Iasi : Biserica Trei Ierarhi (Church of the Three Hierarchs), Romania.
Biserica Trei Ierarhi (Church of the Three Hierarchs) is a seventeenth-century monastery located in Iaşi, Romania. The monastery is listed in the National Register of Historic Monuments and included on the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The church was erected between 1637 and 1639, by Prince Vasile Lupu, in the Moldavian capital, in honour of three saints (Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, and John Chrysostom), and was blessed by Bishop Varlaam. In 1640, Prince Vasile Lupu, the renowned defender of the Orthodox Church, set up here the first printing press in Moldavia and the Vasilian College, a higher education institute. In 1643, the first volume ever printed in Moldavia was issued in Iaşi. The Trei Ierarhi Church was dedicated by Vasile Lupu to the 20 monasteries on Mount Athos.
The church became renowned for the extraordinary lacery in stone which adorns the facades, from bottom to the top of the derricks. One can count over 30 non-repeating registers of decorative motives. Western architectural elements (Gothic, Renaissance) combine with the Eastern style, of Armenian, Georgian, Persian, Arabian or Ottoman inspiration, in a totally bold conception, whose result is a harmonious ensemble. The effusive scenery makes the church resemble a shrine of architectonic proportions, especially conceived to protect the Sfanta Cuvioasa Parascheva's relics (1641). After the 1882 restoration, the original fresco was derusted, some fragments still being kept today in the monastery's museum.
Near the church one can find the Gothic Hall, which shelters a religious art museum. It has, among other things, objects related to the history of the monastery. In the gate's tower (which today no longer exists), that served as belfry, Vasile Lupu had installed a huge horologe, the first public use clock in Romanian Principalities (1654). During the 1882 restoration, the whole mechanism was disassembled and transported to France, where it remained.
Several Romanian royal figures are buried inside the church: Vasile Lupu (1634-1653), prince of Moldavia, Tudosca (Vasile Lupu's first wife) and Ştefan Vodă, their son; prince of Moldavia and scholar Dimitrie Cantemir (1673--1723); and Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the first ruler of the united Romanian principalities (1859--1866).
Ռումինիայի հայոց թեմ. հայկական հետք
Հաղորդումը պատմում է Բոտոշանի, Յաշի, Ռոմանի, Թրգ Օքնայի, Գալացի, Բրեյլայի, Ֆոքշանի, Պիտեշտի և Կոնստանցիայի հայ համայնքների ու եկեղեցիների մասին, ներկայացնում ծխական կյանքը: Այս քաղաքները ռումինական Մոլդովա և Վալախիա մարզերում են: Հիշատակվում են նաև Տրանսիլվանիայի կաթոլիկ հայերն ու եկեղեցիները:
Armenian Diocese of Romania: Armenian Trace
The program is about the Armenian communities and Churches of Botosani, Iasi, Romani, Tîrgu Ocna, Galati, Braila, Focsani, Pitesti and Constanta, and presents the parish life. These cities are situated in Romanian Moldova and Valahia regions. Catholic Armenians and Churches of Transilvania are also noted.
Cappella Romana at the Iasi Byzantine Music Festival 2017 (Excerpts)
From the Romanian TV broadcast of Cappella Romana's concert at the Iasi Byzantine Music Festival, Iasi, Romania
Biserica Albă din BAIA - The White Church (Suceava County, Romania)
Enable English subtitle ! - Activaţi subtitrarea în româneşte !
Baia is a village in northern Moldova (Romania) located 7 km from the city Falticeni (Suceava County). At the beginning of the 14th century, during the formation of the feudal state of Moldova, Baia was the first capital of the country. In those days, the town even named Moldavia, was an important borough, inhabited by merchants and craftsmen of different nationalities (Romanian, Germans, Hungarians, Armenians, Poles). The church is dedicated to St. George and is known as the White Church. There is no documented year of construction, but according to tradition, it was built by Stephen the Great to honor the victory of 1467 against the Hungarian army led by Matthias Corvinus. Hungarian army entered the Moldova by Trotus Valley, robbed and burned Roman town and in route to Suceava (Moldova's capital) on December 14, 1467 was turned over to Baia and plundered it. In the evening, the Hungarians were drunk, and in the night they were attacked by the army of Stephen the Great, taking them unawares. Hungarians suffered a crushing defeat, King Matthias Corvinus himself was badly injured and barely escaped. After these fights, Baia was devastated and had to be rebuilt. In the centuries that followed, Baia lost its importance. White Church in Baia is a rectangular building with thick walls 1.8 - 2.0 m, made of rough and carved stone. Arches and dome were rebuilt in brick in the early twentieth century. The peculiarity of the church, for which he also received the name of White Church, it was not painted nor inside nor the outside, like Putna Monastery. In the last repairs made in 2002, it was painted by Prof. Dr. Nicolae Sava, the work being completed in 2009. Among the paintings is remarkable the image in wich Lady Mary and child appear alongside Stephen the Great. Other interesting paintings are the Battle of Baia and an image of the old borough Baia.
