Amazing Visitation of the Holy Spirit in Fortaleza, Brazil!!
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Receive Jesus, receive forgiveness and eternal life
Recibe a Jesus y recibe el perdón y la vida eterna
andres bisonni Ministries
Music by CFNI Music
Fortaleza Brazil
CFNI Music
gospel good news miracles milagros blind see deaf hear lame walk the gospel is preached Jesus is Lord
signs wonders miracles señales milagros prodigios
uncion anointing glory gloria Jesus Dios God Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Espiritu Santo visions visiones
kingdom of God sanidades healing divine divina Amazing supernatural sobrenatural revival avivamiento worship adoracion salvacion salvation Fire Fuego eternal life infilling Amazing powerful glorious poder poderoso power Holy Spirit miracles milagros Jesus Christ Cristo Jesucristo Dios God River Outpouring derramamiento Espiritu Santo miracles brazil Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento, youth, jovenes,
sinais maravilhas milagres senales milagros Prodigios
uncion unção glória gloria Jesus Dios Deus Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espiritu Santo
reino de Deus cura divina sanidades divino sobrenatural surpreendente renascimento sobrenatural Avivamiento adoração adoracion salvacion salvação Fogo Fuego vida eterna tamponamento surpreendente poderoso glorioso poder Poderoso Poder Espírito Santo milagres milagros Jesus Cristo Jesucristo Cristo Dios Deus Outpouring derramamiento milagres Espiritu Santo
تلقي يسوع اقبل الغفران والحياة الأبدية
Recibe ذ recibe يسوع perdon ش ذ لا فيدا ETERNA
اندريس الوزارات bisonni
الموسيقى بواسطة: كاري جوبي - للأبد (لايف)
الإنجيل المعجزات أخبار جيدة ميلاغروس الصم العمي يبصرون والعرج يمشون سماع بشر الانجيل يسوع هو الرب
الأرجنتين توقع المعجزات معجزات سيناليس ميلاغروس prodigios
uncion المسحة مجد مجد يسوع ديوس الله الروح القدس الروح القدس اسبيريتو سانتو
مملكة sanidades الله الشفاء الإلهي الإلهية مذهلة إحياء sobrenatural خارق avivamiento العبادة adoracion salvacion الخلاص حريق فويغو الحياة الأبدية infilling مذهلة قوية المجيدة قوة الأداء poderoso الروح القدس يسوع المسيح معجزات ميلاغروس كريستو Jesucristo ديوس الله نهر انسكاب derramamiento اسبيريتو سانتو المعجزات اسبيريتو سانتو البرازيل فوغو avivamento
Injil mukjizat kabar baik milagros buta tuli mendengar lihat lumpuh berjalan Injil diberitakan Yesus adalah Tuhan
Argentina menandatangani keajaiban mukjizat Senales milagros prodigios
Roh Kudus uncion urapan kemuliaan gloria Yesus Dios Allah Roh Kudus Espiritu Santo visi visiones
Kerajaan Allah sanidades penyembuhan divina ilahi Menakjubkan kebangkitan sobrenatural supranatural avivamiento kehidupan kekal ibadah Adoracion Salvacion keselamatan Api Fuego infilling daya poder poderoso mulia kuat Menakjubkan Roh Kudus mujizat milagros Yesus Kristus Cristo jesucristo Dios Allah River Pencurahan mukjizat
Evangelium gute Nachricht Wunder milagros Blinden sehen Tauben hören Lahme gehen das Evangelium gepredigt Jesus ist der Herr
Deutschland unterzeichnet Wunder Wunder señales milagros prodigios
uncion Salbung Herrlichkeit gloria Jesus Dios Gottes Heiligen Geist Heiligen Geist Espiritu Santo Visionen visiones
Reich Gottes sanidades Heil göttlichen divina erstaunlichen übernatürlichen sobrenatural Revival Avivamiento Anbetung adoracion salvacion Rettung Feuerland das ewige Leben Infilling Erstaunlich leistungsstarke glorreichen poder poderoso Macht Heilige Geist Wunder milagros Jesus Christus Cristo Jesucristo Dios Fluss Gott Ausgießung derramamiento Espiritu Santo Wunder Brasilien Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento
Powerful Holy Spirit outpouring in ISRAEL!
