Breathtaking Views from Vysne Ruzbachy, Slovakia
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Welcome to virtual visit of Vysne Ruzbachy, Eastern Slovakia.
I hope that you'll enjoy looking at some of the most beautiful views there. I created this presentation as a sign of my appreciation for being born and raised in such a beautiful place; a place where well known thermal health spa is located. Man-made things can never compare to the beauty of the nature and as time goes by I realize it more and more. What would life be like without the natural beauty? It would not be worth much! The nature is what makes our lives beautiful... and a beautiful nature is often what takes our breath away...
This presentation was created with focus primarily on the natural beauty of Vysne Ruzbachy. There are plenty of web sites, which will provide you with wealth of information about history of the village and the spa, about the geographical location, and also about services offered and hospitality possibilities. Just type Vysne Ruzbachy into a search engine and you'll find great amount of information.
The three most recommended sites to visit are:
Kind regards, Maria Krutkova (
Visiting Slovakia - Part 2
This is the second half of our trip to visit our long-lost relatives (100 years!) in Slovakia. You have to go to believe how wonderful the people are.
Zadiel canyon - Slovakia
The most popular and most visited place in the easternmost part of the Slovenský kras is the National Nature Reserve Zádielska tiesňava. Zádielska tiesňava always wins enquiries carried out among tourists when they are asked which of the Slovak valleys they consider the most romantic.
The length of the narrow is 2,200 m, its depth is 300 m (in places even 400 m) and the narrowest places in its bottom are only 10 m wide. It hardly accommodates the old asphalt road. It is deeply incised into the white limestone rock in the karstic plateaux of the Slovenský kras.
The conspicuous 105 metres rock attracts the glances of visitors. Its shape inspired its name - Cukrová homoľa (Sugar Cone).
The extreme form of the valley is the source of a special microclimatic inversion observable in it. This inversion provoked the vegetation inversion - Carpathian plant associations that prefer cool and moist biotopes grow in its bottom. In turn, the thermophilous Pannonian plants grow in the warm and dry sections of the valley.
Zádielska dolina is protected under the scheme of the National Nature Reserve and it is included in the UNESCO biosphere reserves. Instructive path crosses the valley. It is divided into sections in order to show both the bottom and the rock edges of the valley to tourists. The routes offer multiple wonderful views - perhaps the best in Slovakia.
Vodný mlyn a múzeum vodného mlynárstva v Kolárove
Plávajúci lodný mlyn v Kolárove.
Najdlhší riečny drevený most v Európe.
Vodný mlyn Kolárovo.
Múzeum vodného mlynárstva, Vodný mlyn Kolárovo.
Slovakia from above - YouTube.
Slovakia from above - tips for hiking.
Tipy na výlety po Slovensku.
Hi, I live in Europe - Slovakia, and love YouTube.
Welcome to Slovakia.
Visit Slovakia High Tatras, Low Tatras and other mountains in Slovakia.
Rozhľadňa Vápenná
Biela noc Bratislava 2018
Jánošíkove diery - Malý Rozsutec - Malá Fatra
Žabie plesá - Vysoké Tatry
Výstup na Rysy zo Štrbského Plesa - trasa
Horská latrína pod Rysmi - Najvyššie položená latrína na Slovensku
Chopok - Juh
Piesočnatá pláž na rieke Dunaj - Štúrovo
Výstup na Kriváň
Vyhliadková veža Bojnice - Vyhliadková veža v Bojniciach
Chodník korunami stromov Bachledka
Lomnický štít - Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry.
Chopok - Nízke Tatry
My First School Day
Splavovanie Dunaja - Vodné dielo Gabčíkovo
Drienok 2018
Historický Prezidentský vlak
Hradisko VALY v Bojnej - Hradisko Bojná
Lanovka na Lomnický štít - Lanovka na Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry
Haličská Motorkáreň 2018
festival MYJAVA
Letecký Deň Nové Zámky 2018
Kráľova hoľa na bicykli
Epicentrum Lásky v Dome Maríny v Banskej Štiavnici
Krojované Bábätká - Kalendár 2019
Náučným chodníkom Súľovské skaly
DinoPark Bratislava 2018
Hrad Muráň. Muránska planina - Veľká lúka. Chov koní na Muránskej planine.
ZOO Bratislava 2018
Slovenské Hrady, zámky, zrúcaniny a kaštiele.
Abecedný zoznam Hrady, Zámky, Kaštiele a Zrúcaniny na Slovensku ktoré som pre vás navštívil.
Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia - Europe from above.
Lanovka na Lomnický štít - Lanovka na Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry
Čachtické podzemie
Čachtický hrad
Kompa cez Dunaj
Slovensko zhora - Tipy na výlety.
Hrady, zámky, kaštiele a krásy Slovenska.
Slovak Castles.
Tips for Trips Around Slovakia.
Pozrite sa na svet z výšky.
Look at the world from a height.
Enjoy a birds eye view from the top.
Najkrajšie miesta na Slovensku.
The most beautiful places in Slovakia.
Tourism in Slovakia.
Cestovanie po Slovensku. Kam na víkend.
Traveling in Slovakia.
Prírodné krásy a zaujímavosti.
Zaujímavé kultúrne podujatia, udalosti a akcie.
