Esztergom - the Basilica, the Castle and the City - Hungary - 4K
Esztergom is a city in northern Hungary, 46 kilometres (29 miles) northwest of the capital Budapest. It lies in Komárom-Esztergom county, on the right bank of the river Danube, which forms the border with Slovakia there.
Esztergom was the capital of Hungary from the 10th till the mid-13th century when King Béla IV of Hungary moved the royal seat to Buda.
Esztergom is the seat of the prímás (see Primate) of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary, and the former seat of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. The city has the Keresztény Múzeum, the largest ecclesiastical collection in Hungary. Its cathedral, Esztergom Basilica is the largest church in Hungary.
Castle of Füzér - Hungary - 4K
Füzér, lying in an astounding natural setting, is one of the few castles in Hungary which in all probability was already standing prior to the Mongol invasion of 1241-42. The Füzér castle is one of the most romantic ones in the southern ranges of the Eperjes-Tokaj Mountains, the Hungarian part of which is commonly known as Zemplén Mountains. The hard-to-access rock pinnacle was the site of a castle as early as the age of the Árpáds, first time mentioned in a document dated in 1264.
Tata City Hungary - Castle of Tata - Old Lake - Lake cseke - Migrating Geese -4K
Tata is a baroque town with 25 thousand residents located near the Vienna-Budapest highway. Its rich history is reflected in several historic buildings of which the renaissance fortress is the best known. The town's local history collections and the open-air geological museum are also well worth a visit. Its large lakes and popular outdoor swimming pools attract the fans of aquatic sports and fishing, while the shady parks offer refreshing walks for the lovers of nature. Tata is attractive in all seasons but it is most exciting in summer when colorful festivals, outdoor concerts and acknowledged sports events take place in the town. Boasting a variety of comfortable hotels, campsites, restaurants and cafés, Tata ensures a warm welcome for all visitors.
Trip to Balaton Uplands 2. Land of stones - Kirándulás a Balatonfelvidéken A kövek földje
Continue our trip to Balaton Uplands in Hungary. (HQ and headphones are recommended.)
The settlement has been in existence since the 11th century. The Catholic church has been standing since the 13th century. Besides the church is a cemetery with heart-shaped tombstones. The cemetery is under the protection of the Hungarian National Trust. The tombstones were carved from white limestone in the 18th-19th centuries in peasant Baroque style. The following legend is found in the book Golden Bridge by Gábor Lipták: There was a stonemason who once came to Udvari from the mountains. In the village, he met the daughter of a fisherman and fell in love with her. He wanted to marry her. The girl however was drowned in Lake Balaton during a storm. The man then carved heart shaped tombstones in memory of the girl.
The partly quarried cone of the basalt volcano provides a particular view not only from far away, but it is amazing from a short distance, too. The material of the now strictly protected wall of basalt columns was once quarried by hand. From the top of the split basalt cap, there is a marvellous view over the Kál Basin and Lake Balaton. The exhibition areas display the life of the volcano, the history of the local basalt quarrying and the natural values of the National Park. The visitors can take part in a geological time travel by means of a stone park formed by the characteristic rock types of Transdanubia.
There are interesting natural rock formations to be found to the west of the village. This is the Kőtenger (Stone Sea), which is a large area covered with huge stone blocks.
In Roman Pannonia, and later in the Hungarian Middle Ages, Nagyvázsony stood at the crossing point of important routes. A castle was built here in the 15th century by the noble Vezselyi family, and the tower where the living quarters were located is still standing. After the family had died out, in 1472 King Matthias presented the castle to Kinizsi Pál, a young miller who fought heroically against the Turks.
EVS in Hungary
I finally took the time to put all the video's i made in Hungary (most of them at the EVS-club) together. I didn't have the time to edit them properly. And the sound quality is really bad, and i'm not even talking about the singing qualities of some...
but i think everyone who was there will enjoy it anyway.
Holiday, siofok, balaton, hungary, ferienhaus, plattensee, ungarn
Rent attractive holiday houses with air-condition, solar heated swimming pool, solar heated kid's pool, playground, grill... in Siofok / Balaton / Hungary direct from the owner. Very quiet area, recommend most of all for families with children. (Internet access, DigitSatTV, washing machine, dishwasher)
Welcome to the Sea of Hungary. Thats what the Hungarians call their lake. The Balaton, the largest lake in Central Europe, is a holiday paradise with many attractive facets. Síofok is the summer capital of Hungary. Our holiday home is located in a very quiet area of Síofok, approx 800 meters from the lake Balaton and just over a mile from the centre of the city. The property was converted with much love into a child friendly holiday home for those seeking rest and relaxation. The 38 m² solar heated swimming pool with large terrace and the 8 m² solar heated kid's pool with water slide and the terraces, some of which are roofed, all offer a welcome cooling down area on hot summer days and guarantee a lot of fun for both young and old. Good places to eat, original wine cellars, stables and the brand new Galerius thermal spa centre area are all located near by. Síofok also offers visitors fantastic night-life. Disco Palace and Coca Cola Beach are just two of the many nightspots on offer.
