Dragomirna Monastery in Suceava, Romania ╰⊰¸¸.•¨* ORTHODOX HEART
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Dragomirna Church's 17th Century Frescoes, Suceava (ROMANIA)
Romania (#21): Patrauti and Dragomirna Monasteries
Holy Cross of Patrauti ... Year Built: 1487. Built by: Stephen the Great. The church of the Holy Cross is small but well proportioned, consisting only of a pronaos, a naos and a chancel. The church of the Holy Cross of Patrauti is situated not far from the town of Suceava in the Valley of Suceava River. Once hidden deep in the woods, Patrauti village was chosen as the location for the single convent of nuns founded by Stephen the Great. The church was built in 1487, as written in the commemorative inscription above the entrance.
DRagomirna ... The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Year Built: 1609. Built by: Metropolitan Bishop Anastasie Crimca. The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit is unique in all of Romania for its unusual proportions. It is by far the tallest and narrowest church ever built. Its walls are not painted, but decorated with stone carvings.
In 1602, at the Metropolitan Bishop Anastasie Crimca's initiative, a small monastery chapel dedicated to St. John the Evangelist and the Prophets Elijah and Enoch, was built not far from the city of Suceava. Although of much reduced dimensions, the chapel was innovative in plan and the handling of space. It has a rounded chancel, a rectangular naos and, instead of a pronaos, an open three-sided exonarthex. The three openings and two open doorways have massive pillars on both sides and oriental ogee arches. The chapel is built with bricks and rough blocks of stone. A decorative band, made up of three rows of enameled green and turquoise bricks, encircles the building just below the windows and openings.
+++Placed among the beautifull hills of Bucovina(SUCEAVA-ROMANIA),the Dragomirna monastery stands tall defying time, inside the fortress walls. Built as to face the hights, in a search for light from among the forest, shadowed by a cortain of fir trees and majestically reflected by the lake nearby, this place of prayer, through its ancientness, through the originality of its style, through the its elegant and solid shape, through the picturesque awakens the admiration of each visitor, so that in its presence the pilgrim is as impressed as is the historian or the art critic. Besides the beauty of the landscape, the unusual location, what leaves an unforgettable impression is the peculiar elegancy of the monument, withholding geometrical rigors of great taste, an unique stature through its proportions and lengths, exceeding all of the other Moldavian medieval monuments.Probably this uniqueness of the monument attracted since early times the attention of experts, whom, depending on the period of time they lived in, spoke of its value, always giving special reason to it great originality.The Medieval Art Complex Dragomirna includes the small church, the big church, the defence walls surrounding the place, the old building of the ecumenics, the five towers, the cells of the monks and the beadle.
+++Aflata in nordul Moldovei,la 15 km de Suceava,vestita ctitorie a marelui mitropolit si carturar ANASTASIE CRIMCA,se numara printre numeroasele monumente bisericesti si de arta religioasa,care atrag admiratia si pretuirea vizitatorilor din tara si de peste hotare.Se inalta de peste veacuri ca o marturie pentru zbuciumul trecutului moldovenesc,pentru iscusinta si dragostea de frumos a oamenilor de peste aceste meleaguri.
Romania 4k: Manastirile Bucovinei: Dragomirna, Sucevita si Voronet - iun.2017
Mănăstirea Dragomirna din Suceava, România ╰⊰¸¸.•¨* INIMA ORTODOXĂ - Romanian
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Views of Dragomirna Monastery
Views of the Romanian Orthodox Monastery of Dragomirna, near Suceava. Photos taken by me during our May, 2006 trip to Romania.
Romania- Dragomirna Monastery
The Monastery was built at the beginning of the XVII th century by the Metropolitan Anastasie Crimca.
Dragomirna Monastery Romania
The Dragomirna Monastery was built during the first three decades of the 17th century, 15 km from Suceava, in Mitocu Dragomirnei commune. It is the tallest medieval monastery in northern Moldavia and renowned in Orthodox architecture for its unique proportions and intricate details, mostly carved into stone. It lies among forested hills of fir and oak. The history of the monastery started in 1602, when the small church in the graveyard was built and dedicated to Saints Enoch, Elijah and John the Theologian. In 1609 the dedication of the larger church was made to the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
Unlike other monasteries, there is no votive inscription at Dragomirna. The year in which it was built and the names of the founders were discovered only after study of the documents of the time. The founders were the same as for the small church in the graveyard, the scholar, artist and Metropolitan Anastasie Crimca; the high chancellor Lupu Stroici; and his brother the treasurer Simion Stroici. Born in Suceava as the son of merchant Ioan Crimca and of the princess Carstina, Anastasie Crimca became a monk at the Putna monastery when he was young. There Crimca built his reputation as a prelate, patriot, and scholar and, above all, as an artist, which was expressed through his whole life. He ascended to the highest ranks in the Orthodox Church and became, in 1608, the Metropolitan of Moldavia. During the summer of 1600, he took the oath of faith to Michael the Brave (also known as 'Mihai Viteazu), who entered the princely seat of Moldavia without fighting and succeeded in joining together the three Romanian lands for the first time.
