Interior of Savior Church Trinity Day Poltava Ukraine Interior of the Church Motion Toward the Hall
Poltava/ukraine - Jun 19 2016: Interior of Savior Church, Trinity Day, Poltava, Ukraine. Motion Toward the Hall Through Archs. Ukrainian Embroidered Towel Above the Arch, Interior of Small Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Iconostasis in Golden Frames, Religious Images With Golden Decoration on the Walls, Gilded Crosses, Lamps, Icon Lamps, Incensory, Candlesticks, Other Attributes For Worship. Indoors
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Savior Church Green Roofed Building Courtyard Summer Sunny Day Walls Golden Domes Gross on a Top
Savior Church, Green Roofed Building in Poltava, Ukraine. Courtyard Summer Sunny Day. Golden Dome, Gross on a Top. Green Lawns and Trees Branches Are Outside the Cathedral, Outdoors
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«Сім чудес Полтави». 4 місце
«Сім чудес Полтави». 4 місце. Полтавська Спасо-Преображенська церква.
«Seven miracles of Poltava». 4th place. The Church named after Savior Transfiguration.
Ukrainians celebrate Orthodox Christmas
SACS Ukraine 2010 mission trip.wm.v
SA Christian School went on their 7th trip to Odessa, Ukraine. They also went to a little village called Nikolaevka. The mission team (which includes the students, graduates, adult leaders, and the Ukrainian translators) have built relationships with the orphans in these orphanages. God has poured His love through them as they have been willing to be His hands and feet. Satan did not like the theme of The Armor of God being taught and he attacked through out the entire trip. The mission team felt the prayers of those back home who were fighting the spiritual battles on their knees. Every plan that was changed or that didn't work out, God used for His glory. Many kids came to accept Jesus as their Savior.
To see more about the mission trip, go to
People Standing in Cathedral Mgar Savior-Transfiguration Monastery Day of Mary's Icon Male
Kiev/ukraine - Nov 06 2015: People in Front of Images, Interior of Cathedral at the Mgar Spaso-Preobrezhenskiy, Savior-Transfiguration Monastery, Celebration in Honour of Icon of Mary the Jesus' Mother, Male Monastery in Poltava Region, Ukraine, Worshippers Are Praying, Looking at the Icons, Picture on a Gable of a Church Outdoors, Orthodox Church, Religious Images, Icons of a Saints in a Golden Frames, Golden Decor, Rich Decoration, Panorama of a Hall, Indoors
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2012.08.09.(3) St.Panteleimon monastery Bell1-Kyiv-FEOFANIJA_Paul V. Lashkevich video- MOV02351
Paul V. Lashkevich - my own video
Paul V. Lashkevich - Bell - Ringer
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Images in Shining Gilded Frames Seven-Domed Cathedral Trinity Day Service Poltava Ukraine Religious
Poltava/ukraine - Jun 19 2016: Images in Shining Gilded Frames, Interior of the Seven-Domed Cathedral, Service in Trinity Day, Poltava, Ukraine. Holy Cross Female Monastery. Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Religious Images of Mary Jesus and Saints With Golden and Wooden Decoration on the Walls. Crosses, Lamps, Icon Lamps, Incensory, Candlesticks, Other Attributes For Worship. Indoors
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Panorama of Courtyard of Church of the Saviour Green Roofed Small Orthodox Church Golden Dome Sunny
Kiev/ukraine - Jun 09 2016: Panorama of Courtyard of Church of the Saviour, Green Roofed Small Orthodox Church in Sunny Day, Poltava, Ukraine. Courtyard of the Cathedral With Footpaths, Alleys Are Around the Building. Flower Beds, Fresh Green Trees and Lawns. White Walls and Small Windows, Golden Cupolas, Domes on a Top. Summer, Blue Sky, Cumulus, Outdoors
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Ukraine Mission Trip 2015
Mission trip to Ukraine from August 3-24 of 2015. We went on 2 summer camps for orphans both 10 days long. This video starts out with the youth summer camp and ends with kids summer camp. We wouldn't trade our summer for anything else other than hanging out with the youth and kids and sharing about our savior Jesus Christ.
We worked with Circle of Friends group. We are from Sulamita Evangelical Slavic Church in Portland, Oregon.
And we hope to come back and see familiar faces once again very soon!
