Soldiers Glory Memorial Complex
Soldiers Glory Memorial Complex
Soldiers Glory Memorial Complex
Soldiers Glory Memorial Complex
Soldiers Glory Memorial Complex
Soldiers Glory Memorial Complex
Kotlyarevskiy Park, between Frunze and Rozy Luxembourg Street, Poltava, Ukraine
Attraction Location
Soldiers Glory Memorial Complex Videos
History: UKRAINE
Cossacks helped Russia get Crimea from Turkey 39:43
Donbas (East) 56:55
Crimea turned over to Ukraine 2:16:28
Russia 12:46 / 31:16
UKRAINE - THE BIRTH OF A NATION (2008) / A Jerzy Hoffman Film
1:34 Kyiv (401 - 500)
2:16 Byzantium (330–1453)
2:45 Princess Olga (890 - 969) adopted Christianity
3:28 Chersonesus in Crimea
4:06 Volodymyr the Great (958 - 1015)
4:29 Prince Yaroslav the Wise (978 - 1054)
4:39 Saint Sophia's Cathedral (1100)
5:31 Anna the Queen of France (1030 – 1075)
6:41 Volodymyr II Monomakh (1053-1125)
7:20 Yuri Dolgorukiy (1099 - 1157)
7:26 Moscow
7:37 The Mongols
10:16 The Principality of Galicia–Volhynia or Kingdom of Rus
10:49 Lviv
12:37 Ivan III of Russia (1440-1505)
12:46 The myth about Russia
13:07 Crimea
13:53 Roxolana (1502 – 1558)
15:20 serfdom (Polish oppression)
15:40 printing press
17:14 Zaporizhian Sich
18:33 Ukraine replaces the name Rus
18:40 cossack
20:15 Brest Union
20:18 The uniates
21:08 Hetman Sagaidachny (1570 - 1622)
23:05 Orthodoxy
23:28 Yarema Vyshnevetsky (1612 – 1651)
23:31 Catholicism
24:54 Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595 – 1657)
30:04 The Pereyaslav Council -------------------------------------------------1654
34:39 Ivan Mazepa (1639 - 1709)
37:06 The Battle of Poltava on 27 June 1709
40:11 Zaporizhian Sich (1552-1709)
40:27 Solovki
French Revolution--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1789
47:03 Dumy - historical ballads
48:18 Greek Catholic Church banned
48:49 Kyiv University (1833)
49:48 The Order of Basilian Fathers
50:55 Taras Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) (age 47)
54:57 Blue and yellow banner
55:45 The Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood
56:32 national liberation movement
56:55 Crimean War ----------------------------------------------------- 1853 to 1856
57:07 Alexander II (1818 - 1881) abolished serfdom
57:26 city of Donetsk (1868)
58:56 Green wedge
59:23 Volodymyr Antonovych (1834 - 1908)
59:28 Mykhailo Drahomanov (1841-1895 )
1:00:42 Lesya Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) (aged 42)
1:02:13 The Shevchenko Scientific Society (1873 )
1:11:03 Mykhailo Hrushevsky
1:03:27 Ivan Franko (1856 - 1916)
1:04:22 History of Ukraine-Ruthenia
1:04:49 Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky (1865 - 1944) 1:45:42
1:06:31 World War I------------------------------------------------------------------1914
1:07:32 Dmitro Dontsov (1883 - 1973)
1:07:57 (1914) Russian occupation
1:11:24 Symon Petliura
1:11:24 West Ukrainian People's Republic
1:19:27 Ukrainian Galician Army
1:23:30 Nestor Makhno
1:30:48 The Russian famine ----------------------------------------------------1921
1:41:21 Ukr National Democratic Alliance, (UNDO)
1:42:20 Ukr Sich Riflemen
1:42:43 (UVO) Ukr Military Organization
1:42:51 Yevhen Konovalets
1:43:10 Dmytro Dontsov
1:44:01 The Organization of Ukr Nationalists (OUN)
1:44:52 (1933) Stepan Bandera head of OUN
1:47:07 Avgustyn Voloshyn
1:47:33 Melnyk's and Bandera's
1:39:06 collectivization (1939)
1:38:55 *** ???????????????????????????? ????????????????: !!! ???????????????????? 1:39:33
