Malta - Mdina St. Paul Cathedral
Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral
Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral Museum
Mdina, Malta. A walk through the town and a visit to St. Paul's Cathedral or the Mdina Cathedral
Mdina, also known by its titles Città Vecchia or Città Notabile, is a fortified city in the Northern Region of Malta, which served as the island's capital from antiquity to the medieval period. Wikipedia
Mdina Gate, also known as the Main Gate or the Vilhena Gate, is the main gate into the fortified city of Mdina, Malta. It was built in the Baroque style in 1724 to designs of Charles François de Mondion, during the magistracy of Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena. Wikipedia
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Paul, commonly known as St. Paul's Cathedral or the Mdina Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Mdina, Malta, dedicated to St. Paul the Apostle. Wikipedia
Cathedral Museum - Mdina - Malta
Malta - Urlaub
April 2018 - Tag 02 - Film 07
Cathedral Museum - Mdina
~MALTA~ MDINA cathedral
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Paul (Maltese: Il-Katidral Metropolitan ta' San Pawl), commonly known as St. Paul's Cathedral or the Mdina Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Mdina, Malta, dedicated to St. Paul the Apostle. The cathedral was founded in the 12th century, and according to tradition it stands on the site of where Roman governor Publius met St. Paul following his shipwreck on Malta. The original cathedral was severely damaged in the 1693 Sicily earthquake, so it was dismantled and rebuilt in the Baroque style to a design of the Maltese architect Lorenzo Gafà between 1696 and 1705. The cathedral is regarded as Gafà's masterpiece.Enjoy :)
(Peal 1) (Video) Bells of the Conversion of St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral in Mdina, Malta.
This peal rang 6 bells: (SIb3) (SOL3) (FA3) (FA3) (RE3) (SIb2)
This church has 7 bells
4 bells of peal
3 bells of clock
The big and small bells were all founded by Baricozzi. The big bell weighs about 2800kg. This cathedral had the oldest existent bell in the Maltese islands that was founded in 1370 but it was decided that the bell isn't in a good condition to stay hanged in the belfry so now it is in the muesum of the cathedral where it is in a safe place and can't be caused any damage by elemets. The note of the bell is SOL 3.
The peal bells:
The small bell was founded in 1960 -- SIb 3
The 3rd big bell was founded in 1727 -- FA 3
The 2nd big bell was founded in 1633 -- RE 3
The big bell was founded in 1960 -- SIb 2
The clock bells:
The small clock bell has a note of MI 4
The 2nd big clock bell was founded in 1616 -- SOL 3
The big clock bell was founded in 1633 -- FA 3
Mdina Cathedral PBS interview
Malta - Mdina - St. Paul's Cathedral
The Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Paul, commonly known as St. Paul's Cathedral or the Mdina Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Mdina, Malta, dedicated to St. Paul the Apostle. Founded 12th century.
Malta (Mdina) 2017
(Peal 3) Bells of the Conversion of St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral in Mdina, Malta.
Prossesion peal
This church has 7 bells
4 bells of peal
3 bells of clock
The big and small bells were all founded by Baricozzi. The big bell weighs about 2800kg. This cathedral had the oldest existent bell in the Maltese islands that was founded in 1370 but it was decided that the bell isn't in a good condition to stay hanged in the belfry so now it is in the muesum of the cathedral where it is in a safe place and can't be caused any damage by elemets. The note of the bell is SOL 3.
The peal bells:
The small bell was founded in 1960 -- SIb 3
The 3rd big bell was founded in 1727 -- FA 3
The 2nd big bell was founded in 1633 -- RE 3
The big bell was founded in 1960 -- SIb 2
The clock bells:
The small clock bell has a note of MI 4
The 2nd big clock bell was founded in 1616 -- SOL 3
The big clock bell was founded in 1633 -- FA 3
Mdina Cathedral Museum Silverware
(Peal 2) Bells of the Conversion of St Paul Metropolitan Cathedral in Mdina, Malta.
This peal rang 5 bells: (SIb3) (SOL3) (FA3) (RE3) (SIb2)
This church has 7 bells
4 bells of peal
3 bells of clock
The big and small bells were all founded by Baricozzi. The big bell weighs about 2800kg. This cathedral had the oldest existent bell in the Maltese islands that was founded in 1370 but it was decided that the bell isn't in a good condition to stay hanged in the belfry so now it is in the muesum of the cathedral where it is in a safe place and can't be caused any damage by elemets. The note of the bell is SOL 3.
