Bora Bora Island Activities - Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora
The island of Bora Bora offers a wide range of fabulous activities from parasailing to private lagoon tours. The island is also known for its beautiful pearls. Learn more how this exquisite natural jewelry is made.
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Casa veche cu afumatoare in Maramures
Localitatea Botiza de pe Valea Izei , Maramures ,este un adevarat muzeu etnografic . Aici veti gasi 2 biserici vechi din lemn si multe case din lemn ,care dau farmecul Maramuresului de altadata .Ba mai mult aici exista chiar si un mic muzeu etnografic aici femeile gospodine inca mai tes la razboi , dar veti gasi si adevarati mesteri lemnari .
Mos Ion Perta are 84 de ani si traieste singur intr-o casa veche de peste o suta de ani . Pentru constructia ei tatal sau a tocmit doi mesteri carora le-a platit cu o pereche de boi. Casa sa este deosebita pentru ca nu are horn , asa cum se faceau pe vremuri , pentru ca fumul din soba sa iasa prin camara , sus in pod
si sa afume slanina si carnatii. Astazi nu mai exista astfel de case fara horn , iar afumatorile sunt incaperi speciale in afara casei pentru ca slanina si carnati se mai afuma si astazi . Mos Ion isi aminteste ca in copilaria sa toate casele se faceau din lemn. Bustenii si scandurile se taiau si se slefuiau manual , insa lemnul era pretuit , padurea era respectata si nu se taia asa de mult ca acum.. Daca ajungeti la Botiza va veti bucura de locuri incantatoare , oameni ospitalieri si gospodari , mancaruri deosebit de gustoase , traditii , mestesuguri si obiceiuri vechi . Pe scurt veti redescoperi valorile autentice si modul de viata traditional .
Inside Braşov Fortress (România)
Un punct important de apărare, situat însă în afara cetăţii Braşovului, era Cetăţuia de pe Strajă, sau Dealul Cetăţii, cum e numit astăzi. La începutul secolului XV, aici exista doar un turn de veghe, care a fost completat în 1524 cu un bastion de lemn cu patru turnuri. Distrus în 1529 de armata lui Petru Rareş, în locul lui au fost înălţate, un sfert de veac mai târziu, ziduri de piatră şi au fost săpate şanturi. Un incendiu din 1618 i-a adus stricăciuni grave, astfel că, în 1625, cetatea a fost refăcută aproape în întregime. În 1627 a fost săpată în interior o fântână de 81 m. La 1630, cetăţuia capătă cele patru bastioane de la colţuri. Pierzându-şi importanţa în secolul XVII, a slujit drept depozit şi mai apoi de cazarmă plăieşilor. De aceea, într-o vreme, dealul s-a numit Dealul Plăieşilor. Din secolul XVIII şi până în 1954 a servit şi drept închisoare, apoi depozit pentru Arhivele Statului Braşov până în 1975, pentru ca din 1981, dupa o amplă restaurare să devină un complex turistic cu specific medieval.
Strategically overlooking the town and the plains to North, the Citadel is part of Brasov's outer fortification system. At first some wooden protective walls was erected here, later, in 1529, destroyed by Petru Rares. On the same spot they built a stone citadel called Cetatuia (1553), destroyed by fire in 1618 and re-built in 1625. For protective purposes the inhabitants added to the initial building four massive stone bastions in 1630. The citadel was abandoned later, after technological innovations made cannons stronger than the building. It served as a prison for a while.
Nowadays the citadel was turned into a restaurant called Cetate. If you visit the restaurant remember to take a tour and admire the collection of Medieval weapons hanged on the walls and to drop a penny in the well (81 m deep) for good luck. In the center of the Citadel is a narrow courtyard displaying shields, lances, a canon and coat of arms.
The Fortress or the Citadel is called in Romanian 'Cetate' (pronounced 'chetatay'), the name one should use if want to ask the locals for information about it. Most Romanians don't know the English name(s) of the place. It is not difficult to be found, as it is at the top of the hill across from the Central Park.
cetate brasov fortress medieval cetate medievala stronghold bastion citadel cetatuie cetatuia brasoveni ardeal transilvania medievala
Citadel, Brasov Fortress (România)
Chokhi Dhani
Nice Experience at Chokhi Dhani Jaipur.
Presenting true colors of Rajasthani culture, Chokhi Dhani is a popular and remarkable attraction of Jaipur. It is an ethnic village resort offering you all type of entertainment options including dance, music, food and accommodations in royal styles. You can stay here for a day or more and get familiarized with the vibrant culture of Rajasthan.
If you are staying here at the village resort then you can explore the location on your own, but the main celebration starts in the evening with an electrifying ambience. The evening activities at Chokhi Dhani include magic shows, puppet shows, Rajasthani dance, Rajasthani folk music, future tellers, acrobatics on a bamboo and luck predicting parrots. There are also interesting activities and adventures that will keep you completely engaged, like camel ride, elephant ride and horse ride and boating
The Concept
The main concept behind this landscaped area Chokhi Dhani is to give a closer look of rural lifestyle. The ethnic village resort aims at connecting Rajasthani tribes from all parts of the world and restoring the culture and tradition of Indian villages. From cow dung plasters to traditional outfits, Chokhi Dhani provides you a tangible feel of Rajasthan.
The small huts here depict the real village-huts with unchanged décor of cow dung plasters, wall decorative paintings and the beautiful art bani thani. The cow dung plastered huts will keep you protected from all diseases and worries as it is believed that cow dung has medicinal properties.
Live Entertainment
Chaupal Nach Gan Re (folk dance and music show), Nat Ro Kartab (acrobatics on bamboo tree, with no safety), Nagkanya (living combination of a snake and a girl), Kathputali Ro Nach (puppet show) and Jadu Ro Khel (magic show).
Enjoy the scenic village and the near areas of Chokhi Dhani from the back of elephant, camel or horse.
craft bazaar- Haat bazaar, photo studio, museum (Ajyabghar), temple (Mandir Devra), Haldi ghati,Rajasthani village culture and Mehndi. You can also buy some amazing handmade stuff which in a way depicts the real culture and tradition of the state.
Fun Zone
Sanp-Sidhi Ro Khel, luck predictor, Gufa Jharni, Jungle Sair and Bhool Bhulaiya.
Dining and Cuisine
Sangri and Chaupad Jeeman Ghar are the absolute dining areas at Chokhi Dhani serving you delectable Rajasthani cuisines. Gorband is another fine dining, set-up in an open area with traditional favorites.
If you want more details
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Village Fair Restaurant, Sonipat - Chokhi Dhani Sonipat
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Village Fair & Restaurant, Mumbai - Chokhi Dhani Mumbai