World War II ----------------------------------------------------------------(1939 - 1945)
1:51:24 The Nachtigall Battalion (Nightingale)
1:51:43 Independent Ukr State
1:44:50 Stepan Bandera (1909 – 1959) -----------------------------------1933
Between Hitler & Stalin: Ukraine in World War II
Wehrmacht Saves Innocent Civilians In Ukraine 1941
1:53:42 Babi Yar
1:55:40 partisan warfare
1:44:01 Organization of Ukr Nationalists (OUN)
1:57:42 Roman Shukhevych
1:58:37 Volyn
1:58:57 UPA - Ukrainian Insurgent Army
2:00:04 ethnic cleansing (1943)
2:02:32 SS Galicia Division
2:02:33 Banderavists (Bandera) split of OUN (former UVO) 1:47:26
2:02:25 Melnykovites (Melnyk)
2:02:57 SS Galicia crushed by the Red Army
2:04:51 Nikita Khrushchev
2:05:21 Joseph Stalin
1:39:56 RUSYN replaced the term Ukrainian
2:06:14 Gulag
2:06:31 Yalta
2:10:30 Operation Vistula (Polish: Akcja Wisła)
2:12:00 The Greek Catholic Church abolishment
2:12:21 Josyf Slipyj (1893 - 1984)
1:49:25 annexation of the Western Ukraine
2:16:33 turning Crimea over to Ukraine
2:18:25 Thaw (early 1950s to the early 1960s)
2:30:09 (April 26 1986) - Chornobyl disaster
2:35:30 Rukh - Movement
2:37:29 (1991) Declaration of Sovereignty of Ukraine
1:13:48 The Ukr People's Republic of 1918 - 1920
2:50:29 The Orange Revolution (2004)
Historia Ukrainy (z napisami i tłumaczeniem)
o Krymie:
39:43 Kozacy pomogli Rosji wygrać Krym z Turcji
56:55 Donbass 2:16:28 Krym zostaje przeniesiony na Ukrainę
o Rosji 12:46 / 31:16
???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????: 1:47:38
NARODZINY NARODU (2008) Jerzy Hoffman
1:34 Kijów (401-500)
2:16 Bizancjum (330-1453)
2:45 Księżniczka Olga (890 - 969) akceptuje chrześcijaństwo
3:28 Chersonese
4:06 Wołodymyr Wielki (958 - 1015)
4:29 Jarosław Mądry (978-1054)
4:39 Katedra Św. Zofii (1100)
5:31 Anna - królowa Francji (1030-1075)
18:41 Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125)
7:20 Yu Dolgoruky (1099-1157)
7:26 Moskwa
7:37 Mongołowie
10:16 Księstwo Gal-Vol lub Królestwo Rosji
10:49 Lwów
Termin MALOROSCIA: początek XIV wieku
12:37 Iwan III Grozny (1440-1505)
12:46 Mit o Rosji
13:07 Krym
13:53 Roksolana (1502 - 1558)
15:20 Polskie pańszczyzna
17:14 Zaporizhzhya Sich
18:33 UKR zmienia nazwę RUS
18:40 Kozak
20:15 Brest Union
20:18 Unici - wschodni katolicy Kościoła
21:08 Hetman Sagaidachny (1570 - 1622)
23:05 Prawosławie
23:28 Jestem Vishnevetsky (1612 - 1651)
23:31 Katolicyzm
24:54 B Chmielnicki (1595 - 1657)
30:04 Perejasław Rada 1654
34:39 I Mazepa (1639 - 1709)
37:06 Bitwa pod Połtawą (1709)
40:11 Sycz w Zaporożu (1552-1709)
40:27 Solovki
- Rewolucja Franza (1789)
48:18 jest zabronione przez Kościół greckokatolicki
48:49 Uniwersytet Kijowski (1833)
50:55 T. Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) (47 lat)
54:57 niebiesko-żółta flaga
55:45 Bractwo Cyryla i Metodego
56:32 ruch wyzwolenia narodowego
56:55 Krymska wojna (1853-1856)
57:07 Aleksander II (1818 - 1881) znosi poddaństwo
57:26 Donieck (1868)
58:56 Zielony klin
59:23 W Antonowiczu (1834 - 1908)
59:28 M Drahomanov (1841-1895)
1:00:42 L Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) (42 lata)
1:02:13 NTSh (1873)
1:11:03 M Grushevsky
1:03:27 I Franco (1856 - 1916)
1:04:22 Historia Ukr-Rus
1:04:49 Metropolitan A Sheptytsky (1865 - 1944) świadomość narodowa na emigracji
1:06:31 Pierwsza wojna światowa z 1914 roku
1:07:32 Dontsov (1883 - 1973)
1:07:57 (1914) Rosyjska okupacja
1:11:24 Z Petliurą
1:11:24 Zah-ukr Nara Response ZUNR
