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Best places to visit - San Martino Buon Albergo (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Top 10 Best Things to do in Catanzaro, Italy
Catanzaro Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Catanzaro. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Catanzaro for You. Discover Catanzaro as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Catanzaro.
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Catanzaro.
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List of Best Things to do in Catanzaro, Italy
Parco della Biodiversita Mediterranea
Statua del Cavatore
Ponte Bisantis
Cascata Campanaro
Parco Commerciale Le Fontane
Museo Storico Militare Brigata Catanzaro
Teatro Politeama
Complesso Monumentale San Giovanni di Catanzaro
Museo Marca
Villa Trieste
Beautiful walking path near Verona, Italy - April 2009
A beautiful, 3 km long walking path in the middle of two little rivers, between San Martino Buon Albergo e Montorio, near Verona, Italy. See also the video Birds in water - Montorio, Verona, Italy from the same place. (Canon IXUS 860 IS)
Ca Sordis Montebello Vicentino Gambellara Torri di Confine SR11 Italien Italy 1042015
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
EGITTO. Consigli e Itinerari: da Il Cairo a Luxor
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ORAZIOMITICO91 ringrazia quanti hanno collaborato, in particolare gli anziani e le aziende FRADILES, GRUGHE, NURAGHEeSOLE;
(sito ufficiale dell' amministrazione comunale)
E non perdere il sito ...
...un viaggio nel laboratorio di tinture naturali del dott. Maurizio Savoldo;
Come arrivare ad Atzara
Dove mangiare e dove dormire
(Da )
La Sagra del Vino si ripete ogni anno la seconda domenica di maggio unitamente ai festeggiamenti per Santisidoro. All'insegna della tradizione, Atzara accoglie turisti e visitatori tra le suggestive vie del centro storico con la calorosa ospitalità che le appartiene.
The Wine Fair takes place every year on the second Sunday of May, coupled with celebrations in the honour of SantIsidoro. The stone houses (domos de pedra) show the signs of time, accompanying the visitors through a fascinating route among the magasinos, ancient cellars where they may taste some good new wine, the black from Atzara, warmly offered by the villagers.
Das Weinlesefest ereignet sich wieder jedes Jahr am zweiten Sonntag im Mai mit dem Fest für Sant'Isidoro.
Die Steinhäuser (domos de pedra), zeigen die Zeichen der Zeit und geleiten die Touristen durch eine faszinierende Fahrt unter die magasinos, die alte Keller wo die Touristen dürfen den guten Schwarzwein Atzara, den wird von den Einwohnern freundlich angeboten.
La Sagra del Vino (fête du vin) est organisée tous les 2èmes dimanches de mai avec la fête de SantI sidoro.
Les maisons en pierre (domos de pedra) témoignent du temps passé et accompagnent les touristes dans une envoûtante promenade entre les magasinos et les vieilles caves, où les visiteurs peuvent déguster le vin local, le célèbre nero di Atzara, que les habitants sont fiers doffrir.
Ad Atzara il vino non è solo economia, ma anche tradizione, storia e soprattutto cultura. Sin dal 1400 (dove risalgono i primi dati certi) gli abitanti di Atzara pongono un'inconfondibile passione nella cura delle vigne. Nonostante la tecnologia dei tempi moderni, quì ad Atzara il lavoro nei campi osserva con rispetto i ritmi della Natura. Spesso non è difficile osservare potenti gioghi di buoi attraversare i filari, quasi a suggellare un patto tra uomo e animale per il raggiungimento del fine supremo: la produzione del buon vino Mandrolisai.
Quando l'estate calda e torrida lascia spazio all'autunno, le vigne offrono inimmaginabili spettacoli e interessanti emozioni cromatiche, con le campagne che si illuminano di mille colori, offrendo suggestivi panorami naturali. Arriva così il tempo tanto atteso della vendemmia, quasi una festa che si rinnova anno dopo anno, con le campagne che brulicano di persone di tutte le età, che raccolgono l'uva che darà vita allo squisito nettare.
L'uva, scrupolosamente raccolta dalle mani degli atzaresi, viene pigiata e il mosto, così ottenuto, viene lavorato nel corso dei mesi successivi, per diventare poi il protagonista principale delle tavole degli atzaresi e non solo. Nasce così il vino Mandrolisai di Atzara, un prodotto unico, per la naturalezza e la semplicità della sua produzione e per gli inconfondibili profumi, profumi e sapori di una tradizione millenaria. (da
Drone Series - G8 Arredamenti (outside) - Benevento, Italy - Raffaele Pilla
Karen Brown's Niccolini al Duomo, Florence, Italy.
Welcome to Karen Brown's World of Travel
We would like to share with you one of our recommended hotels in Italy
The Niccolini al Duomo in Florence
Palazzo Niccolini is one of the few hotels in Florence within a new category called Historic Residences.
Dating from the 16th century, this fascinating palazzo has a prime location directly facing the Duomo Cathedral.
The Niccolini family, descendants of the original owners, reside in part of the palazzo and have very meticulously restored the building, offering ten elegant, spacious bedrooms and suites for guests.
Entered from the street level, the reception area is up one flight of stairs (or elevator) near the grand living room with period paintings, antiques, grand chandeliers.
Breakfast is served in the elegant living room, making one feel like a private house guest.
Each bedroom is elegantly decorated with antiques and all have sparkling, marble bathrooms; some with frescoed walls or ceilings. However, the pieće de resistance is the priceless suite upstairs that will leave guests in awe.
Open the door, climb up ten steps into the glassed-in living room, and gaze right into the side of Brunelleschi's Cupola.
You will never get a better view of the detailed, marble façade and roof tiles.
In addition, behind the white sofa (which is located directly in front of the enormous windows) is a two-person hydro jet tub hidden among the plants. The bedroom and bathroom are accessed off to the side.
Travel your Dreams with Karen Brown!
Karen Brown's Il Borghetto Country Inn, Montefiridolfi, Italy
Welcome to Karen Brown's World of Travel
We would like to share with you one of our recommended hotels in Italy
The Il Borghetto Country Inn in the town of Montefiridolfi
Il Borghetto Country Inn is an absolute dream, an idyllic hideaway in one of the most enchanting areas of Tuscany.
It is owned by the Cavallini family who originally bought a farmhouse in the heart of the exquisite Chianti district to use as a family weekend retreat.
When the adjacent farmhouse came on the market, they bought it too, restored it to perfection, and opened a tiny hotel. What makes this small inn so special is that it is a family operation.
The father, Roberto Cavallini, watches over the operation from Milan, his son, Antonio, is the on-site manager, and the charming daughter, Ilaria, ably helps out.
Guests have their own intimate, beautifully decorated lounge, which also serves as the breakfast room (in warm weather breakfast is served outside on the lovely terrace).
Rosie Cavallini did all the decorating and every detail is of superb quality with beautiful fabrics, original paintings, abundant displays of fresh flowers, Oriental carpets, and fine antiques.
But the best I've saved for last—a sweeping vista of olive groves and vineyards that produce extra virgin olive oil, Chianti Classico and Merlot wine.
Tours and wine tasting in the cellar are available, as well as on-site cooking courses which include food and art tours in Florence, Siena and the surrounding countryside.
Travel your Dreams with Karen Brown!