Romania, Bucovina painted monasteries -UNESCO World Heritage
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
Bukovina is a historical region in Central Europe,divided between Romania and Ukraine, located on the northern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians and the adjoining plains.
Eight Romanian Orthodox Churches of Moldavia are located in Suceava County, since 1993, they have been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Among the most picturesque treasures of Romania are the Painted Monasteries of Bucovina. Their painted exterior walls are decorated with elaborate 15th and 16th century frescoes featuring portraits of saints and prophets, scenes from the life of Jesus, images of angels and demons, and heaven and hell.
Romania, Bucovina painted monasteries - Voronet Monastery
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Voroneț Monastery is a medieval monastery in the Romanian village of Voroneț, now a part of the town Gura Humorului. It is one of the famous painted monasteries from southern Bukovina, in Suceava County. The monastery was constructed by Stephen the Great in 1488 over a period of 3 months and 3 weeks to commemorate the victory at Battle of Vaslui. Often known as the Sistine Chapel of the East, the frescoes at Voroneț feature an intense shade of blue known in Romania as Voroneț blue.
Romania, Bucovina painted monasteries - Humor Monastery
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
Humor Monastery located in Mănăstirea Humorului, about 5 km north of the town of Gura Humorului, Romania. It is a monastery for nuns dedicated to the Dormition of Virgin Mary, or Theotokos. It was constructed in 1530 by Voievod Petru Rareş and his chancellor Teodor Bubuiog. The monastery was built over the foundation of a previous monastery that dated from around 1415. The Humor monastery was closed in 1786 and was not reopened until 1990.
Voroneț Monastery - Western Moldavia, Romania - Travel & Discover
The Voroneț Monastery is a medieval monastery in the Romanian village of Voroneț, now a part of the town Gura Humorului. It is one of the famous painted monasteries from southern Bukovina, in Suceava County.
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Romania, Bucovina painted monasteries Patrauti Churchwatermarked
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross is a Romanian Orthodox church in Pătrăuți Commune, Suceava County, Romania. Built in 1487, with Stephen III of Moldavia as ktitor, it is one of eight buildings that make up the churches of Moldavia UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is also listed as a historic monument by the country's Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs
The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina (Romania)
The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina (Romania)
Romania, Bucovina painted monasteries - Sucevita Monastery
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
Sucevița Monastery is an Eastern Orthodox convent situated in the Northeastern part of Romania. It is situated near the Suceviţa River, in the village Sucevița, 18 km away from the city of Rădăuţi, Suceava County. It is located in the southern part of the historical region of Bukovina . It was built in 1585 by Ieremia Movilă, Gheorghe Movilă and Simion Movilă.
The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina
The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina
Amazing painted monasteries of Bucovina, Voronets (Romania).avi
Photo Report about Voronet
The church of Saint George at Voroneț Monastery is the most famous church in Romania. It is known throughout the world for its exterior frescoes of bright and intense colours, and for the hundreds of well-preserved figures placed against the renowned azurite background. Voronet is considered by many to be the Sixtine Chapel of the East, due to its magnificent frescoes placed on the West wall. These feature an intense shade of blue known in the world as , Voronet Blue, a colors obtained from lapis lazuli, which has been added to the lexicon of art alongside colors such as the Titian Red and Veronese Green, being unique.
Bucovina - Land of Painted Monasteries
Bucovina - Country of beech, offers travelers views of rare beauty and great churches founded by princes and landowners, whose paintings are a delight. After the year 1530, 15-16 centuries monasteries were exterior decorated with famous frescoes with unique colors such as: blue Voronet, red of Humor, green from the
Sucevita and yellow from the Moldovita.
Day 1: Arrival in Bucuresti
Arrival to Bucharest. Transfer to a 4* hotel, centrally located.
Day 2 : Departure Targu Neamt
Departure to Targu Neamt. Lunch in Bacau. Arrival to Targu Neamt . Dinner and accommodation.
Day 3: Departure to Monasteries Agapia -- Varatec --Suceava
Breakfast. Visit Neamt Fortress, one of the monuments of exceptional value in Romania, was meant to defend the western border of Moldova and pasages in the Carpathian Mountains. Departure to monasteries Agapia Varatec, Neamt and Secu.
