Visit Norway - 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Norway
The Best & Worst of Visiting Norway.
Norway is filled with incredible nature and incredible prices. Our Visit Norway Video covers five things Travelers and visitors to Norway will Love and Hate.
Filmed in Oslo, Norway
Copyright Mark Wolters 2016
USA Today & 10Best's #1 Independent Travel Videographer 2014
FlipKey by TripAdvisor Top 10 Travel Bloggers 2015
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Beautiful late summer at Vollen, Norway
Photos and videos taken and edited on my iPhone... just beautiful here during summer!
Norway in a Nutshell - Train, Ferry & Bus
Big scenery, small towns and a relaxing way to see it all, this is, “Norway in a nutshell”. An easy day excursion from Oslo, this is a best one-day look at fjords. Trains, buses and ferries are organized to maximize the travel experience. If you make it to Oslo and you do not experience Norway’ majestic fiords, then you might as well say you have not been to Norway.
Norway in a nutshell is available as a day tour or with overnight stays en route. The round-trip tour can be started in Oslo, Bergen, Voss or Flam, no matter the season, in winter, spring, summer and fall. Pressed for time, travelers can experience the entire route in a day; with more time, consider an overnight along the fjord or in Bergen.
Every morning, Norway’s most spectacular train leaves Oslo around 8a.m. As the train journeys along Norway’s mountain Spine; glaciers, ancient forest and countless lakes fill the windows of the passenger cars. The train journeys crosses 300 bridges and 200 tunnels, making this a true engineering marvel, and making you wished you had packed more memory cards.
At the town of Myral, you change trains and board The Flåm Railway line. This spectacular rail journey where within a one hour period you travel from the mountains at Myrdal down to the the Sognefjord (Norways longest and deepest fjords) and the town of Flåm. This is a tourist train. The engineer will even stop the train for photographs at Jjosfossen waterfall.
From Flåm, one boards a ferry for one of the most scenic cruises. As you glide passed waterfalls where mountains and sea come together, you can relax and take it all in. The ferry floats up one fjord and down the next until you reach your destination of Gudvangen, where waiting tour buses will shuttle you back to the main train line in Voss. At Voss you can continue on to Bergen or return back to the capital of Oslo, now with the confidence that you have seen the real Norway. #DISTANTLANDS #TRAVELTIPS #TRAVEL
Reisebericht Geiranger Camping (Norwegen) Juni 2018
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Gut essen in Wien - Das Palais Coburg | WDR Reisen
Das Palais Coburg ist wohl eines der luxuriösesten Hotels Wiens - es gibt nur Suiten, keine Zimmer. Heute kaum noch vorstellbar, dass es erst 2003 vollständig renoviert wurde, nachdem es Jahre vorher ziemlich verfallen war. Stefan Quante nimmt uns mit auf einen Besuch im Palais und zu einem kulinarischen Streifzug durch die Stadt.
01:53 Saftbar Lilette's
05:53 Restaurant Nascha's (Seit 2017 insolvent)
09:15 Japanisches Restaurant Mochi
10:44 Vegetarisches Restaurant Tian
15:48 Vegane Eisdiele Veganista
17:42 Restaurant Kussmaul
19:48 Hotel Rathaus Wein & Design
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Tour of Norway passerer Slemmestad...
Kranjska Gora och Škocjangrottornas – Gone Camping upplever slovenska Alperna högt och lågt
Gone Camping besöker Slovenien – både högt och lågt. Vi får hänga med ner i de häpnadsväckande Škocjangrottorna och upp på mountainbike-äventyr, downhill i Ingemar Stenmarks favoritbackar i Kranjska Gora. Under vistelsen i Slovenien bor vi dels på en strandcamping vid Adriatiska havet, Kamp Adria, dels på Camping Bled. På den senare lagas det en karljohanssvampsrisotto – bl.a. på vin från den lokala vingården Cotar, där vi också gjort ett besök under programmet.
Norwegen Femundsmarka 2007 (2/3)
Diashow about our Norway-trip in July 2007