Danish Freestyle Team Unicycle show DGI Forårsopvisning Helsingør
Unicycle show by Danish Freestyle Team at DGI Forårsopvisning in Helsingør Denmark
BOWL DAYS at the Streetdome skatepark | Haderslev 2015
Thumbnail photo by: Emil Agerskov
About the event:
I anledning af Gadeidrættens dag i Danmark inviteres alle til Bowl Days i StreetDome i Haderslev
Danmarks bedste skatere samles til et super show med konkurrencer, musik og massere af action, kom hen til Villa fem og se nogle af de allerbedste skatere give den max gas!
Adresse: Godskajen, 6100 Haderslev
Konceptet til Bowl Days er at alle opfordres til at komme!
About us:
We are 3 guys from Haderslev, Denmark, as a team we represent Basic Records.
Since 2013 we found our interests for photography and videography. We steadily progressed our skills inside the 2 world of video- and photography, and throughout the last year we’ve spend a lot of time perfecting our editing skills, all to give our viewers the best content possible. Mostly we record, but also enjoys getting some great pictures. Primarily we are concentrated shooting skateboard, BMX, climbing and so on. These activities reflects our own interests beside record video and photographing.
Besides all this we enjoy capturing the good vibes the skating environment gives, we hope that this gives the video more depth and personality.
Cover Picture:
We will change our cover picture, every time we upload a new video. So please be aware, and you will easily be able to get a notification every time a new video will be posted. The link will be in the photo describition.
Basic Records members:
Alexander Burich
age: 04.10.97 (17 år)
city: Haderslev
Simon Bach Dall
Age: 26.04.97 (18 år)
City: Haderslev
Simon Beck
Age: 01.05.97 (17 år)
City: Haderslev
Basic Records information:
Facebook -
Youtube -
Editing Machine - IMac 27, Macbook pro retina
Editing program - Final Cut Pro X
Camera setup - 2x Canon EOS 650d, 1x Canon 60d, 2x Gopro Hero 3 Black.
Lenses - 2x Canon 10-22 1x Samyang 8 mm, 2x 50mm 1:8, 2x 18-55, 1x tamron 70-300.
If there should be any questions, our are welcome to send os a message to our facebook page -
Suggestions are welcome in the comments on youtube.
Grønlandske efterskole elever i danmark
Jeg siger 2 uger efter skolestart, men der er gået noget tid før jeg uploade denne video.
Hvad synes du/i om denne sitation?
Emergency 4 - Agerskov mod 1.0 Preview
A preview video of one of my modifications, Agerskov mod.
The modification is based of a standard rural danish community and includes 4 small fire stations.
Download link: copenhagen-mod.dk
Check it out and make sure to let me know, if you are interrested in more videos.
The modification is still WIP, but check out some of my Emergency 4 modification
Webpage: copenhagen-mod.dk
CPH Airport Facebook page:
Big apple project website:
Big apple project Facebook:
Emergency 4 - Agerskov mod - Station 1 Call
All 5 firetrucks from Station 1 in Agerskov mod, responding.
The modification is centered about a classic Danish city, where the company Falck runs all fire trucks and ambulances. It will include 4 firestation with a total of 9 fire trucks. All station are part time, meaning that they will have to be paged in, in case of a fire.
The video includes:
I1 - Fire chief
M1 - Fire Engine
T1 - Fire Tender
V1 - Water carrier
L1 - Fire Lift
Station made by Geronimo EKIA
Engine model and tanker/lift cabin by DrDrummer, Highliner, Niederwallufer, Saugschlauch(Aschaffenburg-Mod-Team), ERS,911Lukas911, Sven0815
The modification is still WIP, but check out some of my Emergency 4 modification
Webpage: copenhagen-mod.dk
CPH Airport Facebook page:
Big apple project website:
Big apple project Facebook:
Dykkerlinjen på Gymnastik og Idrætshøjskolen ved Viborg
F13 på Malta
Sang Bag Ploven by Carl Nielsen, op. 10
Student recital at San Jose State University, CA
Danielle Crook, voice
Tristan Perotti, piano
Language: Danish
Sang Bag Ploven by Carl Nielsen, op. 10
Poem by Ludvig Holstein
Language: Danish
I solen går jeg bag min plov.
Jeg nikker til den grønne skov,
Hvor du, min lykke, gemmer dig.
Mit hjerte ler og gemmer sig
Og gemmer sin lyksalighed
Til sol går ned, til sol går ned.
Min lykke vågner ung og ny
Som lærkesang ved morgengry.
Hver Aftenstunden den smykker sig.
Men kun for mig du smykker dig.
Og nætternes lyksalighed
Er dagens gyldne hemlighed.
Jeg pløjer op det gode muld.
Men ingen ser det gyldne guld,
Som i mit hjerte gemmer sig.
Jeg gemmer mig, jeg gemmer dig,
Jeg gemmer vor lyksalighed
Til sol går ned, til sol går ned.
Song Behind the Plow
In the sun I go behind my plow,
I bow my head to the green wood,
Where you, my happiness, are hiding.
My heart laughs and hides itself,
And hides its happiness
Till the sun goes down.
My happiness wakes young and new
As a lark-song at dawn,
In the evening the night adorns itself,
But just for me you adorn yourself.
And night's happiness
Is the day's golden secret.
I plow up the good earth,
But again see the glowing gold
Which in my heart is hiding.
I'm hiding myself, I'm hiding you,
I'm hiding our great happiness
Till the sun goes down.
Toftlund skole luftfoto film
Emergency 4 - Odense Modification - Tour of the new map
A guided tour by Shadylasse on the new map for Odense modification
The modification is still WIP, but check out some of my Emergency 4 modification
Our Discord server:
Webpage: copenhagen-mod.dk
CPH Airport Facebook page:
Big apple project website:
Big apple project Facebook:
Friluftsliv valgfag på tur til Løkenstranda
Friluftsliv valgfag var i høst på tur til Løkenstranda for å padle kano og sove i lavvoer. Amalie Heggen Listou fra backpackerlinjen har friluftsliv valgfag og lagde denne filmen fra turen..