Baia este o comună în nordul Moldovei situată la 7 km de oraşul Fălticeni (judeţul Suceava). La începutul secolului XIV, în perioada de constituire a statului feudal Moldova, a jucat rolul de cea dintâi capitală a ţării. În acele vremuri, localitatea chiar se numea Moldavia, fiind un târg important, locuit de negustori şi meşteşugari de naţii diferite (români, saşi, unguri, armeni, polonezi). Biserica purtând hramul Sfântu Gheorghe şi cunoscută sub numele de Biserica Albă, este situată la marginea vestică a satului. Nu este documentat anul ridicării, dar conform tradiţiei, ea a fost construită de Ştefan cel Mare pentru a cinsti victoria din 1467 împotriva oştirii maghiare conduse de Matia Corvin. Armata ungară a intrat în Moldova pe Valea Trotuşului, a jefuit şi incendiat Romanul şi în drum spre capitala Suceava, pe 14 decembrie 1467 s-a abătut puţin pe la Baia pe care a prădat-o. Seara, ungurii erau beţi, iar în timpul nopţii au fost atacaţi puternic de oastea lui Ştefan cel Mare, lunându-i pe nepregătite. Ungurii au suferit o înfrângere zdrobitoare, însuşi regele Matia Corvin fiind grav rănit şi scăpând cu greu. După aceste lupte, Baia a fost devastată, trebuind să fie reconstruită. În secolele ce au urmat, Baia şi-a pierdut din importanţă. Biserica Albă din Baia este o construcţie dreptunghiulară cu pereţii groşi de 1,8 - 2,0 m, făcuţi din piatră brută şi cioplită. Bolţile şi turla au fost refăcute din cărămidă la începutul secolul XX. Particularitatea bisericii, pentru care a şi primit denumirea de Biserica Albă, este că nu a fost pictată, nici pe dinăuntru şi nici pe afară, la fel ca Mânăstirea Putna. Cu ocazia ultimelor reparaţii făcute în anul 2002, a fost pictată de către prof. univ. dr. Nicolae Sava, lucrarea fiind terminată în 2009. Dintre picturi se remarcă tablourile în care apar Ştefan cel Mare alături de Doamna Maria şi copii, o reprezentare a Bătăliei de la Baia şi o imagine a vechiului târg Baia.
Daybreak by Kevin MacLeod este licențiată în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution license (
XI Orthodox Dialogue in Romania
In Iasi, Romania, representatives of the Orthodox Church, Islam and Judaism and EPP-ED Members, explore the potential of religion and inter-religious dialogue as an tool to resolve conflicts, during the XI Orthodox Dialogue Conference between the Orthodox Church and the EPP-ED Group on 16-17 October.
How can peace and prosperity be maintained in Europe, and how can common values be used as an instrument of reconciliation?
Meeting of Pope Francis with Patriarch Daniel of Romania 31 May 2019 HD
Apostolic Visit of Pope Francis to Romania.
Meeting of Pope Francis with Patriarch Daniel of Romania, and with the permanent Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the Palace of the Patriarchate, Bucharest, Romania.
Church of the Highlands Romania 2016
Romanian Greek-Catholic Church in Oradea
Oradea, Romania, . July 24, 2012, Divine Liturgy celebrated in the memory of my mother, Mărieș Margareta Ema (Born May 24, 1921, Carei, Romania - Died July 23, 2012., Oradea, Romania).
Romanian Greek-Catholic Church, juridical Status: Major Archiepiscopate, Population: 707,452, {Romanian Church United with Rome, Major Archiepiscopate: Blaj, [776,529] Romania, United States (1697), BRU.ro. BRU.ro. 1999-02-22. Retrieved 2011-04-27.}
Catedrala Sf. Nicolae din Oradea, situată în str. Iuliu Maniu din municipiul Oradea, este catedrala Episcopiei Greco-Catolice de Oradea.
