2. Nehaj CastleSenj The Nehaj Fortress [nexaj] is a fortress on the hill Nehaj in the town of Senj, Croatia. The name Nehaj comes from the Croatian term Ne hajati [ne xajati], which means Don't care. In the Croatian language this fortress has also other names, which are: Kula Nehaj [kula nexaj], what means Nehaj Tower, and Nehajgrad [nexajɡrad], what means Nehajtown. This name was given to the hill and the Fortress by the Uskoks, who built on the top of this hill the Fortress for defensive purposes. They gave the hill and the Fortress such a name because they wanted to emphasize to the citizens of the town of Senj, and all of those that lived in the vicinity of the town of Senj that they should not care that someone will conquer this hill or the Fortress until they are there. It was built by Croatian army ge... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Paklenica National ParkStarigrad Paklenica The Paklenica karst river canyon is a national park in Croatia. It is near Starigrad, northern Dalmatia, on the southern slopes of Velebit mountain, not far from Zadar. It contains two canyons, Mala and Velika Paklenica. Today there is no water flowing through Mala Paklenica. Near the entrance to the Velika Paklenica is an artificial tunnel complex built for Josip Broz Tito during the tension between Yugoslavia and the USSR in the late 1940s and early 1950s. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. The Church of the Holy CrossNin Church of the Holy Cross is a Croatian Pre-Romanesque Catholic church originating from the 9th century in Nin.According to a theory from an art historian Mladen Pejaković, the design has an intentionally unbalanced elliptical form designated to follow the position of the Sun, retaining the functionality of a calendar and sundial. In its beginning, in the time of the Croatian principality, it was used as a royal chapel of the duke's courtyard nearby.The church is that of a central type, it features the Croatian interlace and a carved name of the Croatian župan Godečaj.The church is known under the moniker of the smallest cathedral in the world, but it does not actually contain the seat of a bishop of Nin today. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Discover Croatia team exploring sights and attractions of Lika-Senj County.
Village of Brtonigla, Istria
Brtonigla (Verteneglio) is a village and municipality in north-western Istria, Croatia, located 6 km southwest of Buje. One of its many features of natural beauty is Mramornica, one of the largest limestone cave complexes in Istria.
House Živković (Gospić, Croatia)
Holiday House Zivkovic in Gospić.
More info:
Owner: Mrs. Marijana Živković
Kneza Lovre Milinovića 14, 53000 Gospić, Croatia
Phone: 00385 53 573361
GSM: 00385 98 200223; 00385 98 9453889
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