List of Cities and towns in Russia (B) names
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Biggest cities and towns of Russian language and English learn for kids
1 Babayevo Бабаево
2 Babushkin Бабушкин
3 Bagrationovsk Багратионовск
4 Bakal Бакал
5 Baksan Баксан
6 Balabanovo Балабаново
7 Balakhna Балахна
8 Balakovo Балаково
9 Balashikha Балашиха
10 Balashov Балашов
11 Baley Балей
12 Baltiysk Балтийск
13 Barabinsk Барабинск
14 Barnaul Барнаул
15 Barysh Барыш
16 Bataysk Батайск
17 Bavly Бавлы
18 Baykalsk Байкальск
19 Baymak Баймак
20 Belaya Kalitva Белая Калитва
21 Belaya Kholunitsa Белая Холуница
22 Belebey Белебей
23 Belgorod Белгород
24 Belinsky Белинский
25 Belogorsk Белогорск
26 Belokurikha Белокуриха
27 Belomorsk Беломорск
28 Belorechensk Белореченск
29 Beloretsk Белорецк
30 Belousovo Белоусово
31 Belovo Белово
32 Beloyarsky Белоярский
33 Belozersk Белозерск
34 Bely Белый
35 Belyov Белёв
36 Berdsk Бердск
37 Berezniki Березники
38 Berezovsky Березовский
39 Berezovsky Березовский
40 Beslan Беслан
41 Bezhetsk Бежецк
42 Bikin Бикин
43 Bilibino Билибино
44 Birobidzhan Биробиджан
45 Birsk Бирск
46 Biryuch Бирюч
47 Biryusinsk Бирюсинск
48 Biysk Бийск
49 Blagodarny Благодарный
50 Blagoveshchensk Благовещенск
51 Blagoveshchensk Благовещенск
52 Bobrov Бобров
53 Bodaybo Бодайбо
54 Bogdanovich Богданович
55 Bogoroditsk Богородицк
56 Bogorodsk Богородск
57 Bogotol Боготол
58 Boguchar Богучар
59 Boksitogorsk Бокситогорск
60 Bolgar Болгар
61 Bolkhov Болхов
62 Bologoye Бологое
63 Bolokhovo Болохово
64 Bolotnoye Болотное
65 Bolshoy Kamen Большой Камень
66 Bor Бор
67 Borisoglebsk Борисоглебск
68 Borodino Бородино
69 Borovichi Боровичи
70 Borovsk Боровск
71 Borzya Борзя
72 Bratsk Братск
73 Bronnitsy Бронницы
74 Bryansk Брянск
75 Budyonnovsk Будённовск
76 Bugulma Бугульма
77 Buguruslan Бугуруслан
78 Buinsk Буинск
79 Buturlinovka Бутурлиновка
80 Buy Буй
81 Buynaksk Буйнакск
82 Buzuluk Бузулук
৭ টি এমন স্থান যার উপর বিশ্বাস করতে পারবেননা, 7 Scientifically Impossible Places That Actually Exist
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৭ টি এমন স্থান যার উপর বিশ্বাস করতে পারবেননা, 7 Scientifically Impossible Places That Actually Exist.
Sailors have embraced this phenomenon for centuries, using the Maracaibo lightning as a beacon. ... Unstable air and moisture are key, and Catatumbo Lightning gets a boost from a unique topography. Mountain ridges cup three sides of Lake Maracaibo, leaving a narrow window open north to the Gulf of Venezuela...
Blue Pond (青い池 Aoi-ike) is a man-made pond feature in Biei, Hokkaido, Japan. ... Damage caused by Typhoon Mindulle in August 2016 resulted in a temporary drop in the water level and in the colour briefly turning brown with mud and sand from the Biei River...
A young explorer traveled deep into a remote jungle to find out. It sounds like a Jules Verne tale: a boiling river that seems to flow from the center of the earth and kills anything that falls into it. Andrés Ruzo, a National Geographic Young Explorer, first heard about it from his Peruvian grandfather...
Ott procured the musical rocks from a nearby boulder field in Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania. Known today as Ringing Rocks Park, the rock field occupies 7 acres of an otherwise wooded area, and is over 10 feet deep with boulders. ... However, in 1965 a group of scientists crushed, broke, and sliced the rocks...
If an object is placed into such a well and left there for a period of weeks or months the object acquires a stony exterior. At one time this property was believed to be a result of magic or witchcraft, but it is an entirely natural phenomenon and due to a process of evaporation and deposition in waters with an unusually high mineral content...
This process of petrifying is not to be confused with petrification wherein the constituent molecules of the original object are replaced (and not merely overlaid) with molecules of stone or mineral...
