Jerusalem Israel - The story of the Lion Fountain, Bloomfield Gardens, Yemin Moshe
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera 972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
Lions Fountain, Yemin Moshe, Jerusalem Israel / מזרקת האריות ימין משה
Jerusalem Beautiful Views Israel ירושלים יפה
Bloomfield Garden
Montefiore Windmill
Shalhevet Etsioni
Lions Fountain
Yemin Moshe neighborhood
גן בלומפילד הוא גן עירוני בירושלים. הגן מהווה חלק משרשרת גנים סביב אזור העיר העתיקה והסמוכים לו ביותר הם גן הפעמון שהוקם אחריו מעברו השני של רחוב דוד המלך וכן בוסתן קטן בשם גן גוזלן הגובל בגן ליד מלון המלך דוד.
ימין משה היא שכונה ותיקה בירושלים בקרבת העיר העתיקה. השכונה הוקמה בשנת 1891 כחלק מהיציאה מן החומות, בצמוד לשכונת משכנות שאננים שהקים משה מונטיפיורי, ונקראת על שמו. השכונה ננטשה במלחמת השחרור, ולאחריה יושבה מחדש על ידי עולים מטורקיה ומכורדיסטן, והייתה קרובה לקו העירוני שחצה את העיר.
מזרקת האריות היא מזרקה ופסל בגן בלומפילד שבירושלים. המזרקה הוענקה לירושלים כשי מגרמניה המערבית. המזרקה תוכננה על ידי האמן הגרמני גרנות ראמפף(אנ'), שלצורך עיצובה ביקר בירושלים, בין השאר באתרים ארכאולוגים ובגן החיות התנכי. היא הוצבה בכוונה במקום המקשר בין האוכלוסייה היהודית והערבית בעיר וכן בין העיר העתיקה והחדשה. המזרקה הוקמה בשנת 1989, בעת הקמתה הייתה המזרקה הראשונה בירושלים[1].
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The Lions Fountain timelapse hyperlapse located in a park in the Yemin Moshe. JERUSALEM, ISRAEL
The Lions Fountain timelapse hyperlapse located in a park in the Yemin Moshe by the German sculptor Gernot Rumpf erected in 1989. JERUSALEM, ISRAEL
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20120913 15:54. 20120913 Lion fountain, Jerusalem.
At Miskenot Shaananim garden.
Eternity : The 8th Day
What does the Bible has to say about this rarely talked about 8th Day?
Leviticus 23:1-4,33-41
Numbers 29:17,20,23,26,29,32,35
2 Chronicles 5:1-14
2 Chronicles 7:1-3,7-9
Nehemiah 8:13-18
Exodus 23:14-16
Revelation 11:15-18
Ezekiel 20:33-38
Isaiah 11:1-12
Psalm 95:3-11
Hebrews 4:1-11
Revelation 20:1-3
1 Corinthians 15:24-28
Revelation 20:4-15
Revelation 21:1-5,21-23
Revelation 22
20140811 19:36. Av15 at The Lions fountain Jerusalem
20140811 19:36. Av15 (Jewish calendar. Loving day) at The Lions fountain Jerusalem
Teddy Park Jerusalem-Israel's only sound and light water fountain (Facing the walls of the Old City)
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera 972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
Yemin Moshe neighborhood, Jerusalem, Israel
Yamin Moshe is an old neighborhood in Jerusalem that has become known for its magnificent landscape. Visit us at -
There are around 100 houses in this beautiful neighborhood that faces the western side of the ancient city. Yemin Moshe was the first Jewish neighborhood built outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem Lion
Jerusalem Lion
Standing Layout Off Lion Fountain
I do a flip in Bayville.
