Magical Peru #7: Chiclayo
After visiting Trujillo region, which included Chan Chan (Huaca del Dragon), the pyramids of Huaca de la Luna and Huaca del Sol, of the Moche ancient culture, the Chimu empire, and Huanchaco, a popular beach resort for Trujillo residents, we headed North to Chiclayo, where we will visit the Tumbas reales de Sipán (Tomb of Sipan) and one of the best museums in Peru.
Founded in the mid-16th century, Chiclayo is a comercial hub and northern Peru's second largest city after Trujillo. Chiclayo serves as the most convinient starting point to visit all major aschaeological and historical features in the area.
We started out trip around Peru from the capital, Lima, the main entry point for foreigners arriving in Peru. From Lima, we went to Trujillo, Huanchaco, Chiclayo, Arequipa, Chivay, Canyon de Colca, Puno, Lago Titicaca, Cusco, Valle Sagrado, Aguas Caliente and, of course, Machu Pichu. On the way, we visited many archaeological sites and learnt about the ancient civilizations that made pre-Columbian Peru.
After departing Lima, we headed to the North Coast. In Trujillo we stayed at the Hotel Colonial, which you can see on one of the previous videos. From Trujillo we visited the cities of Huanchaco and Chiclayo, and the archaeological sites of Huaca de la Luna, Huaca del Sol, Chan Chan and the tomb of the Lord of Sipán, including their museums.
Após passar algumas semanas apenas em Lima estudando espanhol e conhecendo o que a capital peruana tem a oferecer, nós partimos para explorar o país. Começando pela região Norte, fomos até Trujillo, Chiclayo, Huanchaco, Huacas del Sol e de la Luna, Chan Chan e o sítio arqueológico da Tumba do Lorde Sipán. Depois, descemos pelo Sul do Perú, em lugares como Arequipa e Lago Titicaca, e terminamos nossa jornada no interior, em Cusco e Machu Pichu.
Diogo Kyrillos
【K】Peru Travel-Chiclayo[페루 여행-치클라요]해안 평야지대의 치클라요/Historic site/Plains/Mural
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[한국어 정보]
치클라요는 페루 북쪽에 위치한 거점 도시로 건조한 평야지대에 위치해 있다. 관개에 의한 비옥한 농업지대의 중심으로 설탕과 쌀, 사탕수수와 밀의 집산지기도 하다. 도시의 중심가는 많은 인파들로 활기가 넘쳐나고 있다. 인근 해안의 농수산물의 교류가 수시로 이뤄지는 이유는 사람들 왕래가 빈번한 탓이다. 스페인풍의 거대한 건축물이 곳곳에 들어서 이국적 풍광을 자랑한다. 교회나 유적지가 곳곳에 즐비하다. 도심 주변을 둘러보니 여행객의 눈길을 끄는 게 있다. 거리의 다양한 벽화들이다. 다소 허름해 보이는 건축물 벽면에 새겨진 그림들의 색감이 무척 강렬하다. 벽화는 때론 한 시대의 스토리나 의미 있는 메시지를 담고 있고 때론 지나가는 행인의 무료함을 달래주는 그럴듯한 예술행위라고 추측해 본다.
[English: Google Translator]
Chiclayo is located in the arid plains to the base city, located in northern Peru. The center of a fertile agricultural area is irrigated by the prayers of wheat and sugar trading center and rice, sugarcane. The bustle of the city center is flooded with crowds. The reason often goes exchanges of agricultural products of the nearby coastal attributable to the frequent coming and going of people. Spanish is heard throughout the huge building boasts an exotic scenery. It is packed with churches and monuments all over the place. Looking around the city around it to attract the attention of travelers. Murals are a variety of distances. The color of the picture engraved on the building wall that looks somewhat heoreum is very intense. Murals and sometimes contain an era of a story or a meaningful message Try to guess which sometimes acts as a plausible art of passing pedestrians should soothe free.
