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National Park Attractions In Sao Domingos

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National Park Attractions In Sao Domingos

  • 1. Terra Ronca State Park Sao Domingos
    The Terra Ronca State Park was created by decree nr. 10,879 of 7 July 1989 and had its area and boundaries established by decree nr. 4,700 of 21 August 1996, covering the municipality of São Domingos. Around the state park they created the environmental protection area of the Serra Geral, by decree nr. 4,666 of 16 April 1996. The areas of these two protected areas are of restricted use and regularly monitored and audited by the Agência Goiana de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, covering respectively 57,018 ha and 40,000 ha. It is one of the most beautiful and significant geo-morfologic sets of Brazil. The implementation of the park and the APA has as their main focus the protection of all the natural complex of the region composed of numerous caves with a rich system of speleothems, sp...
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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