Holiday home A:
150m², 8-13persons (4bedrooms, 3bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room)
Holiday home B:
150m², 8-12persons (5bedrooms, 3bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room)
Holiday home C:
30 m², 2-4 persons (bedroom, kitchenette-dining corner, bathroom)
Holiday home D:
120m², 8-12persons (5rooms, 3bathrooms, kitchen-dining corner)
Holiday home E:
65m², 4-7persons (2rooms, 2bathrooms, kitchen-dining corner)
Tel/Fax: +36-84-350-158; Mobil: +36-30-293-0280;
H-8600 Siofok Meggyfa street. 23-25.
More info:
Szellemváros Magyarországon 1. - Szentkirályszabadja - A halott város
Túra csatorna:
támogasd a csatornát:
11773487-00417248 - OTP
Hajner Gyula
Medgyaszay Pictures presents: Abandoned places/cities/villages/buildings/bunkers/vehicles in Hungary.
Elhagyatott helyek/városok/falvak/épületek/bunkerek/járművek Magyarországon.
by: Hajner Gyula
zene: Huns and Dr.Beeker - ghost town
Tapolcai Emlékek. /Memories Tapolca City/
Tapolcai emlékek. /Memories Tapolca city/ A fotókat évekkel korábban készítettem a városban, melynek szépsége megragadott! Kellemes napokat kívánok látógatóimnak!
Zene: Szvorák Katalin - Szép Országom (énekelt versek) – Érzés.
A Balatontól 12 km-re a róla elnevezett medencében fekszik. A város nevét adó meleg források közelében már az új kőkorban település jött létre. A dinamikusan fejlődő kisváros már a XVIII. századtól térségi központ volt. A vidék hagyományos módszerrel termelt, Európa-szerte kedvelt tájjellegű borai, az itteni lakosság megélhetését biztosították. A város arculatán tükröződik a múlt század élénk kereskedelmi élete.
A Közép-Európában egyedülálló látványosság, a Tavasbarlang, a város szívében található.
A város romantikus, mediterrán hangulatot árasztó része a Malom-tó környéke. A Fő térről egy hangulatos belső udvaron keresztül a Nagytóhoz érkezünk, ahol a tapolcai születésű költő, Batsányi János szobra fogad bennünket.
Az itt fakadó meleg források vizét, melyekről Tapolca a nevét kapta, valószínűleg már a rómaiak is tóvá duzzasztották, és vele malmot hajtattak. Az egykori malom jelenleg szállodaként üzemel, nevét Batsányi János feleségéről, Baumberg Gabrielláról kapta. A Kistó partján Baumberg Gabriella mellszobra és egy szép barokk épület a Szentkút áll, benne Udvardy Erzsébet Madonnája. A szomszédos Templomdomb a város történelmi magja.
Romkert: A Templom-dombon található Tapolca egykori központja. A várbástya körülvette a templomot, amely a XIII. században román stílusban épült egy régebbi kápolna helyére. A török pusztítás után 1756-ban barokk stílusban építették újjá. A római katolikus templom előtt látható a középkori eredetű vár kissé megemelt fala. Az iskolaépület északi végén tárták fel a XVII. század végén kibővített vár kapuját, előtte a farkasveremmel, mely felett felvonóhíd állt.
A Fő tér hajdani piacok és vásárok helyszíne volt, ősidők óta kereskedelmi központként működött. A tér sarkán áll az egykori Pannónia szálloda épülete, amelyben egykor nagy borüzleteket kötöttek, bálokat, kiállításokat szerveztek. A tér közepén 1757-ben állították fel a Szentháromság szobrot.
A protestáns templom 1935/36-ban épült. Terveit Szeghalmy Bálint készítette, stílusa a kalotaszegi fatornyos templomokra emlékeztet. Építését helyi mesteremberek végezték. Köztársaság tér: Az egykori vásártéren, történelmünkre emlékeztetve a város emlékművet emelt a trianoni békediktátum során megcsonkított Nagy-Magyarország tiszteletére. Az emlékművet Tapolca erdélyi testvérvárosától, Zabolától kapott Székelykapun keresztül lehet megközelíteni.