[Peru : Google Translator]
Chiclayo se encuentra en las llanuras áridas a la ciudad base, situada en el norte de Perú. El centro de un área agrícola fértil es irrigada por las oraciones de trigo y azúcar centro de comercio y el arroz, la caña de azúcar. El ajetreo del centro de la ciudad se inunda con las multitudes. La razón va a menudo los intercambios de productos agrícolas de la costa cercana atribuibles a la frecuente ir y venir de gente. Español se oye en todo el enorme edificio cuenta con un exótico paisaje. Está repleto de iglesias y monumentos por todo el lugar. Mirando alrededor de la ciudad alrededor de ella para atraer la atención de los viajeros. Murales son una variedad de distancias. El color de la imagen grabada en la pared del edificio que se ve un poco heoreum es muy intensa. Murales y algunas veces contienen una era de una historia o un mensaje significativo tratar de adivinar que a veces actúa como un arte plausible de los peatones deben calmar libre.
■클립명: 남미015-페루07-01 해안 평야지대의 치클라요/Historic site/Plains/Mural
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조규진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 9월 September
길,건물,architecture,building,예술품,fine art,picture, painting,남미,America,아메리카,페루,Peru,Peru,,조규진,2016,9월 September,람바예케주,Lambayeque Region,Departamento de Lambayeque,
【K】Peru Travel-Cajamarca[페루 여행-카하마르카]함께 일하며 나누는 포르콘 사람들/Porcon/Community/Work/Dairy/Share
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
목축과 농업을 주로 하는 이곳은 페루에서 상대적으로 낙후된 지역이다. 주민 각자가 자신에게 적합한 일을 조합에서 배분 받아 공동체에 기여하는 방식은 좀 낯설다. 문득 그들의 행복관이 궁금해졌다. “삶을 위한 행복이 뭐라고 생각하세요?” “먼저 예수 그리스도를 우리 마음속에 두는 것이고 두 번째는 우리 아이들에게 음식, 옷, 그리고 약을 가져다주기 위해 좋은 일을 갖는 것이에요.” 드넓은 고산지대의 생활은 이런저런 작업의 연속이다. 평화로워 보이는 산기슭의 공동 작업은 얼핏 힘들어 보였다. 개인의 자유보다는 공동체의 필요에 의한 노동은 자칫 개인에게 부담이 될 수 있기 때문이다. 묵묵히 자신의 일에 열중하는 밝은 표정을 보며 나의 생각이 맞지 않을 수 있다는 예감이 들었다. “여러분은 함께 일하시는 게 즐거우신가요? “ “그렇죠.””어떤 부분이요?” “서로 잘 지내요. 모두 즐겁게 일해요.” “그래서 본인과 본인 가족은 행복하신가요?” “그럼요. 조합에서 모두에게 할 일을 제공해주거든요.” “걱정이 없으시겠어요?” “없지요.” “육체적 노동이 힘들지 않으세요?””아니요. 단순하고 쉬운 일이에요.” “한국에서 오신 여러분을 환영합니다. 공동체 시스템 안에서 함께 일하고 있습니다. 삼림, 어업, 농업, 목축업, 관광 등의 모든 활동을 함께 합니다. 회장직 2년, 관리직은 42년 했습니다. 주민들이 저를 계속 원하고 있어요. 저는 그만두고 싶은데 말이죠. 일하는데 막중한 책임감이 필요하거든요. 2021년까지 하기로 되어 있어요.” 일정을 마칠 즈음 낙농업 농가에 들렀다. 이 지역의 주요 산업으로 낙농을 통한 우유와 치즈의 생산은 빠질 수 없다. 안데스의 무공해 풀을 먹고 자란 들녘의 소들은 모두가 건실해 보인다. 관광객들은 무리를 지어 낙농가의 이모저모를 구경하느라 분주해 보인다. 특히 어린이들은 무척 흥미로운 표정이다. 축사 안에 빽빽하게 들어찬 소들은 주인의 각별한 보살핌을 받는다. 농가의 가축이라기보단 가족의 일원이라는 정서가 강한 게 독특하다. 여주인은 우유 짜기에 여념이 없다. 안데스 산의 싱싱한 우유가 생산되는 현장이다.
