Myshkin (town), Russia trip 4K
Myshkin, Russia trip 4K - The Mouseland Museum in Myshki, Mouse Museum
Myshkin remains my favorite of the Golden Ring Towns/Cities. A small village on the Volga with about 6800 people. The folks there were friendlier than any other place we went, which I'm sure helped my appreciation of this place in Russia!
My bike ride was nice - I started out with something loose on the back brace and so, I rattled down the road, annoying Benita and Herbert no end, I imagine. This was remedied at the first rest stop. My legs felt great this day. Slowed down as we got into toward Myshkin - cute houses with gorgeous gardens - saw one rose garden that was primo. Found Ginia's Roger at the edge of town, reading his Pasternak and translating! Rode to a local outdoor market and looked at clothes and shoes and chatted briefly with a few of the friendly shopkeeps. Danny and I went looking for the coffee shops he loves and found something. Then, we went on a completely delightful town tour!
Young woman guide with VERY expressive mannerisms, face, vocals, etc and a great sense of humor gave us the tour. We saw a felt boot factory (hand done) - amazing the things they can do and make! We saw the most poignant Russian memorial to WWII - they lost so many and really set up amazing memorials to this time and the soldiers. There was a stone wall with all the villagers who died in WWII and across from it, a wall with letters from a soldier engraved. The letters back to him, from his wife and children were engraved. He died after less then a year and his wife did not tell the children until the war ended, keeping their hope alive. Wow. Then, off to a flour mill with mice (Myshka!) where some mice came alive and worked for us! See the pic. Cute and funny. Then, over to the Miller's home and two sisters showed us how they live, with a fire area central to the house and sleeping area on top of the oven area to capture warmth in the very cold winters! Bathing is with hot water from the stove in the kitchen too. Huge bowls to cook in the big oven and big tongs to put them deep into it. The girls made us pancakes and sang cute folk songs to us. Wonderful. The billage was notable in the cleanliness and beauty of it, along with a friendly population. There was some building and restoration going on as well.
Took a ferry across the river and rode a few miles to the resort by the river. Gorgeous - set up for winter sport with cabins of about 8 rooms with separate vestibule entries to keep in the warmth. Went into the river here and swam a bit - really nice. Rained that evening. Had an excellent fish dinner and lots of vodka. We sang Danny Boy at Herbert's instigation - he was a great entertainment committee! We were a bit racous. One couple trying to be romantic didn't take it all too well, I'm afraid. So, at this place, the electricity went out about midnight (remember the rain). No coffee in the morning. Poor Danny.
Tourism and culture
The town attracts a significant number of tourists usually arriving by river cruise ships. Myshkin retains architectural features characteristic for the 19th century Russia. It also features a number of museums. One of them is the unique Mouse Museum (the name of the town is derived from the word ىûّü (mysh) meaning mouse in Russian). There are also a Museum of Valenki (valenki being a type of Russian felt boots), an ethnographic museum, an art gallery, and more.
A Road Trip To Altai, Russia
This a short travel video on my recent trip to Russia. I am a beginner traveler from India, and I like to shoot all my travels. I hope to constantly bring up the production level as my channel grows. I wish to have your support.
Places traveled in Russia: Omsk, Novosibirsk, Biysk, and Altai
Gear: Canon 700D, DJI Spark
Travel & Stay: Hitchhiking, Couchsurfing & Public Transport
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Uglich Vlog #3, a Little trip to the Golden ring of Russia, Углич Влог #3, Россия.
Uglich, Yaroslavl oblast, Russia, Part 3. Golden ring of Russia. Walk around the city, the Market of Souvenirs, the Church of Dmitry on the blood.
Углич, Ярославская область, Россия, Часть 3. Золотое кольцо России. Прогулка по городу, Рынок сувениров, церковь Дмитрия на крови.
Uglitsch, Jaroslawl, russische Föderation, Teil 3. Der goldene Ring Russlands. Ein Spaziergang durch die Stadt, der Markt Souvenirs, die Kirche von Dmitri auf dem Blut.
Ouglitch, région de Yaroslavl, Russie, Partie 3. Un anneau d'or de Russie. Marcher dans la ville, le Marché de souvenirs, l'église de Dimitri sur le sang.
Uglich, provincia de yaroslavl, rusia, Parte 3. Anillo de oro de rusia. El paseo por la ciudad, el Mercado de los recuerdos, la iglesia de dimitri sobre la sangre.
Uglich, Yaroslavl region, Russia, Parte 3. Anello d'oro della Russia. Passeggiata per la città, il Mercato di articoli da regalo, chiesa del Salvatore sul sangue.
Mineira, região de Yaroslavl, Rússia, Parte 3. Anel de ouro da Rússia. Andando pela cidade, o Mercado de presentes, a igreja de Dmitry no sangue.
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Дата съемки: октябрь 2018
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