I don't own this music:
Music | Hillsong United : Touch the Sky
The Churches In The Ukraine 3
A tour in the churches in the Ukraine. This was the interior of an Orthodox Catholic Church in Kiev.
Экскурсия ТАЙНЫ ПОДЗЕМЕЛЬЯ ПОЛТАВА история катакомб старой Полтавы от Киевской Руси до 2018 года
Заказ индивидуальных и сборных групповые экскурсии по Полтаве и области (Диканька, Опошня, Гоголеве, Сороченцы ) по тел +380664978608 или +38098 236 0163 подробнее здесь или на сайте экскурсии Полтаватур обзорная экскурсия по старому городу, популярный маршрут экскурсия Полтава Диканька Опошня . Увлекательная экскурсия из Полтавы по Гоголевским местам. Большой опыт проведения тематических экскурсий и туров как для взрослой аудитории так и для детских групп разного возраста.
Одно из фото которые использованы в видео (Где много ступеней и горит свет) это фото подземелья времен Ивана Грозного приблизительно тот же вековой период именно такую картину мне описывал один из старожилов города Полтава который в детстве побывал в одной из ветвей подземных полтавских ходов под древней крепостью под церковными стенами. Вход в подземелье находился под храмом Воскресенья Христова взорванный коммунистами в 1936 году (на месте этого храма сейчас находиться полтавское музыкальное училище им. Лисенка) как раз напротив Спасской церкви. по рассказу деда ход разветвлялся и шел в сторону Спасской церкви и поворачивал в сторону Свято Успенского храма что возле хаты Ивана Котляревского в сторону Белой Беседки. В 2018 году в Полтаве в этом районе случилось два провала что полностью подтверждает эту информацию
Украина. Видео история старая Полтава. Полтавские подземелья - археологические памятники государственного значения, взятые на учет 10 декабря 1945 включают в себя подземные ходы, которые находятся в районе Соборной площади, Первомайского проспекта, улиц Комсомольской, Круглой, Сковороды, на территории бывшего Полтавского кадетского корпуса, парка « победа »и других местах. В полтавских подземельях находили остатки майоликовой керамики, фрагменты глиняной посуды, разнообразные вещи, посуда 17 в. Свое начало полтавские подземелья ведут со времен Киевской Руси, от естественных пещер, которые использовались жителями в древности как тайника от врага, фундаментальные подземные укрепления, вероятно, сооружались и в период, когда край входил в состав Великого княжества Литовского: в 1430 оду Полтава была подарена великим князем литовским Витовтом Александру Глинскому, который построил здесь укрепления, со временем стало составной частью Полтавской крепости 17-18 вв. Во время Северной войны 1700-1721 гг., Накануне осады крепости Полтавы шведами, подземелья были укреплены и расширены, использовались защитниками города во время осады. Подземные ходы густой сетью пронизывали не только территорию крепости (Старого города нынешняя территорию Соборной площади, бывшего Успенского собора, Спасской церкви, краеведческого музея, пл. Конституции, Институтской горы), но и Форштадт (пригород, от Солнечного и Петровского парков до Круглого переулке , по территории Полтавского кадетского корпуса - с юга на север и от ул. Парижской Коммуны до ул. Шевченко - с востока на запад). В форштадте в разное время зафиксированы провалы, которые подтверждают наличие ходов в районе нынешних улиц Октябрьской, Комсомольской, Гоголя, Котляревского, Шевченко и др.
Исследователи (И. А. Зарецкий, В. А. Бучневич, Л. В. Падалка и др.), А также старожилы города подтверждают места нахождения мастерски сооруженной системы лабиринтов, входов, выходов-лазов, люков типа колодцев для спуска в подземелья. В основном они находились на глубине 3-6 саженей (6,3-12,6 м) от поверхности земли. Высота подземного города и ходов была в человеческий рост и более, а ширина достигала 2,5-3 м. Существовали и большие подземные погреба. Входы в подземелья были под церковными и др. фундаментальными сооружениями, от которых несколькими ответвлениями вели в резцы стороны - к другой церкви, к стенам крепости, в направлении реки или монастыря.
Подземные хода не доступны для посещения по состоянию на начало 21 века они практически полностью разрушены..
