Châtel-sur-Moselle is a commune in the Vosges department in Grand Est in northeastern France. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Best Attractions In Chatel-sur-Moselle
1. Zoo d'AmnévilleAmneville The Amneville Zoo is a French zoological park of the Grand Est region, located in the Moselle valley, between Metz and the Luxembourg border, in the town of Amnéville. About 1,500 animals of 360 species are presented on 18 hectares. It is headed by its founder, Michel Louis, since 1986. Formed as a worker cooperative, it is owned by its employees-cooperators. It is the only French zoo to present a show of tamed tigers, a controversial feature that allowed it to increase its attendance but also earned it to be demoted to the rank of temporary member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria , and then to be excluded of it. Within this association it participates in several European Endangered Species Programme. It is also one of the few zoos in France to present gorillas and oranguta... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. Parc Animalier de Sainte-CroixRhodes The Parc animalier de Sainte-Croix is a French Zoo specialised in European fauna, located inside the park parc naturel régional de Lorraine in Rhodes. The Zoo was founded 1980 by Gérald Singer. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Domaine de Kiesbruck - Manom (Moselle Attractivité)
Situé à deux pas de Thionville, le domaine de Kiesbruck à Manom offre un magnifique parc de 12 ha dont 7 ha de plan d'eau entièrement dédié à la pêche. Que vous soyez pêcheur à la truite, à la carpe, à l'esturgeon, au brochet... vous profiterez pleinement de votre loisir préféré. Le site propose également un magasin de matériel de pêche, des aires de jeux, des espaces pique-nique et la location de matériel.
Horaires d'ouverture et tarifs sur le site
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