The Best Nature And Adventure Spots In Denmark
Møns Klint & Klinteskoven, Møn.
Hindsholm/Fyns Hoved, Fyn
Vadehavet, Jutland
Thy National Park, Jutland
Klitmøller, Jutland
Rebild Bakker, Jutland
Råbjerg Mile, Jutland
Himmelbjerget near Ry, Jutland
Rudeskov (ending scene), Zealand
This video was supported by:
- GeoCenter Møns Klint:
- Møns Klint Resort & Camping:
- Nissan Denmark:
- Rebild Camping Safari:
- Ribe camping:
- Westwind Klitmøller:
Other places highly recommended to visit:
The mutual forests in Denmark such as: Rold Skov and Grib Skov.
The island of Bornholm - mutual possibilities for MTB, climbing and trekking.
The islands by the coastline of Southern Fyn: Ideal for kayaking and sailing.
Thank you to:
Tine, Mathilde, Alexander, Simon, Christoffer and Kasper for being a part of this road trip and movie.
Editorial assistant, Søren Pico - Twitter:
2nd camera, Alexander Betak Lind - Instagram: Alexanderbetak
Canon EOS 70D w. 18-55, 10-18 and tamron 24-70 mm. 2,8
GoPro Hero 4 Black
Final Cut Pro X
Nissan X-trail 2015
Thank you for watching
/ Mads Tolstrup
Montem Adventure Productions
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Impressions of our trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, including HD footage of the city centre, the famous canals, freetown Christiania, The Little Mermaid and other popular tourist attractions.
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Best places to visit
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Do It For Denmark! | Spies Rejser
No one has found out how to help Denmark's falling birth rate. Until now. Spies Travels announces a competition where you have to make a baby to win.
Link to the danish travel agency Spies:
Ingen har fundet løsningen på Danmarks alarmerende faldende fødselstal. Før nu.
Spies står bag en konkurrence, hvor du skal undfange en baby for at vinde.
The best place to relax...
I needed a day away from everything, so I went to the tallest hill in Denmark to watch the sun go to sleep. Some say it is only 147 meters above sea level. I say it is 6,525,1 kilometers above Earth's core. And at this time of year, not a single person is in sight for miles.
The Roller Coaster - Rutschebanen POV at Tivoli in Copenhagen, Denmark
This is one of the oldest running wooden roller coasters in the world. Built in 1914, it features a manual brake operator in the middle of the train. You can ride it at Tivoli in Copenhagen, Denmark. SUBSCRIBE ►
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Places to hike – Skåne, Sweden
Inspirational video created by the Swiss video and photography collective Planet Visible (
Watch and read more from Planet Visible:
For more information and inspiration on Skåne, visit
Denmark. VIBORG & LAVEN & SILKEBORG // Danmark / Dänemark / Дания / 丹麦 / 덴마크
Denmark. VIBORG & LAVEN & SILKEBORG // Danmark / Dänemark / Дания / 丹麦 / 덴마크
Viborg, Laven, Silkeborg
Jutland Denmark
Jylland Danmark
Short tour of Viborg, Laven and Silkeborg
Lounge Music
Viborg , a city in central Jutland, Denmark, is the seat of both Viborg municipality and Region Midtjylland. Viborg is also the seat of the Western High Court, the High Court for the Jutland peninsula. Viborg Municipality is the second-largest Danish municipality, covering 3.3% of that country's total land area.
Viborg er en af de ældste byer i Danmark. Byen har 38.261 indbyggere (2013) [2] og er beliggende centralt i Midtjylland ved den forhistoriske Hærvejen. Byens navn, som gennem tiderne er blevet skrevet som Wibjerg,Wibiærgh, Wybærgh, Wiburgh og på latin Wibergis, hentyder til et indviet sted til gudsdyrkelse, idet Vi på olddansk betyder helligdom, samt til byens beliggenhed højt i terrænet. Viborg betyder således det hellige sted på bakken.
ヴィボー (Viborg)は、デンマークの都市。ユラン半島中部にある。中央ユラン地域・ヴィボー基礎自治体に属する。ヴィボーにはユラン半島の高等法廷、西部高等裁判所が置かれている。
維堡 (Viborg)是位於丹麥中日德蘭大區的一個城市。維堡是中日德蘭大區的行政中心所在地。此外維堡還是日德蘭半島高等法院、西部高等法院的所在地。維堡是丹麥最大的城市之一,轄區面積占丹麥國土面積的3.3%。維堡也是丹麥歷史最為悠久的城市之一。
Silkeborg er en by i Midtjylland med 42.910 indbyggere (2013). Byen er hovedby i Silkeborg Kommune og ligger i meget kuperet terræn i det midtjyske søhøjland med skovklædte bakker og med Gudenåen tæt ved den indre by. Der går rutebåde til Silkeborgsøerne og Himmelbjerget fra byens lille havn, og det gamle dampskib Hjejlen er den mest berømte.
Silkeborg is a city in central Denmark. Located in Silkeborg municipality in Jutland, the city has a population of 42,807 (1 January 2012). The development of Silkeborg as a modern city may be traced to the foundation of the paper mill by Michael Drewsen on the Gudenaa in 1844. The city is divided north and south by a lake, the Silkeborg Langsø, which at the eastern side of the city, resolves into the Guden River (Gudenaa).
Denmark. VIBORG & LAVEN & SILKEBORG // Danmark / Dänemark / Дания / 丹麦 / 덴마크
Nykøbing Mors Havn (Denmark)