1:19:27 Ukr Galicyjska Armia
1:30:48 Ros. głód (1921)
1:41:21 HOLODOMOR (1932-1933) 11 000 000 ofiar
1:45:55 (1937-1938) zostały wykonane aresztowania - Gułag
1:46:54 niszczenie ukr ident
1:49:11 Ukr Sojusz Narodów Demokratycznych (UNDO)
1:42:20 Strzelec Ukr Sich
1:50:49 (UFO) Ukr Army Org (Praga) Istnieją Konovalety
1:51:19 D Dontsov - ideolog z ukr. nacjonalizm
1:52:00 (młodzież) UWO jest członkiem -: Org Ukr Nat (OUN)
1:52:52 (w Polsce w 1933 r.) Wraz z Banderą zostaje szefem OUN
1:55:03 I Wołoszyn
1:55:27 Upadek Karpaty-Ukrainy dzieli OUN na dwie frakcje: Melnikovtsev i Banderivtsi 1:56:11
Druga wojna światowa (1939-1945)
1:59:17 ślady NKWD - Batalion Nachtigall (słowika-Bandera) 1:51:43 Niezależny Ukr. Państwo
1:44:50 Bandera (1909 - 1959)
1:53:42 Babin Yar
1:55:40 Wojna partyzancka
1:44:01 Organizacja nacjonalistów Ukr (OUN)
1:57:42 Roman Szuachewicz
1:58:37 Wołyń
1:58:57 UPA - Ukraińska Armia Powstańcza
2:00:04 czystki etniczne (1943)
2:02:32 SS Dywizja Galicyjska
1:39:56 RUSIN zmienia termin ukraiński
2:06:14 Gułag 2:06:31 Jałta
2:10:30 Operacja Wisła
2:12:00 Anulowanie Kościoła greckokatolickiego
1:49:25 aneksja Zach Ukr
2:16:33 Powrót Krymu na Ukrainę
2:18:25 Odwilż (1950-1960)
2:30:09 (26 kwietnia 1986) - Katastrofa w Czarnobylu
2:35:30 Ruch
2:37:29 (1991) Niezależność
2:50:29 Pomarańczowa rewolucja (2004)
ТНМК та їхній Харків · Амбасадори Ukraїner
Пізнавати різні куточки України найкраще через розповіді місцевих мешканців або тих, хто має тут свою власну історію. У п’ятій розповіді музиканти Олег Михайлюта, відомий як Фагот, та Олександр Сидоренко (Фоззі) познайомлять зі своїм рідним Харковом. Хлопці очолюють гурт «Танок на Майдані Конґо» (ТНМК) та є одними з яскравих амбасадорів свого міста. Разом з ними побачити, які перетворення відбулись у Харкові, поїхав засновник проєкту Ukraїner Богдан Логвиненко.
Читайте більше в лонгріді:
List of aerospace museums | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:20 1 Afghanistan
00:00:37 2 Argentina
00:00:59 3 Australia
00:01:09 3.1 Australian Capital Territory
00:01:24 3.2 New South Wales
00:02:26 3.3 Northern Territory
00:02:46 3.4 Queensland
00:03:22 3.5 South Australia
00:03:37 3.6 Victoria
00:04:20 3.7 Western Australia
00:04:42 4 Austria
00:05:29 5 Belarus
00:05:49 6 Belgium
00:06:27 7 Brazil
00:07:07 8 Bulgaria
00:07:17 8.1 Sofia
00:07:35 8.2 Plovdiv
00:07:49 9 Burma
00:08:03 10 Cambodia
00:08:18 11 Canada
00:08:27 11.1 Alberta
00:09:04 11.2 British Columbia
00:09:28 11.3 Manitoba
00:10:06 11.4 Newfoundland and Labrador
00:10:21 11.5 Nova Scotia
00:10:49 11.6 Ontario
00:11:41 11.7 Quebec
00:12:13 11.8 Saskatchewan
00:12:29 12 Chile
00:12:50 13 China
00:14:00 14 Colombia
00:14:24 15 Croatia
00:14:37 16 Cuba
00:14:47 16.1 Havana
00:15:04 16.2 Matanzas
00:15:18 17 Czech Republic
00:16:06 18 Denmark
00:16:48 19 Ecuador
00:17:05 20 El Salvador
00:17:20 21 Estonia
00:17:34 22 Finland
00:18:10 23 France
00:20:34 24 Germany
00:24:22 25 Greece
00:25:02 26 Hungary
00:25:35 27 Iceland
00:25:50 28 India
00:26:19 29 Indonesia
00:26:34 30 Iran
00:26:58 31 Ireland
00:27:16 32 Israel
00:27:34 33 Italy
00:28:21 34 Japan
00:28:30 34.1 Honshu
00:29:15 34.2 Hokkaido
00:29:43 35 Laos
00:29:58 36 Latvia
00:30:12 37 Lebanon
00:30:26 38 Lithuania
00:30:41 39 Malaysia
00:31:04 40 Malta
00:31:19 41 Mexico
00:31:44 42 Nepal
00:32:04 43 Netherlands
00:32:54 44 New Zealand
00:33:38 45 Nigeria
00:33:51 46 Norway
00:34:25 47 Pakistan
00:34:39 48 Peru
00:34:54 49 Philippines