Время, тяжелы транспорт, агрессивная застройка города уничтожила архитектурную памятку и к сожалению снять полноценный влог не представиться возможным. К сожалению не хватило ума сохранить хотя бы небольшую часть этих интересных и таинственных подземных сооружений для туристов и пришедших поколений...
ТАЙНЫ ПОЛТАВСКОГО ПОДЗЕМЕЛЬЯ история старого города катакомбы древней Полтавы от Киевской Руси до 18 века часть 1
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индивидуальные и групповые экскурсии по старой исторической части Полтавы в компании лучших экскурсоводов города во время экскурсий вы услышите о находках в полтавских подземных ходах и катакомбах
2018 года. История клада Мазепы и потерянных богатствах шведов под Полтавой. Добро пожаловать на поле полтавской битвы и место Полтавского боя с его земляными укреплениями линиями редутов а также вы узнаете о призраке. Звоните и бронируйте экскурсии по тел +380664978608 или +380982360163
Спасибо за лайк и подписку на канал ПОЛТАВА
Holy Patron's Day at Russian Orthodox Church
The Russian Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, FL celebrated the 50th anniversary of their Patron Saint, St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco. It was a special event for this church, the ceremony included Bishop Mitrophan, visiting from New Jersey. The event also included an exhibition of the works of photo artist Ivan Zhuk. This event started on the evening of July 1st (Friday evening) and continued on Saturday July 2nd.
A Brief Bio on St John of Shanghai & San Francisco
St. John was born Mikhail Borisovich Maximovitch in 1896 in the village of Adamovka in the Kharkov Governorate (in present-day southern Ukraine). He came from the same family of Serbian origin as that of St. John of Tobolsk, whom he was said to resemble in several respects. From 1907 to 1914 he attended Poltava Military School. He received a degree in law from Kharkov Imperial University in 1918. His family brought him to Belgrade in 1921, where in 1925 he graduated from Belgrade University with a degree in theology.
In 1926 he was tonsured a monk and ordained a hierodeacon by Russian Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), who gave him the name of John after his saintly relative. Later that same year, he was ordained to the priesthood by Rusiian Bishop Gabriel of Chelyabinsk. For several years afterward he worked as an instructor and tutor in Yugoslavia. He worked as a religious teacher in the Gymnasium of Velika Kikinda between 1925 and 1927. In 1929, Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church appointed him a teacher of the seminary in Bitola. The principal of the seminary was Nikolaj Velimirović. In 1934 he was ordained a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia by Metropolitan Anthony and assigned to the diocese of Shanghai.
In Shanghai, Bishop John found an uncompleted cathedral and an Orthodox community deeply divided along ethnic lines. Making contact with all the various groups, he quickly involved himself in the existing charitable institutions and personally founded an orphanage and home for the children of indigents. Here he first became known for miracles attributed to his prayer. As a public figure it was impossible for him to completely conceal his ascetic way of life. Despite his actions during the Japanese occupation, when he routinely ignored the curfew in pursuit of his pastoral activities, the Japanese authorities never harassed him. As the only Russian hierarch in China who refused to submit to the authority of the Soviet-dominated Russian Orthodox Church, he was elevated to archbishop by the Holy Synod of ROCOR in 1946.
When the Communists took power in China, the Russian colony was forced to flee, first to a refugee camp on the island of Tubabao in the Philippines and then mainly to the United States and Australia. Archbishop John travelled personally to Washington, D.C. to ensure that his people would be allowed to enter the country.
In 1951 John was assigned to the archdiocese of Western Europe with his see first in Paris, then in Brussels. Thanks to his work in collecting lives of saints, a great many pre-Schism Western saints became known in Orthodoxy and continue to be venerated to this day. His charitable and pastoral work continued as it had in Shanghai, even among a much more widely scattered flock.
In 1962 John was once again reassigned by the Holy Synod to the see of San Francisco. Here too, he found a divided community and a cathedral in an unfinished state. Although he completed the building of Holy Virgin Cathedral and brought some measure of peace to the community he became the target of slander from those who became his political enemies, who went so far as to file a lawsuit against him for alleged mishandling of finances related to construction of the cathedral. He was exonerated, but this was a great cause of sorrow to him in his later life.
Deeply revering St. John of Kronstadt, John Maximovitch played an active role in preparation of his canonization.
