Bucovina Village Museum ,Romania
Bucovina Village Museum ,Romania
Bucovina Village Museum is one of the best and beautiful places I've been. This museum recreates the old fashion villages very close to reality. I loved that they added old songs so the atmosphere is almost real.
SONG:Gheorghe Zamfir-De cand ne-aflat multimea
Bucovina is one of the most attractive and visited touristic areas in Romania. No wonder this area(famous today all over the world) was given in 1975 the Pomme d'Or international prize by The International Federation of Travel Writers and Tourism Journalists. The century-old architecture monuments together with the frescos from this country spot were listed by UNESCO among all the universal art monuments.
Keeper of ancient civilization, where history and legend merge together, Suceava district holds evidences of man's presence from ancient times.The 96 incineration tombs found out at Zvoristea, as well as the archaeological discoveries in Silistea Scheii, Suceava , Bosanci and Dolhestii Mari, prove that Thracian --Geta and Dacian settlements existed there a long time ago.
The lands of Suceava represented the places where Moldavia became an independent and feudal state in the 14th century. Locations such as Baia, Siret, Suceava, Radauti still keep edifices (fortresses, church foundations, princely homes) dating the time of the first Moldavian voivods. Other localities, such as Putna, became a strong manifestation for Romanian people's sense for an united nation. To this common sense many important persons contributed: Mihai Eminescu, Mihai Slavici, Ciprian Porumbescu and some other young people that came here all over Romanian lands. This fact strongly expresses the active role the people from these lands have played along the history.
Suceava, Romania - Winter Wonderland in a Medieval City
The historical city of Suceava Romania is the capital of Suceava County, located in the Bucovina region of Romania. Suceava played a huge and significant role throughout the country's history. The city served as the medieval Principality of Moldavia from 1388 to 1565.
Many great rulers in Romania's history have lived and governed from within the city's walls, including Stephen the Great, and Petru Rareș, among dozes of others over many decades. Today, the city with a population of about 90,000 serves as a economical hub for NE Romania.
The city is found under a humid continental climate, typified by large seasonal temperature differences, with warm to hot (and often humid) summers and cold (sometimes severely cold) winters.
This year Suceava's first major snow came on November 19th and caught me by surprise. Since I was free that day, I decided to walk around a few area's of the city and film the different sites. I hope you enjoy!
0:02 - The Old Style Church of Saint John the New from Suceava
1:40 - Bar of America
2:07 - Jupiter Alley - Graffiti
2:49 - Lalelelor Alley
3:47 - Church of the Three Hierarchs
4:43 - George Enescu Boulevard
7:18 - Nativity Orthodox Cathedral
10:31 - Marasesti Park
10:54 - Mărăști Street
12:11 - Mihai Eminescu Street
12:43 - Church of Saint Nicholas
13:29 - Stephen the Great High School
14:10 - Nicolae Bălcescu Street
15:09 - Suceava Center
15:55 - House of Culture
16:55 - Petru Rareș Statue
17:20 - Center Park
18:00 - Museum of Natural Sciences
18:36 - Roman Catholic Church of St. John Nepomuk
19:18 - Administrative Palace
20:01 - Ciprian Porumbescu Statue
21:25 - Suceava Heros Monument
22:26 - Ana Ipătescu Street
24:30 - Winged Bucovina Statue
25:25 - Petru II Mușat Statue
26:25 - Museum of Bucovina
28:13 - Stephen the Great Street
28:48 - Roses Park
30:34 - Palace of Justice
32:37 - May 1 Boulevard
33:01 - Suceava City Hall
34:22 - Institute Park
36:13 - Stephen the Great University
36:34 - Scurtă Street
37:37 - Saint John the New Hospital
39:15 - Zorilor Street
40:11 - Curcubeu
INTALNIRI BUCOVINENE - Bucovinian Meetings (Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Suceava County, Romania)
Festivalul Internaţional de Folclor Întâlniri Bucovinene, aflat în acest an la cea de a XVI-a ediţie românească şi la cea de a XXVI-a ediţie internaţională, s-a desfăşurat în perioada 17-19 iulie 2015, la Câmpulung Moldovenesc, judeţul Suceava, România.
Vedeti și:
The International folklore festival BUCOVINIAN MEETINGS at 26 years, Campulung Moldovenesc, Suceava County, Romania, 17-19 July 2015.
Participants - folk groups: Berehynia (Ukraina), Cheremshyna (Ukraina), Csillagosvény Népdalkör (Hungary), Dolina Nowego Solonca (Poland), Kozatska Berehynia (Ukraina), Perlyna Karpat (Ukraina), Rosa (Poland), Sebestyén Adám Székely Társulat (Hungary), Smerichka (Ukraina), Mica Poiană (Poiana Mărului, Romania), Soloceanca (Solonețul Nou, Romania), Rosa (Poland, vocal), Floare de Cireș (Moldova), Răzeșii (Moldova), Frunze de Dor (Moldova), Romanați (Caracal, Romania), Floare de Colț (Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Romania), Ciprian Porumbescu (Suceava, Romania), Flori de pe Dorna (Poiana Stampei, Romania).
