Duel de rue entre un jeune et un policier
Des coups de poing, des esquives, un public. Ce n’est pas un match de boxe, mais un combat de rue entre un jeune homme et un policier en exercice sous le regard des copains et... des collègues. L’altercation, filmée à Paris et diffusée sur les réseaux sociaux, a cumulé plus de 800.000 vues. Nous avons mené l'enquête.
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15 Curiosidades de SANTA LUCIA (Isla)
En este vídeo te voy a mostrar 15 datos curiosos sobre la isla de Santa Lucia, estoy seguro que aprenderás algo nuevo luego de ver este vídeo. Suscribete:
Este vídeo es la recopilación de 15 datos y/o sitios que a mi juicio son curiosos e interesantes de la isla de Santa Lucia, la información brindada fue investigada en diferentes paginas de Internet y procuré contrastar las información hallada con fuentes mas confiables como la Wikipedia, con el fin de procurar acertar en la información y que esta fuera correcta.
Sin embargo, si llegas a hallar en este vídeo, alguna información que consideres que no es correcta o que este desactualizada, de ante mano pido excusas por ello y puedes expresarlo en los comentarios.
El animo principal de este vídeo es entretener y formarle a la persona que lo vea, una idea de lo que es la isla de Santa Lucia y de algunas de sus maravillas o datos curiosos y que así de alguna manera puedas conocer un poco mas sobre estas islas y sobre el mundo.
Espero lo disfrutes y acá te dejare a grandes rasgos las curiosidades que incluye este vídeo, no dejes de verlo hasta el final:
Número 1.
El nombre de santa lucia hace referencia a Lucía de Siracusa, una mártir cristiana que padeció durante la Persecución de Diocleciano.
Número 2.
Los primeros pobladores indígenas llegaron a santa lucia provenientes de Sudamérica, alrededor del siglo III, Cristóbal Coló, llegó a la isla en su cuarto viaje, en 1502.
Número 3.
Santa Lucía es un país independiente, pero mantiene al monarca del Reino Unido como su soberano y jefe de estado. Por lo cual, la reina Isabel de Inglaterra, es su reina.
Número 4.
Santa Lucía es una isla volcánica con 158 kilómetros de costa, Está dividida en once distritos y su ciudad más grande es Castries, donde reside más de un tercio de la población.
Número 5.
Soufrière, en español azufre, es una localidad de Santa Lucía, cabecera del distrito homónimo originalmente fue fundada por los franceses y fue la capital inicial de la isla, primero que Castries.
Número 6.
Santa Lucia tiene una fauna y flora propia de la ecozona Neotropical, Las aguas de sus costas albergan mucha diversidad de especies y fauna marina. Además de que se encuentran 20 especies distintas de ballenas como la ballena piloto y la ballena jorobada .
Número 7.
El Parque Nacional Isla de la Paloma fue una antigua base militar británica en santa lucia, desde la Isla los ingleses podían controlar lo que hacían los franceses en Martinica.
Número 8.
La cultura de Santa Lucía tiene fuertes influencias africanas, producto de la inmigración y el comercio de esclavos que históricamente padeció la isla. Su idioma oficial es el inglés, pero también se hablan el creol y algunas otras lenguas criollas.
Número 9.
La ciudad de Castries es la capital de Santa Lucía, es el centro comercial de la nación y su actividad gira en torno al puerto, uno de los mejores al este del Caribe.
Número 10.
Derek Walcott fue un poeta, dramaturgo y artista visual nacido Santa Lucía. En 1992 recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura.
Número 11.
La economía de santa lucia depende en medida del cultivo de plátanos. Actualmente, casi el 83% del PIB es generado por la industria de servicios, en especial el turismo y las finanzas internacionales.
Número 12.
El 70% de las carreteras de Santa Lucia están pavimentadas, tiene 2 aeropuertos, uno en la ciudad de Castries y el otro El Aeropuerto Internacional Hewanorra, principal terminal aérea del país.
Número 13.
Los festivales culturales santalucianos incluyen La Rose y La Marguerite, uno representando la orden de la Rosacruz, y el otro representando la Francmasonería.
Número 14.
Cada mayo, desde 1992, en Santa Lucía se celebra un Festival de Jazz reconocido internacionalmente. Reúne a músicos locales e internacionales de jazz, R&B y calypso.
número 15.