Construcția bisericii începe în anul 1800, când episcopul greco-catolic Ignațiu Darabant demolează mica biserică greco-catolică, și începe construcția unei catedrale. Clădirea are planul în formă de cruce, tavan boltit și o cupolă centrală pictată cu scene biblice. Acoperișul baroc al turnului a fost terminat în 1803, și a ars de două ori în 1836 și în 1907. Actuala formă a turnului a fost concepută de Giovanni Quai și a fost executată între anii 1910-1912. Altarului este așezat spre răsărit. În anul 1948, odată cu interzicerea BRU, lăcașul și-a pierdut statutul de catedrală episcopală și a fost dat în folosința BOR ca biserică parohială.
Lăcașul de cult a fost restituit Episcopiei de Oradea Mare în anul 2005, după îndelungate procese, tratative și tergiversări. Prima liturghie greco-catolică a avut loc, după 57 de ani de întrerupere, la 20 noiembrie 2005, cu participarea a peste 100 de episcopi, preoți și diaconi.
Slujba religioasa din data de 23 iulie 2012 a fost tinuta de Pr. Ioja Balint (data naşterii: 18 Noiembrie 1935, data hirotonirii: 15 August 1990).
The Eastern Catholic Churches (historically known by the now non-complimentary term Uniate Churches, which is still in use in some areas, and also by the inaccurate term eastern-rite Churches) are autonomous, self-governing (in Latin, sui iuris) particular churches in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. Together with the Latin Church, they compose the worldwide Catholic Church. They preserve many centuries-old eastern liturgical, devotional, and theological traditions, shared in most cases with the various other Eastern Christian churches with which they were once associated. A few have never been out of communion with the Pope, a claim made, for instance, by the Maronites. Although the churches with which most were formerly associated may be of traditions out of communion with each other (Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Church of the East), Eastern Catholic churches of whatever tradition are all in communion with one another and with the Latin or Western church. However, they vary in theological emphasis, forms of liturgical worship and popular piety, canonical discipline and terminology. They all recognize the central role of the Bishop of Rome within the College of Bishops and his infallibility when speaking ex cathedra. A number of theological concerns or, in the case of the Eastern Orthodox churches, differences primarily in understanding the role of the Bishop of Rome separate them even from their counterparts of similar tradition but out of communion with Rome, which in general do not admit them to the Eucharist or the other sacraments.
Historically, Eastern Catholic Churches were located in Eastern Europe, the Asian Middle East, Northern Africa, and India. Due to migration they are now also in Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania, where eparchies have been established alongside the Latin dioceses. Eritrea has only an Eastern Catholic hierarchy, with no Latin structure.
The terms Byzantine Catholic and Greek Catholic are used of those who belong to Churches that use the Byzantine Rite. The terms Oriental Catholic and Eastern Catholic include these, but are broader, since they also cover Catholics who follow the Alexandrian, Antiochian, Armenian and Chaldean liturgical traditions.
Romanian Orthodox Church - Byzantine Music - Aliluia
Byzantine Music
Conferință despre situația creștinilor din Siria la Ateneul din Iași
Romania - Suspended between heaven and earth - Trailer
We present the first 15 minutes of our production Romania - Suspended between heaven and earth (50:00)
Production Date: 2011
Duration: 50:00
Copyright : CRTN
Language: English, French
Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann
Director: Magdalena Wolnik
At that time we lived in Turda. There was always a policeman from the Securitate in church, who watched our every move. One day our Mother was summoned by the Securitate. An officer asked her:' Do you not realize that you are in fact harming your children by taking them to church?'
Mother replied:' I do not meddle in your children's upbringing, so don't you meddle in the upbringing of my children!'
She was so adamant, that the Securitate never summoned her again, and we practically never had any problems with them.
Rt. Rev. Florentin Crihalmeanu, Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Romania
There were about 1.5 million Catholics in Romania before Communism in 1948. After 50 years of some of the worst religious persecution anywhere there are still today over 700,000 Catholics. Many of these belong to the Greek Catholic Church, a Church of the Byzantine rite that never separated from Rome. This time of suffering bore great fruits - one such is the vocation of Florentin Crihalmeanu, today the Greek Catholic Bishop of Cluj, Romania. The producers spent three weeks with the Greek Catholic Bishop and the resulting film is an in-depth portrait of a man of God seeking to rebuild his Church and serve his faithful in an extraordinary time in Romania's history.