According to the inscription above the bell tower, in 1627 during the rule of Miron Barnovschi, because of the frequent invasions by the Turks and Tatars, the monastery was endowed by the prince with a defensive wall, which made it look like a fortress. In the four corners there are narrow square towers. On the western and northern sides are the cells, built between 1843 and 1846. They were part of the general reconstruction. Inside the precincts, on the right side of the entrance is the vaulted refectory, built in the Gothic style. It now holds the Dragomirna museum of ancient art. The large church's plan is a much-elongated rectangle, without side apses. It seems to be built up to defy the heights, to seek the light; it symbolized prayer soaring from the bottom of one's heart towards the holy sky.
Architectural details[edit]
Seeing it is a joyful surprise wrote the great historian Nicolae Iorga. It's tall and narrows like a fine casket with holy relics; an architectural jewel which adorns the ancient woods of Bucovina. The church is built mostly of raw, unpolished stone, except for the pillars, which end with buttresses made of polished stone. At the windows, Gothic-style frets have intersected bars. Under the cornice, there are two bands of frized arcatures. The church is encircled with a stone belt of three alternately woven bands. This belt, a symbol of the Holy Trinity, also contains an allegorical message from the bishop, who lived to see the union of the Romanian-speaking peoples accomplished by Michael the Brave: he urged the coming generations to guide national and faith unity through the Holy Church.
The tower of the church, very tall and slender, decorated throughout, emphasizes the vertical. The total height up to the Cross is 42 meters. The sculptures decorating the tower represent a repertoire of ornamental motifs, geometrical and vegetal - uncommon for the epoch of Michael the Brave and Petru Rareş. The interior consists of the portico, the bema, the nave and the altar. The portico is elevated above the churchyard; from the portico to the altar, seven steps enhance the feeling of ascent and differentiate among the chambers of the church. A lace of ribs covers the vaults, a western Gothic style, here used in artistic interpretation by the Metropolitan himself. The motif of the braided rope is found on almost every surface of the vault, arches and intersections with walls. Dragomirna has no funerary chamber; there are five tombs in the portico and one in the bema. The latter may be that of the chief founder, metropolitan Anastasie Crimca.
The church at Dragomirna is decorated with splendid frescoes, but they are to be found only in the altar and the nave. No one knows whether the bema and the portico were also formerly painted. The paintings represent yet another innovative element, both in themes and in painting techniques, related most closely to iconographic and miniature art. The Dragomirna museum contains precious elements of Romanian medieval civilization: embroideries; bookbinding fitted with gilded silver, most of them made by Grigore Moisiu; crosses carved in cedar and ebony; the candle lit at the dedication of the Big Church; the Homiliary of Metropolitan Varlaam; gold- and silver-embroidered garments; and other ecclesiastical objects and sacerdotal attire.
Monasteri di Putna, Sucevita, Dragomirna, Suceava
Monasteri di Putna, Sucevita, Dragomirna, Suceava, nella regione della Bucovina, Romania.
Suceava - Mănăstirea Dragomirna
Strada Mihai Eminescu - Strada Vasile Alecsandri - Strada Petru Rareş - Strada Mircea Şeptilici - Strada Cernăuţi - Strada Mitocului - Mitocu Dragomirnei - Mănăstirea Dragomirna
Fundal muzical: Rhastafarian, Gorgon City feat. Liv - No More, Krackatoa - Noahs Stark
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Discover Romania: Mănăstirea Dragomirna (@Arhiva TVR)
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Churches of Moldavia - Dragomirna Monastery - a 360° video - 1
This a 360° video reportof a visit at the Dragomirna Monastery - Suceava - Romania.
Mănastirea Sucevița, Suceava, România
Mănastirea Sucevița, Suceava, România
Mănăstirea Sucevița este o mănăstire din România, situată la 18 km de Rădăuți (județul Suceava), înscrisă pe lista Patrimoniului Cultural Mondial UNESCO. Tradiția așează pe valea râului Sucevița, între dealuri, o biserică din lemn și o schivnicie de pe la începutul veacului al XVI-lea.
Legenda spune că, mai târziu, pentru răscumpărarea a cine știe căror păcate, o femeie a adus cu carul ei tras de bivoli, timp de treizeci de ani, piatra necesară actualei construcții. Documentar, mănăstirea este atestată la 1582, în vremea voievodului Petru Șchiopul.
