Pope Francis - Iași – Visit to the Cathedral of Our Lady Queen of Heaven 2019-06-01
Romania, Iași– Pope Francis’ visit to the Cathedral of Our Lady Queen of Heaven
Cathedral, Monasteries, Churches - Romania ✥۩♚۩✥
From Maramures to Danube Delta and to the Black Sea through Prahova Valley, the landscapes are incredibly beautiful: the mountains who are watching the waters, the plains, the riches of this land and people whose soul is awfully big. You need to know the soul of this nation, a soul who wrote, write and will write history, singing ballads and doina, a soul who cried, laughed, was mocked, suffered and who was joyful. The beauty of this country are described in the poems by Eminescu, Alecsandri or IH Radulescu, Fănuş Neagu and other and other great poets and writers.
Romanian Greek-Catholic Church in Oradea
Oradea, Romania, . July 24, 2012, Divine Liturgy celebrated in the memory of my mother, Mărieș Margareta Ema (Born May 24, 1921, Carei, Romania - Died July 23, 2012., Oradea, Romania).
Romanian Greek-Catholic Church, juridical Status: Major Archiepiscopate, Population: 707,452, {Romanian Church United with Rome, Major Archiepiscopate: Blaj, [776,529] Romania, United States (1697), BRU.ro. BRU.ro. 1999-02-22. Retrieved 2011-04-27.}
Catedrala Sf. Nicolae din Oradea, situată în str. Iuliu Maniu din municipiul Oradea, este catedrala Episcopiei Greco-Catolice de Oradea.
Construcția bisericii începe în anul 1800, când episcopul greco-catolic Ignațiu Darabant demolează mica biserică greco-catolică, și începe construcția unei catedrale. Clădirea are planul în formă de cruce, tavan boltit și o cupolă centrală pictată cu scene biblice. Acoperișul baroc al turnului a fost terminat în 1803, și a ars de două ori în 1836 și în 1907. Actuala formă a turnului a fost concepută de Giovanni Quai și a fost executată între anii 1910-1912. Altarului este așezat spre răsărit. În anul 1948, odată cu interzicerea BRU, lăcașul și-a pierdut statutul de catedrală episcopală și a fost dat în folosința BOR ca biserică parohială.
Lăcașul de cult a fost restituit Episcopiei de Oradea Mare în anul 2005, după îndelungate procese, tratative și tergiversări. Prima liturghie greco-catolică a avut loc, după 57 de ani de întrerupere, la 20 noiembrie 2005, cu participarea a peste 100 de episcopi, preoți și diaconi.
Slujba religioasa din data de 23 iulie 2012 a fost tinuta de Pr. Ioja Balint (data naşterii: 18 Noiembrie 1935, data hirotonirii: 15 August 1990).
The Eastern Catholic Churches (historically known by the now non-complimentary term Uniate Churches, which is still in use in some areas, and also by the inaccurate term eastern-rite Churches) are autonomous, self-governing (in Latin, sui iuris) particular churches in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, the Pope. Together with the Latin Church, they compose the worldwide Catholic Church. They preserve many centuries-old eastern liturgical, devotional, and theological traditions, shared in most cases with the various other Eastern Christian churches with which they were once associated. A few have never been out of communion with the Pope, a claim made, for instance, by the Maronites. Although the churches with which most were formerly associated may be of traditions out of communion with each other (Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Church of the East), Eastern Catholic churches of whatever tradition are all in communion with one another and with the Latin or Western church. However, they vary in theological emphasis, forms of liturgical worship and popular piety, canonical discipline and terminology. They all recognize the central role of the Bishop of Rome within the College of Bishops and his infallibility when speaking ex cathedra. A number of theological concerns or, in the case of the Eastern Orthodox churches, differences primarily in understanding the role of the Bishop of Rome separate them even from their counterparts of similar tradition but out of communion with Rome, which in general do not admit them to the Eucharist or the other sacraments.
Historically, Eastern Catholic Churches were located in Eastern Europe, the Asian Middle East, Northern Africa, and India. Due to migration they are now also in Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania, where eparchies have been established alongside the Latin dioceses. Eritrea has only an Eastern Catholic hierarchy, with no Latin structure.