Bishara Ebeid on Middle Eastern Christianity
Dr. Bishara Ebeid gives an overview of session 8, Middle Eastern Christianity: Past & Present presented by the Christianity in the Middle East Group at the IOTA Inaugural Conference, Iasi, Romania, 9-12 January 2019.
The Middle East is the ancient heartland of Christianity. After the Islamic conquest of the Middle East and North Africa, an estimated half of the world’s Christians found themselves under Islamic rule. These Christians spoke Greek, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Georgian, and Armenian. The present session will bring together several contributions on Middle Eastern Christianity, focusing especially on the Syriac and Armenian churches.
Leeland - Way Maker (Official Live Video)
Way Maker (Official Live Video)
Cover of Sinach’s original song, “Way Maker
CCLI # 7115744
Stay Connected:
Verse 1
You are here, moving in our midst
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, working in this place
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, moving in our midst
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, working in this place
I worship You, I worship You
You are
Waymaker, miracle worker
Promise keeper, light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are
You are
Waymaker, miracle worker
Promise keeper, light in the darkness
My God, that is who You are
Verse 2
You are here, touching every heart
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, healing every heart
I worship You, I worship You
Verse 3
You are here, turning lives around
I worship You, I worship You
You are here, mending every heart
I worship You, yeah, I worship You, Lord
That is who You are
Oh, that is who You are (That is who You are)
Oh, and that is who You are (That is who You are)
My Jesus, that is who You are (That is who You are)
Oh, we lift You up, that is who You are (That is who You are)
My Jesus
Even when I don't see it, You're working
Even when I don't feel it, You're working
You never stop, You never stop working
You never stop, You never stop working
#WayMaker #Leeland #BetterWord
© 2016 Sinach (adm at CapitolCMGPublishing.com, excluding the UK & Europe which is adm by Integrity Music) CCLI # 7115744
LITURGHIE LA BISERICA ARMEANĂ BRĂILA (24.03.2013). Imagine: Gabriel Stoica (Muzeul Brăilei)
Arhimandritul Datev Hagopian, Întâistătătorul Bisericii Armene din România, însoţit de un sobor de preoţi, a oficiat o liturghie la Biserica Armeană din Brăila -- duminică, 24 martie 2013 - în prezenţa Excelenţei Sale, domnul Hamlet Gasparian, ambasadorul Republicii Armenia la Bucureşti şi a numeroşi membri ai Comunităţilor Armene din Brăila, Bucureşti, Galaţi, Suceava, Târgu Ocna şi Focşani. Chiar dacă hramul cunoscut al Bisericii Armene din Brăila este Sfânta Maria, în anii ce vor urma slujba de hram a acestei biserici se va oficia la 24 martie, dat fiind faptul că hramul Sfintei Maria se sărbătoreşte, de obicei, la biserica Mănăstirii Hagigadar din Suceava, precum şi la alte biserici din ţară, cu acelaşi hram.
Evenimentul de duminică este foarte important pentru armenii din oraş şi pentru Brăila, în condiţiile în care această biserică nu are preot de foarte mulţi ani, în ultima vreme aici slujind doar sporadic, în cazul unor evenimente de familie, preoți din București și din alte comunități din țară.
Muzeul Brăilei a oferit cu această ocazie oficialităţilor cărţi apărute la Editura „Istros a Muzeului Brăilei şi filmul „Brăila. Mica Europă. Mulţumim pentru invitaţie domnului Marian Agajamian, vicepreşedintele Comunităţii Armene Brăila.
Pope Francis – Blaj – Divine Liturgy and Regina Coeli 2019-06-02
Romania, Blaj-Field of Liberty – Divine Liturgy with the Beatification of 7 Greek-Catholic Martyr bishops –Recitation of the Regina Coeli
Biserica armeana Sfantului Grigorie luminatorul Armenia Televiziunea Romana
Mai plaiut cu lemne
Mai plaiut cu lemne
Doina Revival in Sibiu, Astra Festival
Doina Revival is a project proposed by Maria Cassandra Hausi and developed together with Mehdi Aminian with various arrangements and compositions. This project is mainly inspired by Romanian Doina and Persian traditional and folklore music.
Maria Casandra Hausi: Vocal (Maramures, Romania)
Mehdi Aminian: Ney, Setar, Vocal (Iran)
Iosua Galev : Piano (Romania)
Sabin Penea : Violin (Romania)
Marti Hosta: Percussion (Spain)
Exclusiv în România: Pelerini la Şumuleu (@TVR1)
Ediţia emisiunii Exclusiv în România difuzată sâmbătă, 25 mai, de la ora 16:30, la #TVR1, când membrii echipei au fost pelerini la Şumuleu, locul în care, pe 1 iunie, Papa Francisc va oficia Sfânta Liturghie la sanctuarul Fecioarei Maria.