[English: Google Translator]
This mainly pastoral and agriculture is an area that is relatively underdeveloped in Peru residents how each one receives allocation from the combination of one right for them to contribute to the community is a little unfamiliar. Suddenly became curious about their happiness pipe life this for happiness think? first, will put Jesus Christ in our hearts second'm not having a good day for us children to bring food, clothing, and medicine. expansive alpine single life is such and such is a continuation of the operation. co-operation of the foot looks peaceful is at first glance looked hard labor by the community rather than the individual freedoms necessary because he can inadvertently become a burden to individuals. quietly look on the bright expression, intent on his job of my I felt a presentiment that the idea may not fit. are you a pleasant together to ilhasineun? Yeah. what kind of part? Doing well with each other. all I'm one happy. so, are you and your family happy ? Sure, I offered me to do for everyone in the union. Would you do not have to worry about? eopjiyo. do not you hard is physical labor? No, it's simple and easy. in Korea welcome to you, are working together in community systems. forests, and with all the activities of fishing, agriculture, animal husbandry, tourism and chairman two years, the Directorate has been 42 years. I'm residents continue to want me. I stop malyijyo want. it happens a significant burden I need to. I'm supposed to be until 2021, the occasion stopped by the dairy farmers to complete a certain production in the area of milk and cheese by the dairy major industry can not fall. of eating clean pool in the Andes and raised the fields cows everyone seems geonsil. visitors in groups of having visited Aspects of dairy seems to be busy, especially children are very interesting look. premade tightly inside the barn the cows are special master receive care. it is a unique animal rather than a strong emotion of family members of the farm shop. mistress is not busy weaving the milk. The site has fresh milk produced in the Andes mountains.
■클립명: 대륙번호000-나라이름01-17 함께 일하며 나누는 포르콘 사람들/Porcon/Community/Work/Dairy/Share
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조규진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 9월 September
산,mountain,산맥, 봉우리, mountains, ravine, gorge, hill, berg, mountains, berg, mountain chain, peak, trekking, cable car, climbing, cliff,마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,농장,farm,vineyard, suburb, country, agritourism,목장기타장소,place,place, resort, 리조트,동물,animal,wildlife,남미,America,아메리카,페루,Peru,Peru,,조규진,2016,9월 September,카하마르카 주,Cajamarca Region,Departamento de Cajamarca,
LIMA, PERU, Pueblo Libre and the Inca Erotic Pottery │ My Travel Journal
Today is time to visit a small town in Lima, Pueblo Libre District, the second most important District in Lima.
It holds 2 of the best museums of South America:
1. Museum of arqueology, antropology and history of Perú, were you can see mummies.
2. Larco Museum, were you can see the Inca EROTIC pottery.
We will go to those museums and then walk around this beautiful town and visit Santa Maria Magdalena CHURCH, amazing.
We will eat thee typical CEVICHE from Perú and at the end we will go to QUEIROLO Tavern, very good place to eat also.
Pueblo Libre is a very interesting place to visit and is very close to Miraflores or Lima downtown.
Hope you enjoy the video. Don't forget to Subscribe.
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Sechura Desert | Peru | along the Pacific Ocean coast, Piura Region , Andes Mountains
The Sechura Desert is located south of the Piura Region of Peru along the Pacific Ocean coast and inland to the foothills of the Andes Mountains. Its extreme aridity is caused by the upwelling of cold coastal waters and subtropical atmospheric subsidence, but it is also subject to occasional flooding during El Niño years. In 1728, the town of Sechura was destroyed by a tsunami and was later rebuilt in its present location. In 1998, runoff from flooding rivers caused the formation of a temporary lake some 90 mi (145 km) long filling the Bayóvar Depression. Short rivers flowing across the desert from the Andes support intensive irrigation-based agriculture.
Within Peru, the desert is described as the strip along the northern Pacific coast of Peru in the southern Piura and western Lambayeque regions, and extending from the coast 20–100 km inland to the secondary ridges of the Andes Mountains. At its northern end near the city of Piura, the Sechura Desert transitions to the Tumbes-Piura dry forests ecoregion. Comprising much of eastern Lambayeque Region, this habitat is composed of equatorial dry forests. The total area of the Sechura Desert is 188,735 km².