The terms Byzantine Catholic and Greek Catholic are used of those who belong to Churches that use the Byzantine Rite. The terms Oriental Catholic and Eastern Catholic include these, but are broader, since they also cover Catholics who follow the Alexandrian, Antiochian, Armenian and Chaldean liturgical traditions.
Orthodox Patriarch of Bucharest visits Iasi
His Holiness Orthodox Patriarch of Bucharest and all Romania Daniel was welcomed in Iasi's Cathedral.
LIVE: Pope Francis visits Romania: Mass at Franciscan monastery in Sumuleu Ciuc
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Pope Francis holds a mass at the Franciscan monastery in Sumuleu Ciuc on Saturday, June 1, on the second day of his three day visit to Romania.
The Franciscan monastery in Sumuleu Ciuc is considered one of the most important Roman Catholic pilgrimage sites in southeastern Europe. It contains a wooden-sculpture figure of the Virgin Mary, known as the Shrine of Mary Comforter of the Afflicted.
Pope Francis is scheduled to be in Romania from May 31 to June 2, during which he is expected to visit six locations. The last visit of a Pope to Romania took place in 1999 when Pope John Paul II visited in the country.
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Meeting of Pope Francis with Young People and Families in Iasi, Romania 1 June 2019 HD
Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Romania.
Marian Meeting of Pope Francis with Young People and Families in the square in front of the Palace of Culture in Iasi
African Orthodox Pilgrims Chant Agni Parthene
African (Uganda) Orthodox Pilgrims from the most Holy Patriarchate of Alexandria, while visiting Romania, chanted Agni Parthene in Greek, praising Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
Adam’s sin. Targu Mures, Romania. 4th Aug/18
St. Nicolas’s Greek Catholic Church
Translation from english to romanian
Laura Bretan - concert st Mary Catholic Church second part 03.11.19
Biserica Sfânta Cruce - Holy Cross Church - Szent Kereszt-templom (Miercurea Ciuc, Romania)
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Biserica catolică Sfânta Cruce (mai corect, poate, Înălțarea Sfintei Cruci) este un monument istoric situat în zona centrală a orașului. Construcția bisericii a început în anul 1751 atunci când satul Miercurea Ciuc, având câteva sute de locuitori, primește statut de parohie. Biserica este terminată în anul 1758, în 1771 i se adaugă capela Sfântului Ioan Nepomuk și este sfințită în 1784. În partea sudică, în pridvorul de la intrarea principală, se găsește statuia Sfântului Anton de Padova. În interiorul bisericii se remarcă altarul principal realizat în stil baroc într-o tehnică mixtă (cruce, bazorelieful Golgotei şi pictură). Lângă pereții laterali sunt statuile Sfintei Fecioare și a Sfântului Ladislau (1040-1095, regele care a desăvârșit creștinizarea Ungariei). Pe amvon stă Pasărea Turul, simbol important în mitologia maghiară. Pe peretele nordic, în partea opusă pridvorului, este capela cu statuia lui Ioan Nepomuk (preot și martir creștin din a doua jumătate a sec. XIV). Biserica mai deține două relicve valoroase și anume un crucifix de pe vremea lui Mateia Corvin (circa 1470), precum și Cartea Congregaţiei Maria, tipărită la Mănăstirea franciscană de la Şumuleu-Ciuc înainte de 1731. Orașul dezvoltându-se, la începutul secolului XX biserica devine neîncăpătoare, dar visul credincioșilor catolici din Miercurea Ciuc de a avea o nouă biserică se împlinește abia un secol mai târziu, în anul 2003 fiind finalizată alături superba Biserică Millennium (sau Biserica cu Îngeri).