Vă invităm sa vizitați linkurile de mai jos pentru a vedea videoclipuri similare:
Mănăstirea Putna, Suceava:
Mănăstirea Humor, Suceava:
Chilia lui Daniil Sihastrul, Suceava:
Mănăstirea Moldovița, Suceava:
Mănăstirea Voroneț, Suceava:
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Churches of Moldavia - Dragomirna Monastery - a 360° video - 2
This a 360° video report of a visit at the Dragomirna Monastery - Suceava - Romania.
Manastirea Moldovita, Suceava, Romania
Manastirea Moldovita, Suceava, Romania
Mănăstirea Moldovița este una din vechile așezări călugărești, cu un important și glorios trecut istoric, străjuitoare de veacuri la hotarul Moldovei de nord, situată în comuna Vatra Moldoviței la o distanță de circa 15 km de comuna Vama.
Originea acestei mănăstiri rămâne învăluită în negura vremii, tradiția amintind de existența ei încă din timpul voievozilor Mușatini, care au ocrotit-o.
Sub pașnica domnie a lui Alexandru cel Bun, ocrotită și înzestrată de ctitori, mănăstirea a dăinuit până la sfârșitul secolului al XV-lea când, din cauza unei alunecări de teren, s-a prăbușit. Ruinele ei se văd și astăzi, la circa 500 m distanță de actuala mănăstire.
Voievodul Petru Rareș, iubitor de artă ca și tatăl său, Ștefan cel Mare, vrând să continue existența Mănăstirii Moldovița, a ales locul puțin mai la șes de vechea biserică a lui Alexandru cel Bun și a construit actuala biserică a Moldoviței în anul 1532, închinând-o aceluiași hram „Buna Vestire”.
În aceeași epocă, Domnul împrejmuiește Biserica cu ziduri și turnuri de apărare, dându-i aspectul unei mici fortărețe.
Fără îndoială că au existat locuințe, după fundațiile care se văd în partea nordică, pe a căror temelii episcopul Efrem de Rădăuți, între anii 1610-1612, a construit clișarnița (casă egumenească) pentru locuința sa, pentru păstrarea odoarelor bisericii și organizarea unei școli de copiști și miniaturiști, continuând în acest fel opera culturală a lui Petru Rareș.
Biserica a fost pictată în 1537, atât în interior, cât şi în exterior.
Diferenţele de stil semnificative între scene variate indică faptul că trebuie să fi muncit mai mulţi pictori la Moldoviţa.
În 1607 Episcopul de Rădăuţi Efrem a decis construirea solidă a incintei cu trei turnuri.
Pictura interioara nu se abate de la traditie, însa Rastignirea (naos) e socotita cea mai valoroasa realizare pe aceasta tema din bisericile Bucovinei.
Jiltul domnesc din vremea lui Petru Rares (secolul al XVI-lea) este cea mai valoroasa opera de acest gen din Moldova, în buna vecinatate cu broderiile daruite de Voievodul Stefan cel Mare (secolul al XV-lea).
În perioada 1954-1960 Moldoviţa a fost restaurată şi înnoită - acoperişul a fost refăcut în întregime şi i s-a mărit sarpanta pentru protecţia picturii,
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Romania, Bucovina painted monasteries - Voronet Monastery
Photographer:Samuel Magal (samuel@sites-and-photos.com)
The Voroneț Monastery is a medieval monastery in the Romanian village of Voroneț, now a part of the town Gura Humorului. It is one of the famous painted monasteries from southern Bukovina, in Suceava County. The monastery was constructed by Stephen the Great in 1488 over a period of 3 months and 3 weeks to commemorate the victory at Battle of Vaslui. Often known as the Sistine Chapel of the East, the frescoes at Voroneț feature an intense shade of blue known in Romania as Voroneț blue.
Bucovina - Land of Painted Monasteries
Bucovina - Country of beech, offers travelers views of rare beauty and great churches founded by princes and landowners, whose paintings are a delight. After the year 1530, 15-16 centuries monasteries were exterior decorated with famous frescoes with unique colors such as: blue Voronet, red of Humor, green from the
Sucevita and yellow from the Moldovita.
Day 1: Arrival in Bucuresti
Arrival to Bucharest. Transfer to a 4* hotel, centrally located.
Day 2 : Departure Targu Neamt
Departure to Targu Neamt. Lunch in Bacau. Arrival to Targu Neamt . Dinner and accommodation.
Day 3: Departure to Monasteries Agapia -- Varatec --Suceava
Breakfast. Visit Neamt Fortress, one of the monuments of exceptional value in Romania, was meant to defend the western border of Moldova and pasages in the Carpathian Mountains. Departure to monasteries Agapia Varatec, Neamt and Secu.
Lunch near the monasteries. Departure to Suceava . Dinner and accommodation.
