Sarıkamış Ski Centre 50km away from Kars, is on a muddy mount in Sarıkamış county. In Sarıkamış Ski Centre there is one 844m long teleski facility and two ski houses.
The ski season in Sarıkamış Ski Centre is from December to April and the thickness of the snow in Sarıkamış reaches up to 50-200cm. In the centre the track length is 1200m.
Also a 2 quartet teleskis that run by the Ministry of Tourism at Cıbıltete in Sarıkamış Ski Centre. Sarıkamış boasts its Alpine quality snow. Many professional skiers find Sarıkamış one of the best resorts to get the most of it. The region is also one of the best artisan dairy producers region. The quality of the cheese, butter, honey attracts the breakfast lovers from all around the world. The air without any humid makes the skiing conditions sustainable hours and hours day and night.
Sarıkamış Cıbıltepe Ski Centre has a rarely seen crystal snow on the tracks. Although most days of the year is sunny at Sarıkamış Ski Centre the snow does not lose that property and there is no risk of an avalanche because the tracks in Sarıkamış Ski Centre have been surrounded by a yellow pine forest and are protected against the wind. Sarıkamış Ski resort beginning just beside Çamkıran in Sarıkamış Ski Centre has a 2400 people capacitied computer hardware chair lift system. There are two stages consisting of 5 tracks at miscellaneous difficulty levels. The Cıbıltepe at 2700m altitude inrent your car today by Sarıkamış Ski Centre. First stage in Sarıkamış Ski Centre is for the beginners and 2400m long, the second stage is 2200m long and has 4 tracks. Skiing is available in Sarıkamış Ski Centre 7km through the Sarıçam Forest. Total track length of the centre reaches upto 17km. Also there exists a cross country area of which 5km is registered by FIS (International Ski Federation). (Total length is 50km)
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The ski centre at Mt Erciyes is located on the north to east side of the mountain with the same name. It is a 3917m high volcanic peak and provides impressive views from all around. The ski resort is based around 2100m and is just 40 minutes from Kayseri International Airport. It is possible to try 'cultural skiing' on a visit to neighbouring Cappadocia which is located just an hour away from Kayseri. Mt Erciyes ski are has a total of 150km different levels of slopes and unlimited off-pistes. It also has a perfect surface and conditions for snow-kiting.
The Erciyes ski resort in the central province of Kayseri is one of them. It is expected to host over two million tourists this year.
The popular ski resort, surrounded by snow-capped slopes, has become a more attractive place after being modernized by the city’s municipality recently.
Detachable/Doble speed chair lifts equipped with the lates tecnology in compliace with the international standarts will carry you to very exciting places and World on Mt Erciyes. You will not only find the possibility of watching (experiencing) an unbeliavable panorama while sitting on chair lifts which have 26.750 people carriage capacity per hour but also you will discover the endemic plants of Erciyes which can be vegetated on only this mountain. You will make a comfortable journey with your family in “Gondolas” at Hacılar Kapı and Tekir Kapı gates, and will be able to have a rest with hot drinks at facilities. Erciyes will be a shelter for you to escape from the city life to enjoy a nice day with your family.
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Turkey/Kars Republic district (Cumhuriyet Mahallesi) Part 6
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Fethiye Mosque,Kars:
The Fethiye Mosque in Kars province center was built as a church during the occupation of Kars by Russia in the beginning of XIX. Kilisenin 15-10 m. a Russian monument was erected in the south. After the liberation of Kars, the community was turned.
Fethiye Mosque is made of cut stone in a rectangular plan. On the eastern edge of Yap Yap there are two sections, right and left. In this section, which is ascended by a six-step staircase, gates are provided between columns to provide access to the interior. These sections have been made more movable by placing the right and left columns of the door entrances and the windows there. At the same time there are deaf arches here. On the western entrance of the building was added a roof with three windows higher than the roof. In the roof sections above the northern and southern doors, deaf belts in the appearance of alfalfa leaves and pointed arched sections that are incompatible with the architecture of that period exhibit an extremely moving appearance on the facade.
On the north, south and west sides of the structure there are more than 1 m of stepped sections overlain by roofs. Between the outer walls of the building and the roof, the roofs with four pointed arched windows were opened. There are four chimneys at the corners of the top hood, where they join the roof. The structure of the roof sections, the finished embossed ornamental lace circumferentially surrounds it as just below. Due to the coldness of Kars, a heating chamber was added to the north side of the building.
The temple of worship has been partly repaired and turned away from its originality after it has been converted to the mosque. The interior is covered with a wide ceiling and decorated with geometric ornaments. There is a balconies arrangement that surrounds the interior all around. In addition, one of them was carried to the place of worship in the appearance of a lodge.
Two pieces of minaret were added on both sides of this building which is used as a mosque today, on a stone pedestal, with round body stone and two honorable ones.
10 Most Beautiful Ski Resort in Turkey
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Türkiye Şampiyonu ile Karda Ralli Yaptık
Sarıkamış Kış Oyunları'nda Türkiye Ralli Şampiyonu Murat Bostancı’nın pilotluğunda S2000 ralli otomobilinin yan koltuğunda kar üzerindeki ralli deneyimimiz.
