RESTAURANT TOUR at restaurant Melchior in Tienen, Belgium
Chef Gilles Melchior presents his fine-dining restaurant Melchior in Tienen, Belgium. Gilles Melchior previously worked at several kitchens in Belgian restaurants, of which three Michelin starred Hof Van Cleve of Chef Peter Goossens. - or World's Best Places - is a multichannel platform about the very best restaurants and hotels in the world. Here you will find many thousands of films and images of the world’s best places in the hospitality sector. Exclusive content - a documentation of the very best. Welcome to the ultimate content guide for food lovers, travellers and hospitality experts.
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Tienen Belgien Belgium 6.5.2017 #0344
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Tienen Belgium
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Bruges, Belgium might just be the most charming city in Europe. If you closed your eyes and imagined a picturesque, fairytale, travel-back-in-time, absolutely breath-taking European city I'd guess that Bruges is pretty close to what's in your head. It's what European vacation dreams are made of. A veritable time capsule of medieval architecture, It's easy to understand why it's a UNESCO World Heritage City. It is rare to see so many streets of buildings all so well preserved. Walking around is like being transported back in time and history here is on another level. This town hall? It was the seat of government for more than six hundred years. This old hospital? It's been a hospital since the 1100s (and only stopped in the 1970s). The reason why Bruges is so well preserved has a twist: the city was too poor to renovate and rebuild. Bruges has experienced periods of great wealth, great poverty, and great wealth. During the down times, citizens didn't have the cash to make 'improvements' to their houses and to this scarcity we owe a great deal! Ironically, the current citizens of Bruges benefit from their forebears' inability to knock things down and rebuild. Bruges is now a huge draw for tourists from around the world who flock to see the same buildings people were too poor to change. Huzzah! This is why I love history!
Our day in Bruges started at the Folklore Museum. It's only 4 Euro and you can get a nice overview of life in the city in the 19th and 20th centuries. Don't forget to look for the black cat who lives there. He's rare to see and is one of a long line of black cats who call the museum home. We then walked (you can walk everywhere) to the Burg Square where you'll find the Stadhuis (town hall) and a little further on is the Grote Markt. The latter is the main square where you'll find see the Belfry (Belfort) and dozens of tourists. Bruges is known for two things: an abundance of beauty and an abundance of tourists seeking it. But no one cares because you're so stunned at the charming city around you. We walked on to the Church of Our Lady where the altar piece is a Michelangelo sculpture of the Madonna and Child. Made of Carrara marble, it's been stolen twice and is now safe again to view at the church. Across the street is Sint-Janshospitaal - the one that was a hospital from the 1100s to the 1970s. Now you'll find religious art and - my favourite - examples of old ambulances. A visit here makes you really appreciate modern medicine. It started to rain and we were getting hungry so we headed to the Friet Museum (Fry Museum). How could we visit Belgium without doing a deep dive into the history of fries?! We wanted to find out why so many people mistakenly call them 'French fries' - we also wanted to eat fries. Check and check. It stopped raining so we ended the Bruges tour by boarding a river cruise because there are parts of the city only visible from the water. I'd definitely recommend a boat ride if you're visiting Bruges - it's relaxing and offers a unique perspective not seen by other means. We absolutely loved visiting Bruges and hope you enjoyed this visit to the jewel of Belgium.
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Eden, verborgen schatten in Wallonië
EDEN staat voor European Destinations of excellence. De Europese Eden-prijs beloont de bestemmingen die aan economisch leefbaar en duurzaam toerisme doen. Ontdek welke toeristische bestemmingen met hun charme en eenvoud het hart van Europa hebben gestolen.
que ver y que hacer en Bruselas en un dia en Belgica Turismo en 1 día. Donde podras conocer La Capital de Europa desde el Parque Cincuentenario, Hasta La Plaza mas bonita de Europa. Entre las cosas que ver, que hacer y que visitar estan en el top
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Tournai, Belgium / Турне, Бельгия. Пятничный отжим
А сегодня в нашей рубрике «пятничный отжим» будет Турне - тихий город, спрятавшийся на юго-западе Бельгии, недалеко от границы с Францией. Городок известен своим кафедральным собором и колокольней, которые входят в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. На 72 метра колокольни, кстати, можно запросто подняться, и я б с удовольствием это сделал, если б не дурацкая привычка приезжать в такие места в понедельник, когда всё закрыто :) Зато тут есть и своя центральная площадь Гран-Плас с фонтанами, которые бьют прямо из мостовой.
How This Town Produces No Trash
Watch the next episode about Lauren Singer, who produced only a jar's worth of trash in 2 years:
In 2003, the local government in Kamikatsu, Japan decided to require that all residents comply with a new, rigorous recycling program - perhaps the most rigorous in the world.
Since then, the town composts, recycles, or reuses 80% of its garbage. It may not technically be 100% zero waste, as the remaining 20% goes into the landfill, but it's a remarkable achievement for an entire community, in such a short amount of time. The impacts have been positive - cutting costs for the community drastically, as well as improving the conditions of the lush and beautiful environment that surrounds the town in Southeast Japan.
Residents must wash and sort virtually anything that is non-compostable in their household before bringing it to the recycling sorting center. Shampoo bottles, caps, cans, razors, styrofoam meat trays, water bottles...the list goes on and on (literally) into 34 categories. At the sorting center, labels on each bin indicate the recycling process for that specific item - how it will be recycled, what it will become, and how much that process can cost (or even earn). It's an education process for the consumer.
All kitchen scraps must be composted at home, as the town has no garbage trucks or collectors.
And as for other items, reuse is heavily encouraged. According to Akira Sakano, Deputy Chief Officer at Zero Waste Academy in Kamikatsu, the town has a kuru-kuru shop where residents can bring in used items and take things home for free. There is also a kuru-kuru factory, where local women make bags and clothes out of discarded items.
At first, it was difficult to be come accustomed to the new rules. It can be a pain, and at first we were opposed to the idea, says resident, Hatsue Katayama. If you get used to it, it becomes normal.
Now, it's even being noticed within Kamikatsu's businesses. The first zero-waste brewery has opened in Kamikatsu, called Rise and Win Brewery. The brewery itself is constructed of reused materials and environmentally friendly finishes. By 2020, Kamikatsu hopes to be 100% zero waste, with no use of landfills, and to forge connections with other like-minded communities in the world, spreading the practice of zero-waste.
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Executive Producer: Laura Ling
Producer: Paige Keipper (Hansen)
Cinematographer: Irene Carolina Herrera
Editor: Lee Mould