Day 4 : Departure to Monasteries Dragomirna -- Voronet -- Humor
Breakfast. Visit to Fortress of Suceava, built in the 14th century, is part of the fortification system constructed in Moldova at the end of the 14th century, when the Ottoman threat occurrence. Visit to the Monastery of St. John the New (1514) - houses the relics of Saint John the New and Dragomirna
Monastery (1602-1609) - with a special architectural value, due to the rigors of geometric refined and unusual proportions.
Lunch in Suceava. Departure to Gura Humorului. Visits to Voronet Monastery (1488) - one of the most valuable foundations of Moldavian prince Stephen the Great, built in only four months and a half and to Humor Monastery (1530).
Frescoes, architecture, beautiful landscapes and popular artistic creation contributed to distinction award Golden Apple Bucovina by the International Federation of Journalists and Writers of Tourism and heritage of Bucovina joining UNESCO catalog - Great monuments of the world.
Biserica (Mănăstirea) SOLCA - Church (Monastery) (Bucovina, Romania)
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The monastery is located in the central-western part of Solca, 57 km west of Suceava. The Solca Monastery was built by Stefan Tomsa II, ruler of Moldavia (1611-1615 and 1621-1623). The church was built in the years 1612-1614, during its first reign, and the cellars, walls, towers, bell tower, abbey house were finished in 1622, during the second reign. It is a place of Orthodox worship, from beginning being dedicated to the Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29). It initially functioned as a monastery of monks, large, rich, owning many villages, domains and accumulating many scents and ecclesiastical values. Here was and a monastic school. After the annexation of Bucovina to the Habsburg Empire (1775-1918), the destiny of the Solca Monastery changed dramatically. It was not among the only three monasteries (Dragomirna, Putna, and Sucevita) that were not dissolved. The monks were scattered, the cells were transformed into dwellings, the bell tower in prison, etc., and the treasure and other values of the former monastery were alienated or disappeared. The church was transformed into a parish church, as it is today. From an architectural point of view, the church combines the Moldavian style of the XVII century with new elements, being similar to the Dragomirna Monastery built during the same period. The church consists of the altar, the nave, the tomb room, the pronaos and the closed porch. During the restoration work of 1901-1902, the dividings walls of the tomb chamber were modified, now being in the form of two large arches. On the nave wall there is a camouflaged door covering the staircase that climbs in a spiral to the secret, a hidden room located above the tomb room and where the treasury of the monastery was stored. Although the church did not serve as a princely necropolis, there are two boyars tombs in the pronaos.
Mănăstirea se află în partea central-vestică a orașului Solca, la 57 Km vest de Suceava. Mănăstirea Solca a fost construită de către Ștefan Tomșa al II-lea, domnitor al Moldovei (1611-1615 și 1621-1623). Biserica a fost construită în anii 1612-1614, în timpul primei sale domnii, iar chiliile, zidurile, turnurile, clopotnița, stăreția au fost terminate în 1622, în timpul celei de a doua domnii. Este un locaș de cult ortodox având de la bun început hramul Sfinții Apostoli Petru și Pavel (29 iunie). Inițial a funcționat ca mănăstire de călugări, mare, bogată, fiind împroprietărită cu numeroase sate, domenii și acumulând multe odoare și valori bisericești. Aici a funcționat și o școală mănăstirească. După anexarea Bucovinei la Imperiul Habsburgic (1775-1918) destinul Mănăstirii Solca se schimbă dramatic. Ea nu s-a numărat printre singurele trei mănăstiri (Dragomirna, Putna și Sucevița) care nu au fost deființate. Călugării s-au împrăștiat, chiliile s-au tranformat în locuințe, clopotnița în închisoare etc., iar odoarele și alte valori ale fostei mănăstiri au fost înstrăinate sau au dispărut. Biserica a fost transformată în biserică parohială, așa cum funcționează și în prezent. Din punct de vedere arhitectural, biserica îmbină stilul moldovenesc de secol XVII cu elemente noi, fiind asemănătoare cu aceea a Mănăstirii Dragomirna, construită în aceeași perioadă. Biserica este formată din altar, naos, camera mormintelor (gropniță), pronaos și pridvor închis. În timpul lucrărilor de restaurare din 1901-1902, pereții despărțitori ai camerei mormintelor au fost modificați fiind acum sub forma a două mari arcade. Pe peretele al naosului este o ușă camuflată care acoperă scara ce urcă în spirală strânsă la ”tainiță”, o cameră ascunsă situată deasupra camerei mormintelor și în care era depozitat tezaurul mănăstirii. Deși biserica nu a servit ca necropolă domnească, în pronaos sunt două morminte boierești.
Bucovina monasteries - Voroneț - Humor
Mănăstirea Voroneț - Mănăstirea Humorului