Olinda Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places To Visit
Planning to visit Olinda? Check out our Olinda Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Olinda.
Top Places to visit in Olinda (Brazil):
Church and Monastery of Sao Bento, Convento de Sao Francisco, Centro Historico, Se Cathedral, Igreja Do Carmo, Museu do Mamulengo, Casa dos Bonecos Gigantes, Misericordia Church, Mercado de Artesanato da Se, Museu de Arte Sacra de Pernambuco, Palacio dos Governadores-Prefeitura de Olinda, Shopping Patteo Olinda, Museu De Arte Contemporanea, Fortim de Sao Francisco de Olinda, Astronomical Observatory in Alto da Se
For more information, Visit:
Jaguaribe, Ceará Brazil - Family Visit and Car Ride in Countryside
Visiting the farm of some of Alex's family and riding around in the countryside in Jaguaribe, Ceara Brazil.
A wonderful Kite-Spot @ Refugios-Parajuru in Brazil :)
Visit us :)
Music by: Vexento
O MELHOR DE VENEZA EM 1 MINUTO - The best of Venice (Italy) in 1 Minute
Veneza é um destinos românticos da Europa e do mundo. Vá e se perca nas famosas ruas da Ilha.
Venice is one of the most romantic destination in Europe. Go there and get lost on the famous streets.
Colombia's Native Tribes: Emberas Threatened by a New Highway (Full Documentary) | TRACKS
We follow a group of Embera Indians living near the rivers Baudo and Atrato in Colombia. In this region, there are 10,000 Embera Indians, but their lifestyle is threatened by industrialisation and new roads being built by the Colombian government. The Embera has no legal right to the land where they live, and no one consults them about the plans for the new section of the Pan American highway going straight through their territory.
The documentary series “Disappearing World” was originally broadcasted between 1970-1975. As an anthropological landmark of its time, the series tells the story of traditional communities endangered by the modern world’s progressions.
The series stands as a historical document of daily life in remote and threatened societies, such as the Cuiva, Embera and Panare Indians of Colombia, the nomadic Tuareg of the Sahara, the Kurdish Dervishes and the Meo of China.
TRACKS publishes unique, unexpected and untold stories from across the world every week.
From Disappearing World.
Content licensed from ITV Global.
Any queries, please contact us at: support@littledotstudios.com
Parajuru en drone Mars 2018
Petite balade sur le spot de Parajuru lorsque les touristes et sportifs l'ont déserté. L'immensité pour vous tout seul, la tranquillité d'une plage et d'un lagon qui invite au repos.
Cependant, le vent est toujours présent et il est très tentant d'aller gréer son aile et de se jeter à l'eau!
Janvier- Mars, une très belle saison basse pour se faire plaisir!
Rejoignez nous...
Voyage Brésil : Le Nordeste hors des sentiers battus : La route des émotions [Conseils Voyages]
Cet été, le Brésil vous attend pour des vacances ensoleillées sous le signe de l’aventure ! Le Brésil, ce n’est pas que Rio de Janeiro et les Jeux Olympiques. C’est également des déserts hors du commun remplis de lagons propices à la baignade et des jolies villes historiques au charme intemporel. C’est aussi des régions à la végétation luxuriante, des balades en pirogue au cœur de la mangrove à la rencontre des crocodiles et des parties de pêche insolites ! Enfin, le Brésil c’est évidemment la découverte de plages immenses et magnifiques et des sorties en bateau inoubliables. Coup de cœur pour les plages de Jericoacoara ! Bref, assez parlé, maintenant regardez notre vidéo et préparez votre voyage !
En manque d’inspiration ? Besoin de conseils pour préparer votre voyage ? Les spécialistes Marco Vasco partagent chaque semaine leurs découvertes, leurs expériences et leur passion du voyage.
Pour ne manquer aucun épisode, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube et rejoignez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux :
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Pour préparer votre voyage au Brésil avec Isabelle et Emilie, appelez-les au 01 70 61 42 09 ou rendez-vous sur
Pour connaître toutes nos destinations :
***********Crédits photo***********
Scène de plage Brésil. : Peeter Viisimaa
Brésilien ville : Peeter Viisimaa
Carte du Brésil : MoreISO
Jericoacoara Beach : tunart
Jericoacoara icône du Brésil : Brasil2
Lenco – est Maranhenses, au Brésil : dolphinphoto
Mangrove : Global_Pics
Ponta Negra plage dunes dans la ville de Natal, Brésil : marchello74
dunes de sable : RicAguiar
Marco Vasco a été plébiscité par des milliers de clients avec la note de 9.3/10. Consultez tous les avis sur Trustpilot
Lake Hillier, Australia
lake hillier located in western Australia. Lake Hillier looks like a pool of bubblegum ice cream surrounded by sand dunes. The most outstanding feature of lake hillier is its permanent pink color. Lake Hillier is estimated to be 2000 feet in length. The water is not altered in any way shape or form by human touch which plays into the lakes mystique. Potentially you could take water from lake hillier into a thermos and bring it home with you. and the water will still be pink like a strawberry smoothie. The lake does Not contain any known harmful effects. There are only theories to why lake is pink. one of the theories believe that there may be some form of bacteria created this color. The Hillier Lake was first discovered in 1802 by navigator and cartographer that had climbed Middle Island’s highest peak known as Flinders Peak to evaluate the surrounding waters when he came across this remarkable pink lake. An awesome and complex natural phenoma nonetheless. Lake Hillier is estimated to be 10 times saltier than the ocean and the entire lake is rimmed in a salty crust. Despite the high salt content levels, Lake Hillier is surprisingly somewhat safe to swim in. Just don't Swallow.
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Maceio kitesurf Imagens aéreas Godronne!
Imagens aéras de Kitesurf em Maceió/Al captadas por Drone. Godronne. godronne.com
Kitesurf na praia de Pajuçara em Maceió - Alagoas - Brasil
Belíssimo fim de tarde na praia de Pajuçara para a prática de esportes náuticos!!!