La tradición gastronómica de Santa Lucía es la típica de toda la zona caribeña, con bases de pescado fresco cocinado con diferentes especias, carne de pollo, arroz, frijoles, verduras y muchas frutas tropicales..
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Guadeloupe's Coast 360 VR
Enjoy the relaxing spots in this 360 video recorded this summer around the beautiful Guadeloupe's coasts.
Date: September 2017
Outside the office
Category: 360 video scenery
Martinique (French pronunciation: [maʁ.tiˈnik]) is an island in the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with a land area of 1,128 square kilometres (436 sq mi) and a population of 386,486 inhabitants (as of Jan. 2013). Like Guadeloupe, it is an overseas region of France, consisting of a single overseas department. One of the Windward Islands, it is directly north of Saint Lucia, northwest of Barbados, and south of Dominica.
As with the other overseas departments, Martinique is one of the twenty-seven regions of France (being an overseas region) and an integral part of the French Republic. As part of France, Martinique is part of the European Union, and its currency is the euro. The official language is French, although many of its inhabitants also speak Antillean Creole (Créole Martiniquais).
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
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Frankie goes to hollywood Relax (Body Double)
Frankie goes to hollywood....Frankie say....... no more
Courroie de distribution : Les conseils de nos garagistes / Top Entretien #4 (avec Denis Brogniart)
Souvent ignorée par les automobilistes, la courroie de distribution est pourtant un élément essentiel de la motorisation d'un véhicule. Véritable chef d'orchestre, elle permet de synchroniser plusieurs éléments dans le moteur, en particulier le vilebrequin, la pompe à injection et les arbres à cames. Sans elle, le véhicule ne pourrait tout simplement pas avancer.
Il convient donc de faire régulièrement vérifier sa distribution par un garagiste agréé en tenant compte des préconisations du constructeur.
La courroie de distribution est l'un des éléments les plus sollicités de votre motorisation. Elle présente à ce titre des risques d'usure importants. Au moindre signe de dysfonctionnement, les garagistes Top Garage sauront déterminer dans les meilleurs délais la cause du problème et remplacer la pièce fautive.
Le changement de la courroie est une procédure longue – elle dure en général plus de 4 heures – qui nécessite le recours à des professionnels auto formés et agréés. En utilisant un outillage spécifique, nos garagistes se chargeront du remplacement de votre courroie en respectant les tensions et le montage d'origine. Le cas échéant, ils pourront également remplacer les galets.
La fréquence de révision varie en fonction des constructeurs. Elle doit généralement être effectuée tous les 5 ans, ou 150 000 kilomètres, ou après le remplacement d'un joint de culasse ou de la pompe à eau.
Pourquoi est-il important de faire vérifier sa distribution ?
Une courroie de distribution en bon état garantit le refroidissement de votre moteur et l'alternance des phases d'admission et d'échappement. Devant l'apparition d'un crissement suspect ou la découverte d'une fuite d'huile, il est fortement recommandé de faire appel à l'expertise d'un professionnel de l'automobile.
Pour trouver un garage auto à proximité de chez vous, c'est ici : top-garage.fr
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la distribution automobile, rendez-vous sur notre page dédiée : top-garage.fr/service/distribution
Martinique | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:59 1 Etymology
00:01:52 2 History
00:02:01 2.1 Pre-European contact
00:02:30 2.2 1493–1688
00:05:42 2.3 Post-1688
00:08:14 3 Governance
00:09:05 3.1 Subdivisions
00:10:56 4 Geography
00:14:34 4.1 Flora and fauna
00:15:22 5 Economy
00:17:01 5.1 Tourism
00:17:32 5.2 Infrastructure
00:17:40 5.2.1 Transport
00:18:28 5.2.2 Communications
00:19:02 6 Demographics
00:19:11 6.1 Population
00:19:43 6.2 Ethnic groups
00:20:48 6.3 Languages
00:22:16 6.4 Religion
00:22:25 7 Culture
00:23:20 7.1 Cuisine
00:24:01 7.2 Music
00:24:41 8 In popular culture
00:27:32 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
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- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Martinique (French pronunciation: [maʁtinik]) is an insular region of France located in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with a land area of 1,128 square kilometres (436 sq mi) and a population of 385,551 inhabitants as of January 2013. Like Guadeloupe, it is an overseas region of France, consisting of a single overseas department. One of the Windward Islands, it is directly north of Saint Lucia, southeast of Greater Antilles, northwest of Barbados, and south of Dominica.