Here Saint Veronica wiped the sweat from the face of Jesus. Via Dolorosa - Jerusalem, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
Israel, Jerusalem Yemin Moshe
Israel, Jerusalem Yemin Moshe
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Israel Jerusalem Yemin Moshe
To learn great ways on Savings on a trip like This One press for Great Travel Secrets
Israel, Jerusalem Yemin Moshe
【K】Israel Travel-Jerusalem[이스라엘 여행-예루살렘]통곡의 벽/Jaffa gate/Western Wall/Pray/Dome of the Rock/Rabbi
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[한국어 정보]
이스라엘은 유대인의 나라다. 835만 인구 중 유대교인이 약 75%다. 예루살렘 성벽 안에는 유대교 기독교 이슬람교의 성지가 있다. 대속죄일 전날 밤 중요한 행사가 있어 찾아가 봤다. 많은 사람이 몰려 출입구를 통과하기도 쉽지 않다. 유대인이 가장 거룩하게 여기는 장소 ‘통곡의 벽’이 보인다. “오늘 밤은 대속죄일 바로 전날입니다. 모든 유대인은 다음 새해를 향하여 대속죄일에 금식하고 기도합니다.” “이날은 속죄의 날로 정해져 있습니다. 새해부터 내일 시작되는 대속죄일까지 이 열흘은 특별한 날입니다. 거룩한 열흘 동안 우리는 기도하며 회개합니다.” 이스라엘의 공휴일은 음력을 사용하는 유대력을 기준으로 한다. 올해는 10월 2일이 새해다. 모인 사람들은 새해인사도 나누고 용서의 기도를 한다. “기도 책은 어려운 언어로 적혀 있습니다. 주요 내용은 죄의 용서를 구하는 부분입니다. 우리 조상 모세가 이스라엘 백성이 금송아지 상을 만든 것에 대해 하나님께 용서를 구하는 기도의 구절이 있습니다. 모세가 율법서를 받고 내려왔는데 백성들이 우상을 섬기는 죄를 지은 것에 대해 용서를 구하는 내용을 여러 번 반복하면서 우리의 죄를 용서하시도록 간구합니다.” 모세는 하나님에게 처음 받아온 십계명으로 우상을 만든 유대인을 벌하고 금송아지를 부숴버렸다. 다시 산에 올라 40일 만에 용서를 받고 두 번째 십계명을 받아온 날이 바로 ‘대속죄일’이다. 용서를 구하는 기도로 내일 시작되는 금식을 준비한다. 자정이 가까워지고 발 디딜 틈 없이 많은 사람이 모였다. 행사는 텔레비전으로 생중계되고 기도소리는 유일하게 남은 유대인의 성전, 통곡의 벽을 타고 밤하늘에 가득 찬다. 현재 통곡의 벽 안쪽은 이슬람교도의 성지 황금사원이다. 황금사원 자리는 원래 솔로몬의 화려한 성전이 있던 곳이다. 그러나 로마가 폐허로 만들었고, 이슬람의 침공이후는 이슬람의 성지가 됐다. 이슬람교도는 이곳에서 마호메드가 승천했다고 믿는다.
[English: Google Translator]
Israel is a country of Jews. Of the 835 million people, about 75% are Jews. Within the walls of Jerusalem are the holy sites of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There was an important event on the eve of the Day of Atonement. It is not easy for many people to get through the doorway. The place where the Jewish people are most holy is seen. Tonight is the day before the Great Atonement. All Jews fast and pray in the New Year on the Day of Atonement. This day is a day of Atonement. These ten days are a special day from the New Year to the Day of Atonement that begins tomorrow. For ten holy days we pray and repent. The holiday in Israel is based on the Jewish use of the lunar calendar. This year is October 2nd. The gathered people share a greeting for the new year and pray for forgiveness. Prayer books are written in difficult language. The main content is the part of seeking forgiveness of sin. Our ancestor Moses has a verse of prayer asking God for forgiveness for the Israelites making the golden calf. Moses came down with the law and prayed for the forgiveness of our sins by repeatedly asking for forgiveness for the sin of serving the idols. Moses punished the Jews who made idols with the Ten Commandments first received by God And broke the golden calf. It is the day of the Great Atonement that came to the mountain again for forty days and received the second Ten Commandments. Prepare a fast that begins tomorrow with prayer for forgiveness. A lot of people gathered around midnight and without a break. The event is broadcast live on television, and the sound of prayer is filled in the night sky on the walls of the only remaining Jewish temple and wailing. Inside the wall of the current cry is the holy golden temple of the Muslims. The golden temple site was originally where Solomon's colorful temple was located. But it was ruined by Rome, and after the invasion of Islam, it became a holy place of Islam. Muslims believe that Mahomed ascended here.
■클립명: 중동130-이스라엘02-02 통곡의 벽에 퍼지는 기도/Jerusalem Ramparts/Jaffa gate/Western Wall/Pray/Dome of the Rock/Rabbi
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 성수일 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 10월 October
역사, 자연지역,길,공원/광장,park, square,plaza, fountain, satue,종교시설,church,cathedral, temple, mosk, monastery, religion,종교의식,풍습,,ritual,religious ceremony,건물,architecture,building,중동,Middle East,아시아,이스라엘,Israel,Israel,,성수일,2016,10월 October,예루살렘 구,Jerusalem District,יְרוּשָׁלַיִם,
Moshe Lion - Candidate for Jerusalem mayor - Speech 2013
Excerpts from radio broadcast on Jerusalem mayoral elections 2013. Moshe Lion, former head of the Jerusalem development Authority spoke at the OU Israel Center in Jerusalem about his vision for Jerusalem. He went on to be elected to Jerusalem City Council where he served for 5 years. He lost the 2013 election to incumbent mayor Nir Barkat by a narrow margin and went on to join his coalition at city hall. This audio appeared on Israel Beat with Ben Bresky. Photos from 2013 by Mechaya Ruth Read. Historic photos from the GPO archive by Amos Ben Gershom, Moshe Milner, Yaakov Sa'ar, and Avi Ohayon.
