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The Best Attractions In Guayllabamba

Guayllabamba is a small agricultural town located 29 kilometers northeast of the city of Quito in northern Ecuador. In the Ecuadorian national census of November 24, 2001, the parish had a population of 12,227. The elevation of the town is 2,142 metres above sea level.The Zoológico de Quito , which was originally in the Benalcázar parish of the city of Quito, was moved in 1997 to the southwest of the parish, and has been operated since 1999 by the Fundación Zoológica del Ecuador. The zoo is the largest zoo in Ecuador.
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The Best Attractions In Guayllabamba

  • 3. Cuicocha Cotacachi
    Cuicocha is a 3 km wide caldera and crater lake at the foot of Cotacachi Volcano in the Cordillera Occidental of the Ecuadorian Andes. Its name comes from the Kichwa indigenous language and means Lago del Cuy or Guinea Pig Laguna in English. It was given this name due to the guinea pig shape of the largest Island in the middle of the laguna. These animals play a significant part in the everyday life of Ecuadorians, as they reproduce rapidly and need a minimum of food and care to survive. They make for a high protein meal especially for populations living in high altitude. The caldera was created by a massive eruption about 3100 years ago that generated about 5 cubic kilometres of pyroclastic flow and covered the surrounding area in volcanic ash up to 20 cm deep. The volcano has been dorman...
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 6. Mitad del Mundo San Antonio De Pichincha
    The Ciudad Mitad del Mundo is a tract of land owned by the prefecture of the province of Pichincha, Ecuador. It is located at San Antonio parish of the canton of Quito, 26 km north of the center of Quito. The grounds contain the Monument to the Equator, which highlights the exact location of the Equator and commemorates the eighteenth century Franco-Spanish Geodesic Mission which fixed its approximate location; they also contain the Museo Etnográfico Mitad del Mundo, Ethnographic Museum Middle of the Earth, a museum about the indigenous people ethnography of Ecuador. The 30-meter-tall monument was constructed between 1979 and 1982 by Pichincha's Province Council to replace an older, smaller monument built by the Government of Ecuador under the direction of the geographer Luis Tufiño in 1...
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 8. Pululahua Ecuador
    Pululagua is a dormant volcano in the north of Quito Canton, Pichincha Province, Ecuador. The volcano is in the Western Cordillera of the northern Ecuadorian Andes, approximately west-southwest of Mojanda and north of Casitahua volcanoes. Pululagua's caldera is approximately 5 km wide. The volcano is within an Ecuadorian national park known as Reserva Geobotánica Pululahua. In 467 BCE, Pululagua erupted, sending volcanic ash over much of the western Ecuadorian lowland regions, which greatly reduced the expressions of Chorrera culture.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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