandant of a city Alexey Kelinu and defenders of the Poltava fortress.
In ceremony of memory fallen in fight the chairman of the Poltava regional state administration Valery Asadchev took participation. On behalf of the President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko on celebrations there has arrived the assistant to the head of Secretary of the President Marina Stavnijchuk. In the actions devoted 300 years of Battle of Poltava, head of the Office of the RF President Sergey Naryshkin and the Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of the countries-participants of historical fight have taken part.
Solemn actions have taken place directly in the field of the Poltava fight - guests of honour have assigned flowers to monuments to Swedes from Swedes and to Swedes from Russians, and also to a communal grave of the Russian soldiers. Present have taken part in a solemn liturgy and opening and consecration of the Rotunda of memory of the fallen participants of the Battle of Poltava
The Ukrainian state has immortalized today memory of Ukrainians, memory of Russians and memory of Swedes, - has transferred Victor Yushchenko's words the assistant to the head of Secretary of the President. - the Ukrainian state, as well as each country, in this event takes the place. We have immortalized memory of the lost Cossacks which have given the life for the sake of independence of Ukraine.
Guests of honour also have visited an exposition of National memorial estate Field of the Battle of Poltava and have visited on the restored protective redoubts located directly in the field of historical fight.
In the evening Poltava-2009 on the Field of the Battle of Poltava (Museum small town) has taken place the dramatized action.
'The Action at Poltava' - Russian Soldier's Song (1909 Recording)
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This is a 1909 recording of a soldier's ballad entitled 'The Action at Poltava'. The ballad was incredibly popular in the Russian Empire during the 18th century, and is performed by an unnamed (likely military) choir.
Originally a folk song, 'The Action at Poltava' was first cataloged and arranged by the Russian scholar Ivan Evstratovich Molchanov. Molchanov is well know for being the founder of Russia's first professional folk choir.
The lyrics chronicle the 1709 battle of Poltava. The battle was the largest engagement during the 18th century Great Northern War, which saw the Kingdom of Sweden and the Tsardom of Russia compete for hegemony over Europe's northern regions. The lyrics also celebrate Peter the Great, who commanded Russian forces during the battle and escaped capture multiple times.
Teh Crew: Battle of Poltava
This is our 2nd AP video for our, AP world history class 2007
Starring: Scott
And special guest: Octavio Jones as the pastry chef.
Poltava Battle Museum tour: Ukrainian Cossacks - May, 2011
Visited this in 4 May, 2011. Ukrainian Hatiman Cossacks in 17-18th Centuries are itself a nation. Fascinating story. Battle of Poltava in 1709 between Sweden's Charles XII and Russian Peter I (The Great) took place at the vicinity.
Ukraine...Zaporozhye Zaporizhzhja Запорожье...06 january 2010...
More you can see on
Battle of Poltava 300 years later part 1
Полтавская баталия. 300 лет спустя Фильм Алексея Денисова
В двух словах: Ющенко называет свой народ РАБАМИ и призывает стать ПРЕДАТЕЛЯМИ!
Ющенко усиленно готовится к 300-летию Полтавской битвы. Но готовится как-то по-особенному. В Полтаве доламывают Колонну Славы, построенную горожанами к двухвековому юбилею сражения. Молодежь новой Украины исписывает священную бронзу не приличными словами и разбирает на цветной металл осадные орудия и римские шлемы. И тут же, на соседней улице, начинают ваять совсем другие памятники - гетману Мазепе - с привлечением самых высоких покровителей. Официальный Киев ускоренными темпами переписывает и перестраивает историю.
Yushchenko strenuously prepares for the 300 anniversary of the Poltava fight. But prepares somehow in an especial way. In Poltava contamination break completely the Column of Glory constructed by townspeople by two-centuries anniversary of battle. The youth of new Ukraine uses up sacred bronze not decent words and assorts obsidional tools and the Roman helmets on nonferrous metal. And there and then, in the next street, start to model absolutely other monuments - to hetman Mazepa - with attraction of the highest patrons. Official Kiev the accelerated rates copies and reconstructs history.
Прямые ссылки:
Сolumn of Glory
Сolumn of Glory - Poltava monument of architecture - erected in honour 100 letiya of the Poltava battle 1809
Spring walk - Nikopol city nature
Утренняя прогулка на велосипеде по местам природы города Никополя...
Glorification to the victory at Poltava
Величание Полтавскому Торжеству
Распев Соловецкого Монастыря
Мужской Хор Института Певческой Культуры Валаам
Художественный руководитель и дирижер Игорь Ушаков
Glorification to the Victory at Poltava
Solovetsky Monastery Chant
Sung here by the
Male choir of the Institute for Choral Art Valaam
Artistic director and conductor Igor Ushakov
Це́рковь Свято́го Иоа́нна Во́ина на Якима́нке в Москве
Church of the Holy Martyr John the Warrior Yakimanka
The church of the Holy Martyr John the Warrior was built in memory of the Battle of Poltava, and, according to tradition, the church was erected from drawings made by Peter I.
The design of the church combines elements of both Moscow Baroque and Ukrainian Baroque. Unusually, the church remained opened during the 1930's and a number of religious works from abandoned or destroyed churches in the neighbourhood were placed here.
Ukraine Protesters Attack Russian Embassy
Protesters in Kyiv pelted the Russian Embassy with eggs and rocks on March 6 demanding the release of Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko. (RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service)
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belge flap
a flag on a brussels building