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#تاريخ_و_حضارة_المدن_التركية - تعرف على مدينة سيرت التركية !!!!
منطقة الأناضول الشرقية منطقة الأناضول الشرقيّة، هي إحدى مناطق تركيا الواقعة في جهتها الشرقيّة، وهي ثاني أكبر المناطق مساحة من حيث التقسيم الجغرافي في الجمهوريّة التركيّة، والأعلى ارتفاعاً أيضاً، ولكنّها الأقل من حيث عدد السكّان، وتضم العديد من المحافظات، وتعدّ مدينة سرت إحدى محافظات منطقة الأناضول الشرقيّة، وهي ما سنوجز الحديث عنها في هذا المقال. مدينة سرت التركية تعتبر مدينة سرت إحدى مدن الجمهوريّة التركيّة، وتحديداً من محافظات شرق الأناضول، حيث توجد المدينة في جهته الجنوبيّة الشرقيّة، وهي من أهمّ المدن للسياحة الطبيّة، والتي يقصدها السيّاح المرضى نظراً لامتلاكها كهفاً يحتوي على مياه كبريتيّة تشفي العديد من الأمراض التي تصيب جسم الإنسان، وأهمّها التهابات المفاصل. ومضة تاريخية عن مدينة سرت التركية تعتبر مدينة سرت التركيّة إحدى المناطق التي تعاقبت عليها كثير من الحضارات، لا سيما الحضارة الفينيقيّة التي تتجسّد في قلعة فينيك، وهي قلعة فينيقيّة البناء والتاريخ، كانت تعدّ مركزاً مهمّاً في المدينة؛ نظراً لموقعها المميّز والاستراتيجي، كما نجد فيها الحضارة الإسلاميّة العريقة، والتي تغلب عليها حتّى وقتنا الحاضر. معالم مدينة سرت التركية تحتوي مدينة سرت التركيّة على العديد من المناطق والمعالم التي تستوجب زيارتها، إن قصدها الشخص زائراً لها، ومن معالم المدينة ما يأتي: كهف المياه الكبريتيّة وهو كهف مشهور في المدينة بمياهه الكبريتيّة، ويقصدها السياح والأتراك قاصدين العلاج من بعض الأمراض: كمرض الروماتيزم، وأمراض النساء، والأمراض العصبيّة وغيرها، ويبعد هذا الكهف المميّز عن مركز سرت حوالي سبعة عشر كيلومتر. سرت منزارسي وهو من أروع الأماكن في مدينة سرت وأخطرها، ويصنّف ضمن المناطق الأثريّة في المدينة، كما يمكن للزائرين ممارسة رياضة التسلّق فيه، لكنّ عليهم الحذر. كهف سرت وهو كهف ذو تعرّجات حجريّة جيريّة، وهو أحد الكهوف القديمة التي كان سكّان المدينة القدماء يستخدمونها. برج الساعة تمّ بناؤه من الحجر المنحوت، ويوجد في منتصف المدينة، وتحديداً في شارع الحكومة، أنشئ وتم بناؤه كاملاً عام 1975 للميلاد. مسجد أولو وهو مسجد يوجد في منتصف المدينة، أسّسه وأشرف على بناءه السلطان السلجوقي محمود في عام 1129 للميلاد. مقام إبراهيم حقي ويبعد عن مركز المدينة حوالي سبعة كيلومترات، وبني وسمّي بهذا الاسم نسبة إلى العالم إبراهيم، الذي نبغ في كثير من العلوم: كعلوم الفقه، والتصوّف، وعلم النفس، والأدب، والطب، والفلك، وغيرها من العلوم، واستحقّ بهذا مقاماً يشهد على وجوده وإنجازاته. قبر الشيخ محمد كازام وهو أحد شيوخ المدينة المعروفين والهامّين في تركيا، حيث درّس العديد من طلبة العلم، ويقع القبر أعلى تلّة مرتفعة، بالقرب من مركز مدينة سرت التركيّة.
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Sarıkamis ski resort [Kars / Turkey]
Sarıkamış Ski Centre 50km away from Kars, is on a muddy mount in Sarıkamış county. In Sarıkamış Ski Centre there is one 844m long teleski facility and two ski houses. The ski season in Sarıkamış Ski Centre is from December to April and the thickness of the snow in Sarıkamış reaches upto 50-200cm. In the centre the track length is 1200m. Also a 2 quartet teleski has been procured by the Ministry of Tourism at Cıbıltete in Sarıkamış Ski Centre.