Royal Lion Fountain | AD93681
Royal Lion™ Fountain AD93681 - 59.5 in Outdoor garden accent includes: Energy efficient pump . Made with NuCrete® fibre reinforced concrete - Old world quality, Modern day convenience™
Pool of Bethesda
The Pool of Bethesda is located near the Church of St. Anne not too far away from the Lion's gate right near the beginning of the Via Dolorosa at the Old City of Jerusalem.
Since Jerusalem is located on a mountain and because of the scarcity of rain in this region, people used to collect spring and floodwater in big cisterns and pools similar to the pools and cistern that we have here. During the second Temple period, this pool and the surrounding area were used to heal and treat the disabled and this is why this place is called Bethesda which means House of Mercy in Aramaic.
Now you're probably asking what any of this has to do with Jesus.
So this is where Jesus performed one of his miracles of faith. Legend has it that once a day, an angel would grace this pool and stir up the water. The first ailing person to get into the water when it began to stir would be healed immediately. As a result, many disabled people could be seen lying next to the pool waiting for the angel to come and stir up the water. According to the Gospel of St. John 5:2-9, Jesus was walking in the pools' vicinity and saw an ailing person lying next to the pool who had been an invalid for 38 years. When Jesus asked him if he wished to get well, the man told him that since he is so weak, every time the water is stirred, someone always beats him to the pool. Then Jesus said to him Get Up! Pickup your pallet and walk and that's exactly what happened. The man was cured at once.
Now here below is the southern pool of Bethesda, at the end of the winter where you can see the pool with water.
If we look around, aside from the pool, there are the remains of several archeological finding.
Here right next to the pool is the remaining of a Byzantine Basilica for the 5h century.
And here is a Roman pagan temple from the 2nd century for Asclepius, the Greek God of healing. And over there is the remaining of a Crusader Chapel from the 12th century.
Getting back to the present, in the middle of New York's Central Park, there is a fountain with an angel's status: the Angel of the Waters Fountain at Bethesda Terrace.
Church of St. Anne & Pool of Bethesda
Today we are visiting the church of Saint Anne and the pool of Bethesda which are located near the Lions Gate and right at the beginning of the Via Dolorosa.
At this church, Saint Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born to Anne and Joachim -- the only grandparents of Jesus.
This is not just another church. The church of St. Anne is renowned for its outstanding acoustics design and you are just about to see why......
People from all over the world come and sing in the church throughout the day......It is amazing how a voice of one prayer can be sounds like an impressive choirs.
Now let's tell the story of this church.
The church of St. Anne was built by the Crusaders during the first half of the 12th century but was captured by the Moslems in the very same century it was built. The Moslems cleansed the church of its Christian symbols and turned the church into a Madrasab -- a religious school for Moslem children. Above the entrance, you can see an inscription testifying to this event.
Six hundred years later, in 1856, the Ottoman Sultan returned the church to the French, which, 22 years later, entrusted the Church to the White Fathers, an order of the Catholic Church named for the color of its priests' robes.
Now let's see where Mary was born. These stairs lead to the crypt where Mary was born. Note the notes left in the cracks of the stones by worshipers praying to St. Mary.
Right outside St. Anne's Church lays the pools of Bethesda (Aramaic for House of Mercy). During the second Temple period, these pools and the surrounding area were used to heal and treat the disabled.
Now you're probably asking what any of this has to do with Jesus....So this is where Jesus performed one of his miracles of faith.
Legend has it that once a day; an angel would grace these pools and stir up the water. The first ailing person to get into the water when it began to stir would be healed immediately. One day, Jesus was walking in the pools' vicinity and saw an ailing person lying next to the pool who had been an invalid for 38 years. Jesus approached this man and said to him Get Up! Pickup your pallet and walk and that's exactly what happened. The man was cured at once.
Getting back to the present, in the middle of New York's Central Park, there is a fountain with an angel's status: the Angel, of the Waters Fountain, at Bethesda Terrace.
If we look around, aside from the pools, there are the remains of a Roman Temple to Asclepius, the Greek God of Medicine & Healing, and a Byzantine Crusader church.
I hope you have enjoyed visiting St. Anne Church and the pools of Bethesda.
I welcome your comments and suggestions to this video. It is essential that I learn what my viewers are interested in and how I can improve my blog
That is for today and until we meet again in my next video,let's all live the Jerusalem Experience !!!!!
Created by Michel CORREARD Copyright 2018/08