The Poneasca River is a left tributary of the river Miniș in Romania. It discharges into the Miniș near Poneasca. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. Castelul CorvinilorHunedoara Corvin Castle, also known as Hunyadi Castle or Hunedoara Castle , is a Gothic-Renaissance castle in Hunedoara, Romania. It is one of the largest castles in Europe and figures in a list of the seven wonders of Romania. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Statue of King DecebalusOrsova The rock sculpture of Decebalus is a 42.9 m in height and 31.6 m in width carving in rock of the face of Decebalus, the last king of Dacia, who fought against the Roman emperors Domitian and Trajan to preserve the independence of his country, which corresponded to modern Romania. The sculpture was made between 1994 and 2004, on a rocky outcrop on the river Danube, at the Iron Gates, which form the border between Romania and Serbia. It is located near the city of Orșova in Romania. It is the tallest rock relief in Europe. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. Iron GatesOrsova The Iron Gates is a gorge on the river Danube. It forms part of the boundary between Serbia and Romania . In the broad sense it encompasses a route of 134 km ; in the narrow sense it only encompasses the last barrier on this route, just beyond the Romanian city of Orșova, that contains two hydroelectric dams, with two power stations, Iron Gate I Hydroelectric Power Station and Iron Gate II Hydroelectric Power Station. At this point in the Danube, the river separates the southern Carpathian Mountains from the northwestern foothills of the Balkan Mountains. The Romanian side of the gorge constitutes the Iron Gates natural park, whereas the Serbian part constitutes the Đerdap national park. Archaeologists have named the Iron Gates mesolithic culture, of the central Danube region circa 13,00... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Most beautiful waterfall in the world Bigar Romania
The Bigar Falls is the first among the most beautiful natural such phenomena top, as conducted by the website The World Geography . It is located somewhere in Banat, South of Romania, in the Carash-Severin County, on Minis Valley, at the Poneasca Mouth. The waterfall is known as the Bigar spring and is situated past the cave with the same name.The World Geography website describes the waterfall as one of the most beautiful in the world, due to the way the water spreads on it. Furthermore, it is located precisely on Parallel 45. In this ranking, the waterfall in Romania is followed by the Eternal Flame Falls, a small waterfall in the American Reservation Shale Creek, near New York. This one though, is dependent on rainfalls and usually flows only in spring, or, after extensive rainfalls.
Most amazing waterfall from Romania - Bigăr/Cascada Bigăr
EN: Bigăr is situated in the administrative territory of Bozovici, in Caraş-Severin County in southwestern Romania. It is one of the most unusual waterfalls in the world and one of the most beautiful in Romania. According to The World Geography, there are a number of facts that place it as number one on the list of eight unique waterfalls around the world due to the way the water spreads and falls in tiny shreds of water, and also the fact that it is located exactly on the 45th parallel north, at the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole. One can find out more on this nature reserve from: RO:Izvorul Bigăr (cunoscut și sub denumirea de Izbucul Bigăr) este o arie protejată de interes național ce corespunde categoriei a IV-a IUCN (rezervație naturală de tip mixt), situată în județul Caraș-Severin, pe teritoriul administrativ al comunei Bozovici. După circa 200m, apa izvorului (bogată în calcar) se varsă în râul Miniș de pe un prag stâncos, formând o cascadă de tuf calcaros, ce poată numele de Cascada Bigăr. Site-ul The World Geography a alcătuit în anul 2013 o listă cu cele mai impresionante cascade din lume. Pe primul loc se află Cascada Bigăr din Caraș-Severin. Anterior, în septembrie 2010, un ghid turistic internațional, National Geographic Traveler - Romania, făcea pentru întâia oară prezentarea acestei cascade în presa turistică de specialitate. Cale de acces este drumul național (DN57B) Anina - Poneasca - Valea Minișului - rezervație (drumul se urmează doar până în dreptul Cascadei Bigăr, înainte de a ajunge în satul Bozovici)