*** THERME complex .. Beginning January 14th 2016, a tropical paradise, known as THERME BUCHAREST, ROMANIA it was open to the public just ten minutes away from the city.
THERME BUCHAREST, a 30,000 sqm wellness, relaxation and entertainment center based on thermal waters it was open some 20 kilometers north of BUCHAREST, in Balotesti, on January 14, 2016. ***
Olt Valley in Szekely Land (Transylvania), Romania
From train
Vânătorii Mici Izvoru Corbii Mari 61 Große Walachei Rumänien Romania 18.4.2016
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Castelul Haller din Coplean, CLUJ
Promovat de: !! Castelul, cunoscut şi sub denumirea de castelul cu scoici (de la ornamentele aflate deasupra ferestrelor), a fost construit între anii 1725-1771, în stil baroc de către guvernatorul Transilvaniei din perioada 1735-1755, Ioan Haller. A fost ridicat pe locul unui mai vechi conac, clădirea formată din subsol, parter, etaj şi acoperiş este situată în mijlocul unui domeniu dreptunghiular la intrarea căruia este un bastion. Se presupune că pentru ridicarea clădirii s-a folosit piatră adusă din castrul roman de la Căşeiu[2]. Joszef Kadar descria castelul în monografia sa dedicată Comitatului Szolnok-Doboka: În Coplean, castelul ţi biserica s-au construit din pietrele acestui castru, ca şi biserica din Vad.
În faza iniţială castelul a fost construit în cel mai timpuriu stil baroc transilvănean, ulterior fiindu-i adăugate ornamentaţii rococo realizate de sculptorul austriac Anton Schuchbauer (1719-1789), realizator şi al Statuii Fecioarei Maria din Cluj.
În 1920 castelul a suferit un incendiu, în urma căruia acoperişul baroc a fost distrus în întregime.
Castelul a aparţinut familiei..
Country Spa Retreat, Snagov, Romania
Book your next Holiday here. Best prices guaranted.
Buying real-estate in Romania. Here is your chance
It's really amazing what you see in Romania. This property looking like you just want to demolish it, seems in good enough condition that renovation work started on it. Apparently the price of this property is totally disconnected with the market value... As many properties that are for sale in Romania. Most owners - having grown up in the era of communism - never learnt that the market dictates the value, not one's own greed or sentimental value. This ruin is near the centre of the city Campulung Moldovenesc.
Additional note: If you look at what they made of this place, you will not reckognise it.
Il Borgo di Villa Bossi Pucci
Summertime in Tuscany - A view from the pool. • +34-669997655
Tel.: 0034-669997655 •
Furnished luxury Villa for rent in enclosed compound.
Lounge/Livingroom with fireplace, 3-4 Bedroom, 2 and half bathrooms, Fully fitted modern-Italian kitchen. Private garden, 2 private parking spaces and 2 parking spaces for guests.
Community pool and tennis-court, club-house, etc...
American and British schools and kindergarten at a walking distance!
Additional description:
Sunflower Grand Residence is a new 40 villa residential project, giving you the option to choose the most suitable home, semidetached or larger, detached villas. A villa in one of the best residential areas of Northern Bucharest is not only a perfect place to live, but also a good, solid investment.
Sunflower Grand Residence is located at only 15 minutes away from both city center and HENRI COANDA and BANEASA International Airport and also it is at only 1250 m from the biggest shopping arcade of the neighbourhood.
Sunflower Grand Residence is a gated community.
Other features: club, outdoor swimming pool, security office, underground irrigation, gardens, tennis court, pool bar, children playground, fitness centre, sauna.
Monthly Rent: On Request!
Location: Northern Bucharest (Iancu Nicolae)
City: Bucharest
State/Province: Bucharest
Country: Romania
Type: Villa in an urbanistation/compound