Sparta, Greece: Acropolis, Roman Theater, Sanctuary of Athena Chalkioikos, Leonidas Statue
With my sweet travel companion, we visited Sparta, Greece. In this video you will see the modern statue of Leonidas, the ancient acropolis, the Roman Theater and, somewhere, the Santuary of Athena.
Ancient Sparta - The Spartan Acropolis
Enjoy this video about ancient sparta and its ruins.
Music downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library / No Attribution Required.
Sparta (1) - The Acropolis of Ancient Sparta
Back in Greece after two years, this time a lot more videos were recorded!
Sparta is famous for its fighting force and for the battle of Thermopylae, but ancient Sparta itself remains shrouded in mystery.
Very little remains of the original Spartan city, but here we can at least see the same stunning views the ancient Spartans had of their surroundings.
The acropolis is much larger than the small section shown here, and much more excavation needs to be carried out to reveal more of the original acropolis.
Video recorded in HD on 18 December 2017
Ancient and Modern Sparta, Greece
It was hard to find Sparta's ancient acropolis and theater, but Sparta is still here, with statues of warriors to represent past glory.
This Sparta clip is a segment from I Follow Apollo, the Intrepid Berkeley Explorer's free video presenting the highlights of Greece, including Athens, Olympia, Meteora, the Byzantine Empire, Greek Folk Dancing, the islands of Mykanos, Santorini, Crete, & Rhodes, plus Ephesus in Turkey, and much more.
To enjoy all of this film, plus over 30 more free, non-commercial, streaming travel videos from every continent, and still pictures, please ask a search engine for:
Intrepid Berkeley Explorer
greece sparta sparti lakonia 300
AC Sparta office on tour: Greece - Ancient Sparta
Ve volné chvíli před zápasem s Asteras Tripolis FC jsme se symbolicky vydali do antického města Sparta. Cestou zpět nemohla chybět koupačka na východním pobřeží Peloponéského poloostrova ve městečku Paralio Astros.
A day in the life of an ancient Athenian - Robert Garland
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It’s 427 BCE, and the worst internal conflict ever to occur in the ancient Greek world is in its fourth year. Athens is facing a big decision: what to do with the people of Mytilene, a city on the island of Lesbos where a revolt against Athenian rule has just been put down. How did these kinds of decisions get made? Robert Garland outlines a day in the life of Athenian democracy.
Lesson by Robert Garland, animation by Zedem Media.
Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Peter Owen, Sama aafghani, Vinicius Lhullier, Connor Wytko, Marylise CHAUFFETON, Marvin Vizuett, Jayant Sahewal, Joshua Plant, Quinn Shen, Caleb ross, Elnathan Joshua Bangayan, Gaurav Rana, Mullaiarasu Sundaramurthy, Jose Henrique Leopoldo e Silva, Dan Paterniti, Jose Schroeder, Jerome Froelich, Tyler Yoshizumi, Martin Stephen, Justin Carpani, Faiza Imtiaz, Khalifa Alhulail, Tejas Dc, Govind Shukla, Srikote Naewchampa, Ex Foedus, Sage Curie, Exal Enrique Cisneros Tuch, Vignan Velivela, Ahmad Hyari, A Hundred Years, eden sher, Travis Wehrman, Minh Tran, Louisa Lee, Kiara Taylor, Hoang Viet, Nathan A. Wright, Jast3r , Аркадий Скайуокер, Milad Mostafavi, Singh Devesh Sourabh, Ashley Maldonado, Clarence E. Harper Jr., Bojana Golubovic, Mihail Radu Pantilimon, Sarah Yaghi, Benedict Chuah, Karthik Cherala, haventfiguredout, Violeta Cervantes, Elaine Fitzpatrick, Lyn-z Schulte, Sharon Chou, Henrique 'Sorín' Cassús, Tim Robinson, Jun Cai, Paul Schneider, Amber Wood, Ophelia Gibson Best, Cas Jamieson, Michelle Stevens-Stanford, Phyllis Dubrow, Eunsun Kim, Philippe Spoden, Samantha Chow, Armando Ello, Ayala Ron, Manognya Chakrapani, Simon Holst Ravn, Doreen Reynolds-Consolati, Rakshit Kothari, Melissa Sorrells, Antony Lee, and Husain Mohammad.
ANCIENT ATHENS. Bronze Age / Classical Greece. 3D Animated.
Greek Goddess ATHENA of Wisdom and War.