Mai multe detalii găsiţi pe tvr.ro
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TVR este marca inregistrata si este protejata.
English version of the article below
Город Черновцы расположен на юго-западе Украины в 40 километрах от румынской границы. На протяжении многих столетий на его территории решались судьбы украинского, российского, румынского и еврейского народов. Этот город входил в состав Австро-Венгерской и Российской империй, а также Румынии, был под гнетом Османской империи, однако, несмотря на непростое историческое прошлое, Черновцы сумели сохранить в своем общем архитектурном образе буковинские этнические мотивы.
Одним из наиболее известных строений Черновцов является здание университета. Многим туристам оно напоминает школу волшебства Хогвартс из книги о Гарри Поттере - он похож на сказочный замок и особенно привлекателен в зимнее время года.
От Центральной площади отходит самая красивая улица города - некогда Панская, а ныне Ольги Кобылянской. Говорят, что во времена Австро-Венгрии и Румынии сюда не пускали в грязной обуви, а дворники ежедневно мыли брусчатку и тротуары теплой водой с мылом - вот и пошла пословица, что улицу подметают букетами роз. Здесь размещались самые фешенебельные салоны, кафе и рестораны, а нынче это ансамбль пешеходной улицы - более 700 метров, где у каждого дома своя история и архитектура, стоит памятник тому самому дворнику с метлой из роз и Краеведческий музей, а по центру аллеей растут деревья, расположены лавочки и местная достопримечательность - декоративная кованая карета.
Многонациональная культура, неповторимые пейзажи и античная архитекртура в сочетании с гостеприимным населением не оставят равнодушным любого, посетившего город Черновцы. Город связан с жизнью многих деятелей русской, украинской, еврейской, румынской, молдавской, австро-немецкой и армянской культур. В этом ролике вы можете увидеть такие объекты, как: Армянская церковь, Костёл Иисуса, Ратуша, улица имени Ольги Кобылянской, Черновицкий национальный университет имени Юрия Федьковича, театральная площадь, соборная площадь и многие другие.
Украина, Черновицкая область, город Черновцы
Обзор города Черновцы был снят весной 2019 года
Население города Черновцы на 2019 год - 264.427 человек
The city of Chernivtsi is located in the south-west of Ukraine, 40 kilometers from the Romanian border. For many centuries, the fate of the Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian and Jewish peoples was decided on its territory. This city was part of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires, as well as Romania, was under the oppression of the Ottoman Empire, however, despite the difficult historical past, Chernivtsi managed to preserve Bukovinian ethnic motifs in their general architectural image.
One of the most famous buildings in Chernivtsi is the university building. To many tourists, it resembles the Hogwarts School of Magic from the Harry Potter book - it looks like a fairytale castle and is especially attractive in the winter season.
The most beautiful street of the city departs from the Central Square - once Panskaya, and now Olga Kobylyanskaya. They say that in the times of Austria-Hungary and Romania they didn’t let them in dirty shoes, and the janitors washed the paving stones and sidewalks with warm soapy water every day - that’s the proverb that sweeping the street with bouquets of roses. It housed the most fashionable salons cafes and restaurants and now it is an ensemble of a pedestrian street more than 700 meters where each house has its own history and architecture there is a monument to the same janitor with a broom of roses and the Museum of Local Lore and trees grow in the center of the avenue there are shops and a local attraction a decorative forged carriage.
Multinational culture, unique landscapes and ancient architecture in combination with a hospitable population will not leave anyone indifferent who visited the city of Chernivtsi. The city is connected with the life of many figures of Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Romanian, Moldavian, Austro-German and Armenian cultures. In this video you can see such objects as: Armenian Church, Church of Jesus, Town Hall, Olga Kobylyanskaya Street, Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fedkovich, Theater Square, Cathedral Square and many others.
Ukraine, Chernivtsi region, Chernivtsi city
Overview of the city of Chernivtsi was shot in the spring of 2019
According to the data for 2019, the population of the city of Chernivtsi is 264.427 people
Ship Wrek, Zookeepers - Ark
AEI (от лица компании NCS); Featherstone Music (publishing)
#Черновцы #Chernivtsi #Ukraine