Desiertos del Perú - Deserts of Peru
While a desert, the Sechura has been subject to flooding from rivers and to storms driven in from the Pacific Ocean. In 1728, a tsunami generated from an earthquake swept inland, destroying the town of Sechura, then located closer to the water. Survivors moved inland and re-established the town in its current location.
During El Niño years, flooding in the desert regularly occurs. In 1998, the runoff from the flooding rivers poured into the coastal Sechura Desert. Where there had been nothing but arid, hardscrabble waste for 15 years, suddenly, the second-largest lake in Peru had developed: 90 mi (145 km) long, 20 mi (30 km) wide, and 10 ft (3 m) deep, with occasional parched domes of sand and clay poking up from the surface.[1]
The Peruvian Desert has a low range of temperature changes due to the moderating effect of the nearby Pacific Ocean. Because of the upwelling of cold coastal waters and subtropical atmospheric subsidence, the desert is one of the most arid on Earth.[2]
Summer (December through March) is warm and sunny with temperatures above 35 °C (95 °F) during the day, and temperatures that average over 24 °C (75 °F). In the winter (June through September) the weather is cool and cloudy with temperatures that vary from 16 °C (61 °F) at night to 30 °C (86 °F) during the day.
The Bayóvar Depression, which is the lowest point in Peru and all of the Southern Tropics, is located in this desert.
The numerous short rivers that cross the Sechura supported prehistoric indigenous human settlements for millennia. A number of urban cultures flourished here, including the Moche. The Moche survived on a diet of fish, guinea pigs, camelids, squash, and peanuts. The Sican Culture (circa 800–1300 CE) succeeded the Moche, and developed refined techniques of lost wax goldsmithing.
Today, the rivers support intensive irrigated agriculture on the fertile bottomlands. Two of Peru's five largest cities, including Piura and Chiclayo, lie within the agricultural region in the north.Ακτή του Ειρηνικού Ωκεανού, περιφέρεια Piura, βουνά των Άνδεων, έρημο Sechura, Sechura, Περού, Περού, Άνδεις, έρημος, μαζί, | Κατά μήκος των ακτών του Ειρηνικού Ωκεανού, Piura, λόφοι, ανατολικός ύφαλος, παράκτια ύδατα, El Niño, Bayóvar Κατάθλιψη, Άνδεις, ξηρά, ξηρασία, ψάρι, ινδικά χοιρίδια, καμηλοειδείς, σκουός και φιστίκια, Άμμο, ξηρές, εκλεπτυσμένες τεχνικές
Stillehavets kyst, Piura-regionen, Andes-bjergene, Sechura-ørkenen, Sechura, Peru, Peruvian, Andes, ørken, langs | Langs kysten af Stillehavet, Piura, foden, opvarmning, kystnære farvande, El Niño, Bayóvar Depression, Andes, tørre, fedtstoffer, fisk, marsvin, kamelider, squash og jordnødder, Sansk kultur, Chiclayo, x guldsmed., Moche, Sand, tørre, raffinerede teknikker
المحيط الهادي، تلة، بيورا، اقليم، جبال أنديز، صحراء سيشورا، سيشورا، بيرو، البيروي، أندس، أهمل، على طول، | على طول ساحل المحيط الهادئ، بيورا، التلال، ارتفاع المياه السطحية، مياه النينو، بايوفار الاكتئاب، الأنديز، القاحلة، الجفاف، الأسماك، خنازير غينيا، الجمليد، الاسكواش، والفول السوداني، سيكان الثقافة، تشيكلايو، x الصائغ، موشي، الرمال، الجافة، التقنيات المكررة
太平洋沿岸、ピウラ地域、アンデス山脈、セチュラ砂漠、セチュラ、ペルー、ペルー、アンデス、砂漠、一緒| 魚介類、モルモット、ラクダ科動物、スカシ、ピーナッツ、シカラ文化、チクラーヨ、x金鍛造、Moche、 砂、乾燥した、洗練された技術
太平洋海岸,皮乌拉地区,安第斯山脉,Sechura沙漠,Sechura,秘鲁,秘鲁,安第斯山脉,沙漠,沿着| 沿着太平洋海岸,皮乌拉,山麓,上升流,沿海水域,厄尔尼诺,巴约瓦尔沮丧,安第斯山脉,干旱,干旱,鱼,豚鼠,骆驼,南瓜和花生,西加文化,奇克拉多,x金匠, 沙,干,精制技术
Costa del océano pacífico, la región de piura, las montañas de los andes, desierto de sechura, sechura, perú, perú, andes, desierto, a lo largo, | A lo largo de la costa del Océano Pacífico, Piura, estribaciones, afloramientos, aguas costeras, El Niño, Depresión de Bayóvar, Andes, áridos, aridez, peces, cobayas, camélidos, calabaza y m
Chiclayo, Peruvian Capital Of Friendship.