Athens is one of the oldest named cities in the world, having been continuously inhabited for at least 5000 years. Situated in southern Europe, Athens became the leading city of Ancient Greece in the first millennium BC, and its cultural achievements during the 5th century BC laid the foundations of western civilization.
Athens as a center of literature, philosophy (Greek philosophy), and the arts (Greek theatre). In Athens at this time, the political satire of Democracy , the Comic poets at the theatres had a remarkable influence on public opinion.
Some of the most important figures of Western cultural and intellectual history lived in Athens during this period: the dramatists Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Euripides and Sophocles, the physician Hippocrates, Pythagoras, the philosophers Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, the historians Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon, the poet Simonides, and the sculptor Phidias. The leading statesman of this period was Pericles, who used the tribute paid by the members of the Delian League to build the Parthenon and other great monuments of classical Athens. The city became, in Pericles's words, the school of Hellas (Greece).
Standard YouTube License L & G Psarros.
Discovering Sparta - The Dromos
My 3d educational reconstruction of Sparta for my students and for all people that love Flipped Prof activity. Here in evidence the Dromos of Sparta point of meeting of guys and several people of the town
la mia ricostruzione di Sparta per i miei alunni e per tutte le persone che amano le mie lezioni capovolte e iniziative multimediali , in evidenza il Dromos, luogo d'incontro dei ragazzi di Sparta e altre persone in generale
Delphi, Greece: The Ancient Theater
The ancient theater at Delphi, Greece is located on the slope of Mount Parnassus, above the Temple of Apollo. It was build during the 4th century B.C.E. and was modified at various times over the centuries.
Leonidas, Thermopyles and Museum of Marathon - Hellas - Greece
Greece - Hellas
- Archaeological Area Thermopyles
- 300 Spartans and Leonidas Monument
- 700 Thespians Monument
- Museum of Marathon
Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks (YouTube Audio Library)
Discovering Sparta 1.0 3d full video
My 3d reconstruction of Ancient Sparta with all importants places and monuments
Acropolis Athens History Of Greece || Worldwide
Acropolis adalah dataran tinggi berbatu setinggi 156 m, dan ada beberapa reruntuhan bangunan kuno yang dulunya adalah kuil yg menjadi pusat sejarah Athena. Kini Acropolis menjadi bukti sejarah kebanggaan Athena tentang kejayaan sekitar 2.400 tahun lalu.
Acropolis mulai dibangun 1.300 tahun s.m sebenarnya sebuah kota kecil yang permai, sampai kerajaan Persia menghancurkannya di tahun 480 sebelum masehi. Setahun kemudian tentara Yunani mengalahkan Persia dan membangun ulang kuil-kuil itu. Antara tahun 467 sampai 404 s.m bangunan tersebut selesai dibangun. Pada tahun 1834 Athena menjadi ibukota Yunani, raja Otto menetapkan Acropolis sebagai bangunan arkeologi yang dilindungi. Tahun 1975 Acropolis direstorasi. Bangunan kuno terbesar di Acropolis adalah Parthenon Demokrasi dalam bidang politik yang kita kenal pada saat ini merupakan salah satu sumbangan dari dinasti Hellenislic (650-30 SM) pada zaman kekaisaran Yunani Kuno, dimana hak-hak sipil untuk menyampaikan pendapat secara bebas diakui. Sebagai ciri khas pola kota Yunani Kuno yang berupa Negara kota, di mana terdapat ruang-ruang terbuka untuk aktivitas demokrasi dan ditandai dengan bangunan-bangunan Negara untuk pihak eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif, salah satunya adalah Acropolis. Itulah tradisi athen yang tidak bertujuan kepada militerisme, sehingga kota-kota di zaman Yunani Kuno sering mendapat serangan dari bangsa-bangsa di sekitarnya, terutama dari Persia.