00:35:13 50 Poland
00:36:09 51 Portugal
00:36:31 52 Republic of China (Taiwan)
00:36:53 53 Romania
00:37:17 54 Russia
00:39:02 55 Saudi Arabia
00:39:17 56 Serbia
00:39:31 57 Singapore
00:39:45 58 Slovakia
00:40:04 59 South Africa
00:40:32 60 South Korea
00:40:55 61 Spain
00:41:36 62 Sri Lanka
00:41:51 63 Sweden
00:42:36 64 Switzerland
00:43:02 65 Taiwan
00:43:21 66 Thailand
00:43:36 67 Turkey
00:44:10 68 Ukraine
00:44:37 69 United Kingdom
00:44:47 69.1 England
00:48:34 69.2 Isle of Man
00:48:49 69.3 Northern Ireland
00:49:04 69.4 Scotland
00:49:30 69.5 Wales
00:49:45 70 United States
00:49:55 70.1 Alabama
00:50:11 70.2 Alaska
00:50:31 70.3 Arkansas
00:50:41 70.4 Arizona
00:50:57 70.5 California
00:54:34 70.6 Colorado
00:55:16 70.7 Connecticut
00:55:39 70.8 Delaware
00:55:53 70.9 Florida
00:57:00 70.10 Georgia
00:57:31 70.11 Hawaii
00:57:52 70.12 Idaho
00:58:18 70.13 Illinois
00:59:16 70.14 Indiana
01:00:11 70.15 Iowa
01:00:31 70.16 Kansas
01:01:05 70.17 Kentucky
01:01:33 70.18 Louisiana
01:01:54 70.19 Maine
01:02:13 70.20 Maryland
01:02:48 70.21 Massachusetts
01:03:09 70.22 Michigan
01:03:55 70.23 Minnesota
01:04:48 70.24 Mississippi
01:05:04 70.25 Missouri
01:05:39 70.26 Montana
01:05:53 70.27 Nebraska
01:06:08 70.28 Nevada
01:06:29 70.29 New Hampshire
01:06:51 70.30 New Jersey
01:07:20 70.31 New Mexico
01:07:57 70.32 New York
01:09:19 70.33 North Carolina
01:10:16 70.34 North Dakota
01:10:44 70.35 Ohio
01:11:51 70.36 Oklahoma
01:12:11 70.37 Oregon
01:12:34 70.38 Pennsylvania
01:13:10 70.39 Rhode Island
01:13:27 70.40 South Carolina
01:13:42 70.41 South Dakota
01:14:05 70.42 Tennessee
01:14:26 70.43 Texas
01:16:15 70.44 Utah
01:16:35 70.45 Vermont
01:16:51 70.46 Virginia
01:17:51 70.47 Washington
01:18:36 70.48 Washington, D.C.
01:18:57 70.49 Wisconsin
01:19:17 70.50 Wyoming
01:19:31 71 Venezuela
01:19:46 72 Vietnam
01:20:22 73 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This is a list of aerospace museums and museums that contain significant aerospace-related exhibits throughout the world. The aerospace museums are listed alphabetically by country and their article name.
Ukraine Tours Video
Ukraine Tours Video - Big, diverse and largely undiscovered, Ukraine is one of Europes last genuine Tours frontiers, a poor nation rich in colour-splashed tradition, warm-hearted people and off-the-map Tours experiences
The word Ukraine means land on the edge, an apt title for this vast slab of Eurasia in more ways than one. This is the Slavic hinterland on Europes periphery, European Russias underbelly on the doorstep of Central Asia and the fringe of the Black Sea, but its also a country creeping slowly towards the edge of change and modernity. The 2004 Orange Revolution lit a bitterly disappointing false dawn, the world economic slowdown walloped this country hard and recent political changes have been labelled Ukraines great leap backwards, but things are, nonetheless, shifting forward little by little in Europes biggest country. One look at the renovated city centres, well-dressed townsfolk, resurfaced roads and all the glistening infrastructure bolted in place for the 2012 European Soccer Championships (the worlds third-largest sporting event) is enough to see that after two decades of independence, Ukraine is edging long-term toward where it aspires to be, despite its squabbling politicians and meddlesome neighbours.
Amazing Ukraine Tours Video...
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