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Receive Jesus, receive forgiveness and eternal life
For more information on how to support the ministry and receive the book My Beloved Holy Spirit as a thank you gift, please visit
Recibe a Jesus y recibe el perdón y la vida eterna
andres bisonni Ministries
gospel good news miracles milagros blind see deaf hear lame walk the gospel is preached Jesus is Lord
signs wonders miracles señales milagros prodigios
uncion anointing glory gloria Jesus Dios God Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Espiritu Santo visions visiones
kingdom of God sanidades healing divine divina Amazing supernatural sobrenatural revival avivamiento worship adoracion salvacion salvation Fire Fuego eternal life infilling Amazing powerful glorious poder poderoso power Holy Spirit miracles milagros Jesus Christ Cristo Jesucristo Dios God River Outpouring derramamiento Espiritu Santo miracles brazil Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento, youth, jovenes,
sinais maravilhas milagres senales milagros Prodigios
uncion unção glória gloria Jesus Dios Deus Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espiritu Santo
reino de Deus cura divina sanidades divino sobrenatural surpreendente renascimento sobrenatural Avivamiento adoração adoracion salvacion salvação Fogo Fuego vida eterna tamponamento surpreendente poderoso glorioso poder Poderoso Poder Espírito Santo milagres milagros Jesus Cristo Jesucristo Cristo Dios Deus Outpouring derramamiento milagres Espiritu Santo
تلقي يسوع اقبل الغفران والحياة الأبدية
Recibe ذ recibe يسوع perdon ش ذ لا فيدا ETERNA
اندريس الوزارات bisonni
الموسيقى بواسطة: كاري جوبي - للأبد (لايف)
الإنجيل المعجزات أخبار جيدة ميلاغروس الصم العمي يبصرون والعرج يمشون سماع بشر الانجيل يسوع هو الرب
الأرجنتين توقع المعجزات معجزات سيناليس ميلاغروس prodigios
uncion المسحة مجد مجد يسوع ديوس الله الروح القدس الروح القدس اسبيريتو سانتو
مملكة sanidades الله الشفاء الإلهي الإلهية مذهلة إحياء sobrenatural خارق avivamiento العبادة adoracion salvacion الخلاص حريق فويغو الحياة الأبدية infilling مذهلة قوية المجيدة قوة الأداء poderoso الروح القدس يسوع المسيح معجزات ميلاغروس كريستو Jesucristo ديوس الله نهر انسكاب derramamiento اسبيريتو سانتو المعجزات اسبيريتو سانتو البرازيل فوغو avivamento
Injil mukjizat kabar baik milagros buta tuli mendengar lihat lumpuh berjalan Injil diberitakan Yesus adalah Tuhan
Argentina menandatangani keajaiban mukjizat Senales milagros prodigios
Roh Kudus uncion urapan kemuliaan gloria Yesus Dios Allah Roh Kudus Espiritu Santo visi visiones
Kerajaan Allah sanidades penyembuhan divina ilahi Menakjubkan kebangkitan sobrenatural supranatural avivamiento kehidupan kekal ibadah Adoracion Salvacion keselamatan Api Fuego infilling daya poder poderoso mulia kuat Menakjubkan Roh Kudus mujizat milagros Yesus Kristus Cristo jesucristo Dios Allah River Pencurahan mukjizat
Evangelium gute Nachricht Wunder milagros Blinden sehen Tauben hören Lahme gehen das Evangelium gepredigt Jesus ist der Herr
Deutschland unterzeichnet Wunder Wunder señales milagros prodigios
uncion Salbung Herrlichkeit gloria Jesus Dios Gottes Heiligen Geist Heiligen Geist Espiritu Santo Visionen visiones
Reich Gottes sanidades Heil göttlichen divina erstaunlichen übernatürlichen sobrenatural Revival Avivamiento Anbetung adoracion salvacion Rettung Feuerland das ewige Leben Infilling Erstaunlich leistungsstarke glorreichen poder poderoso Macht Heilige Geist Wunder milagros Jesus Christus Cristo Jesucristo Dios Fluss Gott Ausgießung derramamiento Espiritu Santo Wunder Brasilien Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento
SÃO PETERSBURGO, RÚSSIA: As principais atrações (Vlog 2)
São Petersburgo, Rússia! Um passeio pelas atrações mais famosas! Neste vlog: Praça do Palácio (incluindo o Palácio de Inverno, o Museu Hermitage e o Novo Hermitage) e um passeio no ônibus do City Tour.
