Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Cagnac les Mines
Places to see in ( Albi - France ) Cagnac les Mines
Cagnac-les-Mines is a commune in the Tarn department in southern France. It is a former coalmining town for workers of the Compagnie minière de Carmaux. It has a mining museum, whereupon is standing a huge miners safety lamp.
The hamlet of Cagnac-le-vieux that can be located near the wells of the current Mining Museum, to the southwest (see parcel 284 on the cadastral map below), consists of the old castle and some old houses surrounded by a rampart protected by a ditch and pierced by a single door.
The seigniory of Cagnac, which was part of Castelnau-de-Lévis and was detached in 1833 to be part of the municipality of Saint-Sernin-lès-Mailhoc, which name will be replaced by that of Cagnac-les-Mines. The lordship belonged since Pons Delpuech to the xviii th century to Del Puech (Puy French)
From 1895, the new Cagnac was built and expanded quickly southeast of Cagnac-le-Vieux, on the way to Albi. Cagnacois circulate a petition to create a new town, distinct from that of Saint-Sernin-les-Mailhoc. The elected representatives who represent Saint-Sernin support this project which, however, would reduce their area. But the municipal elections of 1904 gave the majority to the representatives of the section of Cagnac who, they ask that the existing municipality is preserved and enlarged portions that Garric and Lescure have agreed to give way. The minority representatives of Saint-Sernin, rural, can not prevent the transfer of the chief town and archives to Cagnac.
For the enlarged municipality portions ceded by Garric and Lescure, the decree published in the OJ of June 12, 1910, formalizes the name change: the municipality of Saint-Sernin-les-Mailhoc takes the name of Cagnac. Around 1920, the old castle and the old houses of the hamlet of Cagnac-le-Vieux will be acquired by the SMA and be destroyed to make room for a quarry embankments for the backfilling of underground workings.
By deliberation dated May 25, 1930, the municipal council of Cagnac asks to the State that the municipality is authorized to be called Cagnac-the-Mines. The municipal council motivates its request because of the errors of routing of the mail destined to its inhabitants often directed towards Cagnac and Gagnac in Lot, Cognac in Charente, Caignac and Cagnac in Haute-Garonne. The change of name would be likely to avoid these errors. The change of name is accepted by decree onFebruary 17, 1931.
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Transsaharienne 1976 (5) : au Tchad, Pala, Bissi-Mafou et N'Djamena.wmv
Visite au Père Joseph Fenart, à la mission des Oblats de Pala. Il y administre un Diocèse grand comme la Belgique, avec 31 Paroisses...
Il est aussi chef d'entreprise, dont le but est de faire creuser des puits dans les villages et de fabriquer les buses en ciments qui les chemiseront.
Il en fera réaliser 1300, nécessitant 5000 m linéaires de buses...!
J'en pars 2 jours plus tard vers N'Dajmena, mais François prolonge son séjour avant de rentrer en parcourant l'Afrique Occidentale.
A Bissi-Mafou avec les Pères Francis et Raoul, il constate les perpétuels aller-retour de femmes portant sur la tête les cruches d'une eau insalubre puisée au marigot, en attendant l'achèvement du puits en construction...
Pendant ce temps, je gagne Kousséri, puis N'Djamena par le bac sur le Chari, et rend visite au Père Faure près de la Cathédrale.
Le 13 avril, la fête nationale commence par un attentat : 7 morts, 72 blessés...
Après avoir vendu la 504, je m'envole vers la France le 17 au soir.
En alternant des trains, des avions, des bus, des taxis-brousses, des camions, un bateau et ...l'auto-stop, François me rejoindra à Nice ...deux mois plus tard !
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