Bruges, Belgium might just be the most charming city in Europe. If you closed your eyes and imagined a picturesque, fairytale, travel-back-in-time, absolutely breath-taking European city I'd guess that Bruges is pretty close to what's in your head. It's what European vacation dreams are made of. A veritable time capsule of medieval architecture, It's easy to understand why it's a UNESCO World Heritage City. It is rare to see so many streets of buildings all so well preserved. Walking around is like being transported back in time and history here is on another level. This town hall? It was the seat of government for more than six hundred years. This old hospital? It's been a hospital since the 1100s (and only stopped in the 1970s). The reason why Bruges is so well preserved has a twist: the city was too poor to renovate and rebuild. Bruges has experienced periods of great wealth, great poverty, and great wealth. During the down times, citizens didn't have the cash to make 'improvements' to their houses and to this scarcity we owe a great deal! Ironically, the current citizens of Bruges benefit from their forebears' inability to knock things down and rebuild. Bruges is now a huge draw for tourists from around the world who flock to see the same buildings people were too poor to change. Huzzah! This is why I love history!
Our day in Bruges started at the Folklore Museum. It's only 4 Euro and you can get a nice overview of life in the city in the 19th and 20th centuries. Don't forget to look for the black cat who lives there. He's rare to see and is one of a long line of black cats who call the museum home. We then walked (you can walk everywhere) to the Burg Square where you'll find the Stadhuis (town hall) and a little further on is the Grote Markt. The latter is the main square where you'll find see the Belfry (Belfort) and dozens of tourists. Bruges is known for two things: an abundance of beauty and an abundance of tourists seeking it. But no one cares because you're so stunned at the charming city around you. We walked on to the Church of Our Lady where the altar piece is a Michelangelo sculpture of the Madonna and Child. Made of Carrara marble, it's been stolen twice and is now safe again to view at the church. Across the street is Sint-Janshospitaal - the one that was a hospital from the 1100s to the 1970s. Now you'll find religious art and - my favourite - examples of old ambulances. A visit here makes you really appreciate modern medicine. It started to rain and we were getting hungry so we headed to the Friet Museum (Fry Museum). How could we visit Belgium without doing a deep dive into the history of fries?! We wanted to find out why so many people mistakenly call them 'French fries' - we also wanted to eat fries. Check and check. It stopped raining so we ended the Bruges tour by boarding a river cruise because there are parts of the city only visible from the water. I'd definitely recommend a boat ride if you're visiting Bruges - it's relaxing and offers a unique perspective not seen by other means. We absolutely loved visiting Bruges and hope you enjoyed this visit to the jewel of Belgium.
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Beautiful Cemetery in Europe
Free video about St. John's Cemetery. This free video was created for you by and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of as the original author of this St. John's Cemetery video.
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The St. John's Cemetery is a world famous cemetery in Nuremberg with historical, artistically valuable Bronzeepitaphien designed, culturally and historically situated significant (standardized) grave stones and grave Insert famous Nuremberg from four centuries. Because of the many rose bushes he is also called Rose Cemetery. Due to the historical sights of St. John's Cemetery is a world famous tourist destination in the context of a cemetery tourism and a station within the Historical Mile of Nuremberg.
The cemetery is located west of Nuremberg city wall in St. Johannis, which was incorporated in 1825. In the midst of the cemetery is originally from the 13th century St. John's church. On the eastern edge is the round wood Schuher -Kapelle (1513-1515), the Beheim Hans the Elder attributed. The former cemetery of the old settlement locust was about the 10th / 11th Century created. Nucleus of the later St. John's Cemetery was 1234 Siechkobel (Aussätzigenhaus) for lepers. For 1395 there the plague cemetery was consecrated with Stephen Chapel (later Holzschuherkapelle).
At Nuremberg, the dead, the two parishes were buried in the Middle Ages in the cemeteries, St. Sebald and St. Lorenz surrounded them. During the great plague of the late Middle Ages, the Council said in 1518 but any funeral on these old cemeteries within the city walls. For the Parish of St. Lawrence was near the Spittlertor Rochusfriedhof created. The Sebalder citizens were buried in the St. John's Cemetery, which existed since the 13th century. There was the Leprösenfriedhof behind the church since 1518 and also the cemetery.
From the city to the cemetery leads Nuremberg Way of the Cross with seven stages: 1506-1508 by Adam Kraft created. Today at the crossroads only copies of these works are situated. The original stations are located in the Germanic National Museum in Nuremberg, the Crucifixion in the Holy Spirit hospital and burial in the Holzschuherkapelle.
The St. John's Cemetery is in the 13th century in the former north-western suburb of St. Locust at the former St. John Siechkobel emerged around - the oldest surviving dating from the year 1238. Later, the area has grown together with an adjacent plague cemetery and several expansion areas. In the 16th century, when the Council officially banned burials within the city walls, the St. John's Cemetery burial place for the dead of Sebalder half of the city was, whereas the Rochusfriedhof Lorenzer state.