The Relics of St. John
On July 2, 1966 (June 19 on the Julian calendar), St. John died while visiting Seattle at a time and place he was said to have foretold. He was entombed in a sepulchre beneath the altar of the Holy Virgin Cathedral he had built in San Francisco dedicated to the Theotokos, Joy of all who Sorrow, on Geary Boulevard in the Richmond district. In 1994 he was solemnly glorified on the 28th anniversary of his death. His unembalmed relics now occupy a shrine in the cathedral's nave. His feast day is celebrated on the Saturday nearest to July 2. He is beloved and celebrated worldwide, with portions of his relics located in Serbia, Russia, Mount Athos, Greece (Church of Saint Anna in Katerini) Bulgaria, Romania, United States, Canada (Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church, Kitchener), England (Dormition Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, London) and other countries of the world.
See and Hear the Bells at St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery
Keiv Ukraine
History: UKRAINE
Cossacks helped Russia get Crimea from Turkey 39:43
Donbas (East) 56:55
Crimea turned over to Ukraine 2:16:28
Russia 12:46 / 31:16
UKRAINE - THE BIRTH OF A NATION (2008) / A Jerzy Hoffman Film
1:34 Kyiv (401 - 500)
2:16 Byzantium (330–1453)
2:45 Princess Olga (890 - 969) adopted Christianity
3:28 Chersonesus in Crimea
4:06 Volodymyr the Great (958 - 1015)
4:29 Prince Yaroslav the Wise (978 - 1054)
4:39 Saint Sophia's Cathedral (1100)
5:31 Anna the Queen of France (1030 – 1075)
6:41 Volodymyr II Monomakh (1053-1125)
7:20 Yuri Dolgorukiy (1099 - 1157)
7:26 Moscow
7:37 The Mongols
10:16 The Principality of Galicia–Volhynia or Kingdom of Rus
10:49 Lviv
12:37 Ivan III of Russia (1440-1505)
12:46 The myth about Russia
13:07 Crimea
13:53 Roxolana (1502 – 1558)
15:20 serfdom (Polish oppression)
15:40 printing press
17:14 Zaporizhian Sich
18:33 Ukraine replaces the name Rus
18:40 cossack
20:15 Brest Union
20:18 The uniates
21:08 Hetman Sagaidachny (1570 - 1622)
23:05 Orthodoxy
23:28 Yarema Vyshnevetsky (1612 – 1651)
23:31 Catholicism
24:54 Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595 – 1657)
30:04 The Pereyaslav Council -------------------------------------------------1654
34:39 Ivan Mazepa (1639 - 1709)
37:06 The Battle of Poltava on 27 June 1709
40:11 Zaporizhian Sich (1552-1709)
40:27 Solovki
French Revolution--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1789
47:03 Dumy - historical ballads
48:18 Greek Catholic Church banned
48:49 Kyiv University (1833)
49:48 The Order of Basilian Fathers
50:55 Taras Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) (age 47)
54:57 Blue and yellow banner
55:45 The Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood
56:32 national liberation movement
56:55 Crimean War ----------------------------------------------------- 1853 to 1856
57:07 Alexander II (1818 - 1881) abolished serfdom
57:26 city of Donetsk (1868)
58:56 Green wedge
59:23 Volodymyr Antonovych (1834 - 1908)
59:28 Mykhailo Drahomanov (1841-1895 )
1:00:42 Lesya Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) (aged 42)
1:02:13 The Shevchenko Scientific Society (1873 )
1:11:03 Mykhailo Hrushevsky
1:03:27 Ivan Franko (1856 - 1916)
1:04:22 History of Ukraine-Ruthenia
1:04:49 Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky (1865 - 1944) 1:45:42
1:06:31 World War I------------------------------------------------------------------1914
1:07:32 Dmitro Dontsov (1883 - 1973)
1:07:57 (1914) Russian occupation
1:11:24 Symon Petliura
1:11:24 West Ukrainian People's Republic
1:19:27 Ukrainian Galician Army
1:23:30 Nestor Makhno
1:30:48 The Russian famine ----------------------------------------------------1921