► Vídeo da Rússia em português!!!
São Petersburgo em detalhes:
00:11 - Café da manhã no Restaurante L'Europe dentro do Belmond Grand Hotel Europe
1:07 - Petersburg Card
2:30 - Ônibus do City Tour parte 1
2:52 - Praça do Palácio (Palácio do Inverno, Museu Hermitage, Novo Hermitage)
7:23 - Aterro do Palácio durante o dia
8:16 - Almoço no Daily Caffe Bar
8:33 - Ônibus do City Tour parte 2
9:20 - Praça do Palácio e Aterro no final do dia
9:43 - Noites Brancas no Belmond Grand Hotel Europe
Para saber mais sobre o fenômeno Noites brancas, veja este outro vlog em São Petersburgo:
Câmeras: Uma combinação de todas para conseguir imagens diferentes:
+ Câmera principal (imagens gerais):
+ Câmera de suporte (quando meu marido e eu gravamos juntos - um de nós usa a câmera principal e o outro a secundária):
+ Câmara de ação:
+ Smartphone (sim, até o celular):
Microfones (dependendo da câmera)
+ Boom:
+ Lapela para o dia a dia:
+ Lapela para projetos especiais:
+ Microfone de celular:
Outros equipamentos:
+ Estabilizador:
+ Tripé de viagem/monopé:
+ Drone:
Este vlog foi criado em 2017 para o canal oficial Renata Pereira no YouTube:
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On the Road Again de Hisko Detria (
Optimistic Keys de Mikael Manvelyan
Dance For Tradition de Neil Cross
Invisible Sun de C. Zatta
Upbeat Funky Good Times de Jason Donnelly
#stpetersburg #saintpetersburg #russia #russia2018 #worldcup2018
Aviso: alguns links acima são links de afiliados. Obrigada pelo seu apoio quando você clica num deles, pois você ajuda a manter este canal
The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the gospel is preached in Chiapas, Mexico!!
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For more information on how to partner with the ministry and help us to take the gospel to the nations simply click here:
Song: Behold the Blood of Christ by Phil King (Christ for the nations worship)
Matthew 11:4 Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: 5 The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”
Mateo 11: 4 Respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Id, y haced saber a Juan las cosas que oís y veis.
5 Los ciegos ven, los cojos andan, los leprosos son limpiados, los sordos oyen, los muertos son resucitados, y a los pobres es anunciado el evangelio;
6 y bienaventurado es el que no halle tropiezo en mí.