In the Middle Ages it shifted the funeral in the area of the church building. Man leaning based on the Germanic-Celtic tradition burial as well as cremation from a pagan. In many religions, the cemetery is a sacred place. In Christianity it is traditionally consecrated by the responsible minister. This ritual meaning of the cemetery has produced a number of taboos, moral obligations and laws. A cemeteries Catholics are called also campossantos, since in Pisa, when in compliance with hygiene authority ordered to close the cemetery, which was built in the thirteenth century within the city, the ground was covered with a layer of land, which the Pisan galleys had brought from the holy places of Jerusalem.
Then, by donating some powerful cemetery in which were built were erected altars and chapels for funeral ceremonies and devotions however observed civil laws prohibiting buried in town. One of the oldest still in use in the Netherlands are other cemeteries Moscowa in Arnhem and Cemetery and Old Oak Dunes in The Hague. The Hague cemetery is already in the 14th century named as parish cemetery in documents.
By extension, the cemetery is any public and sacred ground where, after a ceremony, we bury the dead of the same human group or individual graves lignagières where their memory is generally marked by a monument, symbols or inscriptions. General Cemetery term eventually encompass the field of funeral and cemetery. A cemetery or graveyard is where lie the bodies of the dead. Depending on the culture of the place, the bodies can be left in a coffin or simply can be enclosed in cloth or animal fat. Then be buried underground, placed in a vault or other grave. The word comes from the Greek cemetery koimetérion meaning bedroom, since according to Christian belief, the cemetery we went to sleep until the time of the resurrection.
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Etape 6.1 San Francisco & Palo Alto - San Francisco, United States (palo alto san francisco)
A TripAdvisor™ TripWow video of a travel blog to San Francisco, United States by TravelPod blogger Gerard.clement.
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Etape 6.1 San Francisco & Palo Alto
Cela fait drôle, je quitte Auckland a 19H30 le Dimanche 11, j'ai 11H30 d'avion et j'arrive a San Francisco le même jour a 12H45, avant que je ne sois parti !! c'est la machine a remonter le temps. Voila, c'est fait, je suis aux Etats Unis pour les dernières étapes de mon voyage, cette fois-ci je loue une voiture a l'aéroport pour visiter quelques endroits qui m'ont été recommandés. Je m'empresse d'installer mon GPS (encore un cadeau de retraite) pour me rendre a l'hôtel qui se situe au 425 Marina Boulevard, et ça n'a pas traîné, première connerie, au bout d'une demie heure, je me retrouve a l'entrée de San Francisco alors que mon hotel était a 5 minutes de l'aéroport. Ayant des doutes, je reprogramme le GPS, qui m'indique toujours la mauvaise route. En fait, il y avait deux Marina Bld, mais il fallait indiquer South San Francisco et non pas San Francisco tout court, le décalage horaire avait déjà fait son oeuvre. Lundi 12, je prends le train pour me rendre a San Francisco et essayer de visiter un maximum de choses dans la journée. Je débarque a l'embarcadère (un titre a la OSS117), au niveau du Ferry Building, ce qu'ils appellent le Pier 1, je dois aller jusqu'au Pier 39, donc une bonne marche pour commencer. Le temps est super, c'est un plaisir de prendre des photos de la ville. En passant je m'arrête au Pier 33 ou sont les départs pour l'Ile d'Alcatraz, une des curiosités a ne pas manquer, j'achète un billet de ferry pour l'après-midi car c'est déjà complet pour la matinée, puis j'arrive a mon fameux Pier 39, ou ils ont reconstitué comme un petit village avec des tas de boutiques de shopping, de restaurants, d'attractions, un petit Disneyland en quelque sorte. Je continue ma marche jusqu'au Pier 47, ou se trouve le départ du Cable Car, une autre curiosité de San Francisco, je dois dire que c'est assez impressionnant, ces espèces de trolley qui arrivent a monter et a descendre dans les rues de la ville, et Dieu sait si ça monte et ça descend, je ne voudrais pas faire une course pédestre en ville, c'est pire que l'Escalade de Genève. Arrive enfin l'heure du départ pour Alcatraz, le bateau met a peine 20 minutes, on est tout de suite plongé dans une atmosphère carcérale, je n'aurais pas voulu être enfermé la en tant que taulard. La visite est très bien organisée avec un audio tour de 45 minutes, en Français s'il vous plaît, je vous en dit quelques mots pour votre culture générale. Au fait, la prison a fermé en 1963, donc n'ayez pas peur, il y avait en moyenne 260 prisonniers, 336 cellules, 90 gardiens de prison, 36 prisonniers ont essayé de s'échapper, tous repris sauf 5 (voir le film Escape from Alcatraz avec Clint Eastwood), Al Capone y séjourna de 1934 a 1938, l'ile a servi de pénitencier pendant 29 ans. Mardi 13, je quitte San Francisco pour Palo Alto, en voiture cela va vite, a peine une petite heure. Quand j'arrive dans la ville, je retrouve cet aspect calme des endroits résidentiels, fini les tours, fini les centres commerciaux, tout est propre et agréable, un peu province, sans l'être, tout en l'étant. Je file directement a l'adresse que m'avait donné Jean Francois Clavier dit Jef Keyboard, un copain des premières années Effix/Reuters, il est seul dans son bureau, même pas une secrétaire a me présenter. On va au hamburger du coin, et on passe un moment a se raconter ce qu'est devenu machin, ce que truc est devenu (Truquet, ici y'a un jeu de mot), je lui en apprends, il m'en apprend aussi, il m'explique en quoi consiste son boulot, les Funds speculatifs, un peu trop compliqué pour moi, simple retraité. Avant de se dire au revoir, il me donne quelques conseils pour la ...
