Hungary Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Hungary is a small country in the heart of Europe carrying a thousand year old past. Beside one of the continent’s most beautiful capitals, Budapest, most of the tourists are curious about the Puszta and the traditions of horse keeping. But how much more can Hungary offer! There are the beaches of Balaton, the warm lake of Hévíz, the cave spa of Miskolctapolca. Then there is the Dunakanyar with Szentendre, Visegrád, and Esztergom with its many monuments, the castles of Keszthely, Gödöllő, Fertőd, the forts of Eger, Sárospatak, Sümeg. Vineyards in Tokaj, Villány or Badacsony, lovely cities like Pécs, Sopron, Kőszeg, Eger. Gentle hills, temples and lookout towers, forests, museums and rivers, fine cuisine and good programs.
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Miskolc is the county seat of the county Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, located in the northeast of Hungary. With a population of 159,554 (2015), Miskolc is the fourth largest city in Hungary. Miskolc is located on the eastern foothills of the Bükk Mountains.
【K】Hungary Travel-Tihany[헝가리 여행-티하니]티하니 성당에서 본 발라톤 호수/Catholic church/Balaton Lake/National Park
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[한국어 정보]
다음 목적지는 헤비츠에서 차로 한 시간 반 정도 거리인 티하니다. 헝가리에서 가장 아름다운 마을로 꼽히는 이곳은, 마을 전체가 국립공원으로 지정돼 있다. 나는 먼저 마을 꼭대기에 위치한 티하니 성당으로 향했다. 18세기 바로크 양식으로 재건된 성당. 이 곳 지하에는 안도라슈 1세, 왕의 무덤이 안치돼 있다. 티하니 마을에서 가장 사랑받는 곳. 거대한 발라톤 호수가 한 눈에 내려다보이는 전망대다. 호수 길이만 80km. ‘헝가리의 바다’라는 말을 실감케 했다. 봄이 찾아온 발라톤 호수는 참으로 평화롭고 아름답다. 이처럼 고요한 봄을 지나 여름이 되면 이곳은 수영과 서핑을 즐기려는 이들로 북적인다고 한다. 전망대를 내려와 마을로 들어서자, 아기자기한 상점들 곳곳이 사람들로 붐빈다. 티하니는 라벤더 산지이기도 하다. 그리고 가게마다 직접 만든 도자기들을 전시해 놓고 있었다. 소박하고 정감이 가는 모습이다.
[English: Google Translator]
Next destination is one and a half hours away by car from the tee keycode heavy Massachusetts. This is counted as the most beautiful village in Hungary, the entire town was designated as a national park has. First, do I headed into the Tea Cathedral, located on the top of the village. Cathedral was rebuilt in the 18th century Baroque. This place underground Andorra Shu 1 year old, gotta have enshrined the tomb of the king. T do the most beloved places in town. The huge gazebo overlooking the lake Balaton at a glance. 10 000 Lake in length 80km. Feel the word Hungarian Sea Kane said. Balaton Lake is indeed beautiful spring came ropgo in peace. When such serene spring through the summer where the reflective portion of mankind is crowded with those who want to swim and surf. Upon entering the village down the observatory, it crowded with people all over the shop in Charming. Tea is also a producer of lavender do. And it was put on display every shop of handmade pottery. This is going to look simple and affectionate.
[Hungary: Google Translator]
Következő úti cél másfél óra alatt elérhető autóval a tee keycode nehéz Massachusetts. Ez számít a legszebb falu Magyarországon, az egész város jelölték a nemzeti parkban. Először is, nem én vezette be a Tea székesegyház, tetején található a falu. Katedrális átépítették a 18. századi barokk. Ez a hely a föld alatt Andorra Shu 1 éves, kéne már foglalt a sír a király. T nem a legkedveltebb hely a városban. A hatalmas pavilon néző Balatonnál egy pillanat alatt. 10 000 tó hossza 80 km. Érezd a szó magyar tenger Kane mondta. Balaton valóban szép tavasz jött ropgo békében. Amikor ilyen nyugodt tavasztól a nyár, ahol a fényvisszaverő része az emberiség tömve, akik szeretnék úszni és szörf. A belépő a falu le a csillagvizsgáló, a zsúfolt szerte az üzlet Charming. A tea is egy gyártó levendula csinálni. És ki is állítottak minden bolt kézzel készített kerámia. Ez fog nézni egyszerű és ragaszkodó.