Receive Jesus, receive forgiveness and eternal life
Recibe a Jesus y recibe el perdón y la vida eterna
andres bisonni Ministries
Andres Bisonni:
Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
gospel good news miracles milagros blind see deaf hear lame walk the gospel is preached Jesus is Lord
signs wonders miracles señales milagros prodigios
uncion anointing glory gloria Jesus Dios God Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Espiritu Santo visions visiones
kingdom of God sanidades healing divine divina Amazing supernatural sobrenatural revival avivamiento worship adoracion salvacion salvation Fire Fuego eternal life infilling Amazing powerful glorious poder poderoso power Holy Spirit miracles milagros Jesus Christ Cristo Jesucristo Dios God River Outpouring derramamiento Espiritu Santo miracles brazil Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento, youth, jovenes,
sinais maravilhas milagres senales milagros Prodigios
uncion unção glória gloria Jesus Dios Deus Espírito Santo Espírito Santo Espiritu Santo
reino de Deus cura divina sanidades divino sobrenatural surpreendente renascimento sobrenatural Avivamiento adoração adoracion salvacion salvação Fogo Fuego vida eterna tamponamento surpreendente poderoso glorioso poder Poderoso Poder Espírito Santo milagres milagros Jesus Cristo Jesucristo Cristo Dios Deus Outpouring derramamiento milagres Espiritu Santo
تلقي يسوع اقبل الغفران والحياة الأبدية
Recibe ذ recibe يسوع perdon ش ذ لا فيدا ETERNA
اندريس الوزارات bisonni
الموسيقى بواسطة: كاري جوبي - للأبد (لايف)
الإنجيل المعجزات أخبار جيدة ميلاغروس الصم العمي يبصرون والعرج يمشون سماع بشر الانجيل يسوع هو الرب
الأرجنتين توقع المعجزات معجزات سيناليس ميلاغروس prodigios
uncion المسحة مجد مجد يسوع ديوس الله الروح القدس الروح القدس اسبيريتو سانتو
مملكة sanidades الله الشفاء الإلهي الإلهية مذهلة إحياء sobrenatural خارق avivamiento العبادة adoracion salvacion الخلاص حريق فويغو الحياة الأبدية infilling مذهلة قوية المجيدة قوة الأداء poderoso الروح القدس يسوع المسيح معجزات ميلاغروس كريستو Jesucristo ديوس الله نهر انسكاب derramamiento اسبيريتو سانتو المعجزات اسبيريتو سانتو البرازيل فوغو avivamento
Injil mukjizat kabar baik milagros buta tuli mendengar lihat lumpuh berjalan Injil diberitakan Yesus adalah Tuhan
Argentina menandatangani keajaiban mukjizat Senales milagros prodigios
Roh Kudus uncion urapan kemuliaan gloria Yesus Dios Allah Roh Kudus Espiritu Santo visi visiones
Kerajaan Allah sanidades penyembuhan divina ilahi Menakjubkan kebangkitan sobrenatural supranatural avivamiento kehidupan kekal ibadah Adoracion Salvacion keselamatan Api Fuego infilling daya poder poderoso mulia kuat Menakjubkan Roh Kudus mujizat milagros Yesus Kristus Cristo jesucristo Dios Allah River Pencurahan mukjizat
Evangelium gute Nachricht Wunder milagros Blinden sehen Tauben hören Lahme gehen das Evangelium gepredigt Jesus ist der Herr
Deutschland unterzeichnet Wunder Wunder señales milagros prodigios
uncion Salbung Herrlichkeit gloria Jesus Dios Gottes Heiligen Geist Heiligen Geist Espiritu Santo Visionen visiones
Reich Gottes sanidades Heil göttlichen divina erstaunlichen übernatürlichen sobrenatural Revival Avivamiento Anbetung adoracion salvacion Rettung Feuerland das ewige Leben Infilling Erstaunlich leistungsstarke glorreichen poder poderoso Macht Heilige Geist Wunder milagros Jesus Christus Cristo Jesucristo Dios Fluss Gott Ausgießung derramamiento Espiritu Santo Wunder Brasilien Espirito Santo Fogo avivamento
Dogs are a part of tribal life in Kastom village of Vanuatu, playing with a ball is new!
Life looks simple, pure, fun and peaceful for people living in Kastom Village of Vanuatu.
A man watches a telescope in awe and smiles as if he could see the outside world. Be it the metropolitan cities or villages, children across the world love to play with whatever they see or get. Two kids are seen munching papayas with it's yummy expression. Rearing domestic animals like dogs, hens and cocks etc are not new for tribes of Vanuatu but playing with a ball is! The kids are seen playing with so much fun with the tiny ball.
(The name Vanuatu is an important aspect of national identity. Leaders of the Vanua'aku Party, which led the first independent government, invented the term in 1980 to replace the colonial name New Hebrides. Vanua means land in many of Vanuatu's one hundred five languages, and translations of the new name include Our Land and Abiding Land. Culturally, Vanuatu is complex. Some of the people follow matrilineal descent rules, while others follow patrilineal rules. Leadership on some islands depends on advancement within men's societies, and in others it depends on possession of chiefly titles or personal ability. Although most people depend on subsistence farming and fishing, the economy of the seaboard differs from that of interior mountain plateaus.)