As with the other overseas departments, Martinique is one of the eighteen regions of France (being an overseas region) and an integral part of the French Republic. As part of France, Martinique is part of the European Union, and its currency is the euro. The official language is French, and virtually the entire population also speaks Antillean Creole (Créole Martiniquais).
Martinique | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:13 1 Etymology
00:02:17 2 History
00:02:26 2.1 Pre-European contact
00:03:00 2.2 1493–1688
00:06:59 2.3 Post-1688
00:10:07 3 Governance
00:11:08 3.1 Subdivisions
00:13:25 4 Geography
00:17:52 4.1 Flora and fauna
00:18:49 5 Economy
00:20:51 5.1 Tourism
00:21:26 5.2 Infrastructure
00:21:35 5.2.1 Transport
00:22:33 5.2.2 Communications
00:23:13 6 Demographics
00:23:22 6.1 Population
00:24:00 6.2 Ethnic groups
00:25:18 6.3 Languages
00:27:07 6.4 Religion
00:27:16 7 Culture
00:28:22 7.1 Cuisine
00:29:12 7.2 Music
00:29:59 8 In popular culture
00:33:29 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8201274682660844
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-E
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Martinique (French pronunciation: [maʁtinik]) is an insular region of France located in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with a land area of 1,128 square kilometres (436 sq mi) and a population of 385,551 inhabitants as of January 2013. Like Guadeloupe, it is an overseas region of France, consisting of a single overseas department. One of the Windward Islands, it is directly north of Saint Lucia, southeast of Greater Antilles, northwest of Barbados, and south of Dominica.
As with the other overseas departments, Martinique is one of the eighteen regions of France (being an overseas region) and an integral part of the French Republic. As part of France, Martinique is part of the European Union, and its currency is the euro. The official language is French, and virtually the entire population also speaks Antillean Creole (Créole Martiniquais).
Martinique | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Martinique (French pronunciation: [maʁtinik]) is an insular region of France located in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with a land area of 1,128 square kilometres (436 sq mi) and a population of 385,551 inhabitants as of January 2013. Like Guadeloupe, it is an overseas region of France, consisting of a single overseas department. One of the Windward Islands, it is directly north of Saint Lucia, southeast of Greater Antilles, northwest of Barbados, and south of Dominica.
As with the other overseas departments, Martinique is one of the eighteen regions of France (being an overseas region) and an integral part of the French Republic. As part of France, Martinique is part of the European Union, and its currency is the euro. The official language is French, and virtually the entire population also speaks Antillean Creole (Créole Martiniquais).
Martinique | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:59 1 Etymology
00:01:52 2 History
00:02:01 2.1 Pre-European contact
00:02:30 2.2 1493–1688
00:05:40 2.3 Post-1688
00:08:11 3 Governance
00:09:03 3.1 Subdivisions
00:10:53 4 Geography
00:14:29 4.1 Flora and fauna
00:15:18 5 Economy
00:16:56 5.1 Tourism
00:17:27 5.2 Infrastructure
00:17:35 5.2.1 Transport
00:18:23 5.2.2 Communications
00:18:56 6 Demographics
00:19:05 6.1 Population
00:19:37 6.2 Ethnic groups
00:20:42 6.3 Languages
00:22:10 6.4 Religion
00:22:32 7 Culture
00:23:27 7.1 Cuisine
00:24:08 7.2 Music
00:24:48 8 In popular culture
00:27:38 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
You can upload your own Wikipedia articles through:
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Martinique (French pronunciation: [maʁtinik]) is an insular region of France located in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies in the eastern Caribbean Sea, with a land area of 1,128 square kilometres (436 sq mi) and a population of 385,551 inhabitants as of January 2013. Like Guadeloupe, it is an overseas region of France, consisting of a single overseas department. One of the Windward Islands, it is directly north of Saint Lucia, southeast of Greater Antilles, northwest of Barbados, and south of Dominica.
As with the other overseas departments, Martinique is one of the eighteen regions of France (being an overseas region) and an integral part of the French Republic. As part of France, Martinique is part of the European Union, and its currency is the euro. The official language is French, and virtually the entire population also speaks Antillean Creole (Créole Martiniquais).