Visit Romania - The most beautiful places in Romania
Visit Romania - The 36 Most Beautiful Travel Spots In Romania
A land of many genuine treasures that are waiting to be discovered.
Romania is a country full of history. The culture, iconic landmarks and beautiful landscapes make it a fantastic travel destination from Romania.
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The ONLY VISITABLE CRYSTAL CAVE! - Traveller Maxy in Bihor, Transylvania, Romania
Well, there is only one more crystal cave which can be visited in the whole world and that one is in South-Africa. So yeah, only those two is open for the public. Every other is strictly closed and only scientists can go in to do studies on the natural crystals. This cave (Peștera cu cristale Farcu, Cheile Lazuri (DN76 Oradea-Deva)) is in Transylvania, Bihor, Romania. The Crystal Cave located in an underground cave system. Originally it was a bauxit mine, and during one of the underground explosions they opened up the cave full of crystallised minerals and calcites. It is spectacular, unique, a one of a kind experience! Transylvania is a beautiful place with full of wonders! It definitely worth visiting!
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Noemi Juhasz
Szindbad utca 1. 13/141.
Crystal Cave - Underwater Wonders in Romania
Clips taken in Meziad crystal cave.
Pesterea Meziad se afla in Muntii Padurea Craiului.
A Mézgedi cseppkőbarlang Romániában, a Király-erdőben található, szinte érintetlen természeti csoda.
Vlogging with a drone in a cave: Pestera Buhui, Romania
Buhui cave is with its length of almost 7,5 km the biggest cave in Banat, the picturescue region in SV Romania, near the town of Anina, close to the border with Serbia.
The team:
Even if the cavern is not closed with gates, please do not visit it on your own. It can be potentially dangerous to unexperienced tourists. There are a lot of speleological clubs in Romania who are ready to assist you in visiting this cave.
We are here today with our collegues from Nouveautect, a new founded speleological organisation from Timisoara.
The Buhui cave is the creation of the small river with the same name, which penetrates a limestone mountain. The underground river follows the 2.7km long main gallery which can be accesed through 3 entrances. We are entering through the exit of the underground river and will visit only the most spectacular last third of the cave.
In order to visit this cave you will need a neoprene wet suit and a boat. The air temperature doesn't exceed 10 degrees C and the water is very cold.
The main gallery shows waterfalls and deep marmites. Welcome to an amazing underground adventure park where you have to climb, duck, crawl and swim.
There are some big obstacles in our way, and the first one is the so-called Cascada mica, or Small Waterfall
The most amazing section of the cave is the Vasile Sencu gallery with the Bears hall. The area is a natural monument and is under protection by law.
The fossil gallery, is an upper evel of the cave and the speleothems here are astonishing.
Stalactites and stalagmites, in theory over tens of thousands of years old and Bones of the extinct cave bear (Ursus Speleaus) are all over the place. Scientists say that the cave bear became extinct about 25,000 years ago during the Last Glacial Maximum.
Another eyecatcher is the Haystack, a huge limesone stalagmitic formation arguably considered to be the biggest of its kind in Romania.
The view is so extraordinary that even our drone was lost in admiration and could not find the best settings for low light :)
From the fossil gallery back to the underground river you are being put to test as a climber..or you can just slide down a rock slide tobbogan.
It's already night when we are leavin the cave through its 2nd entrance.
Our gear:
SONY A6500 with Sigma 16mm/f 1.4 and Sony16-35mm OSS
Zhiyun Crane 2 gimbal
DJI Mavic Air drone
GoPro Hero 6
Rode Video Mic
Rode SmartLav+
Samsung S7 Edge
Iphone 6s
I, Adrian am a former TV-moderator & producer of travel documentaries
I, Alecsandra, am a dentist. And his wife :)
We are from Romania, but live now in Austria. We love to share our passion for traveling, filming & having fun. That's why our EveryDay HoliDay vlog into life! We will post once in a week, every monday.
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So let's have fun! Because: Every day should be a holiday. For everyone.
facebook: @everydyholidy
instagram: #adrian.moldovan
music: & Epidemic Sound
Many thanks for:
additional music: Daniel Galea (Danny G)-
photos (intro): Calin Andra -
Pesteri din ROMANIA - Romanian caves
Pesteri din ROMANIA - Romanian caves
Pestera cu cristale - (The Cave With Crystals)
Peștera Polovragi - România. Peștera lui Zamolxe
Nu uitati sa va abonati daca va place acest canal!
Vizionare placuta!
Cei 800 de metri de galerie vizitabilă (din cei peste 10 kilometri cartaţi de speologi din amonte către aval) reprezintă marea vărsare, iar poarta turistică este avalul, ceea ce explică dimensiunile impresionante de la intrare şi, totodată, necesitatea opririi vizitării începând cu porţiunea inaccesibilă publicului larg. Primul sector al galeriei (aproximativ 400 m de la intrare) prezintă o încărcătură emoţională de excepţie deoarece, fiind cea mai accesibilă porţiune, a fost de-a lungul timpului un refugiu al localnicilor: daci, vraci, călugări, fiecare având marcat cel puţin câte un simbol distinct. Astfel, Scaunului lui Zalmoxe îi corespunde la suprafaţă, după cca. 350 metri copertă de roci, fosta cetate dacică „Cetăţuia”, cuptoarelor de ardere a plantei polvraga le corespunde rădăcina uriaşă a plantei dispărute dar împietrită în tavanul peşterii drept mărturie, iar locul ascezei călugărilor ( 1505-1968) este marcat de o pictură realizată de către un călugăr, în tehnica negru de fum, reprezentând simbolul morţii. Cronologia istorică se încheie cu Izvorul Speranţelor, un gur care nu seacă niciodată, din spatele căruia ne „priveşte” Maica Domnului cu Pruncul în braţe, poate cea de la mănăstirea vecină, cu hramul „Adormirea Maicii Domnului”.
Începând cu sectorul al doilea, Sectorul Ogivelor, poziţionat între Culoarul Stâlpilor şi Culoarul Sufocant, peştera devine tot mai interesantă din punct de vedere geomorfologic: dantelării de ţurţuri stalactitici, coloane intermediare, domuri, pâlcuri de stalagmite, bazine adânci, scurgeri parietale argiloase, ocru de peşteră, etc., unele dintre forme căpătând chiar denumiri graţie spectaculozităţii lor.
Peştera găzduieşte o colonie de hibernare de aproximativ 300 de lilieci de peşteră din Ordinul Microchiroptera, Genul Rhynophus, numit popular liliacul cu potcoavă, graţie formei de potcoavă a pliului ce le înconjoară nasul.
Pestera Ursilor
Pestera Ursilor - Bears Cave
Romania - Apuseni 20.08.2009