Source: Wikipedia
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Natural wonders - Tuvalu
Natural wonders - Tuvalu
Tuvalu formerly known as the Ellice Islands, is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. It comprises three reefislands and six true atolls spread out between the latitude of 5° to 10° south and longitude of 176° to 180°, west of the International Date Line. Its nearest neighbours are Kiribati, Nauru, Samoa and Fiji. Tuvalu has a population of 10,837 (2012 census). The total land area of the islands of Tuvalu is 26 square kilometres.
Natural wonders
Wonders of the World
El fin del mundo | #49 Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Guía para viajar a la punta sur de Sudamérica, a la ciudad más austral del mundo, en la Patagonia argentina: Ushuaia, la capital de la parte argentina de la Tierra del Fuego. Nada más llegar, subimos a un catamarán para navegar las aguas del Canal de Beagle, para observar las colonias de lobos marinos y el famoso faro del fin del mundo. Después, nos dirigimos al Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego, con sus bosques magallánicos. Además, visitamos Bahía Inútil, también en la región de la Tierra del Fuego, para ver de cerca la única colonia de pingüino rey fuera de la Antártida. Acabamos el viaje en el glaciar más famoso del mundo: el Perito Moreno.
In this place, Jesus was crucified. The Story of Golgotha Hill (Calvary), Jerusalem Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
Cathedral of st. Martin, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, Europa
The Cathedral of St Martin is a church in Lucca, Italy. It was begun in 1063 by Bishop Anselm (later Pope Alexander II). Of the original structure, the great apse with its tall columnar arcades and the fine campanile remain. The nave and transepts of the cathedral were rebuilt in the Gothic style in the 14th century, while the west front was begun in 1204 by Guido Bigarelli of Como, and consists of a vast portico of three magnificent arches, and above them three ranges of open galleries adorned with sculptures. In the nave a small octagonal temple or chapel shrine contains the most precious relic in Lucca, the Volto Santo di Lucca or Sacred Countenance. This cedar-wood crucifix and image of Christ, according to the legend, was carved by his contemporary Nicodemus, and miraculously conveyed to Lucca in 782. Christ is clothed in the colobium, a long sleeveless garment. The chapel was built in 1484 by Matteo Civitali, the most famous Luccan sculptor of the early Renaissance. The tomb of Ilaria del Carretto by Jacopo della Quercia of Siena, the earliest of his extant works was commissioned by her husband, the lord of Lucca, Paolo Guinigi, in 1406. Additionally the cathedral contains Domenico Ghirlandaio's Madonna and Child with Saints Peter, Clement, Paul and Sebastian; Federico Zuccari's Adoration of the Magi, Jacopo Tintoretto's Last Supper, and finally Fra Bartolomeo's Madonna and Child (1509). There is a legend to explain why all the columns of the façade are different. According to the tale, when they were going to decorate it, the inhabitants of Lucca announced a contest for the best column. Every artist made a column, but then the inhabitants of Lucca decided to take them all, without paying the artists and used all the columns. The labyrinth or maze is embedded in the right pier of the portico and is believed to date from the 12th or 13th century. Its importance is that it may well pre-date the famous Chartres maze, yet is of the Chartres pattern that became a standard for mazes. The rustic incised Latin inscription refers to ancient pagan mythology: This is the labyrinth built by Dedalus of Crete; all who entered therein were lost, save Theseus, thanks to Ariadne's thread (HIC QUEM CRETICUS EDIT. DAEDALUS EST LABERINTHUS . DE QUO NULLUS VADERE . QUIVIT QUI FUIT INTUS . NI THESEUS GRATIS ADRIANE . STAMINE JUTUS).
Falésias de Morro Branco, Praia das Fontes, Canoa Quebrada - Ceará
Hoje fizemos o passeio por 03 praias do Ceará, localizadas no município de Peberibe. Uma viagem espetacular até as falésias de morro branco, passando praia das fontes, terminando o dia na magnífica Canoa Quebrada!