Mysterious Village Twin Town - Only twins are born here. Kodinhi, popularly known as The Twin Town is a small village in the district of Malappuram in Kerala, India. The village of Kodinhi is located about 15 miles from the city of Malappuram. It has one of the highest birth rates of twins in the world...
Patomskiy crater or Patom crater (Russian: Патомский кратер, (Patomskiy Krater), also known as Конус Колпакова, Konus Kolpakova Kolpakov cone) or Fire Eagle Nest[1] is a peculiar rock formation located in a remote area in the Irkutsk region of southeastern Siberia, 360 kilometres (220 mi) from the district center Bodaibo.[2] It is a large mound made of shattered limestone blocks, rising from dense taiga...
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no matter the length of the trip is always going to be take-off and landing. That is when most things can go wrong. The plane is basically all under the hands of the pilots during those times. While the plane is actually in flight, a lot of the actual flying is handled by computers. On the one hand, it's great to know the truth. On the other hand, you just might wish you didn't. Check this video and decide how you feel about your next sky-high adventure.
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Mysteries and Oddities: Patomskiy Crater
В ЭТО НЕВОЗМОЖНО ПОВЕРИТЬ. Патомский Кратер Это Новая Тайна Сибири. 4K Video
В это невозможно поверить не увидев. Огромный Патомский Кратер Это Новая Тайна Сибири. 4K Video.
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Патомский кратер это странный конус из раздробленных известняковых глыб на склоне горы Патомского нагорья в Бодайбинском районе Иркутской области. Среди местного населения носит название «Гнездо огненного орла» известен также под названиями «Конус Колпакова», «Джебульдинский кратер», «Явальдинский кратер». Патомский кратер, уникальный по своим характеристикам геологический объект, представляет собой кольцевую структуру центрального типа с насыпным конусом, сложенным известняками и другими горными породами. Патомский кратер формировался в течение продолжительного времени около 500 лет назад.
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Екатеринбург. The city of Ekaterinburg (with Rus- Eng subs)
Екатеринбург сверху (Ekaterinburg from above) – Граница между Европой и Азией (Europe-Asia border) – Аркаим и древнии арии (Arkaim and ancient arians) – Демидов и хозяйка Медной горы (Demidov and The Mistress of Copper Mountain) -Ельцин центр (The Yeltsin Center ) - Ипатьевский дом (Ipatiev House)T– Битлз (The Beatles) - Высоцкий (Vysotsky) -– Ночной Eкатеринбург (Night Ekaterinburg)
More about Ural:
Technology of protest vote. Evgeny Fedorov
Degradation of living standards continues, which Evgeny Fedorov calls ‘social bombardments’ and ascribes to a ‘system of external administration’ in place since the 1991 defeat of the Soviet Union.
The intensification of material hardship, in his view, is intended to pave the way for protest votes against the state. The first results are in from Irkutsk, where the unexpected election of regional governor Sergei Levchenko in September 2015 indicates the formation of an alternative power structure which could spread, and, ultimately, destabilize and break up the Russian state, as almost happened during the Chechnya conflict in the late 1990s.
Detailed analysis by Evgeny Fedorov, a Deputy of the State Duma and the coordinator of the National Liberation Movement for restoring sovereignty of Russia.
English subtitles. Transcript in the comments.
Original from, no subtitles :
Introductory clips from Ri 24 (Rossiya info):
Birthday greetings @3:19
Radio interview Fedorov @2:22
Reuters on Irkutsk, When Kremlin candidate loses election, even voters are surprised:
BBC, Russian Komi region governor 'ran crime gang' - inquiry:
Daily news & analysis on Ukraine-Russia:
The Patomskiy Crater
The Patomskiy Crater is it a volcano or a UFO? What created this mysterious Siberian crater?
In 1949, geologist Vadim Kolpakov set off on an expedition to Siberia, not realizing that he was about to discover one of the strangest unsolved mysteries in the world: the Patomskiy crater.
As Kolpakov traveled deep into almost uncharted territory, the local Yakut people warned him not to go on, explaining that there was an evil place deep in the woods that even the animals avoided. They called it the “Fire Eagle Nest” and claimed that people would start to feel unwell near it—and some would simply disappear without a trace.
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My Family's Return to Poland from Siberia after World War II
Frieda Justen, native Yiddish speaker born in Poland, describes her family's journey back to Poland after they were allowed to leave their barracks in Siberia, and what greeted them in their home town.
To see the full interview and learn more about the Yiddish Book Center’s Wexler Oral History Project, visit: