Places to see in ( Trapani - Italy ) Erice
Places to see in ( Trapani - Italy ) Erice
Erice is a historic town and comune in the province of Trapani in Sicily, Italy. The main town of Erice is located on top of Mount Erice, at around 750 metres (2,460 ft) above sea level, overlooking the city of Trapani, the low western coast towards Marsala, the dramatic Punta del Saraceno and Capo San Vito to the north-east, and the Aegadian Islands on Sicily's north-western coast. Casa Santa forms part of Erice at the base of Mount Erice, immediately adjacent to Trapani. A cable car joins the upper and lower parts of Erice.
The bordering municipalities are Buseto Palizzolo, Paceco, Trapani, Valderice and Custonaci. The hamlets (frazioni) are Ballata, Casa Santa, Crocefissello, Napola, Pizzolungo, Rigaletta, San Cusumano and Torretta.
The ancient Greek name of Erice was Eryx (Έρυξ in Greek), and its foundation was associated with the eponymous Greek hero Eryx. It was not a Greek colony, as the Phoenicians founded it, but was largely Hellenized. It was destroyed in the First Punic War by the Carthaginians, and from then on declined in importance.
Eryx was conquered by Aghlebids in 831 and was renamed as Cebel Hamid (In Western sources Gebel Hamed, meaning Mountain of Hamid). It was ruled by Arabs until the Norman conquest. In 1167 the Normans renamed it Monte San Giuliano. It was known as Monte San Giuliano until 1934.
In the northeastern portion of the city there are the remains of ancient Elymian and Phoenician walls indicating different stages of settlement and occupation in antiquity. A cable car (funivia) ran from 2005 to 2017, when it was closed due to a forest fire, from the outskirts of Trapani to the town of Erice. The cablecar may be rebuilt.
There are two castles that remain in the city: Pepoli Castle, which dates from Saracen times, and the Venus Castle, dating from the Norman period, built on top of the ancient Temple of Venus, where Venus Ericina was worshipped. According to legend, the temple was founded by Aeneas. It was well known throughout the Mediterranean area in the ancient age, and an important cult was celebrated in it. In his book On the Nature of Animals, Aelian writes that animals chosen for sacrifice would voluntarily walk up to the altar to be killed.
( Trapani - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Trapani . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Trapani - Italy
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Places to see in ( Castellammare del Golfo - Italy ) Spiaggia Guidaloca
Places to see in ( Castellammare del Golfo - Italy ) Spiaggia Guidaloca
Castellammare del Golfo is a small and charming Sicilian town, located in the province of Trapani, in a stretch of coast where the high cliffs are interspersed with sandy beaches and intimate coves. It owes its name to the beautiful castle that rises almost to the sea, a strategic point from where in the past centuries the waters were scrutinized to prevent possible enemy attacks.
Two of the most famous beaches of Castellammare del Golfo are Scopello and Guidaloca, easily reachable from the city center by public transport or in 5 minutes by car. The lido di Scopello is located near the Zingaro Nature Reserve, a natural place of great value and rare beauty. The beach of Scopello is truly fabulous and the seabed is particularly rich in flora and fauna making it an exceptional destination for all diving lovers.
A short distance from Scopello you can reach the small bay of Guidaloca , formed by a pebble beach about 400 meters long ending on the west side with a tower dating back to the sixteenth century, ancient lookout point. The waters in this stretch of coast are of an intense blue and a truly unique transparency and the various caves that dot the high and rocky coastline make the coast fascinating and mysterious.
For nature lovers and pristine coves it is advisable to move to the Zingaro Reserve, where the wild nature and the beautiful waters will give you authentic moments of relaxation, a real paradise on earth. In short, all the beaches of Castellammare del Golfo and the surrounding area are excellent places to spend a pleasant holiday.
( Castellammare del Golfo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Castellammare del Golfo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Castellammare del Golfo - Italy
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10 days in Sicily | 2017 | GoPro HERO 5
Filmed in these places:
Castellamare del Golfo
Riserva dello Zingaro
Mazara del Vallo
Saline di Marsala
Girato con GoPro HERO 5
Musica: Illenium - Reverie
There is no copyright infringement intended for the song or picture. If you have an issue with me posting this song or picture please contact me through one of my social networks or YouTube private messaging system. Once I have received your message and determined you are the proper owner of this content I will have it removed, no drama at all. This channel is strictly for promotion towards the artists of the music. I try to help promote their music and their social networks.
Italia da amare: le Isole Egadi emozioni intimamente conflittuali.
I contrasti della vita: tra i bagliori e le sfumature di luoghi idilliaci, la coscienza di una esistenza complicata e la brutalità della mattanza.
Taormina: The Pearl Of Europe! You, Me & Sicily! Episode 11
A You, Me & Sicily! episode. Conquered by multiple superpowers, Taormina was a prized jewel for rulers for centuries. Today it's a main tourist destination! Catch some fun bloopers at the end. All episodes of You, Me & Sicily are at and follow You, Me & Sicily on Facebook! Ciao!
Unseen Sicily
Unseen Sicily - The Hidden Face of Sicily. Talè Edizioni
This series, of which we are submitting you the pilot, is a proposal, a driver and a guide for those who want to discover new points of view of the island, out of the ordinary - speaking geographically as well.
Sicily is a place to be explored by car or motorbike, marveling at each road curve.
This island is a land rich in fascination and mystery, a place lost in space and time, a dimension where the past and the future blend together into a chaos of culture, tradition, perfumes and tastes.
It’s a huge treasure, with thousands sites to visit and to remember – in this series we want to show them as simply and naturally as the characters (a couple of tourists) get to discover and enjoy all the big and small surprises the route “on the road” has to offer.
Expected episodes are 7, 30 minutes each.
Unseen Sicily is going to become a multimedia project: it will include a Web support portal for travelers, in which the interaction of users and the exchange of useful information, together with the current and future episodes is an added value to this product intended for an international community finally represented.
FANTASTICA SICILIA (video integrale)
Se ti piacciono i miei video iscriviti al canale e condividi!!!
Sicily Road Trip 2017
We went around Sicily, eat, laughed, and conquered!
San Vito Lo Capo (SICILY, May)
Сицилия, фильм - 6: Erice - город в облаках Sicily, the film - 6
Фрагмент фильма 2 недели в Сицилии, рассказывающий об Erice (Monte San Giuliano) - городе в облаках. Такого Вы еще не видели!
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Эриче (итал. Erice) — коммуна в Италии, располагается в регионе Сицилия, в провинции Трапани. До 1934 г. называлась Монте-Сан-Джулиано. Население составляет 28 тыс. человек.
Эриче располагается на горе, высочайшая точка которой - 751 метр над уровнем моря.
Покровительницей коммуны почитается Пресвятая Богородица (Maria SS. di Custonaci), празднование в последнюю среду августа.
Что привлекает туристов в Эриче – сесть в машину времени и оказаться в прошлом, увидеть своими глазами, как все выглядело 500 лет назад. В Эриче (Erice) - время остановилось. Как будто в один момент город перестал идти в ногу со временем, и его архитектура так и осталась где в средних веках.
Город был построен на самой вершине высокой горы, господствующей над прибрежной равниной. Корни его происхождения затерялись в легендарной древности. Но, несмотря на это, обаяние Средневековья сохранилось до наших дней. А когда город погружается в очередное проходящее по небу облако, лабиринт извилистых улочек приобретает мистический контекст. Уходит ощущение времени, стираются границы между реальным и мифическим.
Вся история Эриче – это сплошной театр, с бесконечной сменой действующих лиц. Финикийцы и греки, римляне и византийцы, норманны и германцы, французы и испанцы. Кого только там не было.
Несмотря на небольшие размеры, в городе достаточно много достопримечательностей, на которые стоит взглянуть. Кроме того, традиционные для Италии узкие улочки, маленькие магазинчики с занятными сувенирами и небольшие кафе придают Эриче свое неповторимое очарование.
Очертания города при виде сверху близки к треугольнику, в двух вершинах которого высятся башни, а в третьей стоит замок.
Длинные улицы проходят вдоль горного хребта, а короткие и достаточно крутые переулки соединяют их друг с другом. Все площади имеют небольшой размер, а несколько из них даже наклонную мостовую. Архитектура города полностью отражает его историю, представляя собой калейдоскоп романских, норманнских, готических памятников.
Кафедральный собор (Duomo dell’Assunta) построен при правлении короля Фридриха III Арагонского, который таким образом выразил жителям города свою благодарность за поддержку во время войны Арагонской династии за власть. Основное строительством происходило в первой половине 14 века. 28-метровая колокольня была построена раньше храма. Однако изначально постройка выполняла функции сторожевой башни. И лишь позже, уже после окончания войны 1282-1314 годов, на верхнем уровне были установлены колокола, и башня стала использоваться как кампанилла.
Замок Венеры был построен в 12 веке норманнами на месте другого древнего языческого святилища, посвященного богине Венере.
Провести в Эриче больше одного дня сложно. Но пропустить этот город во время путешествия по Сицилии будет невосполнимой потерей. Он настолько отличается от остальных городов острова, что напоминает осколок прошлого, затерявшийся во времени. Стоя наверху, можно наслаждаться видом моря, сливающегося с небом у линии горизонта. А под ногами в это время клубятся облака, оправдывая название «города на облаках».
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