Some Muddy Farm Animals at Ourscamp Abbey (France)
copyright 2011 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
There's a clip up of this abbey over on Dailymotion under LisaFalour you might like. My other channel here on YouTube is CUTECATFAITH.
This Cistercian abbey is Northeast of Paris, France, is partially in ruins, but is still active. I am a private guide and can take you to lots of wonderful places or can sell you a customized itinerary, and make the arrangements. I also consult to the arts and sciences.
We spent a Sunday morning here in early December, then went to visit Compiègne again to see the palace there.
This is in the Oise département of France.
Saint Ann, the mother of the Virgin Mary, is noted in this region, and a donkey is called an âne and is often associated with Anne. A ram and pony were also there, very much in need of grooming.
The weather is relatively mild most of the year around Paris, and I saw many roses still blooming, which is normal. The sharp cold and snow are usually not here until January, and early Spring flowers begin to appear in February. The best Spring flowers are in March -- not April in Paris! Never visit Europe in July or August, as it is expensive, crowded and hot. There are no screens on windows, and very little is air conditioned or well ventilated.
The name of this abbey is based on the word ours, which means bear. A miracle associated with Saint Eloi and a bear is told in connection with this place.
I really recommend Sunday Mass in France -- nobody does church as do the French, I always say! In cities, it's usually at 10 am and in more rural areas, it's often at 11 am.
Cent ans de la Grande Guerre: une promenade mémoire dans l'Oise - 26/06
Toute l'actualité sur Les chefs d'Etat européens se réunissent jeudi à Ypres, l'un des champs de bataille les plus violents de la Première Guerre Mondiale. En France aussi beaucoup d'évènements liés à la guerre 14-18 sont organisés, dans l'Oise notamment, où un sentier aménagé long de 6 kilomètres permet de revivre le quotidien des poilus.