Considered Israel’s trendiest and most vibrant open marketplace, Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda is a hotbed of fresh produce, enchanting merchants, quaint eateries and unique entertainment.
Extra materials courtesy of Yalla Basta
Danidin-halom azuv
Kalaniyot Suite Excerpt 2008
We love shooting Israeli dance. The Kalaniyot dancers are so talented! We would ideally love to cover their performance with three cameras, but using two adds depth, and lets the viewer feel more personally connected. The 2008 video that we made of the Kalaniyot Suite, together with the entire Festival, is still (more than a year later) available through
palestina och alla araber länder
palestina rappare
Vårt Skåne: lagar världens godaste falafel!
Falafel no:1 gör Malmös och därmed antagligen även världens godaste falafel! Vi lär oss hur!
Jewish salsa music! 2
Jewish salsa music performed at Kungsportsplatsen in Gbg.