Lunch near the monasteries. Departure to Suceava . Dinner and accommodation.
Day 4 : Departure to Monasteries Dragomirna -- Voronet -- Humor
Breakfast. Visit to Fortress of Suceava, built in the 14th century, is part of the fortification system constructed in Moldova at the end of the 14th century, when the Ottoman threat occurrence. Visit to the Monastery of St. John the New (1514) - houses the relics of Saint John the New and Dragomirna
Monastery (1602-1609) - with a special architectural value, due to the rigors of geometric refined and unusual proportions.
Lunch in Suceava. Departure to Gura Humorului. Visits to Voronet Monastery (1488) - one of the most valuable foundations of Moldavian prince Stephen the Great, built in only four months and a half and to Humor Monastery (1530).
Frescoes, architecture, beautiful landscapes and popular artistic creation contributed to distinction award Golden Apple Bucovina by the International Federation of Journalists and Writers of Tourism and heritage of Bucovina joining UNESCO catalog - Great monuments of the world.
Romania (#24): Petru Voda Painted Monastery
Petru Voda Monastery ... The exterior painted frescoes of Bucovina's churches (Suceava County) appeared as an isolated phenomenon in the 16th century, and especially in Petru Rares's times. The number of monuments with such decoration was greater, but today only six are preserved: Arbore, Humor, Moldovita, Rasca, Sucevita and Voronet. Important traces can also be seen at Probota, Baia, Patrauti, Sfantu Ilie near Suceava and Suceava (Sf. Gheorghe - St. John the New Monastery). Sometimes -- for instance in Voronet and Sfantu Ilie, near Suceava -- the paintings and the church are not from the same period.
A special case is the new Petru Voda Monastery, located in a village with the same name in Neamt County. It was built and painted in the last decade (1990s), with the obvious intention to be included in the Medieval tradition, but without imitating it.
Unique, Moldovita Painted Monastery in Bucovina, Romania
The original Moldovita Painted Monastery was built in 1532 by Prince Petru Rares and painted in 1537. Destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed, repainted, yadda, yadda, the exterior paintings are the best preserved out of all the painted churches in Bucovina.
Paintings faded easily on the North side, subjected to snow, wind, and rain while the South and East facades held their brilliant colors over time. Since the paintings were conceived to teach people about the bible, the same themes were painted on most of these unique churches: the Last Judgment; saints; apostles; angels; heaven and hell; Siege of Constantinople; Tree of Jesse and even Moses' burning bush.
Because the paintings inside Moldovita are original, photography is not allowed inside the church.
Romania (#18): Painted Monasteries, Sucevita & Moldovitei
Romania is abounding of places of worship: hermitages, churches, monasteries, temples, basilicas, etc. They have been built during almost a millennium, in a multitude of architectonic styles.
When visiting those places one must keep in mind that the Romanian architecture is a mixture of the Byzantine style and Western influences from Renaissance to Baroque.
The painted monasteries of Southern Bucovina are some of the greatest artistic monuments in Europe and among the most picturesque treasures in Romania. Most of the churches are fortified with strong defensive surrounding walls as protection against Turkish invaders and they sheltered large armies of soldiers awaiting battle. The exterior walls of the monasteries are richly decorated with vivid frescoes depicting dramatic Biblical scenes, intended to teach Christianity to the illiterate by means of pictures. The artwork has amazingly survived harsh exposure to the elements for over 450 years and the intense colors have been well preserved.
The five main painted monasteries in Bukovina are Humor, Voronet, Moldovita, Sucevita and Arbore, although there are many more lesser-known complexes equally worth visiting. The predominant color of the artwork at Voronet is a vivid blue that serves as a background to the designs. The quality of the frescoes, the magnificent Last Judgment and the brilliant color has earned it the moniker of 'Sistine Chapel of the East'.