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Photos from this trip:
Mon hotel, 425 Marina Bld dixit GPS
San Francisco - Une tour deja vu dans les films
San Francisco - Le ferry building Pier 1
San Francisco - Victime du Vietnam
San Francisco - Pier 39 un petit village
San Francisco - Les Sea Lions proteges
San Francisco - On fait joujou
San Francisco - Toujours le Pier 39
San Francisco - Le vieux port... pas de Marseille
San Francisco - Il prepare une blague
San Francisco - Le cable car en descente
San Francisco - Le cable car a l'arret
San Francisco - Le cable car toujours en descente
San Francisco - Et ca bronze sa madame
San Francisco - Vue du ferry
San Francisco - L'ile d'Alcatraz
L'ile d'Alcatraz - Bateau arrive avec les taulards
L'ile d'Alcatraz - J'vous jure, j'ai rien fait
L'ile d'Alcatraz - Panoplie du gardien
Tuesday Night Prime Time Trivia The Most Expensive Cities To Park In
Tuesday Night Prime Time Trivia The Most Expensive Cities To Park In
Perfect Cruise Ship Power Strip
Towel Clips for pool deck
Packing Cube Set
Waterproof Cell Phone Case
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Viewers Tell Me About Their Favorite Youtube Channels And Celebrity Edge Spa Update
Viewers Tell Me About Their Favorite Youtube Channels And Celebrity Edge Spa Update Celebrity Edge update on the new spa. Plus when is a cruise deal a deal?
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Tuesday Prime Time Trivia! Biggest Chocolate Eaters Cities With The Most Embassies
Tuesday Prime Time Trivia! Biggest Chocolate Eaters Cities With The Most Embassies
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Holiday Inn Express Washington DC Silver Spring in Silver Spring MD
Book here: . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . Holiday Inn Express Washington DC Silver Spring 7990 Georgia Ave Silver Spring MD 20910 Located just outside of Washington, D.C., the Holiday Inn Express Washington DC Silver Spring hotel provides easy access to several local points of interest. The Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, the White House, the Smithsonian Institution museum complex and the National Zoo are all just minutes away from this Silver Spring, MD hotel. Within a 10-minute walk from the hotel is the Silver Spring Metrorail station (Red Line); free transportation can be provided. Additional area attractions include, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington Dulles International Airport and Georgetown University. The surrounding area boasts a variety of pristine golf courses, parks and outdoor recreational areas. Enjoy a number of restaurants, cocktail lounges, coffee shops and shopping venues in the vicinity; some are within walking distance to the hotel. Guests of this Silver Spring, MD hotel can enjoy many fine features and amenities like, free coffee, free wireless high-speed Internet access and free local calls. Your Morning Breakfast is full of hot and delicious options, making breakfast at the hotel, the perfect way to start your day. Enjoy our free hot breakfast featuring eggs, meat, yogurt, fresh fruit, cereal and more, including your choice of hot waffle flavors! Business travelers will appreciate modern conveniences afforded in our business center like a public computer with Internet access and copy and fax services. We also have a meeting/banquet room that can accommodate most functions. All of our guest rooms come with standard amenities and are equipped with coffee makers, curved shower rods, spacious work desks, hair dryers, irons, ironing boards and cable television. Select rooms have sofa sleepers, microwaves and refrigerators. Non-smoking and connecting rooms can be requested. Coin-operated laundry facilities and valet cleaning services are offered for added guest convenience. Limited self parking for a fee and valet parking are available on site and can accommodate most vehicles.
Hilton Garden Inn Vienna South, Vienna, Austria
Hilton Garden Inn Vienna South, Vienna, Austria
Hertha-Firnberg-Strasse 5, Vienna, Vienna, 1100, Austria
4-star hotel in Meidling with restaurant, bar/lounge
Free WiFi
Live Cruise Ship News: Carnival's Seabourn Cruise Line To Enter Expedition Cruise Market
Live Cruise Ship News: Carnival's Seabourn Cruise Line To Enter Expedition Cruise Market Pullmantur announced that it will offer electric bike tours on select Mediterranean cruises due to favourable reviews. Electric bikes along with helmets, water, and energy bars will be provided with guides.
Perfect Cruise Ship Power Strip
Towel Clips for pool deck
Packing Cube Set
Waterproof Cell Phone Case
Join me live Monday to Friday at 5pm et plus Saturday at 2pm et. We talk about cruise ships and cruise vacations, deals, updates and news. It's a live Q and A fun free for all show!
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