The peal bells:
The small bell was founded in 1960 -- SIb 3
The 3rd big bell was founded in 1727 -- FA 3
The 2nd big bell was founded in 1633 -- RE 3
The big bell was founded in 1960 -- SIb 2
The clock bells:
The small clock bell has a note of MI 4
The 2nd big clock bell was founded in 1616 -- SOL 3
The big clock bell was founded in 1633 -- FA 3
Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral Museum Durer
A Night at The Cathedral - Mdina, Malta (24 Feb 2018) (1/8)
The Concert 'A Night at The Cathedral' - 24th February 2018
by the St. Peter Philarmonic Society, Birżebbuġa Symphonic Band
under the Direction of Mro. Michael Bugelli A.T.C.L. The band was accompanied by tenor Charles Vincenti and Sopran Ruth Sammut Casingena.
Aim and Introduction:
This concert was put up by the St. Peter Philarmonic Society, Birzebbuga Symphonic Band A.D. 1990 to commemorate the 50th anniversary (1968-2018) from Saint Pope Paul VI declaration that the relics found in the Necropolis Chamber exactly beneath the Vatican's Basilica Main Altar were the true and authentic remains of the holy and martyred body of Saint Peter Apostle, Patron Saint of the City of Birzebbuga, Malta. A logo with the motto 'Petros Eni' was designed by Kevin Barun a member and musician of our band to commemorate this special anniversary.
(Music) Mro. Carmelo Pace
(Lyrics) Dun Frans Camilleri
Notes: This Year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary from the demise of Mro. Carmelo Pace. This is the first time that this hymn is being played inside Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral. It has to be said that all the works and manuscripts of this Maltese prolific composer are kept inside Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral Museum and archives.
02. PRELUDIO (Excerpt from the Cantata 'Tu Es Petrus')
Music by Ray Sciberras
Notes: This Cantata, comprising the Preludio was commissioned and specifically composed for our Philarmonic Society between 1999 and 2000.
03. AVE MARIA (from the Movie Joyeux Noel)
Music by Phillip Rhombi
Arranged for Band by Mro. Chris Sciberras
Notes: This beautiful 'Ave Maria' was performed for the first time in Malta by our band on this particular occasion. This Ave Maria was performed to give honour to Or Lady of Sorrows, Co-Patroness of the city of Birzebbuga. We performed this music because it is found in a movie based on WWI and this year (2018) we are also commemorating the 100th anniversary from the end of the Great War (1918-2018). This 'Ave Maria' was sponsored by Josef Schembri a local musician and member of our band.
04. DOLCE SENTIRE (from the movie 'Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna)
Music by Riziero Ortolani
Arranged by our Honorary Bandmaster Mro. Gennaro Sibilano
Notes. This arrangement was generously donated by our honorary bandmaster Mro. Gennaro Sibilano to whom we are deeply grateful. Grazie Maestro Sibilano.
05. Selections from the Maltese Movie ANNO DOMINI XXXIII
Music by Mro. Ray Sciberras
Arranged for Band by Mro. Ray Sciberras
Notes: This Selection was arranged specifically for our band to be played on this special occasion. The concert was held at the beginning of Lent and the artistic committee was of the idea that the band should play something that is strongly related to the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. On contacting Mro. Ray Sciberras he gave us the idea of arranging for our band the soundtrack of the Maltese Movie Anno Domini XXXIII which he himself was commissioned to composed 10 years ago in 2008. This arrangement was once again sponsored by Josef Schembri a local musician and member of our band.
06. Symphony No. 1 'THE ARCHANGELS'
Music by Franco Cesarini
Notes: This majestic work was composed specifically for Symphonic band in 2016 by world renowned Maestro Franco Cesarini. This work is divided in 4 movements, each movement dedicated to one of the 4 archangels (Mvt. 1 - Archangel Gabriel; Mvt 2 - Archangel Raphael; Mvt 3. - Archangel Michael; Mvt 4. Archangel Uriel). This work is entirely based on old Gregorian chants. This is the first time that this challenging yet beautiful work is being presented and performed in Malta.
Music by Alexander Caruana
Arranged for Band by Simon Farrugia
Notes: This Omaggio was composed with the intent of being performed for the first by our band on this special occasion. It was
donated to our band by Mr. Alexander Caruana, Executive President of our Philarmonic Society to commemorate this special event.
(Peal 6) (plenum) Bells of the Conversion of St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral in Mdina, Malta.
photo - small bell
This church has 7 bells, 4 of peal and 3 of clock. For the first time we rang 6 bells from both sides, 4 of peal and 2 of clock as the small bell of clock can't be rang. The big bell weighs 2800 kg.The small and big bell are founded by Prospero Baricozzi.