Berbeda dari tradisi Spartan yang banyak terdapat pada kota-kota abad pertengahan di kawasan Bavaria atau Jerman sekarang yang memang menunjukkan keunggulan bangsanya melalui kemenangan dalam peperangan. Konsep demokrasi tersebut dirumuskan kembali oleh ilmuwan Prancis setelah abad pertengahan, Montesquieu (1689-1755), dalam Esprit des Lois. Acropolis dibangun pada masa kepemimpinan kaisar Pericles (495-429 SM) yang merupakan zaman keemasan Yunani di Athena. Acropolis terletak pada lokasi yang menarik pada sebuah perbukitan kota Athena, dan dari sini dapat dinikmati pemandangan kekawasan perdagangan Athena, Agora (sebuah pasar) yang merupakan pusat keramaian, sehingga Acropolis menyimbolkan dewi kebijaksanaan, keadilan, semangat dan inspirasi penduduk Athena. Lingkungan utama komplek Acropolis terdiri atas kuil-kuil yang membentuk sebuah panorama kota, antara lain Erichteion, Parthenon, Nike dan Propylaea. Erichteion adalah sebuah bangunan kuil yang masih baru dan sangat indah sebagai pengganti bangunan sebelumnya yang mengalami kehancuran pada 480 SM akibat peperangan dengan bangsa Persia yang dipimpin Salamis. Kuil yang dibangun oleh arsitek Mnesicles antara tahun 421-405 SM dan memiliki ukuran yang kecil, tak beraturan, bertingkat dengan gaya kolom ionic ini terletak pada situs yang dikelilingi oleh hutan keramat dan tanah perkuburan. Terdapat tiga ciri utama kuil ini,
1.yaitu adanya beranda,
2. jendela di setiap bagian dari pintu di beranda sebelah timur dan
3. ornamen berbentuk gadis pada kolom yang berfungsi sebagai penopang atap beranda bagian selatan. Bentuk ini sedikit ramping dan berkesan seolah-olah sedang menjunjung beban berupa atap.
Parthenon adalah kuil dimana terdapat sebuah patung yang sangat besar, yang terbuat dari gading dan emas. Parthenon merupakan bangunan yang sangat menonjol dan merupakan pusat dari Acropolis. Parthenon dibangun antara 447-438 SM sebagai karya dari arsitek Ictimus (Iktinos) dan Callicrates (Kallikrates) dan ahli pematung Phidias (Pheidias).
Bangunan Parthenon dikatakan sebagai 'kesempurnaan terbesar dari karya kuil Doric yang pernah di bangun', sebuah penampilan dengan proporsi sempurna yang dihasilkan oleh ahli maya-loka Athena. Nike merupakan kuil terkecil yang bagi penduduk Athena dianggap sebagai kuil pembawa keberuntungan bagi kota Athena. Propylaea adalah bangunan berbentuk pintu gerbang karya arsitek mnesicless, tapi pembangunannya tak sempat diselesaikan karena terjadi peperangan dengan bangsa Peloponnesia. Puing-puing dari bangunan tersebut masih bisa dilihat sampai sekarang, tetapi ada beberapa bangunan yang benar-benar sudah hilang antara lain; Pinacotheca (sebuah gallery seni), Theater Dionysus, Odeon (sebuah ruang musik dari Herodes Atticus) dan Stoa (sebuah tempat berteduh dan tempat berpameran dengan colonnade dari Eumenes). Patung Promachos karya Pheidias yang sangat besar dan terbuat dari perunggu dan mendominasi wajah kota.
Kota Athena, dengan Acropolis sebagai kota pertama pada zaman Yunani Kuno yang sampai sekarang masih bisa dilihat. Pada zaman inilah kayu mulai dipakai sebagai bahan konstruksi bangunan dan disebut dengan istilah Carpenty in marble.
Arsitek Romawi Marcus Vitrivius Pollio banyak menulis tentang arsitektur yang bersumber dari sini, yang ditulis dalam bukunya De Architettura yang terdiri dari 10 buku. Dalam buku itu terdapat prinsip simetri, harmoni dan proporsi yang merupakan perluasan dari prinsip proporsi, komposisi dan presisi dari zaman Yunani Kuno yang disebut Entasis. Konsep ini lebih rinci terlihat dalam bentuk
Sparta - The Legend
The story of the battle of Thermopylae, and movies of how the places involved look today.
Visiting Ancient Sparta
Visiting what's left of ancient Sparta, which is pretty much just the ruins of the Sanctuary of Athena Chalkioinos (we start out looking at it) and theater, plus a few Roman/Byzantine-era structures.
Sparta (2) - The Theatre of Ancient Sparta
Back in Greece after two years, this time a lot more videos were recorded!
Sparta is famous for its fighting force and for the battle of Thermopylae, but ancient Sparta itself remains shrouded in mystery.
The theatre seen today is a later Roman theatre, with Hellenistic foundations. On the eastern wall every block has been inscribed with Greek writing and makes spectacular viewing. Excavations and rebuilding continue...
Video recorded in HD on 18 December 2017
5 minutes of Sparta!
Breathtaking nature, visiting picturesque villages and a plethora of historical, cultural and religious sites, wandering around the city, savoring traditional delights of the Greek cuisine, being part of major events are some of the choices you have for living unforgettable moments in #Sparta!
