Complex Turistic Casa Wiarusti, Moieciu de Sus, Romania, HD Review
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Located in Moieciu de Sus, the Pension Casa Wiarusti is only 6 miles from Bran Castle, where Dracula is said to have lived, set in the heart of Transylvania, a place shrouded in many legends.
The rooms offer all modern amenities and the bathrooms are superbly equipped with a cabin shower with hydro massages and providing robes and slippers.
Choose among the delicious meals from both traditional Romanian and international cuisine. Enjoy the picturesque view from the balcony and each Saturday, you will be entertained by live music.
A bar with the most exquisite drinks completes the offer of the Casa Wiarusti.
Ateneul Român poate fi vizitat şi virtual
Începând de astăzi, telespectatorii români au la dispoziţie o noua sursă de inspiraţie pentru călătoriile lor - televiziunea Travel Mix.
Travel Mix îşi propune să promoveze turismul în toate formele lui: călătorie, afaceri, cultural, medical, religios, agroturism, ecoturism şi să ofere tuturor telespectatorilor posibilitatea să descopere noi destinaţii turistice.
Acest proiect de promovare a turismului românesc este rodul muncii unei echipe formate din 35 de oameni talentaţi, profesionişti în domeniu.
Postul Travel Mix are o tematică foarte diversificată: de la oraşele lumii, capitale europene, ghid de calatorie, destinaţii de lux, croaziere, destinaţii exotice, hoteluri de lux, restaurante de top, bar&pub, parcuri de distracţie, travel shopping, business travel, plaje de vis, pârtii de ski, trasee turistice, agenţii de turism, last minute, sporturi de vacanţă, locuri si oameni, jurnalist de ocazie, pescar în România, descoperă România, balneo turism, agro turism, muzee sub lupă, is
Satul Sirnea , jud Brasov-bucurie pentru ochi si suflet
Cine vrea sa-si petreaca o vacanta la tara , linistita si frumoasa , cu dulci leneviri pe iarba si excursii usoare in imprejurimi pitoresti si pana sus pe munte , ar fi bine sa se gandeasca la satul Sirnea , unul dintre satele Branului . De pe DN73 , culoarul Bran - Rucar ,imediat dupa intrarea in comuna Fundata , se face la dreapta drumul spre Sirnea . Veche vatra pastoreasca , localitatea Sirnea se afla asezata intre muntii Piatra Craiului si Bucegi ,la fel ca sora ei , Magura ,poate ceva mai risipita . Traditia spune ca aici s-ar fi asezat unul dintre cei 10 fii ai legendarului Bran , coborati din munti , care au populat aceasta zona , de unde si numele de Tara Branului . Aici veti fi fascinati de casele vechi si frumoase , de pensiunile cochete , de peisaje , dar si de ospitalitatea localnicilor . Satul Sirnea este primul sat truristic din Romania , iar aici veti gasi un interesant muzeu , care povesteste prin obiecte , fotografii si texte despre oamenii si traditia locului . Asezarea pitoreasca se afla in apropierea Branului si a localitatilor Fundata , Rucar , Dambovicioara , Magura , Pestera si char Brasov pana unde mai sunt 38 km , ceea ce face ca excursiile catre aceste localitati sa fie la indemana oricui poposeste in acest sat de poveste , pentru o vacanta de cateva zile . Va invit sa-l descoperiti singuri . Si veti spune inca odata ca Romania este o tara minunata , care merita vizitata si admirata pas cu pas .
Hello travel lovers! Have you ever been in Romania, Transylvania? We visited Brasov, Bran and we had awesome time here! We can tell you that it is great idea to go to Transylvania when is HALLOWEEN! Visit Peses castle, Vlad Dracula castle... The smallest street in Europe Strada Sfori! Check out the video and shre your thoughts with us! :)
Ćao ljudi! Da li ste ikad bili u Rumuniji? Kako vam se sviđa ideja Transilvanija za Noć veštica? Mi smo se super proveli. Bili smo u najmanjoj ulici u Evropi - Strada Sfori... Posetili smo dvorac Peles i Drakulin dvorac! Bran i Brasov su prelepi gradovi koje jednostavno morate videti! Ovo nam je bio jedan od najlepših vikend odmora ikad! Uživajte u videu i podelite sa nama utiske :)
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Club Vila Bran - Romania - #Travel 2017
The Little Castle: A royal holiday next to the Bran Castle. You are invited to the latest housing establishment of the Club Vila Bran complex.