Chiclayo is: Where the tropical sun, Desert Oasis and the Fresh Sea Breeze come together. Legend has it that the god Naylamp sailed here together with a vast court, thousands of years ago to found his empire. In fact, many ancient civilizations saw the strategic advantage of controlling this region, which today is a major business hub in northern Peru, where routes come together from the coast, highlands and jungle.
Chiclayo City is the capital of the department of Lambayeque. Is a skilful and economical power city from the north of the country. Located on a productive valley, where agriculture activities are very important, outstanding rice production, sugar cane and cotton. It is a strategic point in the middle of many highways and roads connections.
In its valleys flourished many important pre-Inca cultures, such as Lambayeque or Sicán, Mochica and Chimú. During the Colony, it was only a simple Indian village in the road that connected Lambayeque and Zaña. Colony constructions does not exist, nevertheless today it is a city in full development process, having important discoveries as a main entrance, such as El Señor de Sipán (Lord of Sipán) at Huaca Rajada (important master discovered in 1987 with his in-life treasures), Señor de Sicán at Batangrande - Pómac and Túcume. Thanks to these important discoveries, Chiclayo turns out to be the second important destiny, after Cuzco, for the archaeological and monumental tourism in Peru.
The kindness and warmness of the people from Lambayeque had worth the nickname of capital of friendship; being very religious and having devotion to Cruz de Chalpón, that each year celebrate a great festival that joins a lot of pilgrims in Motupe from all the country.
【K】Peru Travel-Chiclayo[페루 여행-치클라요]페루 전통술 치차/Chicha/Corn/Tea/Traditional
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[한국어 정보]
나는 전통차를 직접 제조하는 어느 가정집을 찾았다. 주인이 보여주는 한 줌의 노란 옥수수알이 기본 원료였다. 잘게 가루로 만들어 빻은 다음 장작불로 달군 뜨거운 물에 부어 넣는다. 적당한 시간의 경과 후 혼합물을 잘 저어 농도를 조절한다. 이렇게 전 국민들이 애호하는 전통 치차가 만들어진다. “치차는 알코올이나 다른 건 첨가하지 않은 자연 그대로의 음료입니다. 아이들도 달달하게 해서 마십니다.” “구체적으로 어디에 좋은가요?” “혈액순환과 위에 좋아요. 알코올 성분이 전혀 들어가지 않은 자연 그대로의 음료이기 때문에 아플 때 마셔도 아무 탈 없어요.” 채로 걸러진 치차는 다양한 정제 과정을 거쳐 예전보다 훨씬 부드러운 가족용 건강 식음료로 식탁에 오른다. 맛을 보니 흡사 우리 막걸리와 비슷했다. 페루인들이 건강을 지키는 식문화의 한 방편으로 전통 치차를 마시는 게 일상화됐다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
I found some homes to manufacture traditional tea directly. The yellow maize grain of a handful of owners were showing the basic raw material. Finely made with flour, ground next to dalgun fires pours hot water. After the lapse of an appropriate time the mixture to adjust the concentration stir well. So that all people are made the traditional gear loyalty. Gears is a natural beverage without the addition of alcohol or anything else. Children also drink up to daldal. Specifically, where good to go? Okay above and circulation. When you are sick because of the natural beverage alcohol it is not fit to drink at all I do not catch anything. While filtered gear climb on the table as much soft food for the family's health than in the past through various refining processes. Bonnie had similar taste similar to our rice wine. The Peruvians are commonplace dwaetdago to drinking traditional gear as a way of keeping healthy food culture.