■클립명: 유럽112-헝가리03-15 티하니 성당에서 본 발라톤 호수/Catholic church/Balaton Lake/National Park
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 전수영 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 4월 April
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,호수,lake,tarn, pond, karst,공원/광장,park, square,plaza, fountain, satue,종교시설,church,cathedral, temple, mosk, monastery, religion,전망대,observatory,observation deck, tower, hill, mountain,유럽,Europe,동유럽,헝가리,Hungary,,,전수영,2016,4월 April,베스프렘 주,Veszprem County,Veszprém megye,
Travel Hungary Veszprém with Glen & Leslie
Follow Glen & Leslie's Travel Adventures at
Balatonfüred-Lake Balaton-Hungary
The other great oppotunity next to Budapest! Balatonfüred is the capital of the Lake Balaton's region and it has a rich history also! There are great promenades, great mood and nice beaches also! Füred isn't enough? No problem! In the region there are more famous and nice city, so you can visit them also!
I hope I can make a good video about this nice city!
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Hollókő folk village Hungary 4K
Hollókő is a Palóc ethnographic village in Hungary and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its name means Raven-stone in Hungarian.
The village is located in Nógrád county, approximately 91.1 kilometres northeast from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. It lies in a valley of Cserhát Mountains, surrounded by low peaks. The natural environment is protected.
In the middle of the 13th century, in the aftermath of the Mongol invasion, construction of Hollókő castle first began as a means to protect the area against future attacks. At this time, the area around Hollókő was held by the Kacsics noble clan. The castle was first mentioned in records in 1310.[1] The original village was built just below the castle walls. The Ottomans captured the castle in 1552 and for the next 150 years, control alternated between Ottoman and Hungarian forces. At the end of the Ottoman era (1683) the castle and the village were finally abandoned and the present village grew up below.[2] Many of the existing houses were first built around this time. The houses, which contain wood in their structure, have had to be rebuilt many times throughout the years due to periodic fires, the last being in 1909. In 1987, the village, castle ruins, and surrounding area were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Summer In Tapolca,Hungary
Summer In Tapolca,Hungary,Magyarország
august 16,2018
Tapolca (German: Toppoltz) is a town in Veszprém county, Hungary, close to Lake Balaton. It is located at around 46°52′58″N 17°26′29″E. The town has an outer suburb, Tapolca-Diszel, approximately 5 km to the East.
Tapolca a Balaton-felvidék nyugati szélén, a Tapolcai-medence közepén helyezkedik el. A várost körülölelik a Tapolcai-medence bazalthegyei. Ahol az egykori Pannon-tenger vizéből lerakódott üledékekre szétfolyt a bazalt, megvédte azokat a szél és víz koptató munkájától. Így alakultak ki a térszín egykori magasságát „tanúsító”, kúp vagy koporsó alakú tanúhegyek. A várost délről elkerüli a Veszprém-Lesencetomaj közötti 77-es főút. A város vasútállomása a Balatonszentgyörgy–Tapolca–Ukk- és a Székesfehérvár–Tapolca-vasútvonalak csomópontja.
Outdoor Spa (Egerszalok) - Hungary (HD1080p)
Day Trip to Gyula Spa, Castle and Palace in Hungary
This video was created by
Gyula in Hungary is a famous spa town with an important castle and palace in the city center. The castle has an astonishing history, defending the southern border of historic Hungary from the Turks in the 16th century. I visited Gyula in June 2017 for a day to see the local castle, palace and spa.
Szeged Highlights - 4K
Szeged is the third largest city of Hungary, the largest city and regional center of the Southern Great Plain and the county seat of Csongrád county. The University of Szeged is one of the most distinguished universities in Hungary.
The famous Szeged Open Air (Theatre) Festival (first held in 1931) is one of the main attractions, held every summer and celebrated as the Day of the City on May 21.