Club Vila Bran is a mountain resort situated 1km from Bran city centre, and 4 km from Zanoaga Ski Centre.
Wonderfull Romania (Poienari, Rasnov, Culoarul Rucar-Bran, Bucegi)
An extraordinary trip. The beginning was pretty disappointing, from Arad till Cartisoara (the beginning of Transfagarasan) we drove only on rain. The morning welcomed us with rain again, and over all the fog made its presence to. Decided to reach at least Lake Balea we're heading to our first objective, Balea Fall. As we approach the fall, it would be impossible not to observe the charm of the fog... like exploring a mystic land. We were the only tourists with a strong will of reaching the fall, even in these hostile weather conditions. Once arrived there, we could nothing but enjoy its beauty. It was worthwhile.
We then return to the car and head forward to our second objective, Lake Balea. Once there we are welcomed with a cold with negative temperature and at least a 30 cm snow level and a dense fog that you had the impression that you could cut it with a sword, but everything had its own charm. From here initially we wanted to climb on top of Romania... Moldoveanu Peak, 2544m, but in the actual weather conditions that would be impossible, so we changed our route to Busteni so we could climb the Bucegi Mountains on Omu Peak (2507m high). To keep altitude, no other reason :). The decent was beautiful. We went near Vidraru Reservoir (the greatest lake in Romania) and in the nearness was the Poienari Fortress. Could we passed it without visiting it?... No chance. I discovered a lot. This fortress actually was the refuge of Vlad the 3rd, also known as Vlad Dracula or Vlad the Impaler. Right after the entrance in the fortress a simulation of the unmistakable methods of the romanian leader frozen our blood. The view from the fortress is extremely beautiful.
After the sun is smiling down upon us after such a threateningly weather, we gain courage and continue our journey to Curtea de Arges, and from there we take a shortcut to Campulung. From here the rain is threatening us again. On the beautiful Rucar-Bran Corridor the darkness fall upon us, it's raining and foggy... as worst. Hardly and very carefully we arrive in Moeciu de Jos, than from Rasnov we pass to Predeal and finally we arrive in Busteni. We find quickly a place to settle for the night at a very hospitable person in a coquette pension, pleasant and at an excellent price.
The next day the weather rewards us for our endurance from last evening with a warm sun and blue skies. Sprightly we climb to Omu Peak trough one of the most beautiful valleys from Romania, the Buck's Valley. The splendid landscapes, the sun and the fresh air comforted us and filled our souls with joy. Arrived at Omu peak, there was nothing else to do but to enjoy the victory and the beautiful views offered by these beautiful mountains. After taking a lot of shuts we continue our way and we arrived at the natural monuments, the Sfinx and the Old Ladies. Here we are taking again a lot of photos after witch we're saying goodbye from the mountains and going back to Busteni with the cable car. It was a wonderful day.
On Sunday we are leaving Busteni with pain in our heart, but... with the excellent weather we've decided to return home on the same road we came crossing the Rucar-Bran Corridor and the Transfagarasan again. Indeed... we were rewarded for our every loss. It looked like even the Photo smiled seeing such landscapes. Neither could we miss the Rasnov Fortress.
It was a trip I will never forget as far as I will live!!!
Voici Brasov, notre petite ville préférée au coeur de la Transylvanie (Roumanie).
Paysages magnifiques, des gens souriants, des petites maisons typiques... On adore !
Romania best places Lacul Bicaz (baraj)
Romania Best Places Lacul Bicaz (baraj)
SUPERB - Lacul Bolboci - Muntii Bucegi 2018, cele mai frumoase zone de vizitat din Romania- 4K
Situat in mijlocul naturii in Muntii Bucegi, Zona lacului Bolboci este una dintre cele mai frumoase zone de vizitat din Romania.
Aici se gasesc se gasesc peisaje superbe in natura: platoul bucegi, lacul, pesteri, etc.
Am fost aici in weekendul 13-15 Iunie 2018 si recomand!
#bolboci #bucegi #romania