See and:
Sculptorul Cătălin Moldovan la Zilele Humorului (jud. Suceava, Romania)
Sculptorul Cătălin Moldovan din Câmpulung Moldovenesc, prezent cu un stand de sculpturi la festivitățile prilejuite de Zilele orașului Gura Humorului (jud. Suceava, 12.07.2015) ne prezintă lucrările expuse.
Catalin Moldovan, sculptor from Campulung Moldovan, exposes several works in the city Gura Humorului (Suceava County, July 12, 2015) and presents sculptures exhibited.
Asociere între Casa de Cultură a Sindicatelor Suceava și Primărie
NEst-TV online:
Data difuzare: 25 Mai 2017
Primarul Sucevei, Ion Lungu, a declarat că municipalitatea a primit o propunere de parteneriat din partea Asociației Naționale a Caselor de Cultură ale Sindicatelor din România, pentru modernizarea Casei de Cultură din municipiul Suceava.
Bianca - a pretty little girl from Moldovitza, Romania
In quest of Bianca, I visited the monastery Humor.
Voievod Petru Rareş and his chancellor Teodor Bubuiog constructed Humor Monastery in 1530 . The monastery was built over the foundation of a previous monastery that dated from around 1415. The Humor monastery was closed in 1786 and was not reopened until 1990.
Humor is protected by a wooden stockade rather than a stone rampart, and lacks the characteristic spire - indicating that it was founded by a boyar, not the ruler. The belfry with a belvedere was erected in 1641, under Vasile Lupu's rule.
Humor was one of the first of Moldavian painted monasteries and, along with Voronet is probably the best preserved. The master painter responsible for Humor's frescoes, which were painted in 1535, is Toma of Suceava, the most famous church painter of the time.
Humor Monastery is now a small convent, served by nuns.
Music: 1.Ciprian Porumbescu - Balada;
2.Antique - Follow me
Muzeul Hanului Domnesc din Suceava
Muzeul Hanului Domnesc din Suceava
Mănăstirea Sihăstria Putnei, judetul Suceava (Bucovina) (Video) (2018)
Un scurt video de prezentare cu Mănăstirea Sihăstria Putnei din judetul Suceava (Bucovina), filmat cu telefonul mobil la o calitate nu prea reusita, dar indeajuns cat sa va faceti o idee si sa-i faceti o vizita.
Pentru mai multe detalii vizitati
Taraf si voie buna in Trenul de Epoca Moldovita
13 august 2011 = Taraf și voie bună în Trenul de Epocă Moldovița
Dansurile și cântecele populare pe care călătorii Trenului de Epocă Moldovița le-au încins pe peroanele stațiilor unde locomotiva cu abur a oprit dovedesc faptul că bucovinenii încă știu să păstreze și să conserve aceste frumoase obiceiuri.
Traseul urmat de Trenul de Epocă Moldovița a fost Vama - Vatra Moldoviței - Vama - Molid - Frasin - Gura Humorului și mai departe către Cacica și Suceava Burdujeni. Locomotivele electrice întâlnite pe traseul liniei 502, care tractau obișnuitele Trenuri Personal Suceava - Ilva Mică sau Trenurile Accelerat Vatra Dornei Băi - Iași sau Iași - Timișoara Nord, păleau în fața măiestriei locomotivei cu abur 230.516. Deși cu mult mai puternice, locomotivele electrice de mii de kilowați nu păreau decât niște vagoane motorizate în fața uzinei negre pe șine care tracta Trenul de Epocă Moldovița.
Horele, sârbele, precum și cântecele lăutărești care au lăsat cu gura căscată mulți privitori de pe traseul liniei dintre Obcinile Bucovinei reușeau cu succes să aducă aminte de vechi și frumoase obiceiuri românești. Trecând de la distracție la asumarea responsabilității și asigurarea siguranței circulației, operatorul din imagine completa cu ulei la cutiile de osie cu cuzineți ale vagoanelor de călători.
Călătoria pe linia închisă de CFR, Vama - Moldovița, a putut fi posibilă cu ajutorul efortului depus de locomotiva diesel-hidraulică a Depoului Suceava Nord, dar numai până la Vatra Moldoviței. Acolo, turiștii din trenul pus la dispoziție cu ocazia programului Pelerin în Bucovina 2011, au fost serviți de săteni cu plăcinte cu brânză, vișinată și rachiu, în timp ce câțiva călători mai pioși de fel s-au orientat către a vizita Mănăstirea Moldovița, monument înscris în Patrimoniul Unesco.