Archbishop's Speech during the Armed Forces of Malta concert at Mdina Cathedral on 1st December 2016
Diskors minn Mons Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna fl-okkażjoni tal-Kunċert mill-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta li sar fil-Katidral tal-Imdina il-Ħamis, l-1 ta’ Diċembru li matulu ingħata l-Premju Dun Mikiel Azzopardi 2016 lil Dar il-Kaptan
Eċċellenza, għażiża President u s-Sur Preca
Sħabi saċerdoti,
Insellem b’mod speċjali lill-Ministru Abela u l-Kap Kmandant filwaqt li nirringrazzjahom ta’ din l-opportunità li aħna nisimgħu il-Banda tal-Forzi Armati li tawna l-melodiji straordinarji li jispirawna. Jiena se nagħmel ħsieb qasir ispirat propju minn din l-esperjenza ta’ sbuħija li għandna kif għaddejna minna.
Insellem ukoll lill-Onorevoli Membri Parlamentari, persuni distinti b’mod speċjali anke l-Kapitlu Metropolitan.
Ħin minnhom smajna armata ġejja mill-bogħod u tasal bil-frakass u bil-qawwa tagħha, dak li pprova jesprimi Ottorino Respighi f’waħda mix-xeni taI-Pini di Roma. Ruma, kif tafu, hija mdawwra b’ħafna siġar taċ-ċipress u anke tal-prinjol bħal ma għandna aħna u telgħin is-Saqqajja, per eżempju, u l-Via Appia hija waħda minn dawn il-mumenti sbieħ ta’ arkeoloġija u pajjesaġistika Rumana li għandha dawn is-siġar u Ottorino Respighi jimmaġina l-armata ġejja mill-bogħod u tasal hemm bil-qawwa tagħha.
Il-Forzi Armati tagħna hija Banda simili u llum uriet il-qawwa tal-imħabba, il-qawwa tas-solidarjeta’. Mhijiex armata li ġejja biex timponi r-rieda tagħha, wara kollox diġà l-armata Ruman tfakkarna fi żmien it-twelid ta’ Ġesu, imma l-Forzi Armati tagħna b’dan il-ġest ta’ solidarjetà ta’ kull sena jurina wkoll il-qawwa tal-imħabba li tirbaħ kull vjolenza u kull mibgħeda. Jien nsellem ukoll il-Forzi Armati għal dak kollu li jagħmlu fil-Mediterran u fil-protezzjoni ċivili li huwa verament sinjal konkret ta’ solidarjetà.
Imma mil-vuċi sabiħa tal-Gunner Georg Zammit smajna dik l-aħħar frażi: “Canto alla Vita.” Mument ta’ disperazzjoni mit-Tosca ta’ Puccini. Dan l-imbierek ikkundannat għall-mewt jaħseb fl-imħabba, fil-fatt ikkundannat għall-mewt imma jibqa’ jgħanni l-għanja tal-ħajja.
U ngħalaq billi nsellem b’mod speċjali lil Annabelle Xerri u l-messaġġ qawwi li tagħtna. Għaliex Annabelle, fil-persuna tiegħek inti l-isbaħ preparazzjoni għall-Milied din is-sena għax inti wkoll qed tistenna tarbija.
U aħna fl-Avvent nitkellmu ħafna fuq li nisimgħu il-Kelma ta’ Alla imma inti għallimtna li s-smigħ tal-Kelma hija xi ħaġa tal-qalb, mhux tas-sensi imma tal-qalb! Kif aħna nisimgħu il-Kelma ta’ Alla inti wkoll tisma’ il-Kelma ta’ Alla mhux bis-sensi imma bil-qalb.
Dan hu l-awguri tiegħi. J’Alla, bħal Annabelle, aħna u nistennew lil Ġesu, nitgħallmu nisimgħu bil-qalb. Nirringrazzjakom ukoll tad-donazzjoni li se tagħtu għax inkella l-envelopes qegħdin hemm għal xejn. Imma hemm persuna li tirringrazzja lil kulħadd għax dak xogħolha u ħadd forsi ma jirringrazzjah. Jien nixtieq nirringrazzjak Tonio (Bonello) għax inti ma ngħidx parti, insomma ormaj parti mill-promozzjoni tad-Dar tal-Providenza. Jekk immur xi ħaġa tad-Dar tal-Providenza u ma narakx ngħid hawn xi ħaġa li mhix sew illum. Nixtieq ngħidlek grazzi tad-dedikazzjoni kollha u anke permezz tiegħek lil Radju RTK u lil ħafna sponsors.