[Peru : Google Translator]
He encontrado algunos hogares para la fabricación de té tradicional directamente. El grano de maíz amarillo de un puñado de propietarios estaban mostrando la materia prima básica. Finamente hecho con harina, suelo junto a dalgun incendios vierte el agua caliente. Después del lapso de un tiempo apropiado la mezcla para ajustar así la concentración de agitación. Así que todas las personas se hacen la lealtad artes tradicionales. Gears es una bebida natural sin adición de alcohol o cualquier otra cosa. Los niños también beben hasta daldal. En concreto, en donde bueno para ir? Está bien arriba y circulación. Cuando está enfermo a causa del alcohol bebida natural que no es apto para beber en todo lo que no tomar nada. Si bien filtrada subida engranaje en la tabla tanta comida blanda para la salud de la familia que en el pasado a través de diferentes procesos de refinación. Bonnie tenía sabor similar similar a nuestro vino de arroz. Los peruanos son lugar común dwaetdago engranaje de consumición tradicional como una forma de mantener la cultura alimentaria saludable.
■클립명: 남미015-페루07-07 페루 전통 차 치차/Chicha/Corn/alcoholic drink/Traditional
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조규진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 9월 September
공장, 작업장,차,Tea,Tea,남미,America,아메리카,페루,Peru,Peru,,조규진,2016,9월 September,람바예케주,Lambayeque Region,Departamento de Lambayeque,
Gracias a todos que rellenaron mi cuestionario. Ya lo cerré porque tuve que juntar todas las respuestas y alanizarlas para terminar mi tesis. Mil gracias!! :)
Holaa! Gracias por ver mi vídeo. Si les gustó, suscribense y escriban un comentario con sugerencias que les interesaría saber de mí o cuales vídeos debería hacer :)
* creo que dije millón de veces la palabra DIFERENTE :D
* después de editar el vídeo me di cuenta de que me olvidé de mencionar un montón de cosas
* hablé como media hora, tuve que editarlo mucho para que no se aburrieran :D
* a veces hablo un poco tonto... siempre cuando tengo que hablar, hago muchos errores, espero que me disculpen :)
* de América Latina hasta ahora conozco solo Perú y unos aeropuertos de algunos otros países :D mi sueño es conocer la mayoría de América Latina :)
* lo que tengo en mi mentón es un lunar
Música: Club Step: Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
Lake Titicaca Peru and Bolivia travel 2019 4K
Lake Titicaca travel, Peru, South America 2019 4K, Lake Titicaca Peru and Bolivia tours
Lake Titicaca is located on the border between northern Bolivia and southern Peru. It is considered the highest commercially navigable body of water in the world (3821m).
Covering some 8300 square kilometers, Lake Titicaca is the largest lake in South America, not counting Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, which is connected to the sea by a strait. The area of the lake is divided between Peru and Bolivia. Approximately 60% of the lake is in Peru and 40% of the lake is in Bolivia. Most of the Tiquina peninsula, which just out from the Peruvian shore, also belongs to Bolivia.
Titicaca is the ancestral land of the Quechuas, Aymaras, Uros, Pacajes, and Puquinas. Lake Titicaca was the foundation of the most influential pre-Hispanic cultures of the Andean Region. Many independent kingdoms grew out of this fertile area beginning in the 9th century, though interestingly most of these kingdoms were ultimately rivals, until the middle of the 15th century, when the Incas conquered the region, which they considered important because of its wool and meat production. Today, Puno continues its vast agricultural traditions and also its ancestral rituals such as offerings to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and these ancient customs are ever-present in the lives of the inhabitants of the region.
The Titicaca Reserve was created in 1978, with the purpose of preserving the native flora and fauna and the beauty of the area’s countryside. There are 60 species of birds, 14 species of fish and 18 species of amphibians in the Reserve; one of the most famous of which is the giant frog of Titicaca, which can weigh up to 3 kg.
Chiclayo - Peru -- North Pre-Incas New Wonders
Chiclayo Peru is a trip that takes you to see these Archaeological Pre Inca New Wonders located along the north coast of Peru. This program lasts 10 days in a new way of travel. For further information on this tour, contact us at
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