1:41:21 Ukr National Democratic Alliance, (UNDO)
1:42:20 Ukr Sich Riflemen
1:42:43 (UVO) Ukr Military Organization
1:42:51 Yevhen Konovalets
1:43:10 Dmytro Dontsov
1:44:01 The Organization of Ukr Nationalists (OUN)
1:44:52 (1933) Stepan Bandera head of OUN
1:47:07 Avgustyn Voloshyn
1:47:33 Melnyk's and Bandera's
1:39:06 collectivization (1939)
1:38:55 *** ???????????????????????????? ????????????????: !!! ???????????????????? 1:39:33
World War II ----------------------------------------------------------------(1939 - 1945)
1:51:24 The Nachtigall Battalion (Nightingale)
1:51:43 Independent Ukr State
1:44:50 Stepan Bandera (1909 – 1959) -----------------------------------1933
Between Hitler & Stalin: Ukraine in World War II
Wehrmacht Saves Innocent Civilians In Ukraine 1941
1:53:42 Babi Yar
1:55:40 partisan warfare
1:44:01 Organization of Ukr Nationalists (OUN)
1:57:42 Roman Shukhevych
1:58:37 Volyn
1:58:57 UPA - Ukrainian Insurgent Army
2:00:04 ethnic cleansing (1943)
2:02:32 SS Galicia Division
2:02:33 Banderavists (Bandera) split of OUN (former UVO) 1:47:26
2:02:25 Melnykovites (Melnyk)
2:02:57 SS Galicia crushed by the Red Army
2:04:51 Nikita Khrushchev
2:05:21 Joseph Stalin
1:39:56 RUSYN replaced the term Ukrainian
2:06:14 Gulag
2:06:31 Yalta
2:10:30 Operation Vistula (Polish: Akcja Wisła)
2:12:00 The Greek Catholic Church abolishment
2:12:21 Josyf Slipyj (1893 - 1984)
1:49:25 annexation of the Western Ukraine
2:16:33 turning Crimea over to Ukraine
2:18:25 Thaw (early 1950s to the early 1960s)
2:30:09 (April 26 1986) - Chornobyl disaster
2:35:30 Rukh - Movement
2:37:29 (1991) Declaration of Sovereignty of Ukraine
1:13:48 The Ukr People's Republic of 1918 - 1920
2:50:29 The Orange Revolution (2004)
Lamp on a Ceiling Interior of Cathedral Mgar Savior-Transfiguration Monastery Day of Mary's Icon
Kiev/ukraine - Nov 06 2015: Lamp on a Ceiling, Interior of Cathedral at the Mgar Spaso-Preobrezhenskiy, Savior-Transfiguration Monastery, Celebration in Honour of Icon of Mary the Jesus' Mother, Male Monastery in Poltava Region, Ukraine, Orthodox Church, Religious Images, Icons of a Saints in a Golden Frames, Golden Decor, Carved Frames, Rich Decoration, Panorama of a Hall, Indoors
Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here:
Interior of Cathedral Mgar Savior-Transfiguration Monastery Day of Mary's Icon Male Monastery
Kiev/ukraine - Nov 06 2015: Interior of Cathedral at the Mgar Spaso-Preobrezhenskiy, Savior-Transfiguration Monastery, Celebration in Honour of Icon of Mary the Jesus' Mother, Male Monastery in Poltava Region, Ukraine, Orthodox Church, Religious Images, Icons of a Saints in a Golden Frames, Golden Decor, Rich Decoration, Panorama of a Hall, Indoors
Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here:
Candles in Cathedral Mgar Savior-Transfiguration Monastery Day of Mary's Icon Male Monastery
Kiev/ukraine - Nov 06 2015: Interior, Burning Candles in Cathedral at the Mgar Spaso-Preobrezhenskiy, Savior-Transfiguration Monastery, Celebration in Honour of Icon of Mary the Jesus' Mother, Male Monastery in Poltava Region, Ukraine, Orthodox Church, Religious Images, Icons of a Saints in a Golden Frames, Golden Decor, Rich Decoration, Panorama of a Hall, Indoors
Do you want to use my video in your movie? You can download it here:
Carol of the Bells
Howdy everyone! Well this video is very similar to the first video I did just to a different song...still feeling in the holiday spirit so here is my Happy Christmas spirit in this picture slide show to the song Carol of the Bells.
No copyright infringement meant! I do not own the song. This video is strictly for entertainment purposes.