Fl-aħħar tal-programm hemm l-appuntament li jmiss għall-ewwel ta’ Jannar imma qabel l-ewwel ta’ Jannar hemm l-Istrina. Dawn huma mumenti ta’ solidarjetà li juru verament il-qawwa sabiħa tal-imħabba. Inkompluhom.
Mill-qalb nawguralkom, l-Avvent sabiħ, fl-ispirtu sabiħ anke ta’ Annabelle u l-Milied ħieni u sena ġdida mimlija risq. Grazzi.
Cathedral Museum Mdina
This is my first hyper lapse of the Mdina Cathedral Museum in Mdina, Malta
A Night at The Cathedral - Mdina, Malta (24 Feb 2018) (4/8)
The Concert 'A Night at The Cathedral' - 24th February 2018
by the St. Peter Philarmonic Society, Birżebbuġa Symphonic Band
under the Direction of Mro. Michael Bugelli A.T.C.L. The band was accompanied by tenor Charles Vincenti and Sopran Ruth Sammut Casingena.
Aim and Introduction:
This concert was put up by the St. Peter Philarmonic Society, Birzebbuga Symphonic Band A.D. 1990 to commemorate the 50th anniversary (1968-2018) from Saint Pope Paul VI declaration that the relics found in the Necropolis Chamber exactly beneath the Vatican's Basilica Main Altar were the true and authentic remains of the holy and martyred body of Saint Peter Apostle, Patron Saint of the City of Birzebbuga, Malta. A logo with the motto 'Petros Eni' was designed by Kevin Barun a member and musician of our band to commemorate this special anniversary.
(Music) Mro. Carmelo Pace
(Lyrics) Dun Frans Camilleri
Notes: This Year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary from the demise of Mro. Carmelo Pace. This is the first time that this hymn is being played inside Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral. It has to be said that all the works and manuscripts of this Maltese prolific composer are kept inside Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral Museum and archives.
02. PRELUDIO (Excerpt from the Cantata 'Tu Es Petrus')
Music by Ray Sciberras
Notes: This Cantata, comprising the Preludio was commissioned and specifically composed for our Philarmonic Society between 1999 and 2000.
03. AVE MARIA (from the Movie Joyeux Noel)
Music by Phillip Rhombi
Arranged for Band by Mro. Chris Sciberras
Notes: This beautiful 'Ave Maria' was performed for the first time in Malta by our band on this particular occasion. This Ave Maria was performed to give honour to Or Lady of Sorrows, Co-Patroness of the city of Birzebbuga. We performed this music because it is found in a movie based on WWI and this year (2018) we are also commemorating the 100th anniversary from the end of the Great War (1918-2018). This 'Ave Maria' was sponsored by Josef Schembri a local musician and member of our band.
04. DOLCE SENTIRE (from the movie 'Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna)
Music by Riziero Ortolani
Arranged by our Honorary Bandmaster Mro. Gennaro Sibilano
Notes. This arrangement was generously donated by our honorary bandmaster Mro. Gennaro Sibilano to whom we are deeply grateful. Grazie Maestro Sibilano.
05. Selections from the Maltese Movie ANNO DOMINI XXXIII
Music by Mro. Ray Sciberras
Arranged for Band by Mro. Ray Sciberras
Notes: This Selection was arranged specifically for our band to be played on this special occasion. The concert was held at the beginning of Lent and the artistic committee was of the idea that the band should play something that is strongly related to the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. On contacting Mro. Ray Sciberras he gave us the idea of arranging for our band the soundtrack of the Maltese Movie Anno Domini XXXIII which he himself was commissioned to composed 10 years ago in 2008. This arrangement was once again sponsored by Josef Schembri a local musician and member of our band.
06. Symphony No. 1 'THE ARCHANGELS'
Music by Franco Cesarini
Notes: This majestic work was composed specifically for Symphonic band in 2016 by world renowned Maestro Franco Cesarini. This work is divided in 4 movements, each movement dedicated to one of the 4 archangels (Mvt. 1 - Archangel Gabriel; Mvt 2 - Archangel Raphael; Mvt 3. - Archangel Michael; Mvt 4. Archangel Uriel). This work is entirely based on old Gregorian chants. This is the first time that this challenging yet beautiful work is being presented and performed in Malta.
