6. Slovak Paradise National ParkSpisska Nova Ves Slovak Paradise National Park is one of the nine national parks in Slovakia, situated in East Slovakia. The National Park protects the area of the Slovak Paradise mountain range, which is located in the north of the Slovenské rudohorie Mountains . The National Park covers an area of 197.63 km2 , and the buffer zone around the park covers an area of 130.11 km2 ; 327.74 km2 together. Eleven national nature reserves and eight nature reserves are situated in the park. The park offers about 300 km of hiking trails, often equipped with ladders, chains and bridges. The Slovak Paradise contains about 350 caves, but only the Dobšinská Ice Cave, which is since 2000 a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is open to the public. The headquarters of the park are located in Spišská Nová Ves. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Park Narodowy Słowacki Raj należy do najmłodszych parków narodowych na Słowacji. Pod względem krain, niezwykle cenne tereny na pograniczu Spiszu i Gemeru były od 1964 roku pod ochroną jako chronione krainy. W roku 1988 podniesiono go do rangi parku narodowego o powierzchni 328 km2 Na terenie Słowackiego Raju znajdujemy mnóstwo wąskich kanionów z wodospadami, przy pokonywaniu których trzeba sobie pomóc licznymi drabinkami i kładkami. Najczęściej odwiedzanymi przez turystów wąwozami są Suchá Belá, Veľký Sokol, a także Przełom Hornadu i Kyseľ. Innymi ulubionymi miejscami są skalny występ Tomášovský výhľad albo Kláštorisko z ruinami kartuzjańskiego klasztoru.
MAGICKÝ SLOVENSKÝ RAJ (Slovak National Paradise)
I finally got to visit Slovak National Paradise….after being 27 years old and being born in Slovakia it was about time to visit this GEM of a place. It is becoming more and more popular and recently it got pretty crowded. Id say the past 2 years. Luckily when me and @waterlemonrea got here we started our hike early at 8am and we had the whole place to ourselves. I even got to fly the @gopro karma drone and captured this beautiful shot! Thank you to @waterlemonrea for this amazing trip. She got this trip for me as my bday gift all the way back in April of this year. I am glad we got to go. Thanks again! Recently I have been captivated by bird’s eye views the drone provides. Hope you like it!? Would you like to see more of these? Much love for all the comments and likes. Thanks to you guys I keep being motivated to create. Hope you liked this video!
Travel - Tourism - - - Sokolia Dolina (Falcon Dale)
Date: 22.march 2014 Location: Europe / Slovakia / Slovak Paradise / Sokolia Dolina (Falcon Dale)
Slovenský raj / Slovak Paradise (official spot)
Kto sa pri návšteve Národného parku Slovenský raj pokochal prírodou, nadýchol čerstvého vzduchu, započúval do malebnej symfónie stromov a v srdci si kúsok z neho vzal so sebou, ten navštívil raj.
Whoever savoured the sight of the nature in the Slovak Paradise National Park, inhaled the fresh air, listened to the enchanting symphony of the tree sounds and took a bit of it with him in his heart, has visited a paradise.
slovenskyraj.eu spisskanovaves.eu/slovenskyraj
Slovak Paradise - Hornad Canyon on Ice (part 2)
It is unique when Hornád river froze over its entire length. In chilly, but beautiful sunny weather, me and Thailon, we chose to examine the canyon Hornádska unusually - in the watercourse of the river. At the end of the day we visited the spectacular place in the Slovak Paradise - Tomášovský view. What a wonderful day!