#Sparta is here for you to discover!
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Archive Footage: Municipal building, Statue of Leonidas, Neoclassical buildings, National Gallery/ Koumantarios Gallery of Sparti, Statue of Lycurgus, Gardens of Archaeological Museum, Konstantinos Palaiologos Avenue, Ancient Sparta, Menelaion, Byzantine Baths of Sparta, Hellenistic Bridge – Xirokambi, Vaulted Tomb of Vafeio, Cenotaph of Leonidas, Monument of Karyatides-Karyes, Mystras, Mystras, Archaeological Museum, Museum of Religious Art, Museum of the Olive Oil and Greek Olive Oil, Museum of Modern Sparta, Manousakeion Museum of Urban and Folk Life, Camera Museum-Mystras, Panagia Chrysafitissa, Panagia Lagadiotissa, Monastery Agion Tessarakonta Martyron, Monastery Agioi Anargyroi, Monastery Panagia Zerbitsa, Monastery Golas, Church of Evangelistria, Church of Osios Nikon, Knakion Springs, Mount Taygetos, Maganiari Springs, Vasiloneri-Trypi, Anakolo Canyon, Evrotas River, Kastor Canyon, Mount Parnonas, Plane Trees of Menelaos, Keramos Springs, Karyes, Agios Mamas Springs, Spartathlon, Spartan Race, Palaiologeia, Running, Olive Oil Festival, Mountain Bike Races, Folk Festivals, Motorsports, City Cycling, Cultural Summer Festival, Local Products, Everyday life
Athens Ancient Theatre
A view of the Athens Ancient Theatre on Acropolis. For more travel information and reservations visit
Sparta - Greece HD Travel Channel
The region of Sparta has been inhabited already for 4000 years. King Otto of Greece founded modern Sparta in 1836. He was the first Greek king after independence. It is impossible to miss the monument of Leonidas, whom we will meet again at the Thermopylae. His heroic fight represents the military strength of ancient Sparta.
Sparta was the only Greek Polis that had no defensive walls until the Hellenistic period, as the city's troops were strong enough to fend off an attack.
Nearby a monument commemorates all the great Greek Olympic champions since the beginning of the Games.
On the former Acropolis, we see only a few remains of the ancient city like the ruins of a Stoa and a theater from the Roman Empire.
Sparta always polarized the people. Here one trained the young men to unconditional fight. On the other hand, one can find the first state order with separation of powers here; the great Rhetra, a document on Greek constitutional history that institutionalized political processes.
The Acropolis offers a beautiful view of the Byzantine fortified city of Mystras. The construction of Mystras led to the desolation of ancient Sparta.
please read more:
Die Region um Sparta ist bereits seit 4000 Jahren besiedelt. 1836 gründete König Otto I. das moderne Sparta. Er war der erste griechische König nach der Unabhängigkeit.
Unübersehbar ist das Denkmal von Leonidas, den wir bei den Thermopylen wieder treffen werden. Sein heroischer Kampf steht für die militärische Stärke des antiken Sparta.
Sparta war die einzige griechische Polis, die bis zur hellenistischen Zeit über keine Wehrmauer verfügte, da die Truppen der Stadt stark genug waren, einen Angriff abzuwehren.
In der Nähe befindet sich ein Denkmal mit allen bekannten griechischen Olympiasiegern seit Beginn der Spiele.
Auf der ehemaligen Akropolis sind nur noch spärliche Reste der einstigen Stadt zu sehen, die Ruinen einer Stoa und eines Theaters aus der römischen Kaiserzeit.
Sparta polarisierte immer die Menschen, da es die jungen Männer zu bedingungslosen Kampf erzog. Auf der anderen Seite kann man hier die erste Staatsordnung mit Gewaltenteilung vorfinden; die große Rhetra, ein Dokument zur griechischen Verfassungsgeschichte, das politische Prozesse institutionalisierte.
Von der Akropolis aus hat man einen schönen Blick auf die byzantinische Festungsstadt Mystras. Der Bau von Mystras führte zur Verödung des antiken Sparta.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
The Tomb of Leonidas - Sparta, Greece
Also known as the Leonidaion or Leonidaeon, this 5th century structure is the supposed tomb of King Leonidas. It is located in the center of modern Sparti. There is no evidence linking this structure to Leonidas and no one knows for certain where his remains are located. The massive stone blocks are still impressive and must have been an important and beautiful building. The structure's layout suggests that it was a temple, perhaps dedicated to Apollo.
Filmed by Jeremy Patton and Holly Jett, October 2012