The Catholic Church of the Holy Cross (more correctly, perhaps, the Ascension of the Holy Cross) is a historic monument located in the central area of the city. The construction of the church began in 1751 when the village of Miercurea Ciuc, having several hundred inhabitants, was given the status of parish. The church was completed in 1758, in 1771 the chapel of St. John Nepomuk was added and was sanctified in 1784. In the the porch (the main entrance) is the statue of St. Anton de Padua. Inside the church is the main altar made in Baroque style in a mixed technique (the cross, the bas-relief of Golgotha and painting). Next to side walls are the statues of the Holy Virgin and of Saint Ladislau (1040-1095, the king who finalised the Christianization of Hungary). On the pulpit is the Turul Bird, an important symbol in Hungarian mythology. On the northern wall, oposite to the porch, is the chapel with the statue of John Nepomuk (priest and Christian martyr in the second half of the 14th century). The church holds two valuable relics, namely a crucifix from the time of Mateia Corvinus (circa 1470), as well as the book of the Congregation of Mary, printed at the Franciscan Monastery of Sumuleu-Ciuc before 1731. The city developed at the beginning of the 20th century the church becomes too small, but the dream of the Catholic believers in Miercurea Ciuc to have a new church becomes true only a century later, in 2003 the magnificent Millennium Church (or the Church with Angels) being finalized.
Csíkszereda legrégebbi római katolikus temploma a Szent Kereszt-templom egyike a város XVIII. századból fennmaradt épületeinek, Románia műemléklistáján a HR-II-a-B-12735 sorszámon szerepel. A templom barokk stílusban épült 1751 és 1758 között. A Szent Kereszt felmagasztalása tiszteletére 1784-ben szentelték fel. A 19. század végén, amikor a vármegye székhelye lett Csíkszereda, gyorsabb fejlődésnek indult, így a templom a növekedő város igényeit már nem tudta ellátni. A város fejlődésének köszönhetően a 20. század elején már új templom tervét készítették el, sőt az építéshez szükséges anyagi alapot 1914-re össze is adták. A munkálatok elkezdése előtt azonban kitört az első világháború, és minden elveszett. 2001-ben teljesedett be a csíkszeredai katolikus közösség régi vágya, mely egy nagyobb formátumú templom építése volt. 2003-ban, Makovecz Imre tervei alapján elkészült az új templom épülete, közismert nevén a Millenniumi-templom.
Pope Francis – Bucharest – Holy Mass 2019-05-31
Romania, Bucharest –Saint Joseph Cathedral- Holy Mass presided over by Pope Francis
Pope asks to transform old and current grudges into opportunities for communion
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Romanian Greek Catholic Church | Wikipedia audio article
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Romanian Greek Catholic Church
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The Romanian Greek Catholic Church or Romanian Church United with Rome, Greek-Catholic (Romanian: Biserica Română Unită cu Roma, Greco-Catolică) is a sui iuris Eastern Catholic Church, in full union with the Roman Catholic Church. It has the rank of a Major Archiepiscopal Church and it uses the Byzantine liturgical rite in the Romanian language.
Since 1994, Cardinal Lucian Mureșan, Archbishop of Făgăraș and Alba Iulia, serves as head of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church. On December 16, 2005, as the Romanian Church United with Rome, Greek-Catholic was elevated to the rank of a Major Archiepiscopal Church by Benedict XVI, Lucian Mureșan became its first major archbishop. Mureşan was eventually created a cardinal, at the Consistory of February 18, 2012.
Besides the Archeparchy of Fǎgǎraș and Alba Iulia, there are five more Greek-Catholic eparchies in Romania (Eparchy of Oradea Mare, Eparchy of Cluj-Gherla, Eparchy of Lugoj, Eparchy of Maramureș, and Eparchy of Saint Basil the Great of Bucharest), as well as one eparchy overseas, the Romanian Catholic Eparchy of St George's in Canton, answering directly to the Major Archbishop and the Holy See, in the United States of America and Canada.According to data published in the 2016 Annuario Pontificio, the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church had 504,280 members, 8 bishops, 1,225 parishes, some 835 diocesan priests and 235 seminarians of its own rite at the end of 2012. However, according to the 2011 Romanian government census, the number of its followers living in Romania was as low as 150,593, of which 124,563 are ethnic Romanians. The dispute over this figure is mentioned in the United States Department of State report on religious freedom in Romania.In addition, there are five other Catholic dioceses in Romania, belonging to the Latin Church, whose members are more numerous.