Music by Alexander Caruana
Arranged for Band by Simon Farrugia
Notes: This Omaggio was composed with the intent of being performed for the first by our band on this special occasion. It was donated to our band by Mr. Alexander Caruana, Executive President of our Philarmonic Society to commemorate this special event.
A Night at The Cathedral - Mdina, Malta (24 Feb 2018) (2/8)
The Concert 'A Night at The Cathedral' - 24th February 2018
by the St. Peter Philarmonic Society, Birżebbuġa Symphonic Band
under the Direction of Mro. Michael Bugelli A.T.C.L. The band was accompanied by tenor Charles Vincenti and Sopran Ruth Sammut Casingena.
Aim and Introduction:
This concert was put up by the St. Peter Philarmonic Society, Birzebbuga Symphonic Band A.D. 1990 to commemorate the 50th anniversary (1968-2018) from Saint Pope Paul VI declaration that the relics found in the Necropolis Chamber exactly beneath the Vatican's Basilica Main Altar were the true and authentic remains of the holy and martyred body of Saint Peter Apostle, Patron Saint of the City of Birzebbuga, Malta. A logo with the motto 'Petros Eni' was designed by Kevin Barun a member and musician of our band to commemorate this special anniversary.
(Music) Mro. Carmelo Pace
(Lyrics) Dun Frans Camilleri
Notes: This Year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary from the demise of Mro. Carmelo Pace. This is the first time that this hymn is being played inside Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral. It has to be said that all the works and manuscripts of this Maltese prolific composer are kept inside Mdina Metropolitan Cathedral Museum and archives.
02. PRELUDIO (Excerpt from the Cantata 'Tu Es Petrus')
Music by Ray Sciberras
Notes: This Cantata, comprising the Preludio was commissioned and specifically composed for our Philarmonic Society between 1999 and 2000.
03. AVE MARIA (from the Movie Joyeux Noel)
Music by Phillip Rhombi
Arranged for Band by Mro. Chris Sciberras
Notes: This beautiful 'Ave Maria' was performed for the first time in Malta by our band on this particular occasion. This Ave Maria was performed to give honour to Or Lady of Sorrows, Co-Patroness of the city of Birzebbuga. We performed this music because it is found in a movie based on WWI and this year (2018) we are also commemorating the 100th anniversary from the end of the Great War (1918-2018). This 'Ave Maria' was sponsored by Josef Schembri a local musician and member of our band.
04. DOLCE SENTIRE (from the movie 'Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna)
Music by Riziero Ortolani
Arranged by our Honorary Bandmaster Mro. Gennaro Sibilano
Notes. This arrangement was generously donated by our honorary bandmaster Mro. Gennaro Sibilano to whom we are deeply grateful. Grazie Maestro Sibilano.
05. Selections from the Maltese Movie ANNO DOMINI XXXIII
Music by Mro. Ray Sciberras
Arranged for Band by Mro. Ray Sciberras
Notes: This Selection was arranged specifically for our band to be played on this special occasion. The concert was held at the beginning of Lent and the artistic committee was of the idea that the band should play something that is strongly related to the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. On contacting Mro. Ray Sciberras he gave us the idea of arranging for our band the soundtrack of the Maltese Movie Anno Domini XXXIII which he himself was commissioned to composed 10 years ago in 2008. This arrangement was once again sponsored by Josef Schembri a local musician and member of our band.
06. Symphony No. 1 'THE ARCHANGELS'
Music by Franco Cesarini
Notes: This majestic work was composed specifically for Symphonic band in 2016 by world renowned Maestro Franco Cesarini. This work is divided in 4 movements, each movement dedicated to one of the 4 archangels (Mvt. 1 - Archangel Gabriel; Mvt 2 - Archangel Raphael; Mvt 3. - Archangel Michael; Mvt 4. Archangel Uriel). This work is entirely based on old Gregorian chants. This is the first time that this challenging yet beautiful work is being presented and performed in Malta.
Music by Alexander Caruana
Arranged for Band by Simon Farrugia
Notes: This Omaggio was composed with the intent of being performed for the first by our band on this special occasion. It was donated to our band by Mr. Alexander Caruana, Executive President of our Philarmonic Society to commemorate this special event.
With the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra and the Amadeus Chamber Choir. St Paul's Cathedral, Mdina.
Celebrations by the Metropolitan Cathedral Chapter of Malta to mark the 1,950-year anniversary of the martyrdom of St Paul. Nimrod was followed by Pawlu ta' Malta - an oratorio by Maltese Composer Charles Camilleri and text by Oliver Friggieri (will be posted soon). Commemoration on November 10, 2017.