Orthodox: Monasteries Of Sucevita,Voronet,Moldovita,Moldavia (Romania) • Abbeys and Monasteries
Monasteries dating from the 15th and 16th cenrtury are still exceptionally well preserved in Bukovina. Beautiful frescos on their walls represent historic and biblical images. The battle against the Turkish domination is often pictured; probably because the Orthodox Church kept the spirit of the nation alive during the four centuries of Turkish domination. Sucevita, Voronet and Moldovita are three of these rare 15th century monasteries with well-preserved - outside and inside - paintings. The monasteries are inhabited by nuns.
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Voronet monastery, built in 1488 , Suceava county, Bucovina Region, Romania
“Last Judgment” painted on the western wall is the fabulous composition of the monasteries in Moldavia. The southern wall relieve “Jesse’s Tree”, the fabulous genealogy of Jesus.
Visit Romania ! Bucovina Painted Churches - Unesco World Heritage !
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An Occident and Orient summary of Gothic and Byzantine styles, the eight exterior painted churches from Bucovina are registered in UNESCO World Heritage: Arbore, Humor, Moldovița, Pătrăuți, Probota, Voroneț , Saint George from Suceava and Sucevița. The architecture belongs to the western, gothic inspiration- lithe, single spire churches, with strong counter forces - and the painting is of Byzantine inspiration.
Manastirea Moldovita, Suceava, Romania
Manastirea Moldovita, Suceava, Romania
Mănăstirea Moldovița este una din vechile așezări călugărești, cu un important și glorios trecut istoric, străjuitoare de veacuri la hotarul Moldovei de nord, situată în comuna Vatra Moldoviței la o distanță de circa 15 km de comuna Vama.
Originea acestei mănăstiri rămâne învăluită în negura vremii, tradiția amintind de existența ei încă din timpul voievozilor Mușatini, care au ocrotit-o.
Sub pașnica domnie a lui Alexandru cel Bun, ocrotită și înzestrată de ctitori, mănăstirea a dăinuit până la sfârșitul secolului al XV-lea când, din cauza unei alunecări de teren, s-a prăbușit. Ruinele ei se văd și astăzi, la circa 500 m distanță de actuala mănăstire.
Voievodul Petru Rareș, iubitor de artă ca și tatăl său, Ștefan cel Mare, vrând să continue existența Mănăstirii Moldovița, a ales locul puțin mai la șes de vechea biserică a lui Alexandru cel Bun și a construit actuala biserică a Moldoviței în anul 1532, închinând-o aceluiași hram „Buna Vestire”.
În aceeași epocă, Domnul împrejmuiește Biserica cu ziduri și turnuri de apărare, dându-i aspectul unei mici fortărețe.
Fără îndoială că au existat locuințe, după fundațiile care se văd în partea nordică, pe a căror temelii episcopul Efrem de Rădăuți, între anii 1610-1612, a construit clișarnița (casă egumenească) pentru locuința sa, pentru păstrarea odoarelor bisericii și organizarea unei școli de copiști și miniaturiști, continuând în acest fel opera culturală a lui Petru Rareș.
Biserica a fost pictată în 1537, atât în interior, cât şi în exterior.
Diferenţele de stil semnificative între scene variate indică faptul că trebuie să fi muncit mai mulţi pictori la Moldoviţa.
În 1607 Episcopul de Rădăuţi Efrem a decis construirea solidă a incintei cu trei turnuri.
Pictura interioara nu se abate de la traditie, însa Rastignirea (naos) e socotita cea mai valoroasa realizare pe aceasta tema din bisericile Bucovinei.
Jiltul domnesc din vremea lui Petru Rares (secolul al XVI-lea) este cea mai valoroasa opera de acest gen din Moldova, în buna vecinatate cu broderiile daruite de Voievodul Stefan cel Mare (secolul al XV-lea).
În perioada 1954-1960 Moldoviţa a fost restaurată şi înnoită - acoperişul a fost refăcut în întregime şi i s-a mărit sarpanta pentru protecţia picturii,
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Bucovina monasteries - Voroneț - Humor
Mănăstirea Voroneț - Mănăstirea Humorului
Humor monastery 1415, Bucovina, Romania, Suceava
The True and Genuine Portrait of Stephen the Great, King of Moldavia, Fine medieval painting recognized for intense, vegetal red
The Painted Monasteries, Moldavia, Romania
In Moldavia Romania there are 8 painted monasteries dating back to the 15th century.