Syria Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Syria? Check out our Syria Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Syria.
Top Places to visit in Syria:
Umayyad Mosque, Site of Palmyra, Aleppo Citadel, Souq al-Hamidiyyeh, Saint Simon Citadel, Al Azem Palace, Mount Qasioun, Apamea, House of Saint Ananias, Dead City of Serjilla, Noria Water Wheels, Krak des Chevaliers, Sayyidah Ruqayya Mosque, Mausoleum of Saladin, Busra Coliseum
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Apameia (Syria) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Apameia in Syria.
The north of Syria is well known for its remarkable archaeology. In the third and second centuries B.C. the Near East was ruled by the Seleukide Realm. The origin of the ancient city of Apameia dates back to the time of the founder of this realm, Seleukos The First, a general who served under Alexander The Great.Although the surrounding fields are now covered with huge boulders this was once the location of the largest city in the Orient yet almost nothing remains of the former city of Apameia. The former wealth and power of Apameia is reflected by its impressive one point eight kilometre long colonnade. The street points precisely in a north-south direction and measures thirty seven point five metres wide. It was, and still is, the backbone of this ancient city and around four hundred columns have been rebuilt. According to various inscriptions the colonnade originated at the beginning of the first century A.D. Following a catastrophic earthquake in the twelfth century and various battles for power, the city was finally abandoned. Only the impressive colonnade now demonstrates the former influence and greatness of this legendary ancient city. Thus some of the glory of Apameia lives on!
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The Last Tourists in Syria? - Part 1
A tour of Syria after the uprising began in spring 2011. A six-day train journey from London via Vienna, Bucharest, Istanbul and Adana. Visits to Aleppo, San Simeon, the forgotten cities from the Byzantine era, Saladin's castle, eastern orthodox Christian churches, the remains of the Roman town of Apamea, and a stay at the desert monastery of Ma Mousa on the road to Damascus.
Syria | The stunning Syria a few months before the war | Just 2 Min |
An unforgettable journey to a Country sadly become very popular in the whole world a few months after our adventure.
This is the brief story of our trip to Syria… we could never imagine what it would have happened few weeks after our departure…
Syria really impressed us for its charme, for its natural beauties, for its warm people, its mosques, its art, its churches, its history, its ancient ruins…
This video has been done in the far 2010 but we really wanted to show you in order to remember this land and all its people who have suffered and continue suffering so much for the nth useless war. Peace!
May the future be brighter for Syria!
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Places seen in this video:
Damascus (Syria)
Bosra (Syria)
Shabba (Syria)
Hama (Syria)
Apamea (Syria)
Palmyra (Syria)
Deir ez Zur (Syria)
Al Maarra (Syria)
Ebla (Syria)
Aleppo (Syria)
Sergilla (Syria)
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La #Syrie avant la guerre #Monuments des villes historiques,Sites Antiques
( Merci de noter cette vidéo ) ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de mes vidéos sur YouTube,cordialement Claude Aven
,la Syrie était dans l'antiquité le berceau des civilisations,elle possède de nombreux monuments archéologiques ,#Apamée,#Palmyre,#Alep,le krak des chevaliers, etc ,c'est un pays méconnu qui s'ouvre peu a peu au tourisme -Les archéologues ont démontré que la Syrie accueillait l'une des plus anciennes civilisations et l'un des plus anciens peuples du monde antique.
Dans la ville d'Ebla, dans le nord-est de la Syrie, les archéologues ont découvert en 1975 les vestiges d'un grand empire sémite, qui va du nord de la mer Rouge à la Turquie et jusqu'en Mésopotamie dans sa partie orientale.
Cet empire remontant de 2500 à 2400 ans av. J.-C. fait de la langue d'Ebla la langue sémitique la plus ancienne. La Syrie compte d'autres grands sites archéologiques comme Mari où fut retrouvé un code comparable à celui d'Hammourabi à Babylone, Ougarit et Doura Europos.
La Syrie fut occupée successivement par les Cananéens, les Phéniciens, les Hébreux, les Araméens, les Assyriens, les Babyloniens, les Perses, les Grecs, les Arméniens, les Romains, les Nabatéens, les Byzantins, les Arabes, et partiellement par les Croisés, par les Turcs Ottomans et enfin par les Français à qui la SDN confia un protectorat provisoire pour mettre en place, ainsi qu'au Liban, les conditions d'une future indépendance politique.
La Syrie est un pays significatif dans l'histoire du christianisme. Paul de Tarse, le futur saint Paul, a été converti au christianisme sur la route de Damas, et a établi une Église d'abord à Antioche en Syrie antique (aujourd'hui en Turquie). C'est de ce port qu'il est parti pour plusieurs de ses voyages de mission.
Damas a été fondée plus de 10 000 ans av. J.-C. ; c'est une des villes les plus anciennes du monde et elle a été habitée sans interruption. Après l'arrivée des conquérants musulmans, Damas est devenue la capitale de l'Empire omeyyade, et a atteint un prestige et une puissance encore inégalés dans l'histoire syrienne. Cet empire s'étendait de l'Espagne à l'Asie centrale ,Après la chute des Omeyyades, un nouvel empire fut créé à Bagdad, l'Empire abbasside. En 1260, Damas est devenue la capitale provinciale de l'empire des Mamelouks. En 1400, la ville fut détruite en grande partie par Tamerlan : Damas a été presque entièrement incendiée. Une fois reconstruite, Damas a servi de capitale jusqu'en 1516. En 1517, la ville et le pays tombent sous occupation ottomane. Les Ottomans régnèrent sur le pays pendant plus jusqu'en 1918, ( Please note this video ), Syria was in the cradle of ancient civilizations, it has many archaeological monuments, Apamea , Palmyra , Aleppo, Krak of the Knights , etc. , is an unknown country that opens gradually tourism - archaeologists have demonstrated that Syria hosted one of the oldest civilizations and one of the most ancient peoples of the ancient world .
In the city of Ebla , in north- eastern Syria , archaeologists have discovered in 1975 the remains of a great Semitic empire , which runs north of the Red Sea to Turkey and to Mesopotamia in the part Eastern .
This empire dating back to 2500-2400 BC. AD is the language of Ebla the oldest Semitic language . Syria has other major archaeological sites such as Mari which was found comparable to that of Hammurabi in Babylon , Ugarit and Dura Europos code.
Syria was occupied successively by Canaanites , Phoenicians , Hebrews, Aramaeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians , Greeks, Armenians, Romans, Nabataeans , Byzantines , Arabs, and partly by the Crusaders by the Ottoman Turks and finally by the French who gave the league a temporary protectorate to implement , and in Lebanon , the conditions for a future political independence.
PalmyraSyria is a significant country in the history of Christianity. Paul of Tarsus, the future Saint Paul was converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus , and established a church first at Antioch in ancient Syria (now Turkey). This is the port that is left for several of his mission trips .
Damascus was founded more than 10 000 years BC. AD , it is one of the oldest cities in the world and has been continuously inhabited . After the arrival of Muslim conquerors , Damascus became the capital of the Umayyad Empire and reached prestige and still unmatched power in Syrian history. This empire stretched from Spain to Central Asia after the fall of the Umayyads , a new empire was created in Baghdad , the Abbasid Empire. In 1260 , Damascus became the provincial capital of the Mamluk Empire . In 1400 ,