The meaning and history of surnames Ionnikov (Ionikov, Ionnikoff, Ionnikof)
Surname Ionnikov in 50% of cases is of Russian origin, 5% - Ukrainian, 10% - Belarus, 30% comes from the languages of the peoples of Russia (Tatar, Mordovian, Bashkir, Buryat, etc), 5% of cases occur from the Bulgarian or Serbian languages. In any case, the name was derived from the name, nickname, occupation or residence distant human ancestor in the male line.
Surname Ionnikov listed quite unique in the space of Russia. In certain noteworthy old receipts residents with that name were important figures from the Slavic Tula philistinism in XVII-XVIII centuries, were holding a respectable power and honor. The first evidence of the names can be found in the list of the census of All Russia during the reign of John the Terrible. The rulers there was a special list of notable and pleasantly spoken names that were given in the case of the approximate location or special awards. In consequence of that, this name has retained its primary origin is rare.
Writing a Latin surname: Ionnikov
Famous namesakes:
Ionnikov Alan Polikarpovich
(Pribytkovo city, Leningrad region, Russia)
Ionnikov Semen Elpidiforovich
(Kamyshin city, Volgograd region, Russia)
Ionnikov Erasmus Feofilovich
(Ishim city, Tyumen region, Russia)
Ionnikov Cyril Romulovich
(Scherbinka city, Moscow region, Russia)
Ionnikov Ustin Prokofievich
(Skopin city, Ryazan region, Russia)
Ionnikov Valentin Potapevich
(Zapadnaya Dvina city, Tver region, Russia)
Ionnikov Miroslav Varlamovich
(Stepurino city, Tver region, Russia)
Ionnikov Leonti Dominikovich
(Vypolzovo city, Tver region, Russia)
Ionnikov Nikolay Timofeevich
(Andrushevka city, Zhitomir region, Ukraine)
Ionnikov Valentin Nikolayevich
(Zhitomir city, Zhitomir region, Ukraine)
Ionnikov Sergey Nikolayevich
(Andrushevka city, Zhitomir region, Ukraine)
Russian Gifts and Souvenirs @ The Russian Store
Our products are genuine articles, often hand-made at our Russian workshops by traditional artisans or purchased directly through our Russian suppliers.
We hand-pick every item and verify its authenticity before presenting it online to our customers.
Several times a year we gather a large assortment of Russian crafts and collectibles, package them up for their journey across the Atlantic, and ship them to our U.S. facilities where we unpack, sort, and sell them daily on our website:
AWESOME Russian crafts!!!
A large exhibition of Russian crafts. Russian crafts from wood, stone, clay, etc.
Field day with RN6LHF
Небольшая вылазка в поля 2 апреля.
My short field day from 2 April.
English subtitles are available!
12В 7А аккумулятор + SunSDR2 Pro (Pвых=20Вт) + Ноутбук + дипольные антенны диапазонов 40 и 80 Метров, подвешенные на 5-6 метров над землей в точке запитки, края диполей метра 2-3 над землей..
12V 7A Battery + SunSDR2 Pro (Tx Power = 20W) + Laptop + 40M and 80M band dipolles connected in parallel 5-6 meters above the ground.
Заряда батарей хватило на 4 часа с 14 до 18:30 часов с двумя короткими перерывами. Проведено около 60 связей на диапазонах 40М и 80М в SSB. На 80М работал с 17 часов и до конца.
Ноутбук сел примерно через два часа активной для него работы(SDR обработка) и пришлось подключить его к ИБП для подзарядки встроенной батареи.
Battery charge was finished after 4 hours of working from 14 to 18:30 O'clock with a short break. I was made about 60 QSO in SSB mode on 40M and 80M bands. The laptop battery was finished after 2 hours and i connected it to IPS for charging.
Debut 2014 IX International TV contest of children and youth art (Latvia, Riga 15.11 - 16.11)
Tel: +371 29-14-05-45 (Latvia, Riga)
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