Pamiatky a zaujímavé miesta.
List of castles in Slovakia.
Zoznam hradov a zámkov na Slovensku.
Castles of Slovakia.
Enjoy Castle from a bird's eye view.
Amazing Castles in Slovakia You Must Definitely See.
Most Beautiful Castles In The World.
Bezpečná dovolenka na Slovensku.
Secure holidays in Slovakia.
Zvolen - Slovakia
In 2003 the town of Zvolen celebrated the 760th anniversary of its foundation.The first reliable document of the independent royal town of Zvolen is the royal charter of King Belo IV of December 28, 1243 reinstating the Zvolen's town privileges.
Written documents on the existence of the town (settlement), however, date back also earlier than 1243. In 1222 it is written about Detrik - a head of the Zvolen County; at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries the chronicler Anonymus dates foundation of Zvolen Castle back to the 10th century.
Zvolen has lived for years under the auspices of the Castle, today known as the Deserted Castle, which was the seat of the royal komitat, that is a territory stretching in the area of the whole today's Central Slovakia. The importance of this vast castle (it was divided into the Upper and Lower Castle and its area was over 7 hectares!) faded away a little after building up the new castle right in the town. In the end, the Deserted Castle was burnt down by Ján Huňady's troops in 1452 (according to the latest research) and it remained in ruins. Hungarian King Louis the Great of Anjou had Zvolen Castle built in the second half of the 14th century. Since the time of its founding the Castle has often been rebuilt and had several owners. King Matthias Corvinus and his wife Beatrix would enjoy coming here; it was also a residence of Ján Jiskra of Brandýs, and the Ján Thurzo's possession.
The cruelest period in the history of Zvolen was the 16th century. The Hungarian Empire was tossed about by struggling for the throne; it held Turkish and Tartar attacks off. In the 1580's Zvolen was dealt by the plague blow. Another disaster affected the town in 1601. At that time huge fire destroyed the church, school, orphanage and many houses. To renew the town its inhabitants needed to spend much finance and for that reason they asked the monarch for forgiving them taxes. The destructive fire hit Zvolen also in 1708.
ObrázokThe years of the Slovak National Revival movement (1848 -- 1849) have left an imprint on Zvolen too. The town is connected with the name of Ľudovít Štúr who was the first deputy in the Hungarian Parliament and he represented just the town of Zvolen. Štúr spoke five times at the Hungarian Parliament during the years 1848 -- 1848 and he tried to pursue the national freedom of the Slovaks, recognition of the Slovak language, serfdom abolition, equal civil rights and other demands of the whole Slovak nation.
ObrázokIn 1871 a railway station was built in Zvolen and one year later the Hungarian northern railway Pešť -- Zvolen -- Vrútky was completed. It meant further development of the town alike the sheet iron factory called Union. Also a savings bank, bank and printing house sprouted up in Zvolen. At the beginning of the 20th century the working class in the town became stronger. In the aftermath of the World War I (88 soldiers from Zvolen died during it) the 28th October 1918 comes and brings the establishment of the new state -- the Czechoslovak Republic. The new republic had to cope with various problems. As early as in the summer 1919 Slovakia was invaded by the troops of the communist Hungarian Republic Order that in June occupied also Zvolen.
Zvolen could not be prevented from the tragedy of the World War II. After liberation in 1945 not only started renovation of the property destroyed by the war in Zvolen, but also former small businesses started to be expanded and new ones were built up. On the north-eastern outskirts of the town went up Bucina, the large integrated wood-processing plant, and near the Hron river one of the most modern dairies in Slovakia of that time. Furthermore, there were textile factories, a new railway station, schools, dormitories, new blocks of flats. New roads, streets, pavements, water supply system, the town's drainage were built; they continued in electrifying the town.
ObrázokNowadays Zvolen is a seat of several prosperous businesses, quality elementary and secondary schools and also the Technical University that is the only one in Slovakia that educates experts in the wood-processing area.
Culture is represented by the J.G. Tajovsky Theatre with its permanent scene as well as by the tens of dance, theatre, song and musical groups which spread a good reputation of the town in Slovakia and foreign countries as well.
Czech nature
first video, just testin :)
Bratislava Slovakia Old Town Square 360 Summer 2006
360 degree view of a crazy Old Town Square in Bratislava. Slovakia. Every building's architecture represents a different time period in the history of Bratislava.
Sumer of 2006.
Opustené divadlo - Našiel som draka - Dávid Urbex
V dnešnom videu som spolu s Ivanom Donovalom preskúmal opustené divadlo, kde som našiel draka :D. Viac uvidíte vo videu.
Moja FB Urbex Fanpage:
Fotoalbum Fanpage:
- Dávid Urbex -
Kamera: Panasonic HCX 920
Stav budovy ku dňu : 1.11.2017
Song: CREepy Instrumental - Scary Background Song
Autor: Halloween Horror Music
♫ Horror-Suspense Music [Royalty Free] Haunted Places
Autor: Alex Lisi
Outro song: Andrew Applepie - I'm So
Music by Andrew Applepie
Podpor Slovenskú urbex komunitu:
Ivan Donoval
Dávid Urbex
Dominik Kováčik
Vlk Saki
Dark Pirate
Marcelito Rečinský
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