Sarıkamış Cıbıltepe Ski Centre has a rarely seen crystal snow on the tracks. Although most days of the year is sunny at Sarıkamış Ski Centre the snow does not lose that property and there is no risk of an avalanche because the tracks in Sarıkamış Ski Centre have been surrounded by a yellow pine forest and are protected against the wind. Sarıkamış Ski resort beginning just beside Çamkıran in Sarıkamış Ski Centre has a 2400 people capacitied computer hardware chair lift system. There are two stages consisting of 5 tracks at miscellaneous difficulty levels. The Cıbıltepe at 2700m altitude in Sarıkamış Ski Centre. First stage in Sarıkamış Ski Centre is for the beginners and 2400m long, the second stage is 2200m long and has 4 tracks. Skiing is available in Sarıkamış Ski Centre 7km through the Sarıçam Forest. Total track length of the centre reaches upto 17km. Also there exists a cross country area of which 5km is registered by FIS (International Ski Federation). (Total length is 50km)
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Turkey/Kars (Finest ‘kaşar’ cheese in Turkey made in Kars) Part 3
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Finest ‘kaşar’ cheese in Turkey made in Kars:
Unfortunately, to find the nicest kaşar you have to go to Kars. This is not such a bad thing after all, as Kars is a nice place to wander around. There is plenty to see and to do there, but don’t forget - your aim should be to find the finest Turkish kaşar. Especially the kaşar that I get when I buy toast in one of the buffets in Turkey. I’d prefer to eat the sole of my shoe – it has more taste and more flavor. I am not talking about white cheese, goats cheese, Van herbs cheese, or Tulum cheese; my problem is with simple kaşar. You may call me “cheese head,” I am. There is nothing better than a beautiful old Gouda or Edammer cheese, and do not forget old Amsterdammer with its own specific beautiful color and a taste. We Dutch know how to make cheese and most probably you (as a reader) know that as well.But there is hope; there is good kaşar out there. Unfortunately, to find the nicest kaşar you have to go to Kars. This is not such a bad thing after all, as Kars is a nice place to wander around. There is plenty to see and to do there, but don’t forget - your aim should be to find the finest Turkish kaşar.
The best kaşar of the region
I went there to find the best kaşar and for that I had to travel to a small settlement one hour from Kars. The place did not have a name, but it is here that they make the best kaşar of the region. It was spring, the snow was melting and in a couple of days the cows were going leave their stables to find the beautiful and characteristic herbs of the Kars region that gives the Kars cheese it’s specific taste. However, once the cows go into the green lands the people in the region stop producing kaşar and start making a kind of gravyer (Gruyere) cheese instead. I was there just in time to witness the making of the famous kaşar cheese.
I found a farmer who proudly showed me around in his stable. About 15 cows were standing side by side. One of the relatives of the men, a woman, was milking the cows. In the stable were a couple of veils and of course some cows, queued up one after another in a row. How is it possible that the best kaşar cheese comes from this region? If this was Holland it would definitely be impossible. The cheese was put in the mold and pressed. In the mold you can find the name of the factory that makes the cheese so you always will know where the cheese has been made. Unfortunately, only the excellent kaşar cheese does something like this - you can consider it as like an “appellation de controlee” for French wines, the quality is kind of guaranteed.
It would be another step into the direction of entering the European Union and at least people in Turkey would know that they are buying a quality product. After putting the cheese in the mold and taking out the surplus liquid, it is put away in a warehouse. After a period of at least three months drying and resting, the cheese is ready for consumption. In spite of what you might think, I bought a couple of cheeses over there and ate them with pleasure. It is not always sterile environments that guarantee quality, sometimes we should just go back to the core of the making - raw milk, nice taste and handcraft. Wilco van Herpen
Episode 5 - Turkey - Kars & Trabzon / 365 days off - Travel around the world
Before our departure for Kars, we enjoyed the Kahvalti one last time in Van:
Delicious breakfast of more than a dozen of dishes: goat and cow cheeses, grilled vegetables, soups, delicatessen and fried specialities (sigara boregi: cheese cigar, very addictive…) and of course a lot of sweets.
Daniel fell in love with some kind of heavy and humid chestnut cake which fills you up for the rest of the day, Magali found a nick name for the cake “the stomac plug” (yeks!). Bad idea! We didn’t see coming the numerous passes to reach our next stop and the “Schumacher” behaviour of the minivan driver. You can imagine how we felt arriving in Kars!
Kars is a peculiar little town of about 70’000 citizens, it kept influences of Russian occupation (1890 to 1920) with basalt stoned baltic style buildings. It is also a perfect base to visit Ani, the fantastic ancient ruins, located 45km away.
After a few days in Kars, we decided to stop in Trabzon on the Black Sea Coast. People seem to enjoy life and the nice weather, here in Trabzon. We were quite glad to come back to the Sea level after having spent the last 3 weeks in Iran and Eastern Anatolia where the average altitude was close to 1600m.
The day after, we visited Uzungöl, also called the Switzerland of Turkey by locals. We couldn’t miss it!
We didn’t read our travel guide before leaving for Uzungöl “…with its lakeside mosque and forested mountains that recall Switzerland, Uzungöl (Long Lake) remains idyllic, but be prepared for more than a few tacky hotels (there are currently 1500 rooms here) and a growing number of visitors from the Gulf States, where they never see rain or green grass…”
A short, but pleasant, hike under the rain was our punishment.
A Short Tour Of Turkey
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