Și totuși, văzând și dumneavoastră, ca și mine, cele ce s-au întâmplat în frumoasa zi de vară de 13 august 2011, dilema mea este... să rămânem sau nu... în Bucovina pe lângă care ne-am născut?
Ansamblul Oașul - Romanian traditional dance from Oaș Country
Ansamblul Oașul - Romanian traditional dance from Oaș Country - Danse traditionnelle roumaine de Pays d'Oaș
Executive producer: Ionuț Silaghi de Oaș
© & ℗ 2013 by Ionuț Silaghi de Oaș
Artizanat - localitatea Vama - Suceava
Răscolul stânii din Botoș - Ciocănești, la ediția a XI-a
Televiziunea Intermedia Suceava:
Site -
Facebook -
YouTube -
Foxtrot de Hram
Foxtrot de Hram - Fanfara de la Chetris
If you like this, check out
Video by Nicholas Weidner
Filmed at The Museum of Jurassic Technology
The Romanian Spring Festival Atlanta 2014 - Bucovina Atlanta
Meeting the Romanian folk dance groups: Bucovina
The folk dance group Bucovina was formed back in 2011, with the original members Garofas Milici (the group's leader), Irina Milici, Iulia Babici, Ovidiu Babici and, for a short period of time, Mihaela Smole. In 2013 the group expanded by adding Melania Buturca-Florescu and Danut Buturca-Florescu, leading to its actual six-members structure.
The mission of the group is to promote the folk dances from all of Romania's regions. Garofas believes that one of the most precious treasures of the Romanian culture is its folklore.
The group's repertoire include traditional dances from the Romanian areas of Bucovina, Maramures, Cluj, Banat, Oltenia, Basarabia, etc. The group's representations go well beyond the dances, with Bucovina performing complex shows including very old Winter rituals as well as joyous Wedding rituals.
The first dance event Garofas remembers is when he was five, at kindergarten. There was an audition for a dance group and, when the music started, Garofas's feet wouldn't stop. He was surprised, and the jury convinced. It was that simple! says Garofas, laughing about it after so many years.
Garofas and Irina were professional dancers with the ensemble Ciprian Porumbescu from Suceava, for 10 years and 3 years, respectively. Ovidiu and Iulia were part of the Arcanul dance ensemble of Suceava's University.
Garofas's biggest passion is the love of folklore. That kept him going throughout the good times, and the tough ones. In 1999 Garofas and Irina were in a tour in US and they decided to change their path in life, settling for the Atlanta area.
The group held various performances at the Romanian Festivals in Atlanta GA, Jacksonville FL, Hollywood FL, Detroit MI, and Washington DC. Bucovina represented Romania at the International Folklore Festivals in Spartanburg SC (36 countries) and Atlanta GA. Bucovina also toured next to well-known Romanian artists: Maria Dragomiroiu, Mirabela Dauer, Nicu Paleru in Charlotte NC and Traian Ilea and Valeria Codoreanu in Nashville TN. The group keeps a very close relationship with the impresario Belu Mihu.
Bucovina prepared five dances for this year's Romanian Spring Festival. The music of the dances is made in collaboration with the National Folklore Orchestra Lautarii, led by maestro Nicolae Botgros. The process of creating special music for the dances is tedious, but very rewarding in the end says Garofas.
One day Bucovina hopes to build and coach a children's dance group so they can transfer to the next generation the skills, the knowledge and above all, the infinite love of the Romanian folklore. But until then, they would love for you to come to discover or rediscover the beauty of the Romanian culture represented via the entire lineup of artists scheduled to perform at the Romanian Spring Festival.
Come and see Bucovina at the Romanian Spring Festival on the 17th and 18th of May!
Romanian Artists, Auckland
The work of seven Romanian artists living in Auckland, New Zealand. The exhibition is open until August 29, 2011, at Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna, Auckland. Organised by Doina, Auckland's Romanian Community, Event manager, Adina Giurgiu.
Noaptea Muzeelor Mediesene cu patru institutii deschise | novatv.ro
Medieşenii sunt invitaţi sâmbătă să treacă pragul instituţiilor muzeale din oraş. Pentru prima dată anul acesta va fi organizat un program unitar dedicat acestui eveniment muzeistic, fiind implicate toate instituţiile locale de profil. Astfel, publicul va avea posibilitatea parcurgerii unui veritabil tur cultural al tuturor muzeelor medieşene, Muzeul Municipal Mediaş, Casa Gazelor Naturale, Muzeul Hermann Oberth şi Casa Memorială Stephan Ludwig Roth.
Cincy Folk Dance Halloween 2010 - Part 1
This was filmed at the Cincinnati Folk Dancers' 2010 Halloween Party
The dances are:
1. Arcanul Batranesc
2. Ajde Jaro
3. (not sure)
4. Arcanul De La Fundu
5. Spiro